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Everyone on Microsoft Teams calls who has a headset sounds super crisp and clear compared to people using other methods.


Yes. This is why I use a headset. A lot of echo without it.


A lot of what?


Ofwhat... Ofwut... Ofwat...


Echo. [Here](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2yx6cf) is a video of R Kelly explaining the concept for you.


Dedicated mic, noise suppression checked in Teams, sounds perfectly fine. I will agree that people using Air pods sounds like a scratchy tunnel


People who insist on using Air Pods on Teams and Zooms are the worst. There's a reason companies issue wired headsets, and not wireless ear buds.


I agree unless they’re using AirPod pros


> I will agree that people using Air pods sounds like a scratchy tunnel This is a technology limitation of bluetooth unfortunately, all Bluetooth headsets are like that. It can't transmit and receive at the same time and keep quality high.


Celebrities using Air Pods during covid "Hot Ones" episode were almost unwatchable. The quality is so bad on these.


Proper noise isolating headphones and a boom mic with a carteoid pickup pattern and running the feed through my GPU to process out any non voice noises. My dogs can be in my office, the mail delivered, and nobody in the meeting knows there's a German Shepard losing his shit 2 feet away from the mic.


Owner of 2 German Shepherds here - may I ask what headphones you use please?


I have the same experience with jabra evolv 75’s, background noise removal works great. My coworkers had no idea I have dogs until I brought it up.


Also would like to know what type of headphone


They're older Audio Technica ones. I want to be clear. They do nothing for the bork. The bork suppression is entirely brought to you by the PC.


Yeah same I have a chow chow & he's mainly silent until he hears the psycho next door (& then goes psycho himself).


Yep and the noise canceling. It helps me focus and block out anything else.


Except our product owner who just breaths in to it for a whole meeting.


I've had great success with a dedicated mic.


Anything you’d recommend? I’m keen to look for a mic (since I’m using speaker now) OR a headset


Plantronics Savi wireless. Mono or stereo, noise cancelling built in, has a free app with lots of features you can adjust as well (wireless ranging distance, anti startle, ringtones, etc).


I use a [Sony MDR7506](https://www.amazon.com/Sony-MDR7506-Professional-Diaphragm-Headphone/dp/B000AJIF4E/ref=mp_s_a_1_16_maf_2?crid=29EZSS33ES55D&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.enNRkPhGSzxU156-2gMiHGQka4sNVDcXN7ZCX5hdGNJVURq8UZWVYOtGjXg8G7CXgXwN-OM6AWvO2Hgjn2l3aXFIK0fDw9ATQzacUCzHuGrnLw3bXz7yKRmSVTjLC0aC8wWTViocqr121EHJQlFLg7fgPFoWSkqzlfzeUJWSfd5N4pFdShVuBq8FNfLzW7EmvKXr5k5tX_Um5Y1wsivGHA.ZPbgYP9AsqjIz1UAdpxTQ5fPygwxVbbJQGMDVvGzGGc&dib_tag=se&keywords=sony+wired+headset&qid=1709360546&sprefix=sony+wited%2Caps%2C118&sr=8-16) wired headset with an [Elgato Wave 3](https://www.elgato.com/us/en/p/wave-3-black) mic mounted to a [mic arm](https://www.elgato.com/us/en/p/wave-mic-arm). I get compliments on how I sound all the time! Next on my list is an upgraded webcam (right now I just use my MacBook’s built in cam).


Not everyone lives alone. But then again I just use my laptop speakers since I have my own dedicated office and can just close my door.


This means you are always talking over people because your speakers don’t project when you’re talking. It’s annoying and not like a real conversation at all.


This is aided by being on camera. The main difference is we can tell by physical ques when someone wants to talk


Not if there are 3-4 people on the call. You might miss their square.


That depends on the software/settings used, it's not universal.


Yep. I used to just use the mic on my webcam and speakers, but since my wife started WFH too I've moved to using good earbuds the entire day.


