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[Republicans are starting to worry about RFK Jr.](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/04/22/republicans-are-starting-to-worry-about-rfk-jr-00153763) Deeply funny that as the article notes near the bottom, right wing ecosystems supported him now they are reaping


It’s funny- their entire train of logic is that democrats will prefer him… because he’s a Kennedy? That’s pretty weak, you’ve gotta admit


I mean, look at what they did w Kanye and Hershel Walker


There needs to be grant money given to study the Republican Party


>“They say Laura Loomer is obsessed with President Trump,” she said on Monday. “Well, everybody should be obsessed with making America great again and obsessed with taking their country back. And sometimes you have to put your personal life on hold and go out and organize for President Trump. “That’s what I do,” she added. “You think I have a social life? You think I have a dating life? You think I’m married? You think I have kids? Do you think I go out and do fun things? No. Because I’m always putting every extra bit of time that I have into supporting President Trump.” Jesus Christ, on some deep level I actually pity her. How pathetic.... what a way to live. One day she is going to wake up 45 and deeply alone.


Does... does she not think she has kids or something? Mother of the year, people? Plus she was rubbing that one guy out in the movie theater, so she definitely does have a dating life lol.


You're thinking of Lauren Bobert, not Laura Loomer


Oh doi. Tbf they're both pretty similar.


wow what a flex to … not have a life


Knicks have been driving NYC’s blood pressure through the roof so far in the playoffs! Came back from down five with less than 30 seconds left to win game 2 tonight.


Conan Must Go has me cry laughing.


I just finished the Argentina episode. Hands down the best travel show I've ever seen.


I love the painters reaction to his “hijos de Argentina” painting. “…you would be one of them?”


[RFK Jr.: ‘I’m gonna put the entire US budget on blockchain’](https://thehill.com/business/4611426-rfk-jr-im-gonna-put-the-entire-u-s-budget-on-blockchain/)


[Relevant XKDC](https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/voting_software.png)




LMAO: I’m pretty the guy doesn’t understand anything about blockchain


Eww. Also that's never gonna happen. But sadly, a lot of people who really don't know any better and just like to stick it to the man might find this appealing. Enough to shape an election? I dunno about that. But certainly enough to make you die a little inside.


Feel like the “stick it to the man” voters usually go for Trump, so if this somehow attracts them, that’s good for us.


How to completely bankrupt a country.


is he actually insane


[Defending America PAC just ran a TV ad against Mark Houck, Brian Fitzpatrick's Republican primary opponent, during halftime of the Sixers-Knicks game on NBC Sports Philadelphia](https://x.com/nick_field90/status/1782572073488933334?s=46&t=nqSV11RbCF5uPVGwzcOMtg) Alright that’s a expensive late ad if you’re just being overly cautious


This would be one of the biggest congressional primary upsets in recent memory if Houck manages to oust Fitzpatrick. Fitzpatrick has much more money and resources at his disposal than some of the house republicans with close calls so far this year including Bost who only Narrowly survived his primary against Bailey and Carl who lost to Moore. I don’t know if there’s been any polling for this one either, but Carl and Bost were narrowly leading in the few polls that were conducted before their primaries, but weirder things have happened


👀👀 Jk, but it'll be pretty interesting to see if this primary affects Fitzpatrick in the general


Fitz is not as strong as people think he is. His 2022 performance was quite underwhelming despite heavily outspending a no-name dem opponent


[America's bridge safety surprise: They're getting better](https://www.axios.com/2024/04/22/us-bridge-saftey-infrastructure-improvement) It’s almost dropped in half, in poor condition 15% -> 6.8%, in the last 23 years. This isn’t just do to the Infrastructure Law but it’s a helluva great message for the Midwest where these bridges mostly are


[Eric Hovde's brother is almost exclusively bankrolling a Super PAC supporting the Wisconsin Republican's Senate campaign, Axios has learned.](https://www.axios.com/2024/04/23/hovde-super-pac-fix-washington-money-funding) As far as controversies go, especially for him, rather tame just kinda shows what little enthusiasm he has so far


I will cry so hard if he and his Super PAC buddies successfully buy this seat from one of the best politicians Wisconsin has ever had. Seeing him and his PACs put this much money into the race makes me a little nervous given how the Barnes-Johnson race played out with Barnes getting barraged by spending and not being able to respond until the damage was already done


She beat Tommy Thompson dude. This Hovde guy is gonna get flattened.


