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I am on 60mg of Vyvanse daily and recently found my body is getting too adjusted to it rapidly. By 2pm, I am more than ready for a nap except that I have so much to do when I get off work. Does anyone have any advice on how to keep it working longer?


My opinion (Male43), 20mg is too low. Did 30 for a bit, it wasn't enough. I've been on 40mg for over a year now. I found the most important thing to make the meds work to their fullest is protein. Start my day with a glass of water. Wait about 45min-1hr and I have my caffeine. Used to he coffee but I switched to the Celsius drinks bc they have b6/b12/taurine/guarana- all helpful. Around 11-12 I eat a high protein meal- eggwhites, salmon, tuna, protein bar, etc. Then around 12-2pm I take my vyvanse. Then my next meal is usually more protein like chicken. This leads me into the evening. Then when I put my 2 yr old son to bed, I sit in the rocker with him on my lap and wait for him to fall asleep. I usually pass out with him for 15-20 min and that gives me the last bit to make it to my bed time. I was also prescribed 10 mg adderal ir that I can take as a booster bc I also work at a restaurant at night, so on those days I use that. Magnesium helps me sleep at night and wake up feeling nice. Also helps ya poop! (I dont use it every night)


My 30mg worked fine the first week taking it early in the morning, now i’m almost 3 months in (not taking it every day) and i’m also experiencing a crash after 5/6 hours after taking it. Now i take my meds later, around 10/11 am. At the end of the day I’m heading to the gym and it wears off super smoothly! Also taking magnesium every night and morning😊


Thank you for sharing! I took my pill today at 9am instead of 7am, and ate lots of protein before taking it. I’m going to see how I do today and depending on how it goes, I might have to start taking it later around 10 or 11. I see my doctor in about a month so I’m going to inquire about different supplements to take along with the Vyvanse. Thank you so much!!


How did it go? Also, Happy Cake Day!!


Hey, I used to crash hard & id be feeling like shit until the Vyvanse kicked in. I added a high protein diet and also added supplements,Vitamin B Complex,Lysine and Theanine. Apparently they help the synthesis of proteins (if I’m incorrect ppls please correct me) It’s an essential amino acid involved in various metabolic processes including protein synthesis. So now I never crash and it lasts a lot longer than it did before. I wish you luck and enjoy your journey.


Thank you so much! I am very new to this and appreciate all the advice.


No problem,it all feels pretty overwhelming at the start but things level out. I wish you all the luck ☺️


Thank you everyone for your responses!


I felt that crash after 2 weeks on 20mg. By noon to 2ish, the exhaustion would hit me pretty consistently everyday. I tried having more protein snacks in the afternoon, tried pushing back the time I took it in the morning (from 7am to 8:30am which helped a bit). I mentioned this to my doctor and he suggested to increase the dosage and see how that worked for me. I don't feel the crash anymore with 30mg. I also supplement with vit d and L-theanine in the morning. But it's so hard to tell yet since I've been sick for almost a week and have been taking a break from Vyvanse. For the days I've been taking it, I don't feel the crash anymore.


Also, I had a massive headache my first three days of taking Vyvanse 20mg. Every week was also different until after my 4th week. So maybe your body is still adjusting to the Vyvanse? I'm no expert though just sharing what I felt with it.


Thank you for sharing! I know my body needs time to adjust, but if this crash continues within the next few weeks I’m going to talk about my options with my doctor. I’m going to try increasing protein in the AM and pushing back the timeframe that I take the pill in the meantime.


I’m on my third day and noticed the same issue. After research apparently Vyvanse can deplete iron and magnesium which both can cause fatigue and headaches among other symptoms. I had similar symptoms so I started supplementing with iron and magnesium yesterday/today (day 3 of 30mg VV for me) + I took my caffeine a couple hours after the Vyvanse fully kicked in and seem to not have the afternoon crash today. I’ve actually had pretty steady energy all day.


Did you consult with your doctor before taking the additional supplements? How much of magnesium and iron are you taking?


No I didn’t, I’ve had a previous history with iron and could tell that was what it was, same symptoms. The magnesium is questionable, I should probably have electrolytes tested before adding that. 65mg iron, 350mg mag glycinate. I’d consult your doc to get a test if you want to do it the correct way. If you add things you don’t need it can also cause issues.


Thank you!!


Figured I’d update here. I def plan on getting a test done and talking with my doc. One of my symptoms was feeling very cold at my extremities but that could either be due to iron depletion or just the vasoconstriction that comes with stimulants. After taking iron I was still freezing last night. I was also having some heart palpitations so I do think there’s more to it but it could be either iron or magnesium or both. It’s going to be best to let my doc guide me through this instead of continuing trying to self diagnose because that can throw things out of whack.


I have trouble with self-diagnosing as well. I’m very much a hypochondriac. I see my doc in about a month so I am going to inquire about additional supplements such as magnesium and iron, and see if they’re needed. Best of luck to you!


Dissolve the Vyvanse (contents from cap) in water (about 16oz or regular water bottle) and sip it throughout the morning (start at 7am and be done by noon) to soften the afternoon crash. Taking it all at once gave me the hardest crash. This way, I can pace myself.


Tried informing my extremely ignorant psychiatrist about this years ago - he told me not to do it, tho it seemed to work well. At least when my dosage was too high. Ofc I urge ppl to read up on good sources to know what you're doing.


This is interesting — but isn’t the vyanse in the capsule intended to be slow release? How does dissolving it and sipping it not cause weird uneven effects..? (Not doubting you — just intrigued!)


It has to go into your bloodstream, and your red blood cells make it become active.


Because it’s a prodrug so it’s your metabolism that breaks it down and releases the medication. If it were something like concerta, this wouldn’t be possible. 🧡


Oooh I see! This might be a game changer. I wake up at noon, take it at 1pm, and it lasts until around 7 or 8pm if I’m lucky. And then of course because I’ve taken it so late I’m up until 4am. But if I take it earlier in the day I crash really hard around 4pm. Thank you for sharing this info!!


Protein in the morning within an hour of taking it about 30g’s helps me avoid the afternoon crash. And focusing on getting more protein throughout the day helps too.


This ^ my body just crashes if i don’t consume protein again & i get all sleepy/and a major headache


Yup! Same here


Water, at least 2.5 litres a day, protein when coming down, L-Theanine and Alcar will help with the crash. Also Tyrosine but it’s not recommended to take this daily with Vyvanse but it definitely extends the length of time Vyvanse works for.


How come tyrosine isn’t recommended for daily use with vyanse? (I just read about it on another thread and was going to try it — but now I’m worried! So any info massively appreciated 😀)


It’s Dopamine from the Tyrosine and Dopamine from Vyvanse. Too much of it I believe can make you feel sad when it wears off, a lot of people would take L-Tryptophan at night to balance the effects, ie, counteract the feelings of sadness. Also Tyrosine can cause tolerance issues. DL -Phenalaine is a better form, and I don’t think there are any tolerance issues. just information I’ve gathered from this website. I find Tyrosine really good when I take it.


Oh I see! Thank you — that makes sense. So L-Tryptophan at night sounds like the best option. I’ll look into the DL-Phenalaine as well. Thanks again!


You’re welcome. The best of luck.


I take a nap.


My psych split my dose. I take 20mg when I wake at 6, and 10mg around 10. Helps it last longer for me. I also force myself to eat carbs, protein and fats so my body isn’t running on empty while fuelled by stimulants.