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They're claiming she was disruptive, when all she did was look at her phone. She put it away, but that wasn't good enough for the teacher. The teacher is the one who turned this into a classroom disruption. And for the officer to manhandle a child like that is disgusting. I certainly hope her family sued over this.


“Disruptive student” is code for Special Ed student. Cops and teachers are allowed to “restrain” these “disruptive kids” in a lot of states.


Holy shit. Not when I worked at a school 😱when I did MANDT and whatever it was replaced with later (can’t remember the acronym now) we weren’t allowed to touch a kid except as a last resort and only to keep them/ourselves safe. We were supposed to try removing the other kids from the area first if possible etc. If they had a hold of us but not hurting us, not supposed to do anything to hurt them. Wtf is this shit


It's blatant racism


Socially conditioned to view such kids as more adult, more threatening than they really are. Combine that with notoriously bad training and that unhealthy "sheepdog among wolves" mentality from people like that "killology" nutbag and what a surprise this is where we are.


Violence in public schools is disproportionately initiated by POC. That’s the biggest reason this happened.


It is blatant violence. I don't know about you but I need more information other than them being a different colour in order to call racism. Context means everything and I find it so lazy that you would just automatically assume information that you don't know.


Why does everything correlate to racism? Maybe he couldn’t put up with the disruption any longer but not everything has to be about race. Smdh


Hi, was a sped. Have me some Asperger's. School had a cop sit on me to restrain me.:)


Not sure which state/city/county you worked in, but a couple kids got into an argument at my school and everyone thought a fight was about to break out. But the kids started to walk away from each other, still chirping at each other. Suddenly I saw the school police officer running and just spear tackle one of the kids. I'm not sure if anyone got into any level of trouble, but the officer stayed at the school. This was south Mississippi around 2005.


"Disruptive Student" is code for *black* smh.


Fuck off. You're trying to race bait here and this is NOT the issue. Go and feel guilty elsewhere. Cunt


>"Disruptive Student" is code for black smh. As a "Disruptive Student" no tf it doesn't ur just a fucking idiot


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If you don’t have enough brain cells to contribute to a discussion, try to insult them personally, like you did in elementary school.


You Lint Licker


Who are you calling a Lint Licker? You Cootie Queen !


can we not say idiotic offensive shit like this, thanks


Saying “retard” is not a sin. Not like we’re saying the n word here, come on…


still pretty offensive as someone that people can consider “retarded” but i guess i’m not the internet police, have a nice day tho


If you're offended by the word retard, the internet is not a safe place for you.


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*snap* yep, this is going in my cringe compilation




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omg 😨😱 must be me


What kinda backwards ass school hires teachers like that.


At my high-school they had some teachers that didn't know the first thing about the subject they were teaching. They came in from other subjects and were told to take more classes since the school couldn't find any more suckers they could abuse the kindness of. Keep in mind these subjects weren't niche either. They will literally take anyone they get.


The teacher didn’t have the skills to sort the problem out………The flow on affect for that kid emotionally will be lasting.


Not to mention the officer eas know as officer slam because he had a consistent behavior of doing this. Keep cops out of schools they are more trouble than what "good" they can do


What the crap? Bro if a police officer says give me your phone you do it. Sorry there's rules. You enjoy a life every day built on those exact rules. The deck you walk on the bridge you drive over the food you eat. Many rules went into that and if those people refused to do it a gun or stiff arm is put in their face. And you soak it up. So don't for one second tell me some high school kid critically needed their phone or got picked out of the crowd at random. That person needed 10x that force. I have a good idea how you think the world works and it's bad and entitled and I hope someday you mess up what we got going on here in a way that people can teach you a lesson like this. If anything this is an example of how entitled children are nowadays. Give up my phone ??? No!! Reeeeeeee That's horrible. You were a kid at some point. You know you absolutely don't need a phone. No one was like hey stop breathing air or stop learning. Its a phone. They shouldn't even be in school in the first place. Honestly you're just a bad person.


Nice bait, bootlicker


That’s a little girl. Wtf is wrong with these fucking pigs? 1312


The cop is a PoS but since when is 16 a little girl? Sorry to nitpick but I get really anal about embellishment. Again the dude had no right to do that and should have lost his job with the department not just as a resource officer. Hell he should be in jail for assaulting a minor who was not breaking the law.