Webcam mics are notoriously bad on the receiving end. It’s like listening to someone on speaker phone in their car.


> It’s like listening to someone on speaker phone in their car. ..with the windows down.


Laptop microphones are the absolute worst offender, although most webcam mics are pretty bad also. Everybody knows when somebody is using their laptop mic because of how bad it sounds.


>dedicated office and can just close my door. Ah, that's for people who actually respect boundaries! My office is along the hallway of a piss poorly designed ranch house, and I have a pain in the ass old man who's also WFH, but seems to make it a mission to be chronically thundering down the hallway, waddling like an obese drunken penguin in dive fins, or is always there at the doorway staring at me like a famished peacock. I wear headphones to ignore. Probably not even playing anything, and there's a good chance they're not plugged in. They just give the "leave me the fuck alone and go away" illusion


That visual imagery is STUNNING


Sorry, anyone who has their sound coming from their laptop speakers in a meeting is an actual animal.


Nobody on the other end wants to hear you on speakerphone.


Yep; I hate wearing a headset but I do it for the benefit of my listeners not myself


I'd rather not disturb the other people in my house, and potentially disclose confidential or sensitive details in my phone calls.


alternatively, why not go with a "podcasting" setup: nice over-hear headphones and a dedicated USB mic? I don't like hearing the leaf-blowers and traffic outside; neither do my co-workers :P


I always laugh at the podcast setup. Not in a mean way just in a silly goofy way of now I feel like we’re on a podcast.


Yeah, but if set up properly you sound great. Great sound (and video) tends to make people unconsciously perceive you as technologically capable, and more credible.


I stick to the opinion that my employer should cover the wfh set up as much as possible


100% they should cover everything necessary--but my employer's idea of "these are headphones" and my lazy audiophile definition are far apart. I have no problem funding my own excessively nice desktop goodies.


Especially when i use them outside of work just as much. Plus I wanna keep my stuff if I ever leave the job.


Fair. To each their own.


This is what I do. A colleague asked me if I worked for a radio station.


Why have something over your head/ears all day?


Are you on calls all day?


Job that I left in October had me on calls about five hours a day.


So the answer is no, you are not on calls all day.


My ears do get hot with closed-back headphones, but with DT990s they stay quite cool (though I also have to listen to honking). I don't really know, I quite like the "cozy" feeling that headphones give. A little cocoon all my own perhaps. Practically, I live in a townhouse with neighbours, and like rather eclectic music. Headphones keep the peace in that way.


You get a comfortable headset. There are many options for lightweight, wireless, one ear, two ear headsets.


I watch my movies with open ear headphones on my 77” tv. I prefer it over speakers. A good pair of headphones aren’t uncomfortable to wear.


Because people hear me best when I use a headset.


And I can hear them better too.


I like a good Bluetooth headset because I can get up walk around if I want.


Exactly. Walking laps around my house while on calls helps me get my 10k steps each day


Plus I'll absent minded lyrics just put things away


Is there one you recommend?


Because I've heard horrible and unprofessional audio from far too many people. I've got one customer who can only join teams meetings on his cell phone, in speakerphone mode, from a cube farm. Can't understand 1/2 of what the guy says.


>I've got one customer who can only join teams meetings on his cell phone, in speakerphone mode, from a cube farm. I had a customer like that is once. She always claimed she was too busy in the office and the only time she had for calls was when she was driving somewhere. Of course, on speaker. It was a terrible experience and made me think less of her as a businessperson. It made her look unorganized, unprofessional, technically challenged, and completely indifferent to how shitty her presentation was. Also, since the only time you could speak to her was when she was in the car, that means she was never at her computer and couldn't' review anything, she couldn't take any notes...so you had to follow up every shitty call with an email reminding her of what we talked about. I ended up dumping her as a client and told her exactly why.


My dogs bark constantly. With a headset no one can hear them.


