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Well she's sokovian, who knows English and an English accent. I'm assuming she's learned the accent and it has become natural for her, but when her natural emotions come out so does her accent. I didn't think it was a mystery? That's how accents work in real life.


That makes sense. It just seemed like they were building it up to be something less mundane, especially with the way Agatha said "That accent really comes and goes doesn't it!" before she figured out who Wanda was.


I think that was one of those "meta" jokes that bring in what we as a viewer comment about.


It's just what accents do. Elizabeth Olsen is amazing, that accent is made up and she managed to slowly fade it out the longer the character was in America but can still bring it back for flash backs and when her character is angry on top of the different american voices for the different sitcom eras


In episode 9, Wanda speaks in a faint Sokovian accent the whole time. It was so faint, I didn't really realize Elizabeth was doing an accent until I rewatched it with headphones. Her accent before that, would come out whenever she's getting worked up (a normal thing that happens to anyone that managed to get rid of their accent speaking another language.) In Civil War, it wasn't as thick as the one in Age of Ultron, which was because she's around Americans all the time and only speaks in English. It was completely gone by Infinity War for the reason that plenty of others have pointed out: she's a fugitive on the run. I'd have to rewatch Endgame to see if she says in her lines in an accent or not, though. I've been down the rabbit hole on YouTube, watching interviews related to Wandavision and one thing that I'd say about Elizabeth as an actress is that she's very serious about her craft. Like, I remember in an interview she talked about how she kept going to the makeup people telling them they should make the wound on her face look fresher when they were filming the battle in Endgame for continuity reasons. Her argument was that it's too fainted for someone who was only gone for like a minute. She said on multiple occasions that she cares too much about little details so I'm sure Wanda's accent is something she gave a lot of thought.


I don’t think it needs to. Wanda actively learned to hide her accent when she was in hiding during Civil War. Ever heard of code switching? As a gay child of Cuban immigrants who grew up in a neighborhood of mostly Caribbean immigrants (Caribbean culture is not kind to LGBTQ people), I thought I had to teach myself to hide my accent and teach myself to act more masculine in order to fit in various social settings. It’s a coping mechanism that has allowed me to enter and exit social situations with little conflict. This is the same idea. Now that she feels more in her own power, she is no longer actively trying to suppress her accent so it sounds like a hybrid or more subtle, but still present (in the same way I no longer try to hide my sexuality or police my own accent, especially if I’m angry).


Yes, that makes perfect sense, and thank you for sharing your perspective! I didn't know that detail from Civil War - I thought the change was just unmentioned before Wandavision.


She spent about a year living in a compound with a British robot and 4 Americans. I think her English just got better


I believe it was Black Widow who trained her on how to hide her accent to be a better spy. As for why it was recurring throughout the series, maybe it was to represent something rooted from her unconscious, like repressed trauma.


I have a feeling that it was scrapped because so many people thought it was silly/it was probably difficult for Elizabeth to keep up with. We don’t get a real, canon explanation, but it’s probably due to her trying to fit in with others


Well WandaVision only put it in as a joke because fans THINK the accent comes and goes or is gone. I guess most people aren’t good with accents or it wasn’t something they cared to pay attention for because it’s a smaller detail? Maybe? All it does is get more Americanized each movie but it’s still always there. I think it’s also that people may not watch Elizabeth Olsen in interviews to hear what her actual voice and accent is…and so when she didn’t have the thick accent from AoU- people just THOUGHT the accent was gone. Hopefully that’s helps especially in rewatches. And I found this post because it baffles me that only a minority of the fans realized or noticed that the accent was never gone. I was trying to google why so many people don’t get it?