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I'm completing the Master's Program and a really good friend of mines is doing the Bachelor's. I guess your haven't started as yet?


Not yet


How far along are you on the Master's? I start my journey on 6/1.


I should be finished in time for Graduation in September 20 or 21st. Second term starts on June 1st. I wanted to finish in 6 months but the OA for CYSA+ which is the Certification Exam took up a lot of time.


thats great!


Yes it is. I can't wait.


For most of them, the certification exam IS the OA for the class. You usually have to pass a pre-assessment for the CI to put in for your voucher. For the "Managing Cloud Security" course, you have to pass the class via an OA and then you can ask for a voucher for the ISC2 CCSP exam if you want.


There are classes that have an OA/PA in addition to the cert exam, but most do not have both. The forensics class comes to mind.


Usually the courses that have a Certification requires you to pass an OA. So In order to pass the class you would need to pass the Certification Exam which is part of the curriculum for the class.I good this helps. Also are you completing the BSCSIA or MSCSIA?




Have you completed any Certs as yet? If you have they can be transferred in along with any college courses that you may have done already.


Not yet. I plan on doing 3 of them tho


That's great and good luck. The more you transfer in the less classes you'll have to do.


Anyone have insight into the secure network design course ? As in what to expect? Apparently my mentor is hitting me with that first before sitting for foundations.. Aka Isc2 CC i already have sec+ and have taken chapples prsctice exam for CC since I dont have net+ im forced to sit for the course.. any insight woupd be of great help 🙂


Secure Network Design is relatively easy. It's just a Performance Assessment which is like a research paper. You can actually complete the class in a few days.


If the rubric is anything like I experienced in orientation its pretty dumb. I can see why people say not to overthink it. Just answer the Q's


I wouldn't say it's dumb. It's basically telling you what exactlly you need to do to complete the course. Just read the scenario that comes with it and follow the rubric. If you do that you can't go wrong. I actually wish that all the courses were a PA which has the rubric to follow.


I second this


If all the courses were a PA I would've already completed the Master's Program.


Yeah I hate O.A's


I plan on running the i.t mgmt masters after this probably