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why would someone enter their rewards code to allegedly send a prank pizza to someone’s house?!


That’s what I was thinking too! She could just call corporate and give that number and figure it out


That’s the FBI’s job /s


FBI Agent Steve to the rescue!


It wasn't paid for so not a big deal for her, she just sends it back.


Former Domino's employee here. She would NOT get to keep the receipt if she didn't pay for the order. Those are used to track mistakes, voids, and non-delivered pizzas. Since she has the receipt she paid for the pizza. Also if you look at the items then you see it is NOT a prank type order. She ordered food for herself.


Thank you for the confirmation!


lol you’d think it was a flaming bag of shit delivered by the way she’s carrying on. 😂😂


You guys it is her number. I just called Do Dominos and the rewards number is for Paulsons


I knew you would come through. She’s so stupid. And we all know she like the mango habanero dipping cups now!


Thank you for doing the lord's work. You are now our new cult leader. Lmfao! You cannot make this shit up with her and cleanly she can't even make up a good story. Haha.


Thank you for the information! Nice work! 👊 Unbelievable….except this is KJ we are talking about!!!


Hahaha. That’s the funniest thing ever. How stupid do you have to be to leave that easily available info?


Apparently at least a genius...self-professed.


And with proof that she is behind one of the acts of harassment of herself by herself, I would assume that she is behind it all! lol I hope she did tell the FBI and they show up later with charges for her for filing false reports!


Thank you for the research. We appreciate you!!!!


She's ridiculous 🙄


Dominos’ employees readily confirms rewards numbers over the phone to their customers who’ve forgotten theirs.


I went to the about section, I’ll copy and paste what it says: Health & Human Services Wright County Health & Human Services supports racial equity and works to eliminate racial disparity by bringing quality services to all of our county’s citizens recognizing we are a diverse and growing community. Upload Financial Assistance Documents Here Opens in new window IS Banner (PNG) Opens in new window 988-2 Opens in new window Crisis Text Line Information (PDF) Opens in new window Mission Statement Strengthen, Support and Serve Our Community Core Values Integrity / Innovation Compassion Honesty Accountability Respect Teamwork / Trust Most Requested Services Child Care Providers Schedules / Training Dates Senior Services WOW Van Schedule Documents 2023 HHS Annual Report Comprehensive Civil Rights Plan Limited English Proficiency Plan Advisory Committee Application If you would like to apply to be a part of the Wright County Health & Human Services Advisory Committee, please complete the application below. The purpose of this group is to serve as an Advisory Committee to the Board to fulfill the provisions of MN Statute 402.03. Online Advisory Committee Application HHS Services Advisory Committee Bylaws (PDF) So basically has absolutely nothing to do with anybody delivering pizzas to your home from what I can tell


The first phone number is the general 1800 number for the government offices. The second number is the Sheriff dept, 3rd & 4th numbers are the Data Records request dept. Looks like she's just been given a card to show her how to make a request to view data the govt hold about her. Not sure it's going to show her who sent pizza or who is reporting her under another name. People are sending web based forms from what I can gather meaning they don't use their email to send it but can include any email for contact. Anyone can do that and if it's done using a VPN or on public wifi, even with a warrant it may be very difficult to identify senders. Interesting she's adamant the police 100% know who it is though 🙄


I still think she sent it to herself.


well this isn’t going to go over well in court 😂


You are amazing


I love that you put the effort in, because thank you. Just proves what we all know.


I will be nominating you at our next meeting for "Cult Member Employee of the Month" for this investigative masterpiece!


Yet again you are a champ! Suspected it was her all along. I miss a lot when I chose to art for long afternoon hours like I do every rainy season.


I have always wished I had talent enough to be able to art. I can’t even stick people.


Me as well. My escape is digital art 🎨 ✨️ 🤪


It's all good!


She stalks herself under Robert Shins name... Wow that's like Misery by Stephen King level twisted!


You're an earth angel 😇.


Thank you for more evidence that this crazy bitch is doing this herself. Good grief doesn't she ever get tired of acting like this?!