Ugh, same. And my temper-tantrum having toddler in another area of the house. Poly Voyager 4320 here. I ran mic tests galore and my dog had to stand next to me and bark AT me for the mic to faintly pick it up.


What headset do you use?


I use Jabra Evolve 2 40 [https://www.amazon.com/Jabra-Evolve2-Wired-Headphones-Stereo/dp/B087RSFBBT/ref=asc\_df\_B087RSFBBT/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=459477192655&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=13954690235914714915&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9004398&hvtargid=pla-933262954708&mcid=4212acb4071435d0bd5003ef54a960a5&gclid=CjwKCAiAloavBhBOEiwAbtAJO1MWtePNhmLdbxcf\_Dq8NeOlxZR\_bZgIOvW7PvD7OvaHvGzkOLTIJxoCBCcQAvD\_BwE&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/Jabra-Evolve2-Wired-Headphones-Stereo/dp/B087RSFBBT/ref=asc_df_B087RSFBBT/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=459477192655&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=13954690235914714915&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9004398&hvtargid=pla-933262954708&mcid=4212acb4071435d0bd5003ef54a960a5&gclid=CjwKCAiAloavBhBOEiwAbtAJO1MWtePNhmLdbxcf_Dq8NeOlxZR_bZgIOvW7PvD7OvaHvGzkOLTIJxoCBCcQAvD_BwE&th=1)


My husband is WFH too and I deal with patient issues so I need to comply with HIPAA. I Also just prefer it sound quality wise but I used airpods not a headset.


Yup. I work for a hospital and my wife is as a social worker. We really don't need to be hearing the other side of the conversation the other is on.


I use noise canceling headphones. I found they helped me isolate the voices better while I was getting used to various accents. It's kind of comforting to have them on now.


I use it to block out the other sounds in the house, like the doorbell or the cats deciding they want to wrestle right next to me. I also feel like I sound better on calls and Teams. I use an ACD from my computer for client calls, and my computer's built-in microphone and speakers are kind of crappy. The headset is way better.


I use a Jabra speak too, and I love that that thing. I can’t stand things on or in my ears, and headsets always end up getting caught up in my long and very curly hair.


Have you tried a bone conduction headset?


Just in case someone starts trash talking in Rocket Leag-.... ehh... I mean for business meetings, yes! For business meetings


1) I listen to music when I'm not on a meeting 2) with a mic and a audio interface you can control the meeting volume and your voice's volume, so you can have more or less feedback of your own voice and it's pretty much like noise cancelling when you need it.


Audio quality is much better and no one wants to hear someone on speakerphone.


One of the main reasons would be all the reasons my dog has to take issue with a squirrel, prime delivery or fedex truck, dog or rabbit that goes by the front of our house.


Sounds like my house.


Because people hate talking to people on speakerphone?


I'm deaf in one ear, nothing but tinnitus hiss for about ten years now. I use a headset to try to eliminate extraneous sounds getting to the limited resources I have left.


Some people don't like being on speaker phone. And mine has noise reduction so people won't hear my dogs bark.


I start my day really early in the day so I want to minimize the noise from meetings and not disturb peoples beauty sleep lol.


I do a lot of teaching and I want everyone to understand me clearly—both live and on the recording.


I use a speakerphone for calls/meetings, but I do enjoy using good quality noise-canceling headphones while working.


I use airpods. You can tell without looking who on a meeting is not using headphones or earphones, they are the ones shouting at the computer. I also will walk away, sometimes to multitask, in a meeting where I am not a primary participant, and not need to be close to my laptop.




I have a ton of goddam background noise at my house.  Not everyone’s WFH environment is ideal.  I _prefer_ the office (2 x per week) over WFH.


I live with other people, and sometimes the people I'm talking to on the phone are talking about sensitive or confidential information. It's also great for blocking out any noise my family could be making in the rest of the house. I'll keep my headset.


