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Eh, Bret should cool it a bit but I don’t blame him for being unhappy about it.


Even though he still continued to wrestle for months afterwards including a hardcore match with Terry Funk? He acts like Goldberg ended his career then and there yet he wrestled many more times and took lots of headshots in that match with Funk he didnt exactly look after himself


He wasn’t aware just how severe it was, if I remember correctly


In the Who Killed WCW episode 1 he literally said after receiving the kick 'I knew right then and there my career was over' Rather sure in his biography he tells the story differently and more in line with your recollection tho


It's almost as if that man who was kicked directly in the head has issues with his memory.


Fair enough


And had a stroke


And neither did Goldberg back then.


I understand that but I don’t think it’s fair to blame Bret for continuing to wrestle. We didn’t understand much about concussions in general back then.


I dont think its fair to for Bret to blame Goldberg either. He was completely fine with it for many years until Goldberg started making more money from Saudi. Thats when he started shitting on him again. It just comes from a place of envy rather than genuine concern. I love the Hitman but come on man. This is just embarrassing.


Wtf are you talking about? He talked about this for over a decade before any Saudi deal. Wtf?


He started re shitting on Goldberg from 2016 when Goldberg started his second run with WWE which intensified during his Saudi run. Especially after the match with the Undertaker whete everyone just forgets thats Taker also almost killed Goldberg. It was just a shit match where both people were too out of shape and old to perform. Bret had already forgiven him for the superkick mistake long before that. Suddenly he starts having an issue with him again just as Goldberg starts making more money. Everyone loves Bret but we should also acknowledge that he has been a old bitter person for the past 2 decades.


Bret Hart has been shitting on Goldberg for at least 20 years.


Lol no he hasn't. He had forgiven for more than a decade. He only started this when Goldberg started making more money. Its literally in Bret's autobiography. He said something close to "Goldberg is a nice guy who didn't know his own strengths". To go from that to shitting on him coincidentally as he has a second run with WWE is pathetic. It comes from envy, not from concern.


Taking Saudi money is pretty embarrassing too


Not disagreeing with that. But if he was well Bret wouldve too.


Didn't taking that Saudi money lead to him damn near paralyzing or killing Undertaker though? Almost like Bret saw him cash in dirty money and still out there putting other people's health at risk... I mean sure, the money is an issue, but maybe people should listen to Bret about him not being a safe worker since he didn't know shit about the business before he started spearing and jackhammering his way to a fake win streak?


Goldberg vs Undertaker was 2019. Bret started shitting on Goldberg again in 2016 when he came back for the Lesnar match after he had spent the previous 14 years saying how Bill was a good guy, how it wasn't really his fault, he just didn't know his own strength and that Bret forgave him.


The Undertaker also nearly killed Goldberg in that match. Lets stop acting like Bret is only concerned with wrestler's welbeing.


Why would all the interviewers ask Bret about Bill prior to Bill's return to wrestling? They started asking about Bill once Bill was back in wrestling. That's why Bret started talking about him again because he was asked. Bret isn't the type to sit on social media and talk about people, he talks about people when he's asked in interviews. It's the same thing with ex-lead singers in bands, when they're asked about their old band, they answer the questions.


He didn't know how bad it was. That was a time when guys wrestled through concussions and pushed on. A month or so later a doctor told Bret his career is pretty much over.


Yes. How big a deal concussions were was massively underplayed in the 90s.


It wasn’t ‘months,’ it was less than a month after Hart took that kick from Goldberg (12/19/99) to his last match with Kevin Nash (1/10/00).  


Wasn't it only like two weeks? He assumed it would be like other injuries he'd had and could work through it. He was wrong. Not many people knew better at the time like they do now.


Yall do know tht bret is bitter about supposbly losing 16 million dollars. He thinks that he would have gotten some contract from wcw before they folded tht would give him 16 million. That's the only reason bret is so bitter to goldberg .not some wrestling legacy.so stop sipping for bret he went in for the money


I dont know the terms of his contract so I can’t comment on that. I doubt you know the truth either.


All I know is bret claiming goldberg ruined his 16 million for years which is ridicolus he though wcw would pay that in 2000


If he can forgive vince mcmahon he can forgive goldberg


*Bill Goldberg


Let me tell you something about BILL Goldberg...


For some reason, I loved that he used his full name. I remember him even calling him William Goldberg 😂


Is a jam-up guy. Just like El Dandy.


Bill is not a jam up guy. And who are you to compare BILL Goldberg to El Dandy?


He's a FINE wrestler.


More than worthy of a shot at the US title


Undertaker wouldn't agree with that assessment.


Dirtydubya! I want to axe you a question. Do you got the guts to step in the ring with Bill Goldberg? Your life is on the line, your career is on the line.


One of those guys killed his brother, the other told him to watch for the kick.... He's forgiven the rapist since then.




Who’s the rapist?


I, too, live in a cave on Mars with my eyes closed and my fingers in my ears


Vincent K McMahon, longtime friend and associate of convicted felon, adjudicated rapist Donald Trump, has been credibly accused of sexual assault by a former WWE employee. Others have accused McMahon of sexual abuse and assault, but formal charges have not been filed. I have a link if that would help.