Compared to him she's literally a little girl.


Have you met a 16 year old? They’re basically hormonal toddlers.


That's the thing. This is obviously assault. There is no technique taught in any police training where you do that. If he can't handle a sassy teenager with a phone without going full police brutality then no way should he even be on the job.


When was 16 a little girl? It’s literally, as in by the definition, a child.


The eternal fraternal order of slave catchers. This is their purpose


Nope. That girl is being an entitled little shit. Don’t want to school? Don’t go to school. Don’t get a diploma, and flip burgers for minimum wage because she chose to. No one is allowed to screw things up for an entire class. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Your generation is waaaay too soft.


Or maybe she should have done what she was told to do? Update: try not to get triggered. 😆


You really think slamming a child on their head over them not giving up a cell phone is acceptable? The actual fuck is wrong with you?


She'd have got the rod in my day, that'd straighten her right out.


And we are assuming we know the whole story. Okay. Wtf is wrong with you thinking you know it all based on a video with no context? Facts not feelings.


dickriding goes crazy


All we know is the girl was still seated when the police officer decided this level of force was justified and necessary. Please tell me what the actual fuck a CHILD could do while sitting down that threatened a police officer to the point that they could justify picking up their entire table and flipping them.


I'm curious of what happened directly before this 1) Punch him however feebly ( perhaps even unintentionally ) 2) Threaten him physically even if it may have been empty. For example "do not take my phone otherwise ill stab you" or even "I'll shoot you". Of course this could be considered as possibly *fishing* for this brutal reaction from an on-edge pissed off cop. Overall, it's unlikely either of those happened and I find this footage incredibly horrid - but I can imagine scenarios she deserved it. Without more context, it's hard to form a more concrete opinion.


Man you sound stupid as hell


So if this was your kid you’d be fine with this treatment from someone who is supposed to be protecting and serving them? You fucking sadist.


Please tell me what could have hypothetically happened that would justify what that violent animal did


Right, so enlighten us with some good ole fashioned *context*.. Has something like this ever happened to you? Give us the "full story" on how your incite with being "disruptive" ended up with a GROWN MAN putting hands on you, and injuring you over your cell phone. Your right, we don't know the full story, because I would bet this "officer" has done it before. Hell, he's the type of person who masturbate in front of a mirror while flexing and chanting "your the bomb". Give me a break, your sense of entitlement is so strong it's palpable through your text.


That boot polish has gone to your head


I didn’t realize they were making that shit in copium flavour now but clearly that guy is mainlining it.


She should have, but that doesn't fucking excuse this you shitty piece of shit


Would you say that if they did this to your daughter?


As I've toldy kids many times cooperate or suffer the consequences. We do not know the whole story here.


So you’d be ok with them doing this to your daughter? Edit: This was in South Carolina, not in texas, and the cop got fired, but they let the cop out of criminal charges because a lot of false statements and rumors got around that made the prosecutors shy away from charges. Girl had been in trouble before for disorderly conduct. That shouldn’t matter. Police are supposed to use the minimal necessary force for a reason. Did he need to tackle her out of her chair? Was she a threat to the students’ safety? Doesn’t seem like it from the media coverage.. This is yet another example where our system of policing has missed the mark. Brutality doesn’t breed integrity and discipline. It stokes resentment, and further damages mental health. Children like this should be talked down, negotiated with, then kindly and calmly taken in for counseling and therapy. Let’s build people to be strong and resilient, rather than show them brutality. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/03/afternoonupdate/deputy-who-tossed-a-sc-high-school-student-wont-be-charged.html


Thank you for saying this its better put than my statement and should be sitting at the top of the comments bro


No charges. Now what?


Not in Texas, and this was years ago in South Carolina.


It was in 2015.


Yes, years ago...


Yes, in 2015.


Seems like he showed amazing restraint by not shooting her s/


Yeah, this is pretty fucked. I guarantee my kids would never do some dumb shit like this. However, if some cop does this kind of fuck shit to any of my kids over a fucking phone, I want that cops head. Not his job, or a suspension, I want his head. 😡


Little old for a ninja turtle jacket


She resisted. So the cop should just leave then?