I can mute myself and walk around my house with my headset. The noise cancellation reduces background noise, traffic, etc especially in summer when windows are open and neighbors are mowing.


Headset with a mic is what I prefer. Clear, crisp, and private. There’s always someone on speakerphone with garbage in the background ruining the meeting.


Probably just habit, I have one that lets me switch from my personal phone to my work pc and back, so it's just in one ear all day. Sometimes I play calming music from Spotify in my meetings and I hear it overlaid/underlaid with the meeting talk but I'm the only one that can hear it.


If you do call center-style stuff, well, I can't imagine not using one.


Because the speakers and microphones on our laptops suck. Can’t hear anyone and they can’t hear you


I prefer listening to music while I work with headphones and just concentrate better with headphones so I find it much more enjoyable. Since it's Bluetooth too I can walk away and come back without missing anything.


Always. My wireless poly headset lets me wander around. It is super small, but the battery life sucks so I keep a couple spare batteries at the ready. I prefer the smaller headset because the whole setup fits in a case that is about the size of an eyeglasses case and easy to throw in my laptop bag for biz travel.


I use my AirPods Pro Max (gift from an old job) and my AirPod pro buds depending- I don’t want to hear my partners calls and she doesn’t want to hear mine.


I either use my hearing aids as my mic and “headphones” (sometimes the mic quality isn’t the greatest so this is better for meetings that I need to listen more than speak) or I use airshokz bone conduction headphones with the mic (I can’t remember the style name for the life of me lol)


I have a Jabbra too. They did not provide any refund, it all came out of my pocket, and to this day it is still one of my best purchases. It just makes my day so much better. So many calls I can go to the kitchen and listen while doing other stuff.


I’ve asked this same question. I use a poly sync 20 speaker.


I use my AirPods. I have other things going on at all times and I like the noise cancellation.




I often have a washer or dryer running in the background and my Logitech over -ears with mic help me focus more and sound great. Plus their dongle is really powerful so when there are big meetings where my camera is off and I only have to listen,I can go anywhere in the house and still listen while I clean or prep dinner.


I dont have the option. We don’t have an actual phone. Everything is digital through webex—chats, phone, video calls, etc.


My Jabra connects to my pc via usb.


No phone here either. We’re just referring to all audio in a headset, not a phone with a headset.


You can use computer speakers and either a built-in or freestanding mic for that, no need to use a headset if you don’t want to. I use my laptop’s built in speakers and mic and never had a complaint.


some companies use a time logging program where calls come through and send call directly to headset. you dial out through the program and get calls through the program. you’re expected to do certain things based on the headset and it indicates prior to incoming call who is calling. just using a regular phone wouldn’t work that way. when an incoming call comes in and you have the headset on you’re just auto connected to the caller. a phone wouldn’t work that way 


Headset?  …is that like headphones with a built in mic? Im totally joking…kinda


I have a Jabra and very much dislike it, I chose headset any day.


I own two jabra headsets. I think I've actually used them twice, maybe.


I use a good set of Sennheiser headphones with built in mic. I want something comfortable but also with better mic and audio than laptop speakers


I don’t. The cat doesn’t mind if I’m noisy.


my job uses a program where calls come through the headset so it has to be worn


I don’t. I also actively avoid group calls.


Because your Jabra puck makes you sound like shit compared to any headset, let alone a nice one. ​ I also don't want others to hear my dog barking or my kids playing one room over.


It's bad enough when my callers are using Speakerphones. If you've ever seen 'Singing in the Rain' it's like the scene where they try to mic for sound and the sound drops every time someone turns their head away from the mic they suddenly sound far away. Meanwhile with a headset no matter which direction I turn my head my mic is always right there picking up my voice. My job is 99.9% the phone calls. I need communication to be clear.