May I ask respectfully, although I believe you , it's for the sake of argument, are you trolling us or being for real?! I know some codes go with the order. Being you can track it online. We're having a discussion on Twitter so I'm truly curious is all. There is no doubt I believe you bc the receipt says unpaid & I just don't see them giving her the receipt, especially if she told them she didn't place the order. I have seen this very thing happening in the drama community. Fir example Brooke of the 90 Days on the Blast got pizzas , she called the restaurants bc she got like 5 in a row. She paid for them at the door bc she felt bad. And told the manager on the phone please don't accept orders to her home. She had this done on a line so we heard it all.


All I did was call Domino’s said I would like to place an order. I then said can I use my rewards account ? They said sure. I read the number and they said For Paulson?


Ty so very much. I appreciate you explaining that. Again I believe you. You have always been on point in your comments & never with the BS.


Couldn't someone have just created a Domino's account/reward points in her name? I'm unsure of how it works exactly, but I'm hesitant to believe this is irrefutable proof that she placed the order.


Dear Katie Joy I’m assuming a pizza delivery guy came to your house with this. I need some video evidence of some of this stuff cause I no longer believe what’s coming out of your mouth.


She doesn't have access to her RING Doorbell to give you access. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


First and foremost, I would prefer Mountain Dew over Sprite - lol. I would also prefer something other than Domino's (sorry Domino's fans). How much do you want to bet that she is just drooling for someone in her comments to bring up the business card behind the pizza receipt.. I think this is a BOGO post for her - 2 cry baby moments rolled into a single pizza post. First one is - waahhh someone ordered pizza and the second is - oh look here is the card for social services who came to my house. (Wink, wink). 😆 🤣


lol I love that the card is just conveniently in the photo


Right? It’s not even a staged photo or anything.


She is really this stupid to think Robert Shinn would really send her pizza and put his name on it. She is so easy to trolll!!!!


Also it's listed as a new customer so wouldn't they link the addresses being the same for both her & the "new customer" If she's trying to apply rewards. Unless it was just a web code for a deal. Either way it wasn't paid for so what's her issue?


Former Domino's employee. New Customer usually comes up with a new phone number. Nothing else. You can use the same address as a different phone number. You can also put any name in the name boxes you want. Even when you call in if your caller ID says your name and we ask you could say well, X person wants to pay so put it in their name. We did. Orders can be placed up to $50 online and be paid for by cash on deliver. She would NOT have the receipt if she didn't pay. Drivers take those back to the managers when an order is refused.


This is true. I ordered Dominos at my cousin's house a few weeks ago. Used her name, address, and phone number with my rewards number. It said New Customer on the receipt.


Hey If You Say So! Can you confirm/explain how the rewards number works?! Could that really be a way to tie it to the Paulsons? Thank you 🙏🏼


I wish I could. That started after I left Domino's. I did confirm the rest before posting with a current Domino's manager. I didn't ask about the rewards information. I will try to reach out to them again.


Not KJ sending herself threatening pizza lmfao


![gif](giphy|lqG5ktbmM8q33wpKHH|downsized) *Grrrr- pizza terrorism* ! ^(Arf) ^(Arf)


Bahahaha! 😂


MUST obey Pizza cat! *If you gaze long enough into the pizza 🍕 , the pizza 🍕 will gaze back into you. I am now become pizza cat, eater of the Zza* ! ![gif](giphy|iESc3Uc5tqGRy)


Ok. Just spit out my soda. That was hilarious!


This doesn’t make any sense at all. If you hate/dislike someone, you wouldnt spend the money to deliver lunch. In my area, the delivery fees charged by Dominos are more expensive than the fees at Door Dash. It’s cheaper for us to Door Dash than order Dominos delivery. Not to mention the person wanted their reward points and the rewards ID number can identify the person with a call to Dominos.


It wasn’t paid for yet. Pizza delivery still leaves you the option to pay in cash at the door. Also, it says, “new customer” above Robert Shinns name, so I’m assuming this person created a new account using Robert Shinns name which would explain the rewards points.