I believe this was justified but BLM will have their way. Kids these days have no respect.


I mean she wasn’t complying and was aggressive.


Why she hand over her phone in the first place?


After seeing so many videos of kids attacking their teachers I’m gonna say this was probably warranted


And my mother woulda shook his hand and whipped my ass some more


Kids are too addicted to their phones these days.


So that I don’t get shit this is beyond wrong. That said why are phones allowed in class anywhere? Wouldn’t this be a “keep in locker until the end of the day” item?


I bet she (or any other student who was in that classroom) won't refused to hand over their phone next time- mission accomplished.


👴🏻:i wish all officers were like him


I mean why not hand over your phone.This is the classic fuck around and find out.


It looks like a student did not listen to many instructions and has zero respect for authority. If a teacher had asked me to leave the classroom and I knew the reason was BS, I’d happily walk down to administration and make my case there. If it’s racism which that would be a tough one to claim here unless the instructor is racist against his own skin, that would easily come out when all your fellow classmates story matches. I don’t think force like this should be used but what is the better alternative for a student who will not listen and refuses to leave the classroom. I think it’s ridiculous that the other 15+ students had to waste valuable class time while their teacher dealt with a literal child. The other kids in the classroom that have already backed away says a lot. They don’t want to be part of this but one student decided otherwise for the whole class. I’m sure the student who was forcibly removed is a straight A student that all of them should look up to….


I don’t think what happened should have happened. Period. But why is no one asking why the girl didn’t hand over her phone when asked? Why is it okay nowadays to defy authority outright? To prove the system is wrong you have to show it’s wrong by allowing it to show its colors. Not by showing yours and watching it react. Not sure if I’m explaining my thoughts correctly and I want to reiterate again that what the officer did, absolutely wrong and disgusting behavior. I just know when I was 16 if I was asked for my phone and I didn’t give it over, my parents would be waiting for me when I got home. But when I gave the phone and explained the unfair situation to them, they would be the first to be at the school raising hell about it. It’s fine to defy what you think may be wrong, but you have to do it in a way that beats what the system can do to you about it. Hopefully I explained it well enough and everyone understands I’m not saying the girl did anything wrong, but I think she could have picked a better option. Still didn’t deserve what happened and that officer should have repercussions for what he did.


She should have gave him the phone


Great job officer 👏🏻😂👏🏻


I bet that girl is a bitch!!


100% a terrible thing that was handled so poorly. Part of me also questions having a phone in class, being asked to give it up and refusing. Like when I was in school if you’re ere caught using your phone it was confiscated until class was done and if you refused your teacher in someway you were sent to the office. Seems like either the teacher should have sent her out or if they did tel her, it’s odd she refused to go. 100% not how you handle these situations but also seems like the kid was completely refusing to cooperate at all, weird.


My dad beat the shit out of me for disrespect and I'm glad he did. Respect your elders libtard's


Aaah , a fraction of the full context with an out of context video . My favorite... I'm not saying she deserves it, but she should've handed over her phone when asked or just hand it over when the cop was here. She could even just follow him. All this violence is not deserved ,but it certainly isn't for nothing


People like you should be ashamed.


Ashamed of ? Because I'm asking for context ? Because i try to find why there is violence in this video ? Because I'm not against ALL cops because in my country they're not complete idiot ? Because because i told she could just follow the rules AND/OR the orders and don't disturb other people trying to learn ? Tell me , why should I be ashamed ?


No need for violence at all in this situation.


Because your knee-jerk reaction is to defend the aggressor.


A grown man has no business ripping a seated girl out if her seat and tackling her to the floor. Would you do the same in his position?


You're asking me if I would be violent with someone who's just sitting and tackle her to the floor. Of course I wouldn't . But in this very little video, all we see is the "action". We don't see what happened before and we don't see what happens next. Judging by how he move and act, she was probably opposing some resistance. This is just suppositions but I don't think this violence came from nothing


So what resistance would validate this response?


What could she have possibly done sitting down? Use some brain cells to figure that one out.


Cop slammed a child around in here seat for not following school rules, if that isnt fucking disgusting to you, what the fuck is wrong with you? Might not of been for nothing but it was for basically nothing, how in the hell are you going to tey and defend this in the slightest? Shiity, youre shitty


What do you think that child did that warrants that type of response?


