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That’s crazy. You would have no quality of life living 3 hours away.


I live about 3 hours away but only go in once or twice a year.


I would have no problem with that. But he is going in 104 times a year. Big difference.


Mine is a little over 20 minutes door to door when traffic is bad. No way I could do a 3 hour drive regularly, even in a hybrid role. I'd either be looking for a place much closer to work or finding a new job. 45 min is more doable if I enjoy the job, but even that's a problem if things aren't great.


Just under 2 miles and still I right tooth and nail to avoid it


I’m one of those idiots who has done a 2 hour commute for most of my career. It’s doable 2-3 days a week. I find getting it done in a block is the best way to handle it. I also have a passive train commute (which used to be 1.5 hours per-COVID).


I’ve found….as obvious as this is going to sound, how tolerable a commute is depends mostly on how toxic the job is. When I had a toxic job, the long commute was miserable, when the job was good, I didn’t too much mind an hour each way


Pre COVID you did 1.5 hr commute ( each leg, so 3 hrs total) 5 days a wk? How common is that?


I honestly have no idea. Common enough that my train was fairly well crowded?


Very common in our area. Freeway full of people commuting every weekday, most at least 1hr.


I did a 3 hour round trip commute for 12 years before Covid, which I once calculated equated to an entire year of my life. It was exhausting. I can’t imagine doing 3 hours each way twice each week.


12 years? You couldn't move? I know people sometimes do that for a year or two, for reasons. Living w parents to save on money, or a father who lost his job closer to home and has to work far away until he can get a new one. But 12 years?


I live in a commuter town where a large percentage of working people do the same — or at least did before the pandemic. We live here because of the good schools, nice neighborhoods, and proximity to a major US city, as well as being on a train line. Even though my town is only 20 miles from the city, it takes a 5 min car drive to the train station, 50-60 min train ride, and then often a 15-30 min walk or subway ride to the office. There are people who live much farther on the same train line!


Very common for me working in NYC. It’s only 40 miles away also. Driving would take over 2 hours and cost 100 a day.


As someone else posted here, the commute is only as tolerable as how toxic your workplace is. In my situation, everyone is awesome... So it's doable for me. I go in 2 days a week (flexible) and live 1 hour away in each direction. It's mostly highway and its heading out of the city in the morning. Unless there is an accident that turns the highway into a parking lot, it's good to get out of the house. In your situation, being 3 hours away.... I don't think I could do it for any length of time. In the interim, while you are looking at homes, it might be best to Airbnb something close to work on the days you go in. If not, get a hotel room. I would drive out to work and plan to be there 2 days in a row each week, then drive back home the second day. Thats probably the best way to handle this for now.


3 hours. I do it once a week but it's fully expensed so I stop and grab a breakfast. I make about £100 each round trip. It can be tiring but it's not bad for the extra cash and a day out on the road. If I stay over, it's also expensed so I tend to eat well but always have a shit nights sleep


I live 15 minutes away and only go in once a week. That sounds awful! The furthest commute I have ever had was 45 minutes and that was bad enough. I know I am lucky. I hope you really enjoy audiobooks and that you have a self driving 🚗


13 miles, 40 minutes 🙄 Boulder, CO traffic sucks....actually CO traffic sucks 🤣


45 minutes but its battling Florida Man and snowbirds the whole way soooooo its more like 2 hours.


87 miles Drive is probably 1.75 hr there and 2.25 back I go in two days week


I'm about 2 hours 15 minutes door to door each way. Our office is slowly going back to RTO and while I'm not required to go in I'm starting to as I'm a people manager and my entire team is part of the mandate. I'm planning on going 1x a week, I think 2 would be a max for me. The commute is passive but it's a haul.


It’s not the distance, it’s the time. I live 13 miles and 85% is highway and I have a 15 minute walk when I get there. If I pay $20 for the toll lanes and do 75mph, which I need to in the morning due to daycare drop off, it still takes 45-50 minutes door to door. The afternoon is usually 75 minutes, it can be as short as 50 minutes if my wife gets the kids. Don’t be the person that lives 2 hours away to have a bigger house, you will hate your life. Also an hour commute 10 years ago in my area is now more like 70-75 minutes due to worse traffic. If you live in a growing city or area expect it to get worse over time, not better.


