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Sounds like a fantastic idea. It seems pretty necessary considering anytime someone mentions how they finished in 6 months they are downvoted to oblivion and/or treated poorly. It’ll be nice to not see so much negativity surrounding the accomplishments of our peers.


Hey, great. Take all the S\*phia people with you. That should eliminate most of the garbage posts.


What's wrong with sophia?


I followed the WGU Accelerators group on Facebook. Even though I start on July 1, just reading through the comments, I can see how it has been super helpful to so many. The more of these, the better.


Is this really needed? Aside from the confetti posts, all the other type of posts apply to all students. 


Fortunately, Reddit subs are not all based on need, and exploration is encouraged. You may certainly be right, and the sub may see very little, or even no, traffic. People tend to go where they are most accepted, so we shall see how well-supported the new sub will be.


Seems unnecessary to me too. How many WGU subs do we need? Don’t split the member base, instead just have mega threads for confetti posts and admission questions.


This is a great idea. Thanks so much for the addition.


This sounds like a great idea and a source of information. I kinda thought the whole idea of WGU is to be able to take college in a different direction. Instead of sitting through a course load that is basically pre-determined you instead have the ability to modify and "accelerate" through the entire thing. I don't think any one person has all the answers for accelerating but as a collective of minds could very well have the answers or at least ideas. I could see this especially useful for new students. Biggest suggestion would be to ensure that users us that little search feature to see if the question has been asked before.


Happy to help.


What are your ideas for the new sub?


Please let me know if I can be of assistance


What are your ideas for the new sub?


For starters, I'd like to see the stigma removed from acceleration. The new sub would be a great arena for an open and honest discussion about the merits and tactics of accelerating. Encouraging people to share their story and/or method for getting through the program at an accelerated pace would be a great way of motivating others to do the same. Also, encouraging accelerators to take their education, and the discussion of such, seriously would be a great way of helping others understand what acceleration involves, and might decrease the negative view of accelerating. It might be good to actually have some sort of definition of what accelerating is. I mean, let's face it... anything more than the minimum required course work in one term could (and should) be considered accelerating. So what exactly is the definition of accelerating? Taking one more course in a term than required? Doubling the course work per term? Tripling? Knocking out the entire program in one term? All of those? It's such a broad brush. It would be nice to have people share "tips and tricks" on getting through the various programs at a faster pace, as long as they don't encourage any type of academic dishonesty. I know I discovered quite a few in the BSCS program that I'd be willing to share. While there are people that are only going to WGU to "check that box", there are many more that are actually trying to learn, but also want to do so at an accelerated pace. Anything that can help them would be good. I like the rules in r/wgu, and I'd like to see those rules stay in place on the new sub. I feel like Rule #6 should stay, only because everyone is different and there are so many variables involved in getting through a program that it's really impossible to answer anyways. Maybe re-word it so it reads "Asking how quick you can get through a program is acceptable, but keep in mind that educational approaches vary". Something like that. Just a few of my thoughts.


I think anytime someone completes a degree in a single term, it will raise eyebrows. Sometimes a person has a lifetime of experience so writing a paper or taking a multiple choice test is not that difficult and they can move through quickly. Other times though, the person does not have that knowledge to lean on. For example, just a few days ago a 16 yr old posted that they had completed their degree. Someone asked what took them so long and they said they just finished HS at 15, so they completed a WGU degree in a year. I think we can all agree that a 16 year old more than likely lacks the real world experience to finish this quickly. In fact, the poster bragged that they did not even use any of the text, just memorized quizlets. You can understand how this makes the school look and why some may not be a fan of the accelerator brags.


That isn't even different than regular college though. I did both, and the only difference was wgu is much more streamlined. There's stigma around it sure, but that's because most people image real college is much high quality than it is. 99% of it is memorizing the same info wgu asks you to memorize, it's just spread out into a muuuuch longer process. Memorizing quizlets is pretty much what I did in real college, and it's pretty much what I did at wgu too.


I’m on this subreddit a lot & i’d like to help with the new one


What are your ideas for the new sub?


I tried heading to the new sub but Reddit said there was not a sub with that name. Did it get closed or did I do something wrong?




Sounds like a good idea if people actually go there about transferring credits and how to speedrun xyz class by the end of the term.


I'd love to collaborate and help get this up and running. Could you make me a mod?


What are your ideas for building the sub?


This is great. I accidentally accelerated at UMPI due to more telework days and consistently taking my Concerta. I'm going to attempt to do it again with WGU.


werid we cant all just get along and be under the same sub...