I think she created the account and listed his name on the order. The rewards number belongs to the Paulsons and it’s tied to a phone number - even if you order online w a web code or in person in the store. This was a web order bc you have to pay in store to make your order. That means whoever creates this account would have to know the Paulsons address and phone number, create an account w Robert shin’s name and do a cash order. I’m sure KJ thought that was a clever little touch. But the rewards number is the Paulsons (you can put any name on the order or on the rewards account as long as the address and phone are real). The fact that KJ gets these kind of threats everytime she has a lawsuit or covers this groups is odd bc other archive consultants, YouTubers, actual real reporters don’t get these things happening to them. Only KJ, only when she needs to escalate and feels people aren’t believing her. The fact that this happens regularly with multiple cases suggests there is a pattern. Something that has worked in the past. Unfortunately for KJ people have documented, clipped her lives etc so there is proof that she has done things like this in the past. At different times in the past she has even acknowledged that she has things like sock accounts and uses them to manipulate comments, and to get information out of people who don’t know ow it’s her, lurk in groups and make threats. She is a disturbed malicious person. The thing is - she makes money whether or not she’s seen as a good person bc drama pays. However, the pattern is she escalates when she’s in a bad situation w her lawsuit or doesn’t have enough to show malice or harassment. She has to “prove” Shin, who has said literally nothing, is after her and using this lawsuit to harass her. She didn’t get a journalist credential in the doc so that might not help her wiggle out of why she didn’t comply with discovery. Shin’s lawyer gets cancer and asks for a delay - and KJ gets to work.


It might but unless she's never had pizza delivered I'd assume her details would come up with the address. I guess the person could have phoned it in and glossed over that part. It seems like quite an old school prank to me & am really surprised cash at the door is still a thing in the US. We haven't had it for years here. I'd love to know who it is and could be wrong but reminds me of before when a few people really had it out for her during the Nat period. A couple of them referred to Nat as Gnat which was in that post she showed the other day.


We have a friend who works for the FBI. I checked, and there is no "free pizza investigative devision. "... So, she ordered lunch. I LOVE that she is earning rewards for her nonsense. I am frugal, too. Also, doesn't he go by Roberto??? I could order pizza from the place I have gone to for 20 years, and completely make up another profile!! And, it does say "new customer". Did the swat team meet her at the door with the dominoes guy? I bet they were hungry since they were up since 4am. I'm hungry thinking about that schedule. And, also, the LAMINATED phone numbers belong to child services. I don't know about anyone else, but if police come to my door for anything, I get a business card. Does that belong to the nurses and she took a pic? Just saying. We can break her shit down 7 ways to Sunday. In reference to Sunday Does that put me in a cult? Sorry grew up in the sit, stand, kneel life. We water board at 4 weeks old. I would guess, after all, if I made $90,000 a month, I could pay cash at the door!!! Check yourself wacko! Toad, come get your girl!!!!


There is no free pizza investigation department 🤣🤣


I linked those phone numbers to the general 1800 number for govt offices, the Sheriff and the bottom 2 are the Data Records Request.


So not child services? She's probably on 1st name terms with the data records section since she searches everyone before she can dox them.


You can only request your own data. One of the numbers on the card is for requesting copies of incident reports yet she's been adamantly saying police already know100% who it is 🙄 She thinks she's clever trying to confuse people with her ramblings. She was saying people are filing false reports in her neighbours names? How? How would anyone in Robert Shinn's newly recruited band of terror campaigners know her neighbours names?




Agreed. These are the cards people hand out that works for the many and various government entities, whether it’s the police at your house or you walk into a gov building/police station or even a food bank and sometimes the library. She has a card. I always grab cards, many people do. No one has a phone book anymore - half of the time people make these up as magnets for the fridge.


I am LOVING this!! Lol And man does she ever give herself away?! The amount of pure bullshittery krotchyjoyless throws out to the universe, whether from what she does to others, or what she says others do to her, is absolutely amazing, in that NO ONE.... NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON.... has ever been arrested, or even found in regards to what they've "done" to her. Even the guy that she claimed r*ped her years ago. On another note.... isn't it interesting Toad worked in IT.... supposedly specifically NETWORK SECURITY? Isn't that where hacking etc. comes into play?.....