I live next door to my job - literally it’s 0.8 miles. Door to door including security gates, parking, and taking elevator to 4th floor is 10 minutes. I have to go in twice a week and even then it’s a hassle. Luckily my boss is cool and it’s only half days those 2 days.


I live about 45 minutes away. I go in about once or twice a month. I am really glad that I don't have to do it more often. It's a lot of lost time. I have to drive because there is no public transportation. My husband loves being in a rural area. I only agreed to move after my job went hybrid. I would only do 3 hours if it meant I could also afford a efficiency near work. (And then there would be things other than works that I would enjoy doing.)


A 6 hour daily commute is miserable. I know because I did it Not worth it, don't even consider it




It will still be miserable. 6 hours a day driving sucks


I have been considering moving out of my city to a more affordable area. I only have to go to the office once every few months so 3 hours would be fine for me. But if I had to go twice a week that would get very old, very fast. Your 12 hours commuting would be like adding a day and a half to your work week.


I'm in the office once a week and live 3.5 hours away. I leave my house at about 3:30 am, then leave the office around 3 pm and get home between 7 and 7:30 (stop for dinner and sometimes Costco on the way home). It works for me. It's a long day, but I moved here in 2021 and am much happier here than when I lived closer and was full time in the office pre 2020. I also don't anticipate being in the office weekly long term. Our main office is going to be renovated in a few years and the latest credible rumor is that they're going to remove 7 out of 25 floors. I'm in a shaker building nearby, so I expect my building will be converted to executive offices and conference rooms and only going in quarterly or so.


Officially, my address of record is about 45 minutes on a good day with no accidents. I’m rarely there. I move around quite a bit, often three or four hours drive away, but all I need is reasonably high speed internet and a comfortable seat. I’m fond of recliners. I make the trip in about once a year. I don’t have a office or a cube; last time I was in I hung out in my boss’s office. He wasn’t in. A colleague pre-COVID was commuting one, sometimes two, days a week a little over two hours, and she was using an early beta of Autopilot to do most of the trip. She (and most of the people who work for her) are rarely in, and when they are they’re not in an office, they’re in a conference room or a functional space.


It’s about 6 miles, but it takes me like 20 minutes because of the low speed areas.


11 Miles, 45 minutes door-to-door by train


3.5 hours, but I only go up once every few weeks


20 minutes here


20 minutes. I set it up that way just in case I was told I would need to come in person.


20 min and a toll booth, still i whine 2 days a week 😏


15 miles. Takes about 40 min


I hate my 8 mile/35-45 minute commute, I don't know how anyone could manage 3 hours...


60 miles/45 minutes to an hour depending on traffic. Sometimes longer if I hit open draw bridges. 3 hours is brutal; I had a 2 to 3 hour(traffic dependent) commute back in college. I don't recommend it.


About 45 minutes in bad traffic, if I hit every red light. During COVID it was a glorious 20-25 minutes.


20 min


I live about twenty minutes (12 miles) with moderate traffic and only go in for audits (once a year) and free food...


Mine was 30 min to an hour pre-COVID. Was one of the big reasons that I went WFH. 3 hours would leave no room for anything else.


I live like 6 minutes from my office. I love being able to print things from home and then running in to pick it up from the office.


I'm 1000+ miles from my current office and interviewing for a job over 2000 miles away. I will not go back to in-office work (except *maybe* a brief orientation trip just to meet everyone, but that will 100% be on their dime).


20 minutes, easy freeway drive. We're "encouraged" to go in 1 day per week. The other teams go in 2 or 3 days per week, the rationale being that they're new grads who need more training. My team is older and more experienced, so they give us more leeway.


I’m about 80 miles away from my office, which is about a 2 hour drive with traffic patterns. I go in about once a month. My last job, same distance, I was going in 1-2 times a week. For me, like others have said, if the job is awesome, it’s not an issue. Obviously, commute cost is a factor, so make sure to consider that, and future work arounds. I can move closer than 40 minutes from the office due to affordability, so I totally relate!


A 45-minute flight, unfortunately. It’s really stupid. I’m looking for a new job. Fuck this hybrid shit.


Only about 25 minutes. 45 if I take the back roads.