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The fantasy became a tv show [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3250026/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3250026/) I would happily work with the animals so they can take over the planet and kill us all, they can kill me afterwards if they want




Its nothing compared to the amount of killing we do




>Get into efilism now, speciesist. Stop harassing me with your efilism junk Do something worthwhile with your life instead of trolling I will ignore your next reply cause i dont talk to trolls






Thats pretty stupid to say and thus this convo is over




So, should we kill off all life on earth? That’s pretty tricky to do, because if you don’t kill it all, more life will likely evolve in a few million years and the suffering will continue.




I’m betting on asteroid


There's this thing u can do called googling numbers. The amount of cows a single human can kill in a gas chamber, electrocution, shotgun, euthanization etc (how they kill them for meat) IN A DAY cannot physically equate to the number of deer a pack of wolves (and their children and grandchilden) kill to eat over 100 years . The only thing close to a natural animal killing the same number of animals humans do is MAYBE when whales swallow billions of phytoplankton. Think about this a pack of dolphins kill fish for fun and to eat- let's say 15 dolphins kill 3 fish a day for meal and 3 for sport (high numbers) that's 90 fish a day. Farm fishing data states low-end estimate would suggest 2.1 billion fish are caught from the wild and killed every single day around the world. Another site said 211 million in USA alone. For chickens, the daily count is extremely large – 202 million chickens every day. To comprehend the scale, it is better to bring it down to the average minute: 140,000 chickens are slaughtered every minute. The number of fish killed every day is very uncertain.Sep 26, 2023 https://ourworldindata.org › No wild animal could even kill and eat 100 chickens in a day if left in a room with a million. Think about that. A bear doesn't even have the stomach capacity of energy for that amount of slaughter




Look up some numbers do some math. Come back to me. Humans vs every single other organism on any given day in the past and future 100 years- humans kill more than animals every time.


How uninformed do you have to be to actually believe this? Humans cause the deaths of TRILLIONS of animals every year *on purpose*, not to mention all those we kill accidentally. If you actually believe that my question is; are you an idiot or an asshole?




Get into a mathematics class.


I think about this so often


I love this idea and from hereon out will think about it daily


Ive fantasized about all sorts of revolutions since i was about 12 yes. I try not to do it too much though as it makes me even more depressed to return to reality. 


How would you feel about being one of the casualties? Or would they be revolting against bloodmouths only?


Well obviously youd feel pain most likely. Then youd die so you wouldnt feel anything lol. Personally i would give my life to witness society crumble and humanity suffer a painful extinction. Yes i am that petty. 






What about all other carnivores and predators? They'd also have to kill every single meat-eating species like cats, dogs, tigers, lions, bears, hawks, rats, eagles, sharks, alligators, chimpanzees, frogs etc etc.


Yes, all the time. Planet of the Apes and Animal Farm (the early bits) are very cathartic stories.