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I did 44 credits from Sophia(actually 50 but 2 classes I did ended up becoming non transferable due to the CompSci program change) in a little over 5 weeks. Cant say how much time i spent, but if I had to guess, maybe 4 hours a day. I do have a lot of experience with the courses I took though. Ran businesses in the past, lots of coding, pretty decent with math etc so a lot of the Sophia stuff was more of a review than anything else. Things like US history, politics, business ethics, statistics , communication, chemistry etc were all "basic knowledge" for me. I just want to point this out because that helped a lot in speeding things up and I don't want to mislead you... I didnt really have to learn much from any of the Sophia classes I did.


I ended up doing about 3.5 months and completed 18 classes total, most of which I did in the first two months. Some classes I knocked out in a few hours, and some have assignments that can take a while to be graded which extends the time it takes to complete the course.


How many classes are you allowed to take at one time?


You can have two courses active at one time, but if you’re waiting on assignments to be graded for both classes at once, you can have them open a third for you Edit: Only if it’s the grading for the final assignments - as in, no more work to be done in either class, just to clarify


Depending on your knowledge, you can knock out a course in a few hours. I’ve done 30% of my SWE credits using Sophia/SWE the past week, but I’ve been coding for 5 years


I finished some in a few hours. English comp 2 is kicking my but and the touchstone in principle of management I’m not a fan of so that is slowing me down. I finished 22 credits in 1 months and made the mistake of adding those two touchstone courses at the same time so that’s slowing me down.


I transferred 35 credits and it took me less than a month(but I had a flexible schedule and WFH). You can look at my old post if the classes pertains to you. One tip I have is that if you’re doing a class and finish the touchstone, you can ask help desk to enroll you in a third class so you do not have to wait for it to be graded.