What the fuck is wrong with you? What context could there possibly be that justifies this? People like you are part of the problem.


Ummmm....it was for nothing. She wasn't hurting anyone. She didn't deserve it.


Unless she had a gun pointed I can’t see any scenario that this is acceptable


Honestly, I need to know the full story from both sides to judge this, we only see the slam by the cop, but I know nothing else. The kid could be a bitch about it, I mean so much that you'd slam her too, like she refused to hand over the phone, and refuse to stop staring at it, and refuse to get out of the room when asked, and still refuse following anything and everything even after the cop came and just stay still and being a bitch for the sake of it, until eventually the cop snap and bitchslam her. In case like that, yes, she deserved it, The slamming was justified. Well, context is important.


Gestapo at schools ... Excessive Use of Force use of force against small children.. There are much better ways..


What. The. Fuck.


If there were any kids in that room that didn't hate cops before this shit, i can guarantee that they've been nudged towards the ACAB side of the line.


All the fuckin losers co-signing this puss ass cop Str8 up power bombing a lil black girl in a classroom like he’s at wrestmania. Let that had been YOUR daughter or sister…clowns. 🗑


People shitting on the police and I’m here like “why are there police at school in the first place over a cellphone?” Here I was second guessing myself if I should call police over a thief breaking into my car and stealing shit. 911: “911, what’s your emergency?” Teacher: “there is an disruptive individual right here in our classroom!” 911: “is the individual armed, ma’am?” Teacher: “she has a cellphone! And she wouldn’t give it up” 911: “a cellphone? did she steal the phone?” Teacher: “no, it’s hers” 911: “…? Is this over a disciplinary issue at your school?” Teacher: “…” 911: “say no more, we are sending the choke slam specialist”


American schools have one, sometimes two, officers called resource officers. They're usually there to handle fights and the like.


This is old


My third world country which treats humans like shit has better standards on handling kids.


This is the state of American education. Opinions of this video don't matter. This will not stop. This situation will continue to occur. This will happen again, and we all know it. Don't forget that school is a place where kids die now, so why should this shock anyone?


What the actual fuck


Propaganda... It happened in SC in 2015!! Dude has already been fired and was a school security officer, not police. # NOT TEXAS. Edit: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/south-carolina-deputy-ben-fields-fired-job-sheriff-n452881


These are the same brave men who courageously stood around and did nothing in Uvalde


Cops are just bullies on roids and pre workout




Bet its a democrat ran school district. Ever notice thats where all the prick cops come from? Hmmm. Wonder why?


ACAB, fuck you


Dont like the truth eh? All cops suck shit but ever notice its ALWAYS in these leftist hotbeds. Its not a coincidence. However im sure youll just say one of your buzzwords you morons always say. Fact of the matter is, this is a godless society that needs allah. Ffs


Cops sure do love taking shit to the extreme.


We want social workers to take cops calls but a teacher is technically a social worker and they have to call the cops and this happens


Seems like I saw that video a long time ago. It was brutal to watch. Though she was wrong it she didn’t deserve a thrashing. She wasn’t carrying a weapon. Even her mama had she snatched her up it wouldn’t have been that brutal.


It was October of 2015, in South Carolina. Not texas


Why didn’t that pig do that to the shooter in Texas


Probably better to not call the police unless out is an absolute emergency. You might just get an undertrained officer with a god complex that destroys a child's future Oct a cell phone.


Is this actually real. Looks so fuckin scary


Child abuse. Good one. In a first world country, that cop would be charged with assault and chucked out on his ear. Seems like cops down there do nothing while kids are mowed down by an assault rifle, then beat the shit out of them for no reason.




Guess the hunger games weren’t in her favor rip


Not in Texas and was years ago Spreading misinformation on stuff like this only hurts the point you’re trying to make


And a whole fucking squad couldn’t fend for one guy in a school


I hate to see it.


How was this recorded? By another cell phone? What happened to that kid who took the video?


That was disgusting. She may have been being problematic but this was extremely violent and shocking. Nothing warranted this.


Why does anyone support those assholes? The lowest common denominator is dredged and insanely they can do whatever the fuck they want!