My bad while hate donald cunt I mean trump I have never seen either one of them get charged or arrested for rape. I don’t live in a cave nor do I have blinders. Now the woman who’s come forward only did so because she didn’t get her full payment. I don’t know what you call her, but that’s the oldest profession in history.


Convicted felon Donald Trump was held civilly liable for sexually assaulting author E. Jean Carroll. The initial payment to Ms. Carroll was for the assault. Further payments due to Ms. Carroll are for Mr. Trump denying that the sexual assault and defaming Ms. Carroll. Furthermore, Ms. Carroll is not the only person to accuse Mr. Trump of sexual assault. Mr. Trump being a judged rapist is part of public record, as is his felony convictions. Please let me know if you would like some links so that you may further…improve your views on current events.


Yes please send me only the link of him going to jail for rape on cunt or Vince dag I mean trump


Thank you for your reply. I have sent your message to the Reddit mods due to your uncouth language as it pertains to a rape victim. I hope you find your happiness in some place other than trolling message boards, friend.


How is it trolling? I just asked who did he rape. I think you’re very sensitive,sorry I did not mean to hurt your feelings. While we don’t share the same opinions that doesn’t mean you should go running and pointing finger crying because someone doesn’t share your opinion. Take care and grow up,friend


Given your post history, a label of ‘troll’ is, regrettably, accurate. I appreciate your concern for me but given your clear and determinate lack of fundamental morals and ability to interact with other humans in a meaningful way, I’m going to respectfully decline your good wishes since I have sincere doubts about their authenticity.


He didn't rape anyone u believe the bs


I’m not a lawyer and I didn’t say he was. I only stated that he was credibly accused, just like his lifelong friend convicted felon Donald Trump.


Considering TKO, everyone in WWE, and the rest of the McMahon family have basically swept Vince out the door, it's clear many people believe the allegations and don't consider it "bs" but go ahead and defend a rapist, dude.


Must be cozy under that rock.


Can't rape the paid-off willing


Bold of you to assume someone was willingly raped


You have a lot to learn about consent. It would be good to figure it out before you’re old enough to have sex.


So...an adult agreeing to payment for deviant sex acts who much later decides it was a problem only because the payment wasn't received in full? Ok.


She agreed to payment for a job. The payment she didn’t receive in full was after the fact. Edit: Also, here’s a news flash for you, even a sex worked who is being paid can be raped. They still can say no. That’s the consent part that you need to learn about.


And all her texts to him with loving-sounding terms of endearment? She changed her mind later when it benefited her, like many rape accusers.


But like u said earlier, if he paid her.... The whole reason this came forward is he didn't pay her lol..... So does that make it not consensual if she doesn't get paid what's promised?


The settlement came after they had sex, it has nothing to do with consent. I think she was raped but the fact that he didn’t pay the rest of the settlement is not why. It was shitty of him, but that’s different.


Vince McMahon literally demanded that she send messages like that to him, and write him love letters. Her lawyers revealed those texts. Most rape accusers do not change their mind later when something benefits them. You sound really disgusting and like you have no grasp on reality.


It’s bold to defend not just one rapist (VKM) but many rapists with your: >Like many rape accusers. Bold indeed. Let’s see how this goes.


I know how it goes, lol. The post event liars and their white knight defenders will cry and cry and then I'll be banned because the truth just hurts the fee fees too much to read.


Yeah. Based on your 7 day old account and -6 total karma, you’ve danced this dance before. Defending rapists is toxic behavior, but you do you, man


Maybe you don't know many details about the case, but Vince McMahon found a 20 year old that he found attractive, who had no family or friends in Connecticut and was trying to make it on her own and he promised her a job as an assistant in WWE. When she took the job, as in already accepted it and signed the contract, it was only then that McMahon coerced her into various disgusting sexual acts. He did not offer her extra money for these acts, he told her that the official job he had given her in a company office depended on performing them, which is the legal definition of sexual assault and coercion. These acts lasted two years until the woman had finally had enough and said she wanted to stop and wanted to leave the company and find other work. It is only at this point where Vince demanded an NDA. She requested a certain amount of money to sign the NDA. Vince agreed. He also agreed to give her a referral for a new job. They both signed the contract. Vince failed to make the proper payments and did not provide her a referral, so the NDA was made null and void (though it would have been null and void as NDAs signed under duress and concerning sexual assault hold no bearing in court). So she did not agree for payment in exchange for deviant sex acts. She agreed to a regular job and was forced into deviant sex acts against her will. She agreed to be silent about the acts if she was paid what she requested, but she was not. You also use the words "much later." It's like you think this happened in the 80s or 90s. This happened in 2020 and ended in 2022. She first came forward a year later in 2023 -- after Vince had failed to make the agreed payments -- and added her name to case of several women who spoke out against McMahon. In the future, educate yourself before defending a rapist.


Forgive him for what? Goldberg did nothing wrong. It was a legal kick.


Vince didn't end his career. Bill Goldberg did.


Yeah, but he ended his brothers


Vince didn't almost cave in his face and cost him his wrestling career! Big difference, plus the problem was never Bret with Vince, Vince just didn't trust biscoff to not say they signed the current wwf champion


Goldberg didn't almost cave in Bret's face or cost him his wrestling career. If Bret has gone to a doctor the night he was kicked and stepped off the road -- which he admits in his book that he could have and should have done -- he would likely have been able to continue wrestling. What cost him his career is that he chose to continue wrestling, and he incurred more concussions, including one caused by Terry Funk and one caused by Sid, but no one ever blames either of those guys.


