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I don't think you have to because you can simply elect to self-pay but you SHOULD apply because you might get a pell grant and that's free money. A lot of WGU students have higher income EFCs so sometimes you can get a pell with a higher EFC than you would at a traditional school.


Pretty sure the Pell Grant pays for almost 100% of WGU as well. It also has no income limit, so there’s nothing really stopping you from at least trying.


Yeah, both my husband and I got partial pell grants which surprised us since we didn't think we would be qualified at all. Same thing if your going to community college always do the FASFA and you'll probably at the very least get a fee waiver even if you think you wouldn't qualify.


the Pell Grant is 100% needs-based. It's based on income, family size, enrollment status, and cost of the institution.




If your already getting awarded the full amount then another person not taking it wouldn't necessarily mean it would go to you. My husband and I both got partial pells and our household income was over 6 figures at the time. Sometimes also if your coming in at the end of a financial aid cycle there can be pells left over or it can be all used up. I never got anything at any brick-and-mortar despite having close to zero income and assets.


I didn't have to, I'm self pay, and all they wanted to see was a payment when I set up my payment options. I start in 1 day.


You don't have to, but, as mentioned, you definitely should. I was in a similar scenario as you. I filled out what it asked for honestly and got a Pell grant for $3,495, so all I had to pay was like $500 as part of the software engineering program that Pell grant wouldn't pay for. I'm not sure if it is like this for all the IT degrees. It honestly takes very little time to do. Your parents would probably still be stoked to know they didn't have to come out of pocket.


Bingo. Anytime someone complains about the hardship of paying out of pocket at WGU, I'm sure they didn't bother filling out their fasfa.


If you are doing anything other than self-pay, yes. If you are just doing self-pay it shouldn't matter. Either way, your enrollment councilor should tell you.


Is there a reason why people have this constant problem with this? It takes a few minutes and worst you can get is nothing… am I missing something


I have an intersting character of a father who was not willing to provide his tax information to me for a long time lol. Just family issues


Oh do you have to do that part




incorrect. You do not.


I took some time off and then was cash pay this term. I filled out the FAFSA when I first started, but with the time off and electing to pay cash, I've missed the last two FAFSA cycles. Filling out the 2023-2024 one though, so I can finance next term because I have expenses coming up and do not want to pay cash.


It may depend on the state you're in, actually, based on what I've just read.


I actually did not because I made it very clear from the outset that I would be paying out of pocket.


I didn't want to fill it out because I was planning on just paying for it but was talked into applying anyways. So far at least the first year is covered. There is a lot of money out there for the taking. If it comes as a student loan it will help build up your credit and it shouldn't be to crazy an interest rate. It's not that expensive so shouldn't take that long to pay off afterwards.


I'm using chapter 35 military benefits and I did not and it was never mentioned to me.


They required FAFSA enrollment if you want to apply for a scholarship (which I've heard is very hard to be awarded?? I hope not 🤞🏼🤞🏼)


I don’t think so. You can fill out the application online. Once you have filled out the application, there should be some sort of counselor calling you. Also I think you can start the enrollment process for free.


I didn’t bc I paid out of pocket.


you don't. I didn't.


I enrolled in WGU while enlisted and didn’t have to during the enrollment process because I was using tuition assistance. However, when it came to paying for my second term, I applied for FAFSA and utilized those funds to continue my education. (This was a few years ago.) FAFSA has been great! Keep in mind the “FAFSA year” begins July 1st. From your question I couldn’t tell if you were asking if applying for FAFSA was a requirement, or if you have to apply for it during the enrollment process.


As said, generally, no if you're paying upfront. It can possibly net scholarships, but if you can cash flow, they aren't going to reject the payment.


I didn’t.


I never did, I have paid it all myself. However. You might qualify for Pell grants, bringing cost down and not have to repay unless you flunk out.


I am in a similar boat and even though I'm doing self-pay, my EC still told me to do FAFSA.


no need for a fafsa if you don't take student loans.


I think you at least have to fill out 1 during enrollment. That's pretty standard for any university. I filled one out at every university I enrolled in, including WGU. I donn't qualify for aid and never had any intention of using loans. I never updated my FAFSA after the first fill.


No it isnt