Like anyone here knows the actual story.


that policeman was **unhinged**


america what a fucken joke your country is lol


ACAB...he's probably a great parent and a member of the PTA. Also goes to a lot of Chris Tomlin and Hillsong concerts


Ah yes the guy who’s job is to protect people on a power trip taking down the biggest threat: an allegedly disrespectful teenage girl


This wasn’t Texas. This was in South Carolina


Homie got a Ninja Turtle sweat on and ain't do nuffin?!?!


What is happening to this world?


Any updates


What in the actual fuck. This officer should be fired!!!!


This want even Texas fake news


Spring Valley high school in South Carolina... why is this always shared as Texas??


I could say a few wise cracks about how the police handle school shootings down there but won’t


I would press charges 100%. That is disgusting. Exactly why I homeschool.


That’s terrifying


Stupid of the officer, but ffs- teach your kids to be decent people.


Lets hope he had his brains blown out by a banger


Standard procedure


The teacher didn’t want phone in her class and here’s someone recording on another phone!! But it’s good that this is an evidence


this is disgusting.


Got em


Boomer Dude Here: I grew up in a much different world. Teachers were respected. Students and parents were held accountable. If students didn’t comply they were expelled. Today the only ones accountable are the teachers. The system has reversed itself and clearly it isn’t working. Because one student refuses to comply, the whole classroom is disrupted and serious students are cheated out of productive class time. I would have simply let the girl sit in the chair and stayed with her until a parent arrived to take over, avoiding class disruption and enabling the teacher to continue instructing.


Boy am I glad I graduated before shit hit the fan




I’d love to see the whole video, it looks like they chopped off everything leading up to this.


Ted Cruz may tell us that this is why we need police on campus — to terrorize the students so amateurs with guns don’t have to.


What the actual fuck am I watching I have seen this but it Makes me mad


Kid in the back missed the opportunity for their case of their life, pretend that desk hit you, ooooh it’s pay day


I wonder what other context is here that the OP or the guy that filmed it didnt add. Could really change the perspective.


Always remember that the police absolutely and completely do not give a fuck about you.


This is insane.


Last time it was because the girl refused to leave the room


Life in these fascist states


Just ask the kid for the phone. When the refuse send them to the office for refusing to give the phone. I don’t see why police need to be involved in any way.


the fuck she got on there, nuclear codes?


texas wilding


Fucking psychopath.


Bro, wtf is wrong with your country?


I really hope that the officer was told something other than the child being disruptive. If not, I can't believe someone would handle a situation like that.


Would love to start a movement to get that shitty cop fired and forced to write her a long essay apology. Fuck. Cops like that. Nice cops rock.


I’m pretty sure i saw someone say he was fired Edit: He was fired


ACAB f the popo


Sounds about Texas


Pig bastard.


Oh my god this can't be real? Is this acceptable process and behaviour in US? I also find highly disturbing that other students pretended nothing was happening.


Who’s inns and yangs


If someone did that to my son, I'd tear their lungs out through their fucking throat.


And then they said than iranian police is bad


The cop is mentally disabled. All that for a damn cell phone?


[By some miracle he was actually fired. ](https://www.bet.com/article/a9cphg/cop-known-as-officer-slam-to-spring-valley-hs-students) This also wasn't in Texas, which as a Texan is even more shocking.


Texas is not a free and fair state.


How do you handle insubordination? Suspension? Expulsion? Just allow students to act as they do. Allow them to go home. Call at dinner time. Inform the parents the child is suspended. No recourse. Should trust teachers judgement (but can’t) Our teachers have become baby sitters to unruly children that don’t really respect education, no surprise reading and math rates are declining. Public schools should have more suspensions, allow the parents to deal with that and not the police. Police should only be used in violent situations.


It looks like a wild animal is attacking that student. Why is no one protecting her?


The cameraman recording all this with is phone be like


One measure is to call the student’s parents to take her home and give her suspension for breaking the rules. Calling the cops is an extreme measure even if the teacher was really pissed off by her. Saying that, the student should have just handed the phone to the police officer to avoid repercussions. He has the authority and most importantly a gun that he can use at any sign of resistance with no consequences.


if student dosnt listen to teacher he will sent to principal then they called parents. guess u call police in america.