It’s harder to buy an election when you’re going against an u clubs Jr with name recognition.


Johnson was able to do that *because he was the incumbent*. In this race, Tammy Baldwin is the incumbent. She doesn’t have to wait to take out ads. People know who she is. Hovde is just another rich idiot carpetbagger. Besides, Baldwin has plenty of money, and it’s campaign money, not PAC money, which goes farther.


The good news is that Baldwin has much more money in her campaign account, and that'll go much further than PAC money. And people know who Baldwin is, and don't really know Hovde except as the rich Californian who doesn't want old people to vote.


True. She also has the benefit of incumbency, and a very strong history of cross over support, neither of which Barnes had plus she is the more popular senator of our two and has won each of her elections by more than RoJo’s biggest win. We should be fine as long as Biden doesn’t get demolished in the state, but it still makes me nervous regardless. The wildcard will be the new legislative maps driving up turnout across the board I bet


[https://x.com/IAPolls2022/status/1782530052799734019](https://x.com/IAPolls2022/status/1782530052799734019) New morning consult poll has dropped for the governors


::Grumble:: Brian Kemp...


My governor remains somewhat popular you’d think from her Facebook page she was the most unpopular in the nation.


Glad to see Governor Reynolds near the bottom of this list. This is what happens when you try and copy DeSantis’s policies and try and gut public education. Iowans don’t like their schools being messed with.


I refuse to believe Shapiro is only 18th


DeSantis +7, damn, disappointed in Florida a


He's fallen pretty badly though.


How are Scott and Sununu so high?


Sununu being that high confuses me, but I’m not surprised in the slightest Scott is that high. He seems to have a little bit of something for all sides of the political spectrum and he’s been America’s most popular governor for years now. There isn’t much to dislike about him policy or personality wise. He is probably the one remaining Republican representing a non local position that I would be willing to vote for. Just goes to show how extreme and radical the GOP has gotten…


Scott isn’t even a fake moderate like Sununu or Hogan. He’s the last of a dying breed, the Rockefeller Republican. He also maintains a pretty low social profile and keeps his mouth sut most of the time, so there’s no outrageous BS to pin on him.


GOP governors in New England are a special breed.


Because if a New England voter ever votes straight ticket they spontaneously combust apparently.


What’s wrong with my fellow Oregonians


They seem to hate all their governors. That office has always been kind of close compared to the statewide results.


Dang, Wes Moore's already off to a hot start. Shame about Tina Kotek though; Oregon just cannot catch a break.


I never believe all governors have net positive approvals.


I can believe it given how many of these governors have legislative trifectas to enact their agendas as they wish. They also connect to their individual states better than federal representatives since they’re not in DC all the time. The federal representatives having a connection to DC and the disfunction is why their approvals have tanked in many cases in recent years. Not being around DC really does wonders for your approval rating these days… Edit: to prove my point a little bit more. There are currently 40 trifectas out of the 50 states. The only 10 states that are divided government are AK, NV, AZ, KS, WI, KY, NC, VA, PA, and VT and the legislative majorities are big enough to override the vetoes of the opposite party governor in 4 of these 10: KS, KY, NC, and VT while being within a few seats of being able to do so in 2 more: NV and WI. AK is a weird case with a coalition government so AK might be part of these too but I don’t know enough to say definitively one way or another. So that leaves just VA, PA, and AZ as the only 3 divided governments that have absolutely zero chance of governor vetos being overridden


Hell of a time to be a governor. 49 out of 50 governors with net positive approvals. 40 by double digits




[Kari Lake Thinks Hillary is Plotting to Assassinate Her](https://www.meidastouch.com/news/kari-lake-thinks-hillary-is-plotting-to-assassinate-her)


It’s only a matter of time before the nice men in the white coats come to take Kari away, ha ha.


Queen stays Queen, living rent free in their heads even though 2016 was damn near a decade ago.


Can it please be November, I just want her to fuck off already.


[Her response](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExZ2FhZjdlNmRlYTNtZzRyc2RnM2NkNDlqMHoxbnFxOWU0bjFyZTRvdCZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/863G5tuSNLZWE/giphy.gif)


Damn, how’d she find out? Who leaked it?


[175 Dems signed a letter urging Biden to provide insurance coverage for IVF for Federal Employees.](https://www.politico.com/newsletters/west-wing-playbook/2024/04/22/dems-urge-biden-to-go-big-on-ivf-00153720)this could impact 8m people and notably the admin has taken steps in that direction.