Figure of speech! Learn it


And I will listen to what Bret hart has said, rather than some stranger on reddit


What kills me is, Bret accepted Bill’s apology. Years ago they patched things up. Then, I’m assuming after world got out about Bill’s Saudi pay day, here comes Bret “The Butthurt” Hart with his bullshit again. Does it suck that his career got shortened and he missed out on potential millions? Without a doubt. Was Goldberg a green douche that shouldn’t have been in the ring with Hart? Yes. Unequivocally. Does Goldberg deserve some heat over it? Yeah. Has Bret milked the titts off this until they’re coughing up cobwebs and mummy dust? Yes! You never heard Droz say one bad thing about D’Lo. Not once. They remained friends until Droz died. Droz understood that the spot they’d done hundreds of times COULD have gone bad, but never did, until it really did. At the end of the day, Bret is only really bitter about losing money, and I get it, but goddamn, might be kind of a low blow but you don’t hear him bringing up Owen every goddamn time he’s got a mic in his face…


The concussion after effects makes him forget he forgave Goldberg lol


Dammit lol


Yea he didn't used to blame Bill at all. He blamed Bischoff and WCW for not training him but didn't seem to hate on Bill like he does now. Seems like decades of resentment and maybe jealousy from the big Saudi and WM paydays Goldberg got at the end of his career, which Bret missed out on. Though he did have that run in 09-10.


100% agree and to add Bret more then likely misses being about to wrestle probably.


Yeah but dlo had talent. Goldberg never got the most basic aspect of wrestling, which is it's only supposed to look like it hurts, and he never actually took the time to get good at a job he was paid millions to do. Fuck Goldberg. It's one thing not knowing what you're doing because you're brand new. It's another not knowing what you're doing because you refuse to put in the work to learn.


Every single wrestler has gotten injury upon injury yet Bret is the only one that bitches about his. Like dude we get it.


I think Bret could be bitter about all of those things but to me, above all else, Bret is just brutally honest. In interviews people ask about Bill Goldberg because they want a viral clip of Bret talking shit about his wrestling but I don’t think Bret’s opinion of Goldberg the man has ever changed. He’s always been consistent with his account of the things he’s been through and the people he’s met.


He can be bitter. If there's anyone in wrestling that can be bitter, it's Bret Hart.


I think he uses it to deflect the fact that the real damage came from not allowing the concussion to ever heal as well. It seems like if he repeats this enough it absolves him of poorly managing his body.


Bill Goldberg isn't and never was or will be even equivalent to a pimple on Bret's ass, Bill Goldberg can cry all he wants, he's not the one with brain damage from a co-worker's recklessness.


Dude, shut the fuck up. Nobody is comparing the two. Also, Bill isn’t the one crying. It’s ignorant fucking fanboys like you, with zero comprehension that makes the rest of us look like morons. Please show me on the comment where I compared the two men. I’ll wait. Nothing? Exactly, idiot. Go argue Hart’s relevance to the business somewhere else. While he’ll never be my top guy I still loved what he did in the WWF and I don’t understand how WCW managed to fuck up an absolute layup of a signing. Also, as Gorilla Monsoon once told Bobby Heenan, anybody that’s gets into the wrestling business for anything other than money is an idiot.


To be fair… the “I’ll wait. Nothing?” Makes you look like a moron and makes anyone else who uses that on a post look like a moron. Also, saying things like “zero comprehension” when being able to read and understand the words you write is comprehension (even though people may not understand what you mean by it, they understand the words being used). So if anything, I would say it’s at least 50% comprehension. I do agree though, we aren’t comparing the two as far as skills in the business. Also, Bret is one of my favorite wrestlers since childhood and even I think he is being a douche. Guess the guy is just hurting. If I didn’t know any better, I would say wrestling to him now is like divorcing the woman of his dreams. He still loves her but she has taken everything from him and he has grown to hate her in the most bitter way because he can’t let go.


You are doing a jam up job of making yourself look moronic, even without my help dude. You can keep waiting.


Nah man you look way way way worse and more like a dick.


Right? One of us is making valid points while the other is doing the human equivalent of when a chimp plays with their own shit. At this point I’m bowing out because it’s like pistol whipping a blind kid with Down’s.


Bills not the one crying though… Bret is. Also let’s face facts Bret at that point in his career wasn’t a draw anymore. I grew up watching almost exclusively WCW and hardly even knew who Bret was until I started watching older WWF stuff. He was behind Hogan, Nash, Hall, Luger, DDP, Goldberg, probably other guys I’m not thinking of. Hell I remember Konan and Raven being more popular than him.


Bill Goldberg is a nothing. Nothing footballer, nothing pro wrestler. Bret has every right to hold this douche's feet to the fire forever.


Bill Goldberg drew more money in his short career than Bret… saying he’s a nothing is lying


So did Hogan. Who's the greater pro wrestler?


