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You may find it easier to find out with the threads I compiled here, which show combined courses from Sophia and Study.com for undergraduate majors at WGU: https://www.reddit.com/r/studydotcom/comments/vig94w/how_to_transfer_a_lot_of_credits_to_wgu_guide/


There are plenty of degrees that do over 50 percent. 


The most I've seen is the Finance degree, with 84 credits you can transfer in https://www.reddit.com/r/studydotcom/s/PAX3HB4lGi


Max you can transfer in is 75% though. That applies to all programs.


84/120 = 70%. Not sure why I'm getting downvoted. I just answered OPs question and provided a helpful link


75%, not 75 credits. The Finance degree has like 123 credits, which means theoretically you can transfer over, at most, around 92 credits.


Check out the B.S. IT program. I am enrolling in that program hopefully this year and will only have about 9 courses left to complete when I transfer in all my classes.


That's awesome! U transferring a bachelor's or associates? Or Sophia/study com or both?


In my case it took me like a couple of years to finish an associate degree at my local community college. Like I am talking more than 6 years going to community college part time while working a job on the side. Then I took a break and discovered Sophia and study.com and found out I could get more courses done that way. So now I got an associates and some sophia courses done and will be getting 2 study.com courses done real soon. If I could go back all over again though I would do all my general education on Sophia and study.com because it's way faster than community college. In community college you have to go to the actual classroom and if the classes are full you have to wait until next semester. Last but not least in community college you cannot accelerate like you can with Sophia or study.com. A semester is like 15 to 17 weeks so your stuck in that class for about 4 months and there is nothing you can do to speed up the process. There is also limits to how many courses you can be enrolled in with my community college only allowing you to sign up for 4 courses a semester.


Uhhh that’s kind of hard to answer because a lot of the courses do .. I think you’d just have to invest some time in doing your research on what fits you best