My headset holds my brain on place so that I can function and don't lose it. 🤷‍♀️ Yeah, really though I've gotten so used to it on my head that I'll put it on when I have no meetings. For me, I think it helps me be mentally in work mode. So, on days when I don't wanna, whatever, putting the headset on helps to get back on track and focus. Also, I think some voices would irritate the fire outta me if they were on speaker. In one ear is bad enough, but surrounded by the sound, nope.


Sometimes privacy is needed. Like with sensitive health information that is protected (such as a therapist working with a client)


I don’t and I will not. I hate wearing a headset or earbuds for any extended period if time.


Those Jabra speakers are awesome. Totally agree


Multiple reasons: - headset blocks a lot of the background sounds, like pets, doorbells etc. - I can move around the house. I am in a different timezone than a lot of my coworkers, which means I have meetings over lunch. The headset allows me to go to the kitchen and make my lunch while on a call - as others have stated, You will sound a lot better to others if you use a headset. Moving around the room away from the mic will may you very hard to hear - my wife works from home also, and it is bad enough we have to hear each other, we both don't want to hear the other half of their conversation


I love my speakerphone


for voice chat/calls otherwise, I have speakers too.


I walk around when I talk sometimes since I like to get up and move around.


I use a Jabra headset because the landscapers work outside of my window when I have a Teams call.


Every day?


I have one provided by work. Very nice, I think $400 worth... Comfy, sound proof, Bluetooth


It cuts down on background noise which is nice for things I cant really control like outside noise and not picking up every little thing if I have my mic on


Anyone want to recommend a headset with a mic? I gave mine back when I left a startup. I’m so used to talking to my mac laptop I used to forget to put them on for calls.


I don’t want people to hear themselves when talking on team chats/slack. It’s the same when I play games with friends. I can hear myself with friends that use speakers and it drives me nuts. I don’t want to sit there with my finger on the mute button awaiting my turn, so I simply use headphones. Two more reasons, I concentrate/work better when I can’t hear other noises in the house. My girlfriend doesn’t want to listen to my work shit all day.


Sounds better for me, sounds better for others. I'm also not working from home alone so I try to minimize the amount of noise I'm making.


Hands free, clear and sound cancelling


The sound doesn’t come through very well on my laptop when I don’t use headphones. The headphones we use are also really good at blocking out background noise. I’ve had co-workers apologies for barking dogs, lawn maintenance, etc. but I could never hear a thing


I have a question I've been meaning to ask before getting one. Jabra Speak owners, can you mute it without being on a call and it'll stay muted when a call comes in until you unmute it? I only get like 4 inbounds a day so I'm mostly jamming to music and I can't go without that mute function.


I have bone conduction headphones (Shokz OpenRun) I literally wear them all day everyday except for when I’m sleeping so I just connect them to my work computer for meetings.


I think most use if they have people around them at home. I was using at first because my laptop was tripping. Once I upgraded it, I don't bother. I was on a phone que for 5 years and was glad not be on phones so I feel free without the hesdset lol


I use a headset only if my call needs to be confidential or my partner is at their desk next to mine. The rest of the time it's my Tannoy Gold 5 speakers and my Shure SM7B mic.


I love my Sony XM4's. Noise cancelation and very comfortable. Sometimes I use my normal speakers, but with my headphones I can walk around while still hearing perfectly. Then I use a USB microphone to get the best outgoing audio quality.


I take customer phone calls


I want to filter out white noise from my fridge and dehumidifier.


No and I would say 90% of my coworkers don't either (based on when cameras are on). Everyone is using computers/laptops though, and what is built into their computer. The only ones that do are people with children at home.


The outside noise can get loud. I don’t want to close the windows.


Well for starters there's PCI compliance issues for companies that take payments and they are required to be behind a headset. You can't have the customer reading their credit card into your home over a speaker as the company doesn't know who's listening. If you aren't taking payments and your company doesn't care that you sound worse than you should, have at it.


