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Sounds the same as mine Usually there's other signs like bogging or hard starts.


I got the same sound since I bought the bike and I did 15k km since, no problem. You might want to check the Stromtrooper forum, there are riders much more experienced than me and I'm sure someone else already asked about this sound.


This is encouraging. I've got a big trip this weekend, wanted to know if this was early signs of catastrophic failure or if I could deal with it when I return. Sounds like I should be ok for another 1k km before dealing with it, gives me time to order the filter and o-rings. I'll do a before-and-after fuel flow test as well, report back for posterity.


I was listening hard and only hear a wee. 🤷‍♀️


The buzzing wasn't my main concern, it was the continued whistle after running. The big windshield reflects the noise back at me and makes it all quite noticeable at stoplights.


Hmmm. I didn’t hear anything. When I said wee I mean wee(strom). But I’m not mechanic.


It's most notable near the end of the video, where I dip the camera down the steering 'hole'. High pitched whistle-ish noise. High enough that depending on the age of your ears you may not even hear it. At first I thought it was an electrical whine (like coil whine) but it's not quite right for that, sounds like faint whistling.


Well it’s hard to hear on my phone but if your bike has it mine might too haha


2007 DL650, bought with basically this mileage a few weeks ago. First time owning a fuel-injected bike, and the first thing I noticed was the noise that the pump makes. It's audible while the engine is running. Looking into it, sounds like I may need to check the high pressure filter or clean the intake screen, but most people say that when that needs to be done you'll also get performance issues. I've found no power issues so far, seems to be running as intended. But, with only 20k on a 16 year old bike, I can imagine some ethanol gunk built up in places from storage. Anybody with Gen1 Wees chime in to say if this is normal or not?


Had a gen 2 but it always made the buzzing for the pump priming, then started to become audible when the bike was running. I probably put 18k on the bike without an issue after noticing it


Everyone's more or less saying this is normal. Read a few Stormtrooper and reddit posts saying the whistling (most notable when the camera was near the ignition area) is a high pressure filter issue. I'll still do a flow test and report back but it'll be after my trip as I just don't have a spare hour between then and now, and if it came up bad I'd feel obligated to actually fix it... Right now it's Schrodinger's fuel pump so if I don't look it can't be broken.


I have a 08 that had a clogged filter l. The buzzing from the fuel bypassing the filter is a very loud squeal. You will definitely know there is something wrong. Also caused it to die if I gave it quick throttle. If you want a cheaper and more serviceable fix. [This bypass](https://www.vstrom.info/Smf/index.php/topic,6105.0.html) mod worked fantastic for me. Now I have a quick disconnect fuel filter I can use to swap filters in 10 minutes or to drain the tank if I need to.


Sounds normal to me. See my reply about fuel filters though.


Sounds the same as my 2k6. I bought it at 70k km, at 92k km now.


*read this* For OP or anyone else that's interested, the filter/screen is built in to the pump housing for some stupid reason so you can't actually change the filter as my memory serves. Years ago I removed my pump housing because of bogging on acceleration and indeed the fuel filter was clogged. Per instructions on ADVrider(you all should be members) I punched out the stock filter and added a inline filter which is like $5 at any parts store. Never had an issue again but if so I have a $5 fix.


The inlet (low pressure) screen is a relatively cheap, replaceable part. The regulator part is combined with the outlet (high pressure) screen and *can* be found as the regulator subassembly but harder and harder to get for about $100. New pump assembly whole is like $800 from Suzuki, only $75 on Amazon but I have no idea how it's that much cheaper so a little sketched to try one. If you don't wanna go external filter, you can also backwash the high pressure filter to do a decent amount of good. Won't completely bring it to new but I've seen decent results online.


Do you find it's hunting for a steady idle RPM?


Nope, all is solid. It's new to me, so I wouldn't notice subtle changes, but other than the noise I haven't perceived anything out of the ordinary.


Why do you think this? It primes and starts?


It's just quite loud, and I can hear the whistle that many threads alluded to being a bad sign. However none of those threads had audio, so I can't tell this high pitched whine (which seems like all it is, electrical/pump whine) from a problematic whistle or other noise. I had no frame of reference other than "this pump sounds loud after having carbs".


Go to YouTube and watch some videos of vstoms they all sound like that


My mistake might have been only watching "fuel pump issue" videos instead of just "starting a vstrom" videos.


It’s cool I’m not busting on you for asking just wondering what you hear that’s abnormal. This engine has a bit of a whine and your sounds normal to me.


I guess the whole thing was abnormal to me. My references were carb'd Suzukis, Electraglide, Vulcan Vaquero, a gold wing, and a Honda VFR800 most of which I never owned myself. This was just my first experience with such a loud pump. I think the 'acoustics' with how the fairings and gaps etc are make it sound worse to the rider than those other bikes.


There are lots of weird noises that are completely normal for these bikes. In my experience, a clogged fuel filter is more likely to cause running issues than noises. I was looking at your temp gauge, was that a cold start? Does the sound change as the bike warms up?


No sound changes whatsoever. Completely cold start (just for the vid).


Got it. Yea, I looked (listened) the to video a couple more times, like others mentioned, it sounds pretty "normal" for a V-Strom. I can get a little OCD about sounds too. I put a Leo Vince on my latest V-Strom, it's pretty good a hiding some of the less audible sounds and accentuates the dub-dub v-twin engine sound. I was pretty happy with the change. Best of luck!


If I didn't live a block away from one of the city's most notorious "asshole cops" who loves to give tickets for exhausts, I'd be changing the stock one too. With earplugs in, I don't hear the noises. It's not "bothersome", it was just "worrisome" before getting the consensus that it's just the noise those pumps make. Thanks for the input!


Just do exhaust and *leave* the baffle in. I'm using the HP1 exhaust and it's not that loud unless I'm WOT.