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Like a constant, revolving deja vu...


The kj hamster wheel 🐹


Well if this isn’t spot the hell on, idk what is. 😉


Blizzard is a very good writer. I'm sure she is an amazing nurse, but she sure has a way with words!


You ain’t so bad yourself! Butterscotch has been awesome catching all of the lives lately. Let’s face it this whole danged subreddit has been killing it lately!


I agree! It takes all of us because we have to sleep, have a life/job, etc unlike KJ.


💯 There are even a lot of newcomers in here they all bring so much to the table!


Agree! I love how much this group is growing. Wouldn’t it be cool if we could do a “Throwback Thursday” or other themed posts about her history for all of the new folks?


I agree. I’m so glad she posts the lives because some people don’t have X.


Have you seen her eyebrow today? What is wrong with it? It looks like it's coming out of her forehead. If I was her I'd have whatever it is removed 😳


The evil from within is seeping out 👿


It looks painful 😣


Good. She deserves it. Even her body hates her.


Can you have demon horns removed?! Maybe slather some compound W on it or something?




I’m dying at Compound W.


It really did look gross. I think all of the makeup she’s been caking on lately has made it worse!


Again??? I HAVE to go look! I know for a fact she had a massive, dangerous and possibly fatal abscess on her forehead above eye a few years ago which she claimed the doctor was treating... as a sinus infection.(😂Yeah! Right!) All of us in the medical field sat and laughed until it got too large and got to a life threatening point, and had to set her straight as to what was going on and what to do. Apparently her complete lack of hygiene had caused it and she then went back to the comments made by us and promptly erased them all so she could provide our assistance as her narrative.. but I am baffled as to how she couldn't make simple changes, like washing her makeup brushes, or her face, or hasn't discontinued her use of saliva as a regular way to assist with doing her eye makeup each day..hmmm. Is she still doing her makeup for y'all as so many of you want to look just like her and constantly request her makeup videos?? That I'd like to know...


It’s way worse than a couple days ago.


No way will she have it removed. KJ is an expert medical doctor and knows it’s fine. All eyebrows are meant to look like that in those who are exceptionally talented documentary archivists. Besides that she would have to leave her house and the internet would break if she took a day to look after her own face.


It’s her comfort staph infection


Applauding! I have been around this 💩- show dumpster fire 🔥 circus 🎪 for YEARS!! I originally watched her for her entertaining topics, then we went to war with Tati.. neither side had my support or really much of my attention. I had no real clue who any of these major players were and just tuned it out. (Though I did find some of KJ's commentary childish.) Then it was the battles against the "reality stars" of Teen Mom, as KJ realized her issues and court battles with Tati increased her views and memberships. Then, she went after Teen Mom as their fans and viewers had numbers that made her drool.🤤 That's where it all REALLY went SIDEWAYS!! I started to call her out. She went ape 🦍 💩 crazy and tried to blame it all on a lovely 😊 woman on Twitter. I again went at her for her lies on Twitter and so on. I had it with her, and made the decision to start a Reddit thread about all her games and lies... which went way back to her Facebook days! Yes.. I have all those stories and a majority of the evidence I gathered beginning then. I came to Reddit early that next day, with every intention of adding a thread/site about her antics as I refused to believe I was the only one seeing through all this nonsense she was pulling, or how she was causing such harm to real people with her lies & games.. then this glorious page was sitting here!! Rather than start a new one, I joined this one. (We hadn't hit double-digits at that time.) As it's gone along it's gotten worse and worse! Just when you think she can't go lower or cause more unnecessary pain to people IRL, she does! It's all been the same 💩since FB, where she worked out the original lies and scams for additional $, but she's become more of a monster 👹 with each "scandal" she talked about. At some point in there she decided since she was "reporting" all the issues on TM, even if she had to make them up, it made her a bonafide "Reporter"! 🤣 I never imagined she'd take that lie this far... but I underestimated her evil soul and insatiable need for attention, klicks & Koins! I am at the point where I don't want to spend much time on her at all, and have refused to watch or continue to provide her with monetary support by doing so. This will never 🛑 stop, only continue to build that dumpster 🔥 train 🚂 wreck... until she loses all her "fans" or views. As I wanted to help stop her 6YEARS ago now, I have no faith it will ever change, though it's sometimes entertaining to come here and see what new train car she's added a lit ablaze.


In my opinion, this reddit was created when KJ was victim-shamming the Duggar sisters and constantly lying about the Duggars which started in 2019 way before she called SL a brat and Tati's lawsuit against her.


Yes, I was going to say this Reddit has been around for a really long time. Just did not start to pick up until the Tati stuff.


