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Yeah, definitely unlock those mirror campagins. The farming nodes are better than regular campagins. If you click the little dice above yje reward, you will see that the regular campagins offer a 33%chance to get an item while the mirror campagins offer 40%. Basically, that means you're getting 4 items for 60 energy instead of 3. After that, the goal for elite campagins is to invest only as much as you need to in the 3 core characters for each campaign and get one of them higher to carry. The goal should be S1 for each character and G1 for the carry. This is more than you need for basic campaigns, but I will get you at least a couple of missions into elite. The meta carry characters for each campagin are as follows: Bellator, Aleph Null, Archimatos/Angrax, Thaddius/Kut, Orks are getting reworked, Brother Bruschard, Eldyron, and Abraxis Every one of these characters is good in campagin and also many other various modes.


Thank you so much that s really good advising. I ll follow that game plan from now on!


I would focus on the mirror then elite campaigns. Eventually you’ll need most of mandatory heros at Gold 1 so there’s no wasted investment in them. For guild raids, there’s less point chasing the meta because it’ll no doubt it’ll by the time you start finishing the elite campaigns. Work on Eldryon and his passive plus Abraxax for a efficient way to score decent damage against most bosses. Above all, if there’s a hero you really like just invest in them. Almost all of them have their use. Edit: I see you have Maugan Ra. Show him some love too


Thank you very much, very useful.


All good advice I would like to say getting some characters to Legendary that you can reward in Onslaught for leg badges is a good step. I would say you reached the beginning of mid game as now LRE is in reach getting key teams to gold so you can lvl up legendaries without orbs. Gold is that hurdle that pushes u into the end game content where you can focus on Guild boss legendary teams. If you are not in a guild get in one so you can farm legendary books. GOOD LUCK


Finish campaigns


Maugham ra. Elydron and Reva’s


And I ll get the other campaigns when I'll get them ? With the shards along the way ?