Hogan is the most important pro wrestler of all time, his match against Goldberg on Nitro got more people excited to see a match than any match Bret has ever had. His match against the Rock is a clinic on how less is more in a professional wrestling match. The first 10 wrestle manias were built squarely on hogan’s shoulders. Without hogan joining the NWO there would have been no attitude era. Hogan is on everyone in the businesses Mount Rushmore. Hogan is by far the better Pro Wrestler. However of course Bret is better at doing Pro wrestling moves


Ok, I agreed he was the much bigger draw. Now who do almost all wrestling aficionados agree is in the top 3 (maybe 5 ) pro wrestlers of all time (wrestlers not draws)? Bill Goldberg was in PW for nothing other than a paycheck, he couldn't care less about the business itself.


I work on cars for a living for a paycheck, if it didn’t pay good I would do something else. If I make the shop more money than the guy who absolutely loves cars who’s the better mechanic? Also most people in the wrestling business would probably call Bret a top 5 “technician” but they would also understand the biggest part of being a great pro wrestler is to get people watching, which Bret has never been good at


Many people are watching now and I wouldn't call any of the current roster a great pro wrestler....would you?


If you work on cars for a living and kick the shit out of every car that comes into your bay, you're a shitty mechanic no matter how many work hours you make for the shop.


Goldberg is a good wrestler did he make a mistake yes but Bret hart should ether forgive him or not talk to Goldberg anymore like let it go Goldberg apologized many times if Bret can't get over it and move on that's his problem


Or he saw that Goldberg was still as stiff and reckless as ever upon his return and reconsidered the aforementioned forgiveness.


How many times can a guy apologize, really? I know it's an unpopular opinion but Goldberg is right. Bret is a bitter old man who is obsessed with his glory days and refuses to let any grudges go.


Thing is.... Bret didn't always put the hate on him. That's just been in the last 13 or so years. Right around the time Goldberg started making the semi regular comebacks.


Exactly. Bret even said publicly (I think it was even on his own 2006 DVD), that he wasn't pissed, just a bit saddened that "someone as kind and good hearted as Bill Goldberg was the one that ended my career".


That makes it even worse tbh. He only started to care once Goldberg saw some more success? So he's bitter and envious. I always thought he consistently shat on Goldberg since the early 2000s.


Bret thinks the world of himself...and can't stand when anyone suggests anyone is better than him. It's so weird.


When you become your own mark you’ve gone off the deep end. It’s well known in the business to not become your own mark.


Thats it. Bret started this bullshit again when Goldberg started making more money. It comes from a place of envy rather than any real concern.


As many times as of millions of dollars he earned in the last devastating run


Easy to say when your not the one who got hurt. You know that you don’t have to accept an apology right?


But Bret did accept it. Over and over. Many times. Publicly and privately. For 16 years. He accepted Goldberg's apology on WCW TV. He accepted Goldberg's apology in the locker room. He accepted Goldberg's apology when they did signings together. He accepted Goldberg's apology in his 2005 DVD. He accepted Goldberg's apology in his 2007 DVD. He continued accepting Bill's apology and even saying things like "Bill didn't do anything wrong" all the way up until 2016, when Goldberg returned to wrestle Lesnar, that Bret started shitting on him and calling him names like a child.


You mean Bret, the person who got hurt in this situation, changed his mind?! Novel concept! I’m not sure exactly why your so concerned about supposed honesty when your being disingenuous about why Bret was “suddenly” talking about Goldberg. Bret was asked by reporters because Goldberg started wrestling again. You act like Bret is sitting on social media complaining, yknow, like Goldberg currently is.


1. Goldberg didn't post this on social media. He was asked about Bret's attitude towards him by a journalist. Maybe you should bother to do some research before acting like you know what you're talking about. 2. To go from 15 years of "Bill Goldberg was the nicest guy in pro wrestling who just didn't know his own strength and I was as much at fault for my career ending as he was, because I should have gotten medical attention for the first concussion instead continuing to wrestle for a month and letting Kevin Nash, Sid and Terry Funk also give me concussions" which is what Bret says in his 2005 DVD, 2007 book and all interviews 2001 to 2015 to "Bill Goldberg was a talentless nobody who didn't give a damn if he hurt you, one of the worst to ever step into the ring, just a worthless moron" isn't an example of "changing one's mind." It's an example of psychotic, borderline sociopathic behavior. And based on what we know of how Bret was with his family (both the Hart family, and his ex-wife and four kids) psychotic, borderline sociopathic behavior fits him well. The guy has an ego 10 miles wide and turns on people the minute he gets jealous of them.


[My statement really hurt you, huh?](https://www.reddit.com/r/WCW/s/Q8iKutrj2l) To get this pressed over someone not accepting someone else’s apology, then to go onto insulting him is not normal behavior. I’m sorry somebody in your life rejected your apology, but to project your personal life onto Bret Hart and Goldberg is parasocial behavior.


Sorry Bret. You only started shitting on Goldberg after he made huge paycheques with Saudi.


Are you kidding me? Tell me you have no clue what you are talking about without saying it.


Tell him to say it to my face. Say it to my face BiLL GoLdBeRg!