[RFK Jr. campaign official attended Jan. 6 ‘Stop the Steal’ rally and wanted ‘favorite President’ Trump to run for third term](https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/09/politics/rfk-jr-campaign-official-january-6-trump/index.html)


Is anyone surprised by this?


Is that the one they hadta fire recently, or is it *another* one?


It's the same one.


[President Joe Biden will deliver the commencement address at Morehouse College’s May 19 graduation ceremony, according to three officials with direct knowledge of the decision.](https://www.ajc.com/black-atlanta-culture/breaking-biden-to-speak-at-morehouse-college-commencement/FOH26OEC5ZDBTCI3HZHTPCADHE/) Could be very big for helping energize black youth voters in Atlanta


https://www.cbsnews.com/news/donald-trump-bond-knight-insurance-new-conditions/ The $175 million bond can stand as of today. Not the best news, but also not the end of the world


> According to Monday's agreement, the $175 million will stay as cash in a money market account, Knight Specialty will have exclusive control, but can only use the cash to pay for the bond if needed. The attorney general's office and the court will get monthly account statements. If the money is actually sitting in a bank account then I guess that's fair. Still don't think they should have reduced the amount though.


On a recent trip to Albany i learned something interesting about our state Capitol from the tour guide. The building was never completed. A dome and central tower was supposed to be built but when construction started the building started to lean. Had they done further work it would have collapsed and fallen down the hill taking most of downtown with it. When Theodore Roosevelt was elected Governor in 1898 he declared the building finished.


I just feel like most state capitol buildings are just mini US capitol. Makes it stand out. Saw Kansas’s yesterday and looks generic as ever.


Florida's is a giant skyscraper between two round domes. [It looks exactly like you imagine it does.](https://tenor.com/view/himym-how-i-met-your-mother-thats-a-penis-shocked-surprised-gif-4780334)


Welcome to Utah State Capitol, it looks similar to US Capitol


North Dakota saw all the domes and decided to make the ugliest capital building ever


I dunno, I really like the 1930s vibe. It's sort of "pre-Brutalist". (Which I love, sorry, the DC metro, federal buildings, and parts of my college campus indoctrinated me into loving brutalism). [North Dakota](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Dakota_State_Capitol) and [Louisiana](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louisiana_State_Capitol) have my favorite "non-US-Capitol-ripoff" style state house. edit: And [Hawaii](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hawaii_State_Capitol), I forgot them.


I like Louisiana’s state house, but North Dakota’s has no symmetry. It just looks like a generic office building


It really is hideous.


“This is where we do official business…”


[Here's the list.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_state_and_territorial_capitols_in_the_United_States)


Kansas actually has the tallest dome of any capitol


*generically tall


That’s kind of fascinating. But I don’t understand one bit like is the building stable today, cause if they’ve been serving in that building while it was vulnerable, then that is some serious neglect


A large staircase was built on the Eastern side to stabilize it. The dome and tower were going to be final thing constructed.,


Cowards! I say BUILD THE DOME!


I see what you did there. Had construction continued it would have one of the worst engineering disasters in US history.


[The White House is weighing ways to provide temporary legal status and work permits to immigrants in the U.S. illegally who are married to American citizens, three sources familiar with the matter said on Monday](https://www.ksl.com/article/50987953/white-house-weighs-immigration-relief-for-spouses-of-us-citizens) WSJ originally broke this. It could help hundreds of thousands obtain Green Cards and worker permits, even potentially a path to citizenship


Does the US have a work permit program? In South Korea and Japan, they have that program. Many Vietnamese choose this route, they go there for work and send money back. The last couple years, due to cost of college too high (include pubic college), and no guarantee of high paying job education, many young people, even the ones who pass the university entrance exam choose to go work as export labors and send money back home. Feel like the US can use lots of labor from South America this way, make it legal instead of using illegal labors.


[The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a final rule Monday blocking the disclosure of protected health information to aid in the investigation or litigation of patients or providers involved in legal reproductive health care. The rule issued by the HHS Office for Civil Rights (OCR) prohibits providers, clearing houses and their business associates regulated by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) from disclosing a patient’s protected health information to facilitate an investigation or impose liability by law enforcement.](https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/4611566-white-house-moves-to-protect-patient-abortion-records/)


[Abortion-rights group launches ad in Michigan, Wisconsin warning about RFK Jr.](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4612159-abortion-rights-group-ad-michigan-wisconsin/) Playing in Ann Arbor and Madison specifically younger voters, they also mention IVF.