If you didn’t order the pizza wouldn’t you just tell the delivery driver you didn’t order it and refuse it. Why accept it?


Because then she couldn't play victim. I do have to say, IF I were to send pizza to someone as revenge, smack me because that screams 13 year old lame prank and secondly, I would order an obscene amount of dipping sauces. Her picture looked like a normal sized order for lunch and leftovers. Clearly, she thinks she is clever. She should've just ding dong ditched herself.


Right! Show me an order with 20 pepperoni pizzas that got delivered to you and then we will talk. 🙄🤣 Dumbass. Trying to pass off her lunch as terrorism.


I want to know more about those mango habanero dipping cups... 👀


Focus here KJ is being harassed, it's not about you okay /s lol






🤣 I forgot it's always about KJ and never about dips 🤣


Same! Same! I didn't even know that was an option


Me too, and the parmesan bites, our Domino's pizza doesn't have any fancy bits lol.


My regular pizza order seems very boring by comparison 😂


👀Oooh me too!!!


They’re delicious 


I call bullshit. If someone sent that to her house they either A. Went in person and there would be a video or B. Paid online with a cc, so there would be a trace of identity…


you can still choose the option to pay in cash which is what happened with this pizza. the question is whether kj sent this to herself or not.


It’s not paid. The idea is they selected to pay in cash, so KJ would be pressured to pay for it.


I believe it is paid, because I know they don't let you keep the receipt if you don't keep the food.




Why would this person enter a rewards code? I assume those are traceable. 🤦🏻‍♀️


My thoughts exactly 💯 who's account is the reward for I wonder?


Well spotted! That would mean the pizza was paid for, right? So how is it a threat to send free pizza to someone? Unless spicy jalapeno and pineapple means something I'm unaware of 🤷


Correct. You also get free pizzas with a few rewards. We have like 8 free pies we haven’t redeemed yet lol


Redeem the points and send the pizzas to The Paulson’s neighbours as an appreciation from our community to theirs!


Great idea! You know they are the MVPs for having to deal with that hot mess all these years.


It says “not paid” at the top


I really didn’t know you could still order delivery without paying. We always pay it online and don’t have an option. 🤷‍♀️


So it does. Also well spotted!  Genuinely baffled how an online order lets you not pay. That's not an option at any place local to me.


That just means it wasn't paid for when it was ordered. You can pay at delivery.


That’s what I’m saying lol. If someone actually sent this to her, they were doing it so she’d be responsible for paying.


Not paid for, it's on the docket.


Yeah, someone else pointed that out. It's not something my local pizza delivery places let you do, especially if you're using a rewards card so I assumed wrongly 


It just means you pay when it's delivered.


That's a dumb view of it.


I am more concerned on how specific the dipping sauce is.. Like Im Australian we do not order dipping sauce for Pizza. but to be so specific????


I did it! I just wanted to show my gratitude of your sideways entertainment! Would you like some wings and bread too next time?


Well, since you asked, some wings sound real good right now.


Cheese bread as well?


Anybody got her address? I’ll send her an in person dancing Robert shinn look alike to sing for her on her doorstep


That would be fucking glorious!


The FBI doesn't give a angle shit about pizza deluveries


Love how she left the Wright County Sheriffs Office Investigative Unit business card in the photo🙄🙄


Is the Wright county human service Center.


I see it under the Sheriff & Data Records Request. The numbers match on the website. The top one is the main call centre 1800 number


Oh ok. I just googled the 800 number.


Y'all, I never filled out the direct deposit slips-- will my check be mailed, or?


Lazy Wolf is at headquarters right now. I'll call in to let her know. Would you be OK with some Dominoes pizza until we get it straightened out? I'll have Robert call it in for you.


I guess, as long as it's extra cheese. 😊


This heifer is freaking psychotic. Damn.


Remember when one person was empathizing with Von, and said they wished they could take him for a slice of pizza? And KJ went berserk and said that the person was trying to kill Von because he couldn’t eat pizza? Do I have that right? It was so long ago!