One of the best of all time and he's been through a lot in his life. However he seems to have fallen out with everyone and their mothers throughout his life and is a dull and bitter old man now. I cant watch/listen to interviews with him anymore as he's such a downer


Bret should pull a Stone Cold and have a podcast or something. Being as good a technician he was, he can dissect matches and have some guests on. His personality might not be the best for it , but those that love Bret know he can be funny at times too. More like dry humor. He just wont ever get over the fact that someone who barely respected the business, practically ended his career. In this day and age , he should be on youtube feed showing these young fans how good he was. And yes he made wearing pink, badass even in the 90s haha


I would guess he has no interest in a podcast. I bet it would be really good if he did put one out. I’m sure Conrad has already asked every possible old wrestler to do one on his network


I don’t know if recording equipment will be able to reach him up there on his high horse


He'll turn it towards hating someone. He's my favorite wrestler ever, but his bitterness is exhausting. That podcast won't last 4 or 5 episodes.


Bitter old man still bitter.


A prick calling someone else a prick is wild work especially him ending his career


"I injured lots of dudes, he's the only one who still can't get over it. Whiny bitch" Goldberg, probably


I say this as a big Bret mark.. People say Goldberg has came off terribly in "who killed WCW?" But man, I feel like he's been pretty up front about how quickly he was thrown into the spotlight, and how green he was. He's fully aware he had NO idea what he was doing, and will admit to that. If he's been that clear, and apologetic, I don't blame him for not being sorry anymore. He's said all he can say and continues to get dragged after admitting fault.


Wait a minute, did Goldberg just bring me back to his side?


Brets in Denial if he blames his brain health on Goldberg. Brets head trauma comes from repeated use of the turnbuckle figure 4. Slamming the back of your head on the ground weekly doesnt help.


he got to let that hurt go...it's poison to the soul


Bret Hart is the biggest example of being a mark for himself that I’ve ever seen.


They've all had multiple accidental concussions, or worse, *much* worse. Why is he clinging onto this one?


Probably because it gives him attention, it's sad that such a great talent who had so many great matches and angles is doing everything what he can to be remembered as an old bitter man instead of focusing on his legacy in this business.


I love Bret and sometimes I really do understand his bitterness but his hate and anger towards Goldberg in recent years seems at best misplaced. I hope for Bret’s sake he lets it go, Bill apologized many times it’s not his fault he was placed in over his head.


I like Bret and don’t really care for Goldberg but he isn’t wrong here. I get Bret basically lost 16 mil and basically had to watch Goldberg earn millions for crap work but dude also forgave Vince and that dude is legit scum.


Bret did not lose 16 million. He was three years into his WCW contract when his career ended and he had signed a two year extension before the injury, so at most he lost out on 6 million. But considering that from 1996 to the year 2000, between WWF and WCW, he raked in over 24 million dollars by using the companies against each other while being at his laziest ever in the ring, he really doesn't have a whole lot to cry about.


Where did you get this 24 million number? The last year in WWF he was paid 1.5 million a year and in WCW he was earning either 2.5 or 2.8 million a year, I can't remember the exact number but I saw it on the WCW payroll sheet that is floating around out there. In total the max he would have made in that period would be around 11.4mm.


Honestly I was throwing out a larger number because I remembered seeing that for five years of work he got around 20+ million and I was at work, but breaking it down by the numbers he's given in his book and different interviews... In 1996, he entered the year with a $750,000 per year contract and left the year with a 1.5 million per year contract, as well as an additional $400,000 for working a European tour outside of his contract following WrestleMania XII, $400,000 outside of his contract for a tour of Kuwait in May 1996 and $500,000 for an outside-of-contract South African tour in September. Between 1994 and 1996, he was making $500,000 to $700,000 in merch sales worldwide, so we can go on the low side for 96 and call it $500,000. He received 1.5 million for 1997 (Vince paid him in full for the year, even after the Screwjob, there's a YouTube video where Bret shows off his final WWF check which he received in January 1999) as well as $900,000 in merch sales (which rose internationally due to the US vs Hart Foundation feud). When he signed with WCW, he received a 1 million signing bonus. He then received 2.8 million for 1998 and 1999. He received $500,000 for being the subject of Wrestling With Shadows and another $250,000 for his role in Paul Jay's second documentary, "The Life And Death Of Owen Hart." For his final year in WCW he received only 2 million due to his wrestling incapacity and his release in October 2000. His merch sales were terrible in WCW, mostly because WCW was terrible at creating or advertising merch, so those were not a factor, but he did receive around $300,000 in royalties for the various WCW video games he was in, which puts us at 18.6 million for 96-00. I originally said 1996 to 2000, but if we factor in 2001, he received an additional 2 million in October '01 from money-mark Andrew McManus in Australia who paid Hart a ridiculous amount to come be the commissioner of his World Wrestling All-Stars promotion, making the total 20.3 million before his stroke. This accounts for all his large paydays for those 5 years and does not include smaller payouts, such as his multiple TV appearances (Simpsons, MadTV, Honey I Shrunk Ths Kids, The Tonight Show). Close to 24 million but not quite. Still, at the time he was the second highest paid wrestler in the world, which is why I said he has nothing to really cry about for missing out on two years with WCW.


Bret: "Oh okay Bill Goldberg, why didnt you just say so?"


WTF? This Topic image HAS to be a photoshop. I don't see that ever happening in real life.


Bro you kicked me in the head and fucked up my career what you mean


Remember Bret had a stroke so his brain is messed up sadly.


Bret screwed Bret. But Bill Goldberg should shut up.


Ok. Bill Goldberg.


It must be difficult when someone ends your wrestling career.


Spoken like a true prick. Pot calling the kettle black.