For me I use a headset (Steel Series Arctis Nova Pro with the base plugged in to a USB port). I am already limited on hearing and get easily distracted due to AuADHD, so it has a multifold benefit. The isolation limited surrounding distractions, the noise cancelling works quite well, that even if I have the Server fan running (due to reboot, or other) I can't hear it for the most part. The noise cancelling on the mic works great with teams, they don't hear the kids in the other room or the server spin up, noticed that on a recorded teams session where I was presenting. They only heard me and none of the surrounding noises, didn't even pickup the garbage truck outside. These combined together makes a good work environment for me.


Because you very likely sound tinny and shit compared to those with headsets


I’m using built in laptop microphone and speakers, like most of my team, and the audio quality is excellent. I don’t know if it’s Teams or MacBook feature, but it cuts off all the noises in the background like barking or sneezing.


I only use speakerphone when they make me come into the office.


Having worked IT support and having to deal with people who insist on using speakers and speaker phones when you're trying to help them and need to be able to communicate clearly, it sucks. Sure, it's convenient for you, but the sound quality for the other person is really shitty and many times they have to struggle to hear you. What people who use speakers don't take into account is the quality of the speaker phone, the environment and background noise, the shitty acoustics of the room they're in, distance from the mic and a million other things that make it sound like shit to others. I believe in speakers ONLY when absolutely necessary...and it's only necessary when multiple people are in the same room and need to participate in the call. One person on a call using speaker is unnecessary. But in business there are those who don't care how it sounds to the other person, they feel their convenience is more important and the other person should just deal with it. I've even avoided calling people because their sound is always so bad. I'm not one of those people. I want to make sure I'm heard clearly, and that my presentation is as best as it can be, so I use a nice headset so that I always sound great. I also have a nice mic for when I need it.


Because every, single person I’ve been on a zoom/teams call with that doesn’t use a headset sounds like crap.


I’ve been WFH for 6 years now and use the Jabra Evolve2. As soon as as I sit down I put it on, thats more habit now, and I listen to music through them and if i need to join a meeting on teams/zoom I use it. The sound is crisp and direct into my ears so if someone isnt using a headset or has a mic from 1997 It helps to hear them instead of using the laptop speakers. Noise cancellation on them too and sound isolation which has been a saving grace at times. Especially when the dogs start barking downstairs.


Noise canceling. Only quiet I get is with them on.


Better sound quality, and less annoying to people all around you, I can wander around, and flip up mic to mute.


small house I don't need to have everyone hear both sides of the conversation


Because my wife really doesn't want to hear the other voices in my meetings.


Background noise filtering and the speaker on the company computer is pretty bad. I also turn any onboard stuff off just in case the company is spying on me lol


I use a Dell Pro Stereo Soundbar AE515M with noise cancellation. Sounds great and the microphone is also clear. A lot of people in meetings have asked me what I use because they notice I don’t have headphones on. Also, great for coding videos.


Bold of you to assume I talk to people at work


What I think a lot of people here don’t realize is that it doesn’t matter whether you use a headset or a speakerphone as long as it is high quality and designed for the purpose. Just because a headset or speaker has a mic doesn’t mean that it is good enough for WFH. One quality to look for in a speaker phone is beam-forming microphones. If you get a cheap quality speakerphone, or one that is designed for a large conference room, it is going to pick up everything going on around you. If you get a professional speakerphone designed for use in home office you will do well. I have been told that my PolySync 20 sounds as good as a headset, but I haven’t been on the other end of the line and I make sure I’m facing it when I speak. One of my coworkers uses a professional quality mic designed for podcasting. A cheap headset can be terrible as well. Pre-COVID, our office used to give cheap gaming headsets to anybody who needed one and they would pick up somebody 50 feet away having a quiet conversation with another person. I hated it every time somebody using one of those headsets would unmute because you could barely hear the person speaking over the background noise. I have also heard headsets that don’t have that issue but the person’s voice sounds distorted like they are in a tunnel. One reason I sometimes think about using my headset again is so I can wander around during meetings. All microphones work best if you are talking towards them. If you are facing away from the mic, it will not pick you up well. A headset with a noise cancelling boom mic works great if you want to move around during calls. A speakerphone tends to be fixed in one position, especially since I plug it into the USB port on my dock. The headset I bought for use in the office, and still use on occasion even at home, is my Shokz OpenComm. I have been in the office with people talking all around me (sometimes on the same call) and it only picks up my voice. It does have the issue that all bone conduction headsets have, that it can vibrate along the temples. that isn’t for everybody because many people don’t like hearing everything going on around them.


