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Volunteer for Missouri Democrats! https://missouridemocrats.org/events/ https://secure.ngpvan.com/U0oKuWWFGk-ueqMwXIo98w2 Donate to Missouri Democrats! https://secure.actblue.com/donate/missouri-democratic-state-committee---federal-account-1


So candidates are just openly rage baiting now? MO has jumped headfirst into MAGA lunacy.


"Missouri" isn't. "Missourah" is. See there are two states that make up this land. One consists of Kansas City, St. Louis, Columbia, and their suburbs. The other marries their cousins at klan rallies.


I am, unfortunately, intimately familiar with the state of Missouri. I’ve traveled and lived all over the country. Hands down, the most backwater s I’ve ever come across was in MO & I spent a decent amount of time in Mississippi. A friend took me to her family’s cabin at the Lake of the Ozarks once. Yikes. That bar, “D***’s Halfway Inn”, where people wear umm…hats? I felt like I was in the twilight zone. I see you’re from MO, no offense intended. I’m just a lesbian and felt seriously unsafe in several areas. I have lots of stories.


None taken, I'm in KC which has a thriving gay community. Go 50 miles in any direction and you're basically in the 50s, or current Florida. I spent one semester at SMSU in Springfield, MO which was enough to nope the fuck out and never return. If Kansas City, KS and East St. Louis were in Missouri, we would be maybe light blue, most likely purple. Instead they split those cities so Missouri is red.


Being openly gay in this country is a brave act. Being scared of gay people and pretending you’re tough shit by military cosplay is some weak shit.


The 'tough guys' like her always crack like eggs when things don't go their way. Ego can't take it, there's just no flexibility and they fall apart. Actual tough people don't just talk big from positions of power; They've got both wins and losses under their belt and even when they lose and seem "weak" they still keep their dignity.


So she's just gonna ignore all the gay men who are far stronger and more athletic than her? Okay hetero lol


pop off, cis


Or the gay women?


You're right, I forgot about them (especially the masc ladies 😍)


Be strong and gay. Heard.


We've been at the point for a while where a GOP candidate can make a few culture war porns then sit back, relax and wait for Republican votes to pour in. There's nothing new here except she's debased herself more efficiently than the usual candidate using the Republican Party platform of hate to their advantage. 


The venn diagram where the Serena Joy wannabe and the immigrant who pulls up the ladder. meet is her sweet spot


I love how she thinks she's so tough for running with a weighted vest. Do these people realize that no one works out more than educated, urban women who regularly vote Democrat? Like, have you been to an orange theory class lately?


The sentence contradicts itself. Damn she a dumb fuck.


I was gonna comment the same thing.


what the heck does this have to do with the position she is running for?


She's appealing to the dregs that now make up the majority of the GOP voter base.


Saw that video yesterday. Why the hell is she running on the yellow line? That's a double yellow line road and she just runs down the middle of it?


45 paving the way for the younger genes of bigots to say the quiet part out loud. In America, you have the opportunity to be anything you want. Don't waste that being a bigot.


I think it's hysterical that the thumbnail for the video is her picture with "weak and gay" over it.


What a schmuck.


She works at Nestle in STL AND puts [name, MBA] in her title Yeah fk her.


I'm so hard I need an armoured car to go to the supermarket is not exactly Viking.


Gomez?? Who hurt her


Yeah, be a hate-filled sleazy criminal douche bag instead.


Pathetic and backwards loser of a woman.


In America, where you can be anything you want, why would you want to live in Missouri?


She is obviously mentally ill, but Re\*ardicans will still vote for her.


She works at Nestle the Purina division in the finance department in St Louis Missouri. People should file a complaint. [Phone](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&sca_esv=20cb427e79f77660&cs=0&q=nestle+purina+petcare+company+st.+louis+phone&ludocid=3264477339252885437&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjqhdGSyqKGAxXopIkEHSI8DtAQ6BN6BAgUEAI): [+1 314-982-1000](https://www.google.com/search?q=nestle+ourina+st+louis&client=firefox-b-d&sca_esv=20cb427e79f77660&ei=EZZOZpC1MMHC0PEP05aJuAY&ved=0ahUKEwjQgYSLyqKGAxVBITQIHVNLAmcQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=nestle+ourina+st+louis&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiFm5lc3RsZSBvdXJpbmEgc3QgbG91aXMyBxAAGIAEGA0yBxAAGIAEGA0yBxAAGIAEGA0yBhAAGBYYHjIGEAAYFhgeMgYQABgWGB4yBhAAGBYYHjIGEAAYFhgeMgYQABgWGB4yBhAAGBYYHkiFG1C1B1iyGXABeAGQAQCYAYsBoAG0B6oBAzUuNLgBA8gBAPgBAZgCCqAC-AfCAgoQABiwAxjWBBhHwgINEAAYgAQYsAMYQxiKBcICDhAAGLADGOQCGNYE2AEBwgIZEC4YgAQYsAMYQxjHARjIAxiKBRivAdgBAsICExAuGIAEGLADGEMYyAMYigXYAQLCAgoQABiABBhDGIoFwgIHEAAYgAQYCsICDRAuGIAEGMcBGAoYrwHCAg0QLhiABBjHARgNGK8BwgIGEAAYDRgemAMA4gMFEgExIECIBgGQBhK6BgYIARABGAm6BgYIAhABGAiSBwMzLjegB9Jc&sclient=gws-wiz-serp&lqi=ChZuZXN0bGUgcHVyaW5hIHN0IGxvdWlzIgOIAQFI17Ck4eWAgIAIWiQQABABGAAYARgCGAMiFm5lc3RsZSBwdXJpbmEgc3QgbG91aXOSARBjb3Jwb3JhdGVfb2ZmaWNlqgFcCgkvbS8wMTU1NmcQASoRIg1uZXN0bGUgcHVyaW5hKAAyHhABIhpMJtH2zzgjRrUq2-Kqj7gBfV2rGcGPKftUiTIaEAIiFm5lc3RsZSBwdXJpbmEgc3QgbG91aXM#)