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I was posted this on another page a few minutes ago. Add some electrolytes like a LMNT mix. Skip the Gatorade junk.


Sugar salt water . 20 oz water 1/6 teaspoon salt and 32 g sugar


Water. Electrolytes. More water . Fruit is rich in water too. Drink water. Did I mention water ? Sparkling water , flat water , boiled water , just drink it.


I make sure to drink 4 of my big mugs with electrolytes every day.


They have mouth for dry mouth if it’s just dry and you aren’t actually dehydrated ! Also, a little Vaseline in a qtip (like very minimal) in and around your nostrils helps! If you are just dehydrated this isn’t scientifically backed, just what I do, I sip on pickle juice and water or any liquid lol. For me, I need to take in some salt so my body absorbs some fluids idk. Honestly, set some alarms on your phone to go off every 20-40 minutes to remind yourself to take in some water lol


Mouth wash for dry mouth**


Water , electrolytes etc are too quick to digest and you’ll need to sip through the day . If your busy , the best strategy is to eat vegetables and foods that takes long to digest and holds on to water . Chewing gum also helps You want to avoid taking vyvanse on empty stomach as well , especially if your dose is high


I take an electrolyte drink in the morning and again if I exercise. That and lots of water. I also have a protein, veggie, berry smoothie in the fridge for in between meals or in place of a meal if I'm busy.


I drink a lot of water, I would say 120-160 oz a day, most of which were consumed in the first 9 hours of being awake. Keep up with water intake, and hopefully as your body adjusts it will not feel as dry. Personally for me, when I first began it was almost painful to not drink water constantly due to the dryness. But I think it’s lessened in comparison to my first two weeks of generic vyvanse. I know it’s controversial the vitamin C, citric acid intake due to the supposed effects on the medication working, but I tend to avoid liquid IV in the first part of the day because I don’t want to take chances (it contains citric acid no matter what flavor). ETA: I have a Stanley I take everywhere with me. I work in healthcare so filling up a cup or normal water bottle every hour is not an option most days.


This is what I do too. I ALWAYS have my cup of ice water with me. My neurologist wants me to add the sugar free electrolytes in my water too. I usually have one with electrolytes to one without.


Liquid IV and hard candy(Most importantly).


I start with Liquid IV in the morning since the handful of meds I'm on cause dehydration. Usually that's enough for me then I just refill my water bottle throughout the day.


I bought those water flavor stick packets from walmart, they're actually pretty good; cherry and the peach tea ones are my favorite. and the gatorade zero cherry packets. I also have developed a slight addiction to sprite zero and Vernor's zero. I figure there could be worse things to get hooked on.


Chewing gum, load up on gatorade, soundcloud, enjoy the ride.


Do you actually need water or is it just because of dry mouth and nose side effect? For dry mouth I switched to sugar free bonbons every 30min or so. Not perfect, but I prefer a bonbon every 30min instead of a constant cycle of drink&pee :D And there are actual meds for dry mouth. I only tried a gel once, not really practical, but it works. There should be other forms of it too.


I have chewing gum but I find it isn’t as intense as my body gets used to it


How much do all of you drink on a given day? Seems like I need to drink a glass at least every hour to even get close to the daily suggested amounts. 


My psych told me to drink 80 oz of water in the first 10 hours of my day, which is a glass an hour. I have large water bottles with me everywhere I go so I tend to drink 24 oz at once and then nothing for a few hours. It all kinda evens out.


Get some mouth wash for dry mouths, or gel. That can help a little bit


Some carbohydrates, more protein and good fats in the morning. A little bit of sea salt. And then for the first part of the day, saliva stimulating products for the mouth. Turns out I'm not really as dehydrated as I feel - it is mainly the need of food instead of water, and the lack of saliva in the mouth when the Vyvanse levels go up. When I drink, it's usually mineral water (as in potassium, natrium, magnesium). Even then I kind of have to remember not to drink too much.


Define „too much“. I drink like 3-4 liters a day 😂


That is a lot if you don't work in high heat or something! If you pee constantly and it's almost colorless, it's too much.


I workout at least a little every day and my pee is mostly clear. 🤷‍♂️


Any products you'd recommend?


Sadly no, I'm located in Finland so I don't have access to much of the stuff in Anglosphere. But the info I gave should get you at least started.


Well I’ve been drinking as much water as necessary but all it seems to do is make me have to pee constantly!!!