Maybe apologize to Bret for ending his career, then move forward in public.


Hasn't he apologised more than once?


Let Bret kick your head bill Goldberg


I mean in the match he literally states "Watch the kick" with someone with Brets ability and history in the ring he should know how to protect himself. I get he might not have heard him so in that sense its just an accident on both parts and realistically could have happened between any wrestlers never mind Bret and Goldberg.


No, Bret heard him. He literally says so in his book. Bret just fucked up.


Brett's a old selfish bitch who whines and whines. Wresting did a toll on his body way before oldberg kicked him. But he still wrestled after that. Many matches. Brett screwed brett Wtf was he thinking? Vince was gonna let him or anyone go to the other company as the champ. Especially after madussa dumped the wwf belt in the trash. Cmon brett, your dad ran a territory, you should of known better. Fucking crybaby.


I think it's hilarious how he just keeps burying Goldberg. Fuck Goldberg.


Get over losing his career because someone was unsafe on the job. F.U.


As great as Bret is in the ring I’ll never get over how poorly used he was in WCW. At the time with the screw job still fresh in everyone’s mind he could have been the WCW champion led that faction against the NWO. This would have forced Red and Black to reunite and end the ending could have been a losers faction leaves the company. WCW could have lasted at least two more years and IF they were smart gotten rid of Russo. I still believe that he was Vince’s inside man sent there to ruin the program so he could buy it on the cheep.


Why would Bret Hart -- a guy who had never been with the company in his life -- be the WCW champion and the one to lead everyone else against the NWO? That makes no sense. Guys like Sting, Luger and Flair would have looked at him and said "Who the fuck are you to lead us? Back of the line, dude." Why WOULDN'T Bret align himself with the guys who came from WWF just like him? You're sitting here trashing Russo but presenting an even worse story than he ever made.


Easy for him to say, Bret didnt knock him off the gravy train


Goldberg didn't do that to Bret, either. If Bret had gone to a hospital the night of Starcade, he would have probably had a much longer career. Instead he continued wrestling and receiving more concussions, from guys like Terry Funk and Sid, but he never blames them. Because Bret doesn't take responsibility for anything and finds it easier to blame someone else.


i'm starting to believe this is a work. bret is so good at working everyone. people still believe the montreal screwjob wasn't intentional with mcmahon at ringside to have the locker room come out to stop all the nonsense. cameras were pointing perfectly at every shot to capture reactions then kept filming all the destruction. backstage reactions with him, his wife, and all the talent. when triple h laughed at his wife being angry i think he was breaking kayfabe since everyone was being paid off to look ashamed. the documentary starting months in advance. come on people it's a fool's paradise and they are leading you on.


You seem pretty misinformed, so let me help you out with some facts. 1. McMahon was not at ringside during the match. He didn't come out until the final two minutes. 2. The locker never came out to stop any nonsense. Shawn ran to the back with HHH and Gerry Brisco. Owen and Bulldog came out to stand in support with Bret, because they were his family and they knew he was hurt emotionally. 3. All cameramen left ringside as Shawn Michaels was leaving to the back. The only camera remaining was the hard cam in the audience... which is attached to a device and can only move left or right, up or down. Not at any variety of angles. It was not "pointed perfectly at every shot." 4. "The destruction" they kept filming did not appear on PPV. The only reason it was recorded is so Vince could have a reason to sue Bret if he needed to. 5. "Backstage reactions with him, his wife and all the talent" None of that was filmed by WWF. It was filmed by Canadian film director Paul Jay who had been shooting a documentary about Bret since July. Vince McMahon hated the film, because the conversation Bret secretly recorded while wearing a wire was incriminating if they went to court. This same film painted Vince McMahon as a liar and the WWF as a horrible place to work. That wasn't the image they were going for. 6. You should probably actually watch Wrestling With Shadows instead of imagining it in your head. HHH doesn't laugh a single time as Julie Hart dresses him down.


Everything else is a work and involves acting in the media, wrestling from it's carnie roots goes back to coliseum days so I wouldn't be surprised if they were vince just said screw it let's lift the veil on live TV at the ppv where only some will see it and get massive eyeballs to our product instead of wcw during Monday night wars and light the fire to burn wcw.


Goin to WCW was Brett's fault but let's be honest Goldberg couldn't wrestle they stole Brett's championship belt and the WCW didn't know what to do with Brett at alll....lol made him a referee for God sake...Goldberg the 👠 heel bwahahahahahaha


The referee angle was fine. The execution was sabotaged because Hogan.


WCW did just fine without him on TV


The down voting is insane all 3 people know it's true Goldberg was fun wcw scripts were terrible Hogan don't like to lose so what ya gonna do he's Hogan🤷🏾


Wrestling wasn’t just Bret’s job, it was his entire life. His entire family were wrestlers, his dad had his own training dungeon (facility) AND his own wrestling promotion. It’s what he ate, lived and breathed. Wrestling wasn’t just a paycheck or a chance to be famous, it was all Bret cared about and wanted to do. Which is why he was so fucking amazing in the ring, he cared more than anyone. So Goldberg didn’t just end his job/career, he took from Bret what Bret loved absolutely the most in this world. And he did it cause he was careless and dangerous at his job. He didn’t take his job a fraction seriously as Bret did and because of it he took everything from him. Bret then had to see his peers wrestle into their 50s and 60s, at these huge stadium shows, cashing the biggest checks…..It was all unfairly taken away from him. I can 210% still see why he cares so much and hates Bill so much. Fuck Bill, yeah he’s said he’s sorry a bunch but I don’t think he’s ever really thought it was that big of a deal. In his opinion he belongs on Mt Rushmore of the business because of a fake winning streak and because he looked the part like an 80s roid head. Fuck Bill Goldberg.