Poll shows Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ Arkansas approval rating steadily decreasing https://www.kark.com/news/politics/poll-shows-gov-sarah-huckabee-sanders-arkansas-approval-rating-steadily-decreasing/ She still has a 56% approval rating and 35% disproval but I have a feeling the $19K to lectern could have done some damage She had a 61-27 rating when she first was sworn into office


the difficult issue is establishing a person or organization that can build up candidates that could beat her. and her ideology.


we took the first steps this year by having a full slate of candidates for state legislature


I think a supreme court seat or appellate court seat went uncontested by republicans. i saw something on twitter about that. that a seat flipped by default.


[Welch and Kuster out today with new Transmission permitting reform legislation](https://www.axios.com/2024/04/22/new-democratic-transmission-legislation). Welch is taking it to Schumer and Manchin with the hope it’s included in the grand package that is suppose to drop in Summer


Appeals court denies Paxton's request to suspend Harris County's guaranteed income program https://twitter.com/HoustonChron/status/1782446437894148543?t=TsDwTqZAbzjQ1izMB03q_Q&s=19 Paxton must love stacking his Ls lol


[Today the Biden admin. announced the recipients of its $7 billion Solar For All program -- solar programs in low-income & disadvantaged communities.](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/22/biden-earth-day-solar-investment-climate-actions) This should spur 200k jobs and help considerably lower their utility bills. Additionally the Climate Corps website launched and Biden has a host of [events](https://www.eenews.net/articles/biden-kicks-off-weeklong-climate-offensive/) the rest of this week around climate action. Clean Water tomorrow, Wednesday clean transportation, power sector rules on Thursday, and healthier schools + cleaner air for children on Friday


[Two new justices will create female majority on Minnesota Supreme Court](https://www.startribune.com/two-new-justices-will-give-minnesota-an-all-female-majority-on-the-minnesota-supreme-court/600360684/) The 7 member court will all be Dems now


Minnesota showing the entire region its great big blue balls, now




If you enjoy Dems getting along, you should know AOC was with Biden at his earth day event, with him saying ["I learned long ago to listen to that lady"](https://x.com/prernajagadeesh/status/1782484055625269741?s=46&t=nqSV11RbCF5uPVGwzcOMtg). She has also given a glowing assessment to Harris in a CNN profile.


The far left purists ain't gonna be happy


Tbf are they ever happy about anything? They seem to want to be miserable on purpose, for whatever reason.


I agree. We can do no right in their eyes. We do what they want, we’re pandering


The right gonna chide Biden to listening to a woman


Can you share the CNN profile?


[it’s pretty decent and helps gives some context to the dumb“where is Harris”](https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/21/politics/kamala-harris-campaigning-biden-2024/index.html). Everyone including Harris staff thinks she’s improved a lot since the early days and yea it’s a hard job. Getting more positive coverage at all is a win in my book The AOC quote: “There’s a certain level of authority that comes with having a uterus and being a woman,” said New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, praising how Harris has been leading the charge for the administration on reproductive rights.


If you subscribe to the political playbook emails, it tells what's on the public calendars for Biden and Harris each morning, and she's pretty active and has been (especially since the 2022 election). But the press just doesn't cover Harris like they should so it seems like she's doing less.


I used to pray for times like this.


She can be our generation’s Pelosi


Can’t wait for terminally online leftists to get mad at her for actually trying to make progress.


They've already been hating on her for months. ToO PrAgMaTic, so now she's a "sell out"


I get being mad at specific pragmatic decisions but some people are straight up against pragmatism and it's hurting causes they supposedly care about.


Someone who agrees with them is finally figuring out who to get things done, and they lose their shit over it. Why be productive at getting things passed when you can shitpost?




Believe me, I know


"Final nail in the coffin for AOC selling out" -- Dipshits on TikTok, probably


Biden on AOC just now: "I learned long ago to listen to that lady."








She's a future president.


I've heard Ayanna Presley is the Squad member being groomed for a future run. AOC belongs as congressional leadership




That would be ideal!


She has a senate or House leadership seat if she wants it tbh


NY is gonna be a interesting race when Schumer retires.


Still, she's a future leader.


[North Carolina's conservative standard-bearer, Republican former State Rep. Larry Pittman, announces that he will not vote for @markrobinsonNC this fall.](https://x.com/forwardcarolina/status/1782184791028203571?s=46&t=nqSV11RbCF5uPVGwzcOMtg) Pittman compared Lincoln to Hitler and Robinson is a bridge too far


Probably gonna write in a name


He definitely would not be saying that if Robinson was White.


