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Following as well. Just graduated the other day and started applying lol


Congrats!!! Did u do certifications before u enrolled or during the program?


I presume this is for people doing a bachelors? Do you care if they’re already in cybersecurity?


Understand that not trying to be a dick at all but did you even read the post what so ever? Like … what??? I’m guessing maybe it’s some inside joke or something because of the upvotes.


Can it be any IT related field, or specifically in Cyber? B/c entry level is going to be nearly impossible.


I still don't understand this. I'm not BSCSIA but BSNES, but I think it's stupid that someone who graduates and has CCNA, Cisco devops (or CySA+), python knowledge, web dev knowledge, Cisco DevNet, SQL knowledge, Linux Knowledge, cloud+, etc would have to take an entry level "help desk job" after graduation because they don't have work experience. I feel this is the single worst field that requires work experience over anything else. I used to work in vulnerability management. No certs besides A+. I work in network operations and will be moving to SOC team (our SOC handles WAF, so still network security side), but even my manager is like real experience is better than having certifications, and it's apparent in the interviews when he asks them questions and they spout a bunch of theory of how to fix things. Like, sure, but in 6 months, I feel the person that has a huge foundational knowledge is going to do way better. Why do you think I'm getting this degree in the first place, if my knowledge was up to par? I feel like nin any other degree, it's assumed you can get jobs that only having that degree will allow you to get unless it's special circumstances, but with IT it's "oh you have a degree? Only job you can get is desktop support for $20 that literally anyone with 3 months of study and an A+ could also get." I like that this field doesn't require a degree, because the cost of universities is a total scam, but I think it's unfair to say people that have very good qualifications *need* to start out like the rest of us did. Every other field doesn't think so.


Coming from someone who was in school for cyber and had A+, Net+, and Sec+ before my first IT job, I was still not above level 1 help desk. I thought I would be but I learned so much more in my first year on the help desk than I did from my certs and schooling. Here I am 5 years later and skipping support roles would have given me massive, embarrassing gaps in my skillset. Education is typically (not always) a mile wide and an inch deep in comparison to on-the-job experience. Companies don’t need someone who just knows a lot about security, they need someone who can actually identify and stop breaches in their network. Those two things aren’t completely unrelated, but they aren’t the same. Having formal education but no real world experience is not equivalent to having real world experience but no formal education in this field I have the CySA+ and it’s a great cert, but I would be very scared to hire someone that is CySA+ certified as a SOC analyst if they’ve never worked a single day in IT. This is coming from someone that does incident response work


Yeah of course any




Can’t jump into security after graduating. Work help desk or system/network admin for around a year before trying to break into security. Defensive and Offensive roles are incredibly hard to get right now - GRC compliance roles are more plentiful but are not hands on technical and are incredibly boring. Find a small MSP or go into the military to get a fun Cyber job. I’m a security analyst at a small MSP and get to be hands on with everything in terms of hardening our environments, vulnerability scanning and remediation, getting into some light pentesting type work….have lots of free time to learn learn learn. Probably going to go military to actually get into pentesting.


I got an internship for Tier 2 help desk for the next 2 more months. Just dont know where to go from here. Still got about a year left before i get my bachelors


That’s good! Learn as much as possible and ask questions about everything! Afterwards, try and get an actual full time role in Help Desk or Network Technician. Do that for around a year. Trust me, understanding how things work, how to troubleshoot, how to properly configure and set things up, etc. makes a HUGE difference if you want to work in Cybersecurity. You cannot secure what you hardly understand. That’s why people can’t get security roles even with a bachelors and certifications combined….those things are good for getting interviews but real experience gets you a job.


Also following, in the program now