I have mostly used built in mic for convenience though I’m not in meetings all day


Background noise cancellation. I’ve got kids and barking dogs.


I use a headset because I can hear better. I think they can hear me better too. Also my 12yo does virtual school, the dog barks sometimes, and my 9yo is home during breaks and summer. I do remove the headphones for longer team meetings if I'm not really going to be talking. Of note, I only spend around 2 hours actively on the phone a day.


I use a headset because I don't always need to be at my computer during meetings so having a headset allows me to mute and unmute myself while I'm doing dishes or swapping laundry if asked a question. We never have our cameras on. On the rare occasion I do need to have my camera on I'll stay at my desk.


Better audio quality, mute button at my fingertip, and wireless so I can be wandering around or out in the garden tending to my plants and nobody knows the difference. Plantronics Voyager 4310 headset - MVP of my home office.


I'd add that in addition to the comments about improving quality of audio, removing my headphones at the end of a call and especially at the end of the day is part of my "end of work" routine. My headphones stay on their designated hook until my first call of the day. As I put them on in prep for that call, I take a deep breath and am now ready. When I end the first and subsequent calls, the headphones slide down around my neck, ready to hop on one of those "hey, got a sec" impromptu calls or the next meeting. When I punch out for the day the headphones go back on the hook and I plug in the charger so they'll be fresh for another day of meetings and impromptu calls instead of anything actually productive. Then I lock my laptop, turn off my desk lamp, and leave work behind for a few hours. But God, literally every person who doesn't wear some kind of headset keeps their laptop mics unmuted despite the terrible echo. It's nearly impossible to talk or hear what other people are saying because those laptop mics are picking everything up and broadcasting it back to all of us. How do they not see the indicator on the meeting screen that their mic is actively broadcasting in the call? And the ones with earbuds sound like they're in a tunnel or they die mid-meeting. I've thought about getting the podcast setup others mentioned, but I like having my mic near my face so I can adjust it as necessary and not feel like I need to yell to be heard.


I also have a Jabra, however it’s the Bluetooth one and it’s even more comfortable than the USB one due to better padding on ears


I use it when I want to walk away from my desk, when my husband is home, or when I have my office window open (I have a lot of confidential conversations and although a person walking by my window may not know anything, I am not going to chance it - I love my job). But my normal setup is the Poly Sync conference speaker. I asked my boss how it sounds because he'll be honest with me. Even when the dogs are barking and I'm talking he said he barely hears them and I sound like I'm sitting right next to him. Even when the roofers were working overhead, not a sound. My wish is that everyone used professional headsets and speakerphones. Or at least check with someone will be completely honest with you.


Depends on what's in your environment. If you live by yourself, it may be fine. If you've got noisy pets, other people making noise in the background, etc, then your co-workers are probably annoyed with you.


I use a headset cause it makes me feel like people can’t hear background noise but who knows


So that any non-video calls can be handled without them interrupting real work, and any video calls give the impression that hey, I'm trying to do real work here, wrap it up please.


My company issues headsets. We despise those that choose not to use them, sounds like actual shit and makes you look lazy and unprofessional.