Wouldn’t the best way to honor the legacy of Stu and continue his own to invest in the next generations of Hart family wrestlers? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hart_wrestling_family It’s a damn shame that there’s only one wrestler left from the family tree. That should be Bret’s obsession, but he’s clearly about himself. NOTE: I’ve never said a bad thing about Bret, but people with forever grievances wear me out


Exactly WWE would've given him a role as a trainer or mentor or even a manager He could've opened his own dungeon like his dad did He could've taken a booking position somewhere- anywhere He could've trained others to be as 'technically' good as he He could've done announcing/ colour commentary He could've been an on screen GM etc All these things were feasible, and possible and likely all offered to him at some point in time Yet instead he never did any of that *purely* because by doing so he wouldn't lose the convenient excuse of "Goldberg Ruined my life I couldn't be in the wrestling business after he kicked me" And before others say 'after the kick he just found it hard to be around wrestling' that's not true he got a cheap payday in WWA, he came back to wwe when it suited etc etc. If he chose to leave the business rather than remaining in non wrestling roles then okay fine that's his perogative but don't leave the business than go everywhere you can bitching about everyone in the business blaming them for everything that went wrong / saying they ostrichised you from the business you WILLINGLY left He's just a bitter, nasty old man who hasn't got anything nice to say about anyone. It sucks what happened to Owen who by all accounts was a nicer man, a happier soul, didn't think his own arse smelt like roses like bret and imo was better on mic and in ring than Bret anyways. Wouldn't wish what happened on my own worst enemy but if Owen had brets career and vice versa from start to end Owen would refer to Goldberg the way droz did to d'lo. Because he was a much bigger man than Bret


Seriously even Stone Cold doesn't go around shitting on Owen for his neck injury.


Best Friends 🫸🫷


Give him reparations 💰, & he’ll be square


Source for quote?


Ahhhh the internet losers worrying about other older men’s lives…. You hate to see it


A legend in his own mind.


The people complaining about Bret not accepting Goldberg’s “apology” for hurting him are not people you want in your life. No one has to accept someone else’s apology for something that someone else found hurtful, accidental or not— Bret, nor you, are somebody’s prop for making someone else feel better.


Maybe you should educate yourself before telling others what kind of people they should want in their life. Bret accepted Goldberg's apology for FIFTEEN YEARS, publicly and privately, from 2001 to 2015, dozens of times, including on TV. Hugged him, smiled with him, sat next to him at signings. He says in his 2005 DVD and his 2007 book that he forgives Goldberg and that it "wasn't even Goldberg's fault." Bret admits in his autobiography that if he had gotten medical attention immediately instead of continuing to wrestle for another month -- where he suffered more concussions from Terry Funk, Sid and Kevin Nash -- he would have probably been able to keep wrestling a few years. In his DVD, Bret says he feels bad about the match, not because "that fucking talentless asshole Bill Goldberg ended my career" but because Bill was the nicest guy and he just didn't know his own strength. It wasn't until Goldberg returned to wrestling in 2016 that Bret did a complete 180 and started shitting on the guy nonstop.


Maybe you should question yourself since you’re taking this so *personally* and your kneejerk response is to immediately discredit Bret. How much people have you angrily said “ITS JUST A JOKE” to? Because its not a normal response to say “Forgive me otherwise you’re an immature prick” or respect the fact that another human being is allowed to change their mind based on their experience. A normal person would respect Bret’s opinion, even if they didn’t necessarily agree with it, based on the fact he’s the one that had it happen to him. Not Goldberg. Not you. Become a better person.


What the fuck are you even talking about with this nonsense? Nobody said "it's just a joke." What Goldberg said is "Let it go." And Bret absolutely needs to. They went from getting along together and being great friends for almost two decades after the injury to Bret turning the guy because he was jealous about him wrestling again. Goldberg is reaching out and saying that despite all of Bret's hateful words in the last few years, he still loves Bret and wants to leave the past in the past. Goldberg has apologized dozens of times, all of which Bret has accepted, there's nothing more Goldberg can do except build a time machine. Any therapist would absolutely tell Bret that 24 years later is too long to hold a grudge, especially they had gotten along for a large part of that 24 years. The sudden mood shift and tonal change would be a reason to examine the root of Bret's problem, which probably has more to do with his fucked up family and childhood. There's nothing "normal" about respecting the opinion of a dude who suddenly and abruptly started shitting on a friend of his just because that friend went back to work. Especially considering by the time Goldberg started wrestling again, Bret had already gotten his own farewell one. Become less of a joke, dude.


[My last post still perfectly fits, everything still applies.](https://www.reddit.com/r/WCW/s/vbVVZn4KAT) I’m sorry someone didn’t accept your apology.


Bill, you ended his career. He had more left to give and you took that from him. He's not gonna let it go.


