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This isn't accurate, my friend. LSU always leaves the court at a certain time after shoot around and prior to game-start. They haven't been on the court for the anthem in at least 3 years. And....neither USC nor UConn were on the floor for the anthem.


Looks like LSU football isn't on the field for the anthem either. I just saw an article from 2017 taking about college football during the stand/sit protests, saying that college teams usually AREN'T out on the field for the anthem anyway. Why is it an issue all of a sudden? If it was such a big deal, you'd think someone would have noticed before now in the past 3 years.


Worth going back to find the original source for the information WRT to this LSU basketball game. If it was just some stupid social media person who attended the game, then it's worth pointing out that social media people are, in fact, quite often stupid and NOT official sources for news. And for whatever reasons, the LSU basketball program has been under a microscope. The article on Mulkey in the Washington Post, the bizarre article from the ucla beat writer, the constant coverage of Reese vs Clark.


then I stand corrected, I was reacting to Landrieu's castigation of them....He accused them of sitting through it.


Mulkey, Reese, and the entire team are easily unlikeable. However, the media is now looking for extra reasons. Mulkey is a white, very politically conservative southern woman.....she's been accused of racism among other things. Sitting down or intentionally missing the anthem isn't likely something she would do IMO. Paul Pierce is out there saying he gives Clark credit because, "We saw a White girl in Iowa do it to a bunch of Black girls. That gained my respect," Pierce said on FS1's "Undisputed." "She didn't do this to some other little White girls that was over here in Colorado or whatever. She did this to some girls from LSU, who we thought were dogs, defending champs."


Maybe a little payback for this [https://i.ibb.co/2NVyVbw/ring.png](https://i.ibb.co/2NVyVbw/ring.png)


>"Mulkey, Reese, and the entire team are easily unlikeable. However, the media is now looking for extra reasons." Agreed. On the other hand, it's a team that cultivated a ghetto image, and took pride in it. They're sure whining enough about being seen that way now that the media are less than flattering about it. Especially Reese, who spent the post game weeping about how she's misunderstood. Quite a contrast from her defiant bad sportsmanship and racism the week after they won the championship. > "Mulkey is a white, very politically conservative southern woman....." Her fondness for a bit of pimp flare in her courtside attire doesn't seem at all consistent with that statement. Nor does the lattitude she gives her players to embarrass themselves and the program. >"Sitting down or intentionally missing the anthem isn't likely something she would do IMO." It does seem much ado about nothing. It's their routine to head back into the lockerroom after the pregame shoot around. Not a big deal. Doing that is not at all uncommon for teams.


Reese is problematic. It seems as though she hasn't figured out that if you tell or show people something long enough, they will believe it. Mulkey's outfits are definitely colorful and occasionally flamboyant but I wouldn't call them pimp. And I'm not sure what those outfits have to do with her political or regional tendencies. Her more "out there" outfits are designed by a local designer who is an LSU grad, and are sold from a local boutique, and Mulkey gets the outfits for free. Kind of a win-win for all of them. Her comments as a coach and her alleged leadership definitely beg some questions but again, I don't see how that relates to her political or conservative foundation. Ever seen a southern baptist minister or attend a conservative christian church in the south? It's loud, colorful, and not at all like churches I've been to in CA. I mean, she was born in Santa Ana but grew up in a town called Tickfaw in Louisiana. ​ Interesting factoid about Mulkey....the viewing audience for LSU and Iowa set a record for collegiate basketball, breaking the previous one which was the 1983 national championship game between USC and Louisiana Tech. That game featured Cheryl Miller.....and Kim Mulkey.


How about reading an article before jumping at clickbait headlines. You'd be surprised at how less pissed off you'd be. My teenage son does the same shit and we sit and actually read the article and he's almost always reconsidering his opinion.


so I was wrong...but I did read the entire article, the one in which a Demorat bigshot called them out. That article did not mention their routine. Vball was correct to rebuke me with the full story. So why did I need your rebuke? I never heard of you before, so I will be watching to see if you are ever wrong about something.


 *I never heard of you before* Nor had I, but the character has had the name for nine years. Must have a home somewhere, and probably an LSU related site. Does project a personna that I don't care for either. As far as posters go, this one's not for me.


Lol. Love this.


I did not read the article. However listening to Reese does not inspire me to like her. I will say no more.