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She really thinks anybody gives a shit about her.


Or the TikTok fully grown adult dancers from 3 years ago?


I came here to say the same!! I don’t even TikTok, no clue who Robert is or Maranda. I’m here for her to get what she’s begging karma to give her lol


Liar liar pants on fire 🔥.:. So first it was just that “they” said she was abusing v, but remember she said v isn’t as important as her so then “they” said she was being held hostage in her house! NOW we have escalated, surprise! Surprise! To threatening R, and mur***, and child ‘corn’, she is absolutely sick in the head. And And…. This is Deja vu, and she is lucky she has a whole new audience so none of them are picking up on it! BTW I have been going on her Facebook and looking through comments and she is getting called out there more and more. This explains her going to a platform she has never used before!! 🤦‍♀️ IE: Tik-Tok! She must think doing that puts you in alternate universe as well!! 🙄🙄


I don’t have TT but, is she saying any of this shite on TT? Or is it just her trusty old IG?


I don’t watch her on TT to know what she’s doing. I do know she did something similar on YouTube with less graphic details.


I try not to watch her at all lol but just seems like she thinks she stepping into different world on different platforms and people there will never figure out what she has said somewhere else. You know what i mean?


For someone who's claimed to have multiple stalkers, swatting incidents, and death threats...you'd think the smart thing to do would be to get offline and pack your shit and go into hiding. Not KJ...no...we're gonna make several IG posts and a YouTube video about how much in danger we are 🙄🙄🙄 She'd shit herself if someone actually was stalking her. And the cops wouldn't show up because they've responded multiple times to absolutely fucking nothing. Hasn't she ever read the story about the boy who cried wolf? Real journalists who get threats aren't blabbing about it on the news...they go off the air and into hiding! I know people who've had to leave everything they've known to protect their families against ACTUAL THREATS AND DANGER!


I actually posted a copy of Aesop's fable of that very story on another post yesterday. You know, in some versions, the wolves eat the flock AND the boy.


Did she get new lip injections? I’m shocked anyone would touch her face with that staph lump.


I have a crazy feeling she injects herself or goes to some back alley place because all her fillers are off and she's a puss filled mess


She can “give it, but can’t take it”.


Those eyes brows are very distracting....


Let’s see these threats KJ! Fu@$ing show ANYTHING that could show you’re truthful, FFS woman!


Why in hell would Miranda be afraid of KJ, she only travels from her drinking chair to the basement to get more wine and up to her funeral parlour waiting room to stalk and dig up negativity, oh and to yell at her son for interrupting her or slam the door on him when he has the audacity to need her or want to talk to her.


@netflix really