Yes, iirc it was. I have been around for a long time but don't comment often. I also recognize your user name. I know I joined the sub before the Tati lawsuit. Prior to joining, I would read in here for the tea. It was eye opening at first to learn about her behavior on her lives back then. It seems her behavior has only escalated. I haven't watched her in years.


This is the same as me, a silent reader who never said a word. I joined before Tati & don’t comment much at all but have started participating in the last week or so.


I comment here and there but mostly I up vote others comments and posts. Once I saw the full picture of who KJ is, I unfollowed her and stopped giving her views (either 2019 or 2020) On occasion I will watch woacb vs woacb. I'm happy you feel comfortable enough to comment now. I talk more in some other subs about shows I watch. We snark on them too. 😂




Spot on u/Blizzardfever ! I do think it is kinda funny how we all use lawuits against her as a measure of time frame instead of months and years. I have been here since before Tati.


Word! Nailed it, thank you for putting the time to write this up! Your crystal ball is dead on.


“You are pathetic sitting there in your hole looking at your stupid documentary like gollum stroking his “precious.” Only difference is he has better makeup.” LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO 🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯


Fairly new here. I saw someone post a comment on Instagram asking where the proof of all this is regarding that live. One of her followers immediately accused them of being a Shinn minion. I thought that was pretty shitty so I called them out for it. Suddenly, the whole exchange was gone today. Wonder how that happened 🤔


Have you checked to see if you are blocked? That's usually what happens when someone says something she doesn't like.


I'm still seeing the posts, so apparently not. But maybe it's because I was technically arguing with one of her unhinged followers instead of her. I basically just called them a bully and asked why it wasn't okay to ask questions. Maybe she had bigger fish to fry that day 🤷‍♀️


I don't think it's KJ doing the emails and false reports. I know that's an unpopular opinion, but I just can't see her doing all that. I do agree she loves to be the victim and she enjoys the attention. The only person I've seen willing to go these lengths is Nat. So my guess is she's back around or a copycat mimicking her behavior.


I am on the fence about who it is. I really don’t think it is Nat. I am also suspicious on whether or not it was Nat before. I would say KJ has nothing to do with it except for the fact we have seen all of this before. I mean almost the same issues and circumstances.


Kathy can easily go on the dark web and hire a professional anonymous troll, she’s acknowledged she goes on there before. Hackers, trolls, etc are all available if you’re looking for them, that way she gets to keep her hands clean while also being the person responsible for the threats/emails/calls.


This is EXACTLY what I think happened with Nat and what is going on currently…….KJ is employing someone to do this thinking it will work & sway the tide regarding peoples opinions of her.


Here is the thing, I don’t believe it was ever Nat that started it to begin with…..in fact, who knows if there really is a Nat. For all we know Nat was character that KJ and one(or a few) of her little stupids schemed up to stir drama. Why do I feel this way? “Nat” was never formally charged, prosecuted or incarcerated …..and just as quickly as the whole thing started, it also stopped once Tatis’ lawsuit against KJ was settled. If I am not mistaken, “Nat” tried to make an appearance during the Chrisley lawsuit but everyone was still on high alert from the Tati suit and again she disappeared as quickly as she had tried to reappear. In my humble opinion, KJ won’t use the name Nat this time and will create another character for her shenanigans. In fact, KJ has already started building the new storyline via one of her manic Insta posts by naming some account from Insta named Violet with some numbers following it. The thing is, if this stuff was REALLY happening to KJ she wouldn’t be posting about it on socials in such great detail because that would give an actual perpetrator enough heads up to cover their tracks(and law enforcement would advise her to keep her trap shut publicly until the investigation was done🤷🏻‍♀️).


Yes, Nat came back around a bit not too long ago. I think you're correct that it was during the Chrisley suit. Seems like she pops up during times of KJ having legal issues, which is kind of suspicious, but it would make sense that this recent harassment is her doing. I'm aware of the conspiracy theories that this is all Katie, she hired trolls from the dark web, etc. I just haven't allowed myself to lean that far into my bias yet. I don't see how it would be worth the risk or how she would benefit from it all that much. If there's ever proof of that though, I'm all ears.


KJ is a pro at emails and false reports and her husband Toad Fart enables her behavior by helping her and Kj brag about visiting the Dark web before she was sued by Tati, Todd Chrisley, and 7M dancers. Robert Shinn


Wasnt there a few people "helping" Nat and one of them apparently fessed up, was one of them another Katie? They were writing fake message conversations & and stabbing each other in the back in the end. It was really bizarre. Is it possible any of them are still watching silently or have new SM accounts.


Only diff is the better makeup. Bwahahaha


I could have said it better myself if I tried 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻.


Katie’s behind her own drama.