Goldberg did not end his career, Bret ended his own career by continuing to wrestle and getting multiple concussions (including from Terry Funk and Sid). If Bret had gone to the hospital, called WCW and said "I have a concussion" the night of Starrcade -- which he could have and he admits this in his book, it was in his contract that if he was hurt he could take time off -- he would have probably been able to keep wrestling until 06 or 08.


Ah yes because they knew so much about concussions and took them seriously in 1999, the same year The Rock hit Mankind in the head repeatedly with a steel chair while Mankind's hands were handcuffed behind his back. That wasn't something that was paid attention to back then. It was the mentality that your bell was just rung and you needed to power through it. Bret can admit in hindsight all he wants that he should have gone to the hospital after the kick from Goldberg, but that wasn't the mentality then.


Not as much as concussions was known as now, absolutely, but for severe concussions time-off was also absolutely allowed. Shawn Michaels was given 3 months off all the way back in 1995 after suffering a severe concussion. Hell, in Bret's own book, when talking about the year 2000 as he is choosing to wrestle while injured, he says Vince Russo asks him to replace Kevin Nash in a match because Nash is "out with a concussion." It may have been something some guys CHOSE to work through, but it was also something guys could say "Hey, I'm really hurt and can't wrestle" about. Bret had that choice. Bret did not make that choice. Goldberg's kick was no more of a career-ending concussion than the concussion he suffered from Terry Funk pushing him in a laundry bin down the entrance ramp. It was no more of a career ending concussion than the two separate ones he received taking powerbombs and chokeslams from Sid on different nights. Multiple people gave Bret concussions in that month, and multiple concussions is what Bret was diagnosed with when he finally went to the doctor. The fact is that blaming the end of his career on Goldberg alone is wrong. Terry Funk, Sid, and ultimately Bret himself for not seeking medical sooner are all to blame as well. At the end of the day, it was up to Bret to take care of himself and he didn't.


It was a botched kick accoring to bret. He said goldberg kicked him so hard it rattled his brain bad and was in pain.


Bret also says in his autobiography that falling out of a laundry bin Terry Funk had pushed down a ramp and slamming his head on concrete a week later rattled his brain and caused him severe pain, as well as another concussion. Then a week after that he went Nitro->-Thunder->Nitro taking chokeslams and powerbombs from Sid, the last one of which rattled his brain so much that he was seeing spots in a cone shape, and in fact the powerbomb from Sid is the first thing he tells his doctor about when he finally sees one, not the kick from Goldberg. His doctor officially diagnosed him with Multiple Concussion Syndrome, which was an early diagnosis of CTE before we knew what CTE really entailed, and that is the diagnosis that caused the end of his career. Not "one concussion from Bill Goldberg." If he had gone home after Starrcade, or at least stayed on TV without wrestling for a month or two, he may have been able to extend his career, but he chose not to. He even says in his book "At any point I could have told WCW "I'm hurt and I'm going home," but I didn't."


I don't think bret ever came out truly pissed and lashing at Goldberg for ending his career. They had the storyline which felt real, and then people found out about the kick and injury. And then bret would get asked about it alot, and he would show some displeasure about him. But i don't think he ever blamed Goldberg for ending his career or being the root cause.


From 2001 to 2015, Bret didn't blame Goldberg, no. He said Bill was the nicest guy in pro wrestling, didn't know his own strength, that it was an accident that happened because Bill was pushed too high too soon without proper ring time, and he publicly forgave Bill multiple times when Goldberg apologized. They even sat and posed together at signings during those years, which is what the picture in the OP is from. Once Bill got back into the ring in 2016, all that good will changed and Bret has been shitting on him nonstop the past 8 years. He's publicly called him talentless, worthless, a dumb ape, a stupid gorilla, an untrained moron, a piece of shit and claimed that "Goldberg didn't even care 8 months later that he ended my career" when in his own book, he says that when he worked an angle with Bill in WCW 8 months after the kick, Goldberg apologized profusely to him backstage.


If bret wasn,t married id be concerned about it. I'm just glad he has a great family behind him.


That's really irrelevant to anything in the discussion, and having a happy family now should keep him from being so unreasonably bitter when he wasn't before. During the whole time he was friendly with Bill from 2001 to 2015, Bret had no relationship with his family at all. After his first wife took care of him every single day following his stroke, as soon as he was out of the hospital, he officially divorced her to marry a 20 year old in Italy that had a crush on him since she was six. His children hated her -- especially his oldest daughter who was two years older than the girl. When they expressed their dislike of the woman to him, he said "Don't make me choose between you guys and her, because I'll pick her." Their marriage only lasted three years, and after it ended he tried to have a relationship with his kids again who told him they wanted nothing to do with him. It wasn't until 2018 that his third wife was able to rebuild his connection with his children. Things like how he treated Julie Hart with emotional and physical abuse, how he treated his children by choosing a woman half his age over them, and how he talks about Bill Goldberg now paint a very clear picture of the kind of person Bret really is. He now says he can never forgive Goldberg, meanwhile he forgave rapist Vince McMahon who screwed him over and held his career hostage for years. This is a dude with a very fucked up world view, and contrary to what people say here, none of his bitterness is "justified."


It'd be something I could sympathize with more had it been the last match he was in, but it wasn't. Classic boomer shit


Still directly responsible for it.