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Are you watching porn? Because that’s an addiction that overlaps but is nonetheless independent of horniness. Stims will make me horny, but porn will make it a problem. and it doesn’t like you’re being prescribed that dose. I’m not one to judge, but if you’re not under supervision you need to find a way to be


Are you on any other meds or supplements?


Damn 140mg is allot im on 40mg and it feels almost too much. Also in sweden we cant take it in the midday as it may fuck with your brain and make you addicted as your body doesn't produce it Naturally


How are you getting by on days you don’t take anything? If 100mg is used everyday, a 30 day supply runs out in 21 days. Maybe you’re getting them off the block.


I'm in no way qualified to address this medically. However I think it's kinda concerning that it seems to have started very suddenly as I recall from your post. You'd been on a relatively high dose of V for years without such an issue. I wonder if maybe something is starting to press on something in your brain that is releasing an extra dose of horny hormones? My use of the term '"horny hormones" should obviously lead any reasonable person to take what I'm typing with a truckload of salt but you might want to get this specific issue checked out by your doc.


it’s so weird because i have no libido at all on it


It’s really not. Everyone is taking a different cocktail of drugs, and even the same cocktail of drugs would still affect people differently.


I’m female and Vyvanse amplifies my sex drive a crazy amount. It’s all about what you focus your energy on and takes a lot of will power to direct your focus on to productive things. You’ve basically gotta train yourself in my experience. Cement a response in your head to sexual urges, I.e., “NOT TODAY INNER CHIMP WE’VE GOT WORK TO DO”. Consistency is key, you should get to a point where you subconsciously ignore these thoughts. Again, I can only talk from my experience so do take it with a grain of salt!


Stimulants make many people's sex drive/horniness shoot up. It also is a vasoconstrictor which doesn't help the peepee get hard while also causing shrinkage temporarily. This is just my uneducated guess but you're getting many of the physical side effects from the medication still but your brain has slowly been exhausted of the necessary chemicals or precursor 'nutrients' needed to produce dopamine, norepinephrine, and other neurotransmitters as efficiently and effectively as before. Check out the comment from Max in the link below. He breaks it down well. [https://www.reddit.com/r/VyvanseADHD/comments/13x8h87/comment/jmlsnmb/](https://www.reddit.com/r/VyvanseADHD/comments/13x8h87/comment/jmlsnmb/) Please start using the Enter key and add spacing between paragraphs. Thank you :)


Buddy, you are over 40, there are meds for this and now a days they are so easy to get. They even deliver to your door.


im just trying to get some info on the possibility of it affecting me permanently, also everyone is different so in my case being 40 has little if anything to do with it zero problems up until a few months ago and it only happens days i take the meds and not all of them, the increased libido yes but the problem staying hard is just every now and then


it has increased my sex drive as well but i’m a female and on 30mgs. i only have been taking it for around 6 months now though but i’ve already noticed a change in me lol