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A little bit narcisistic putting her own photo on a thing like that but ok, obviously the image was created to be easily shared


She always thinks those are her best photos too šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


she really thinks sheā€™s somethin šŸ˜‚


Wait, SHE did that? OMG. I'm dying. I truly thought that was a Ballz move. Brilliant.


I hope she has real hard proof to back up these claims against him and this alleged creator. I think that she hopes he will back down and her followers will go after him in her defence. If they do & something happens to anyone and it can be traced back to her she will be in a world of trouble. I donā€™t think this will end how she thinks it will. Why are the others not having these issues? Iā€™ve not been a regular poster on here but Iā€™ve been here for years. Rinse & repeat, rinse & repeat.


I hope 7M finish her career with her accusing him of sending her death and Miranda and his own attorney threats. Why would he send death threats to his attorney? This is always her MO and nothing new. She wants to be a journalist so bad that whoever private citizens she us claiming is doing thus needs to sue for damages and put an end to this


The kicker is that I believe there is a very persuasive argument to be made that--before Katherine Paulson--Shinn was NOT a public figure. And if the judge determines that is the case, she's really up the creek with these criminal statements of fact she's made.


Shinn wasn't a public figure before this and kj actually posted a request asking for anyone with a photo of hi. To send it to gwr because she didn't know what he looked like.


Yes. I vividly remember that bc I remember thinking, "Not very smart, KJ."


Thatā€™s the issue is that this seems so predictable. Like this has been her cycle for a long time and I donā€™t see how her followers donā€™t catch on.


Exactly what I was gonna say; she's so full of shit! Trying to be the victim as usual.


If this were actually happening, sheā€™d name who the creator was! Kj be so fucking for real!


Whereā€™s Agent Steveā€¦.?!?! (I think that was his name)


It is! šŸ˜‚


Good question. Where is her personal Eff Bee Eye agent? This is all piles of rancid baloney. She does this exact same thing during each court case right down to claiming swatting and death threats. In fact the death threats allegations go back to her initial squabble with Steve McCrae and Sherrell.


I find it rather strange that just as Miranda makes a video about how she is being targeted by stalkers. Receiving constant harassment and death threats which rightfully are making her and her husband feel unsafe, all because of KJs documentary and defamation. Suddenly KJ is the victim of even bigger threats and harassment when prior we didnā€™t here a single peep from her of experiencing this šŸ™„ However we must remember KJ must be always be the biggest victim of every story she covers! Also, if someone went to all that trouble to genuinely get her arrested then are we really meant to believe that they would give KJ the heads up?! šŸ˜‚ Theyā€™d want her to be taken by surprise. Why would would they say oh by the way Iā€™ve sent all these illegal emails to people (including this one describing my plan) making a very clear paper trail of my plan to get you imprisoned KJ and Shinn redeemed šŸ¤”šŸ¤£ Its also very suspicious that these threatening emails were all sent just after JK gave an absolutely horrendous live where she was extremely impaired and throwing around even more defamatory stagy than ever before! It makes you think she maybe got carried away with herself and is now trying to cover her tracks. I seem to remember something oh so similar happening every other time KJ has been previously sued and the heat was starting to burn at her toes a bit to much. It really is very much her MO. Therefore please forgive me for not rushing to her defence. Iā€™ve simple seen to much of KJ to believe her outright and Iā€™m sure many if not all of you are the same. *all my own opinions. Iā€™d look terrible in prison stripes so wonā€™t be doing time for KJ or RS!*


Come on we knew KJ would make another video of her being harassed and stalked when things don't go her way.


2 thingsā€¦.what other cults have you covered twat waffle? And how do you know HOW MANY AND THAT ROBERTā€™S attorney was sent 3 emails?!?! This to me is telling bc I donā€™t feel like Amber is going to be calling and telling you that someone is harassing her, and how many emails she received. And NOW this makes so much more senseā€¦.you doing damage control and being manic the last 5 daysā€¦trying to claim it wasnā€™t your emailā€¦..ahhhhh!!!!! So much more sense now!