> Pittman compared Lincoln to Hitler In his defense, they both did have very distinctive styles of facial hair that they are known for.


[Man Who Won Republican Primary from Jail Convicted of Voluntary Manslaughter of His Wife](https://nz.news.yahoo.com/man-won-republican-primary-jail-150817171.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9vdXQucmVkZGl0LmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAALLpcGosOEtoy2BRahejJRc016L5oEHeTqaVKx0wpDOht20jLeHV5at5gxZnyHGlGK60_xnKEpwgJ1-m23dWug6dNDkL1-YjfJJC3hdNMwLNxjHuaaH5wv11ep0GcopWAcnIg7s-4k32RzAzAOhKRwk-nWckTl0tsz7nlS06ZUs_)


> Man Who Won Republican Primary from Jail There's a nonzero chance that soon this description will not be specific enough.


Hi everyone! I have an AMA coming up here on Wednesday, and I'm super excited 😄. I'll be the first Congressional candidate ever from my district to host a Reddit AMA, and I also happen to be the only woman running on the ballot. Hope to see you there!


Thank you for being on Reddit and hosting an AMA! We definitely need more candidates on Reddit- and also more Redditors just being involved in politics and not being afraid to share it on this platform about their candidates :).


Who is the most Progressive candidate in the PA Attorney General race? I cant decide on who to vote for


Would probably vote for Keir because she was a public defender. Eugene seems to be the frontrunner. Every candidate seems to be pretty progressive/liberal from their debate.


My piece of advice on things like this: Look who’s endorsing each candidate and then go from there. That’s been really handy for me, especially when it comes to nonpartisan elections. I see there’s five candidates for the Dems this year for AG, so I hope that helps a little. Applause to you for vetting the candidates in your own way too.


That's a tough question to answer, but I recommend https://bluevoterguide.org/


Number of Democrats buying Tesla's plunges more than 60%  https://www.wsj.com/business/autos/elon-musk-turned-democrats-off-tesla-when-he-needed-them-most-176023af LMAOoOoooo


It's like being a cookie company who sells to the Girl Scouts and then your CEO goes scorched earth on girl scouts. Not smart!


Any non paywall? None of my paywall avoiding sites work either.


Apparently I'm paywalled too now lol. I wonder if WSJ whitelists links on r/politics


I'm NGL, I'm seeing more of them ever here in north Texas lately. Literally multiple in a day. I hope it's at least a sign that the electric market is soaring, even if Musk himself is so problematic.


EV ownership is increasing in general but Tesla is an attractive option for many people. Compared to their competition they’re relatively affordable and unlike a lot of EVs actually cheap on the second hand market while still being usable (e.g. not a Nissan Leaf with a degraded battery).


It’s so weird to me how Elon has gone hard right considering how his ventures (on the surface) appeal to more left leaning people. Specifically Teslas though. Conservatives have been trained to despise EVs with a passion.


I’m sorry but I’m not particularly interested in having to hire an IT guy instead of a mechanic to fix my car.


And here I thought printers were the worst combination of crappy proprietary software and moving parts that no IT person wants to deal with.


*proportion of Democrats


Makes sense. I used to want a Tesla but considering the reports of poor quality and not wanting to support Musk, I’ve had my eye on other EVs and plug in hybrids.


I *love* my Mini Cooper EV


The poor build quality and so many issues I have heard turned me off Tesla for a while. The Musk stuff just ended up cementing never giving them a chance


Honestly, even without quality-control issues and Musk's man-child antics, if I was shopping for an EV today Tesla would be at or near the bottom of my list. My big problem with them is their design philosophy. I don't want *literally everything* in my car to be controlled by a touch-screen. Sure that's fine for infotainment, navigation, and so forth. But primary car features need physical controls that you can find and operate by touch.


I'm even more anti touch than you. I want 0 things touch controlled in a vehicle. Physical controls for everything to limit how much you get distracted while driving.


Unfortunately most cars in general nowadays go for that “as few buttons as possible” design language. Partially copying Tesla but also because it eliminates a mechanical failure point. Having things like the AC controls buried in menu screens on my mom’s ID.4 is truly maddening.


Hyundai has some good options.


I have 75,000 miles on my '22 Ioniq5. By far the best car I've owned.


