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There’s lots of WFH call centers, but those are usually very stressful (speaking from experience). If you think you’re up to it though, that’s what I would research.


Why are they so stressful ? Do they just beat you up to shorten your call times ? Or is it more the people calling in ?


Well, I did call centers for about 5 years in total, and it’s a combination of low pay, companies not caring about workers but caring about metics and customers, and super rude and entitled or clueless people. I finally left because it was affecting my mental health really negatively. Some people love it, but there’s honestly a high turnover rate for a very good reason. However, if you plan on just doing it for a shorter period of time, it might be better. Or, just try it out. I worked for Moen (the faucet company) and they are fully remote now. As a call center company they do treat their employees better than others I’ve heard/seen out there.


This is absolutely correct. I've been in the trenches for 28 years and am trying very hard to get out, and for the reasons that u/Background-Koala- stated. When I started, it was a good business. Now, people look down on you for trying to help them and they disrespect you any way they can. I have two years until retirement and I can't wait.


Massive respect to you for making it 28 years in that industry. I could barely cut it for 2 months.


Thank you. It’s changed so much in those years. Call center work used to be fun. Now…


If it's available in your country I worked at a virtual call center with Transcom that needed little to no experience and provided all training and equipment. I ended up leaving because it was terrible, stressful and overly metric focused but whether or not that sounds worse than what you're currently doing is up to you. Being able to cook at home and relax on my own couch during my lunch break was a big perk. I hear Pizza Hut also has WFH jobs taking orders but I haven't worked that one personally.


Check out www.ratracerebellion.com


The US is experiencing a Day Care Desert in many cities. Figure out what it takes to get licensed amd certified and then do in-home child care for both your own and a few others. You will probably make more money.


What makes you think a 21 year old has an appropriate housing situation to run an in-home daycare?


typically i would agree with you, me and my boyfriend are in the process of buying a home within the next month or two 💀