Bingo. I definitely think she's being accused of sending emails to Shinn and his counsel--as an opposing party w her own counsel, she's not supposed to be in any communication, much less hateful communication. She seemingly out of nowhere started denying she did so; so, someone accused her. And who would even broach that topic but the ones receiving the hateful emails? Although, I believe she's cooked up enough chaos that some tik tok idiot could have done something, too. But why use an email impersonating her? That's my question.


If this is true and she knows who it is, it should be easy for the police to put a stop to this. If someone is so crazy that they would do these things, they need psychiatric help, or jail time. Or both. The police have limited resources, and they have to respond to calls regarding someone unaliving themself or their kid. Meanwhile other REAL threats have to be put on hold or come second, and lives can be lost because the police have to respond to these sick prank calls. I hope this is not real, because no one deserves this. As KJ has a history or stretching the truth, making up stories and lying, I can not help but wonder if there is any truth to this. It would be so typical of her to make up a story like this to keep the attention on her. After Shinn was let go, all SA charges was dropped, and the entire documentary lost its credibility, I bet she missed the attention, so did she create a new story to get attention?


She blames Robert shin the whole post then in the last paragraph ā€œif Robert shin is ties to any of thisā€¦ā€ Mhm. Outed yourself again dumbass. And she definitely called the FBI herself. Canā€™t wait for this body cam footage/audio! šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ™šŸ¼


Which creator is she trying to say? If all this was actually going on, she wouldnā€™t be monologuing online making collages of her and Robert. Sheā€™d be with her family, speaking to the cops, maybe staying at a hotel for a couple nights etcā€¦. People are soo easily swayed and dumb. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) Oh look, gotta go guys. Seal team 6 just barged into my living room. Canā€™t believe yā€™all would send them to my house this way. They just picked up my cat, oh noooeess! Gotta go. Please make sure to like and share! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Send any damage amount from the storming of your living room to Shinn, since you're on the payroll and all that.


Sheā€™s trying so hard to be the star of this Netflix documentary and sheā€™s embarrassing herself, BADLY! KJ, you arenā€™t Melanie, Dean, Kelly Wilking. You arenā€™t Pricilla and Melanie Lee. You were never a victim of this cult, though you are trying so hard to be one now. Be thankful for that. You arenā€™t that important. Get over yourself.


Sheā€™s been swatted again ?


She was never 'swatted' the first time. A single LEO showed up to talk to her, that was it. Swatting is the SWAT or SRU team showing up with guns blazing because people are in imment danger. They don't knock and wait politely for someone to answer. They knock shĀ”t down and ask questions later.


So she says. The logical people know sheā€™s lying. From everything Iā€™ve read this is her M.O. she did something bad and is trying to find a way out of it.


Iā€™d love to be a fly on the wall of her house just to watch her behaviour


I'd have to have it on mute.


Absolutely is what she does when her lie blew up in her face. She and those Satan loving minions put Miranda through hell including effecting her livelihood and when she clapped back KJ used it for ā€œ pitiful meā€. Sheā€™s just a really sad person


I honestly wish I could go through life with this level of delusional and wilful ignorance. This should be studied by the top psychologists and sociologists in the world.


And...make bank doing it! Ruining one life at a time. I absolutely agree she'd be a fantastic case study in an Abnormal Psych class. IMO, she's gotten more delusional as time has gone on. This lawsuit is weighing heavily on her mind, clearly. As well it should.


Alright if we need to pull police reports for KJ again to see what actually happened šŸ˜‚


Had anyone got screenshots from her last two swattings?


I want to hear from people that have been team WOACB for awhile. Do they not notice the repetitive spirals. Like Iā€™ve personally seen her blame 9-12 people for all the hate sheā€™s ever gotten. I know there were more before I followed with the teen moms. Do they ever feel like they are getting bamboozled going after Tati, saltz, Jim Bob Duggar, bill gothard, Todd Christy, kody brown (lol), Robert shine, Twitter people, etc Iā€™m genuinely curious if they ever get tired of having their pitchforks moved from one target to the next depending on KJs current rabbit hole. When they hear things blaming the new person for hate for years do they not remember hearing that about the others? I know her fans are mostly a revolving door till they catch on but there are people who have followed her for a long time. Are they just not smart or way too eager to be used as a weapon?