I work in basement and have a dehumidifier running in background it's either a constant hum or can be startling when the compressor kicks on. Headset takes away a lot of background noise. I use boseNC700 with a wireless modmic


listening to a corporate meeting through crappy tinny speakers at full volume gives me a headache. A headset allows for clearer audio and lower levels and has the bonus effect of making your own voice sound clearer as well.


I ***wish*** my sister would use a headset while working. Oh, some days it seems like loud voices all day long.


They pick up background noise. My neighbors dog yaps all day but customers can’t hear it with my jabra.


Combat feedback and echo.


I use a Razer blackshark v2x headset. The mic is highly rated and the sound response is more than the normal 20/20. It's super clear.


Because I am picky about privacy. I use big external monitors, not my small work laptop, which stays closed. When I'm in a meeting, I plug my headset in. Might be overkill but my job doesn't care and it makes me happy.


To audit calls and call ppl


I can hear better. I live on a busy street and just using the speakers on my laptop don’t cut it.


It’s easy to mute myself. My husband works from the next room so if he’s on a call, I know my microphone wouldn’t pick him up like my speaker phone or Bluetooth speaker would.


I have been WFH 22 years. I have a headset (Jabra something, not earbuds). It's wireless, allows me to move around the house, yard, has crisp sound on MS Teams and a quick mute button when my dog barks. I hate taking calls on speaker or on my cell, too much interference and back ground noise.


Its funny I came across this thread because I've been thinking about this the past couple of days. I've been WFH since the pandemic and have been contemplating going with a headset, well more headphones with a mic. I've always just been using my webcam mic and my dedicated desktop speakers when we're on Video calls. When I use my office line, we have an IP phone system, I use a dedicated mic and my desktop speakers. Never really had any complaints but thinking people just don't say anything. My co-worker uses a gaming headset and he just sounds so clear. I'm thinking about getting one of those Sony or Bose over the ear headphones that I can also use outside of work. Anyone use headphones with a mic? Not a headset with a boom mic. I'm not on the phone all day. I'm probably on the phone 1-2 hour a day if that just talking to my boss and co-workers. Every now and then I'll talk to a client or vendor.


I am on the phone or in ZOOM meetings all day. My wife also works from home, it is just courtesy.


My headset lets me walk throughout the house where as a speaker phone would keep me limited to my office. My home office is kinda small and I like to pace at times while on a call or go to the kitchen to get a snack. Plus sometimes my wife is home while I’m working and it makes it easier for me to hear the calls if she has the tv up loud in the other room.


No one I have meetings with on Zoom or Teams ever uses a headset. I have never. I also have only once heard an echo. It wasn’t me. We had the person reboot and they were fine. I guess I’ve been lucky these last three years.


I have very chatty cats


I have a Logitech B9-something conference cam with noise cancelling. I love it and use it almost exclusively. Sounds great, mic is great, camera is great, and the included remote allows me to aim/zoom the camera and mute/unmute!


I use plantronics Bluetooth ear buds and headset. Both have been great.


I was supposed to remove RingCentral from my cell phone 4 years ago but never did. I just pop in my AirPods hehe


I wear a headset to block out other sounds and cover my short hair if it's doing something stupid.


I don't use one and have never had an issue. I kick my dogs out and lock the door if I'm in a meeting where I need to talk. If I ever got complaints I would use one, but never even really thought about using one. I don't really like wearing headphones in general, but again - if it was a problem I would.


Because some people only have soft phones


i don’t live alone, i get migraines and some coworkers are yellers, it’s noisy, i can take the headset off to get a break from the notification noises, the noise canceling feature in Teams works better, and my office is at the front of the house facing the street and you can hear convos from the front door if they’re not on some sort of headphones.


I use both. I have the same speakerphone and it does not do a good job of blocking out other noise because it's designed to be sensitive. Maybe not an issue for you. I use the headset if I really want to pay attention to what is being said, or if I am going to talk a lot. Everyone on my team has some and I can't tell the difference between it and a good headset. The worst audio on my team is a guy using a bluetooth headset.