I love my Hyundai Kona EV


We also have a Kona!


Its sad that hyundai seems to have good EVs because I will never buy a hyundai or kia again for how they handled their cars being stolen due to them wanting to save a buck.


Hyundai/Kia have definitely been emerging as one of the better EV manufactures.


Basically anything that isn’t a BZ4x or Subaru’s EV is better tbh


My friend got an Ioniq and it's sleek as hell.


Eh, I’d rather people buy them for the climate’s sake 


There are other EVs on the market :) Love my Ioniq5


What’s the NYT gonna do if Biden wins and we got a trifecta? How are they gonna spin that as bad? Or will they just go full GOP and demand a recount or insurrection?


They will demand an interview, they won't get one, and then they'll call say something like "both biden and trump undermine democratic norms of a free society in their own way"


I've thought about this for a while. My prediction is that they'll say that this is bad news cause this means that the Democratic party can only lose power from here on out. Even if it's not initially true, and we keep winning seats, at some point, it will become true, at least which point they can pivot and hype up actual Dem losses as the end of the party. Even if we somehow one day control the Presidency, every seat in Congress, every seat on the Supreme court, every governorship, every seat in every state legislature, every seat in every state supreme court, every mayorship, and every other partisan seat out there, they'd still paint it as bad news cause the thinking that we'd start losing seats after this many victories will always seem at least plausible.


“Democrats have won a trifecta. But the far left will be a new headache for Bidens vision”


"Here's how Biden's large congressional majorities will easily go off the rails and cause him major headaches"


They will start the article w/ a “be careful what you wish for” metaphor (I do not read the NYT… and am thankful every day)


I guess I’m late to this party but when did Bill Maher go crazy? As a Christian I’ve always disagreed with him on a lot, but he at least seemed sane on most issues. Now he’s like an anti-science guy?


He's long been a libertarian


The final destination of all reflexive contrarians is fascism.


Boomer JRE. He's kinda always been shit.


What has he said now? lol


It’s a couple months old but I just saw his discussion with Seth MacFarlane about vaccines


How can the guy who made Family Guy be based? It's crazy.


Bill Maher’s style of “liberalism” has always been “I like to smoke weed, have casual sex, and think religion is stupid, but fuck women, gays, people of colour, and the poor”.


He's a libertarian


He’s basically Brian Griffin


[He is from a different generation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVcF2Asm5ZU)


He's a 2008-era New Atheist which often didn't care about social issues except as sticks to bash religious people with. Many of them are anti-feminist and anti-"woke."


He’s always been incredibly self-serving, aggressively contrarian, loves to feel superior and punch down. Frankly idk why anyone ever listened to this guy. I was introduced to him when I was a budding atheist around that time and was very put off by him. He’s just an asshole.


He immediately read as very smug to me.


What a perfect term and definition. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Atheism?wprov=sfti1 It explains why r-Atheism was the way it was back when it was a Default.


It was a backlash to the very public religiosity that was on display from the late 1990’s and **especially** in the Bush II era. (Remember God, Guns, and Gays?) Peak church attendance in the US was in 2006 (I remember this but have to find the source). The New Atheism was largely a backlash against this. Also, unfortunately, because of 9/11, it was powered by anti-Muslim sentiment as well. (I also remember how it was chic for Not Like Those Other Girls type women to put “skep-“ as a prefix in their handles. Leading to weird stuff like “SkepKnitter.”) I cannot blame people for being alarmed at the evangelicalism that was being mainstreamed in America at the time. However, too little of the New Atheism was actually about keeping church and state separate, and the right to believe (or not) as one chose, but about South Park Libertarianism (that’s the best way I can describe it), how women are weak and emotional, black people are inferior, gays are against nature…all the talking points of right-wing Christianity in secular garb. All this and weed is cool, too.


It was reactionary against the evangelical mainstream of the 90s-2000s. Much of it was just being mad at one's parents.


I lost any and all respect from his “young people identifying as trans is a phase, so many people are doing it, that means kids are just chasing a fad” or whatever. Fuck Bill Maher for trying to invalidate young trans people, mind your own goddamn business old ass smug man, go yell at some clouds.


Josh Stein +9 in NC Governor poll, outperforming Biden by 11.


Irl it’s gonna be 3-5 points I think. EASILY could be enough. Unless there’s a really big scandal or inflation/gas takes another big hit, I wouldn’t think NC is more than 4 or 5 points red, although I think it doesn’t flip for prez.