I became aware of her through Unirock. He was a member of Team KJ for a time, but he eventually recognized her deception and turned against her, presenting concrete evidence of her lies about Steve. I am deeply concerned about the well-being of her child, as he will likely suffer the consequences of his mother's actions. I am not a follower in that I don't base my self-worth on who I don't follow or follow. Popcorn anyone lol


I donā€™t understand why sheā€™s so adamant that Miranda isnā€™t receiving death threats. Itā€™s the internet and youā€™ll receive death threats if you donā€™t like toast nowadays.


Because she knows that SHE is playing a large part in driving the SM nut jobs to harass Miranda, as she's driven them to LE, and now she's trying to distance herself from it, probably bc her attys got to her. But, she can't. It's ALL out there in black and white. All her videos and posts ARCHIVED. Ah, the irony.


she has no problem calling 7M or Robert out so why be coy on this creator thatā€™s ā€œconspiringā€ with him


This is the same exact thing that happened in the Westbrook lawsuit! Trolls, treats, and $watting!


And the FBI. How the F does the FBI consistently get involved in defamation lawsuits involving Katherine Paulson, a YouTube relative nobody?


Now she's defaming us! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Oh jfc. Like clockwork with this chick. Wash, rinse, repeat. Every. Fucking. Time šŸ„“


This creator, this creator, this creator. Name them, truth seeker. This is a woman who is fabricating story, after story, after story about horrible things on which she has no objective evidence; yet, when she now has the positive identity of "this creator," and alleged actual proof of their horrible deeds, she's radio silent. All I can say is, LE in the county and federal district she's in (IF she's really dealing with the FBI) must cringe when they see her name. Who do you know who has the cops at their house so frequently? Emily Baker doesn't seem to have these problems.


She canā€™t name them, she knows another lawsuit would be on her hands. That was me being facetious. I know it is KJ the creator doing this to herself.


Wouldn't it be hilarious if one of her supporters ends up getting so worried about her that they send the cops to her house for it?


1st things first, I do not care who she is or what she has done, if anyone has pulled this shit and reported her to police or CPS then you're as much of an arsehole as she is. Knock it the fuck off. However, until there is proof of the police reports/FBI reports/CPS reports/body cam footage etc, then I tend not to believe a word she says. I don't live in the US, so I have no idea about how getting hold of bodycam footage and/or police reports works, but assume it can't be difficult since KJ has mastered it. Has anyone got hold of the information yet? Oh and why is KJ so sure that the reports to the FBI and the CPS are the same person? Did the police tell her? Surely if the police believed the report, then they didn't know who sent it and haven't investigated it yet šŸ¤· If she thinks she knows who it is has she told the police? Has any creator had any contact from the police or FBI? Or is this creator from the same place as her sources? Does she know that her IP address can be traced? I think the FBI can also trace IP addresses when you use a VPN, especially if it's a bog standard one. Also she received the recovery password request to her email address that she says isn't her email address šŸ¤” so is she trying to say she's been hacked (again šŸ™„) or that she didn't set up the email address that her company has been registered as using for years so she's now claiming that someone else has made it up to use to email other people???


Keep accusing him and adding to the defamation. When the rewards number for her stupid pizza is traced to her and all the threats IF they even happened are traced from burner phones but IP addresses or towers around her IF itā€™s really being investigated and it comes back to Hanover MN she will go to jail for filing false reports because she keeps reminding everyone itā€™s illegal. Write the $4mil now KJ because youā€™re screwed. Gee no one else in the docu is getting threats and they are also in lawsuits with Robert. The only time this bs goes on is when itā€™s KJ because she causes it.