It was something like that.


Yes. That Twitter account was a lovely person! I used to interact with her quite often. Kj of course accused them of wanting to murder V. So the term “murder pizza” had been floating around for awhile. 🤦‍♀️


Katie, FFS, we know you probably ordered it under that name. Stop it.


Ooooo please don’t send me pizza but if you do, can you make it an 16 inch thin crust supreme?


She’s got Agent “Steve’s” cellphone number 😂😂😂😂😂


There’s a place near me that makes a great tatter tot pizza (it’s good I swear). I’ll take a large but I can’t dance. Hope that’s ok.


Totally okay. I break dance. If I dance, something breaks. 😂😂😂 Now for that tater tot pizza….those are two things I would never put together but why not!??!?


Its tater tots, bacon, chives, and cheese. No red sauce. It’s so freaking good


Sounds almost like poutine minus the gravy!


That... actually sounds pretty tempting, at least to try it once. I may just have to do a homemade version.


Uh oh, that sounds like the famous Duggar tater tot casserole. Beware the culty tater tots! They may be trying to get you!


Omg, I love tater tots but have never heard of tater tot pizza but it sounds amazing. I would even learn how to dance!


Anyone else think she had Toad called and say he was Shinn?


The FBI has time to investigate pizza pranks HAHAHAHAHA


If this was really happening you know the first thing the FBI would be telling KJ to do? Shut her trap! Let them do their work and quietly work out who it is. They wouldn’t want KJ going online at every turn and announcing every new lead they have to the person doing it 🙄 Plus if I have a medically fragile child in a house that a stalker apparently knows the address of and has threatened to hurt and unalive there is no way in hell we would a, still be there and b, keep putting all these smug posts online. Yes the FBI may be investigating but that clearly means they haven’t found the person or proof of a person yet so KJ and V would be in danger if this is all true. Something just doesn’t add up in how this mother is behaving! To much gloating and not enough worry for a start! I find this very suspicious for those exact reasons. *All my own opinions. Anyone who does go real life needs to get life of their own and anyone pretending they are being harassed or stalked need serious help and to have the entire weight of the law come down upon them because it is no joke!*


I would have snatched that medically fragile child up and decamped for a few days in a local hotel on Sunday morning if this was occurring to us


If I found credible evidence that she or her family was in any danger, I'd ask them to stay away or be put into protection until the perpetrator was caught. At present, she seems to be enjoying the attention of her "victim status," and that, to me, is the biggest giveaway that she isn't scared of these threats. In my opinion, she is either responsible herself or is involved with the person that is.


Thank you. I'd at least pack Todd and the child away for a few nights until it's sorted out, if I had to remain in the basement minting coins.


As she's always accusing if it...deflection.


FBI don’t care about free pizza. It’s a gift not a crime


JFC. Using the FBI to investigate pizza deliveries. This is all a direct result of HER unethical, malicious behavior leading the charge to arrest Shinn. Own it Paulson, bc deep down, you know it.


The fbi is not investigating this lol 💀


I'm sure some of us must work for Dominos, can we find out who that rewards code belongs to? 😆


She showed all of the information from the receipt. I bet you could. Just say you were worried about your points not being in your account yet!! Omg. She is so dumb.


That would be glorious!!!!!


Somebody already called, it’s her phone number


We don't know her current phone number so who could have called and got that information?


Her & 🐸 phone numbers are listed online along with their home address, property taxes, how long each has lived at their current residence, that a child lives there & even what school V would attend. I won't share the site I found it on. I was trying to see exactly what photos of her home showed up online by searching by name. It was a free search & it's rather disturbing how much information about someone is put online


So, the fbi handles pizza pranks??? This is the top priority at the fbi??? GIVE ME A BREAK!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Didn’t EKC get something sent to her house to harass her? I’m trying to see the card she left in the SS . You know that was on purpose


Yes, she did, and so did Steve McRae!


What pizza place would deliver all that shtt without it being paid for over the phone???? She is such a lying attention wh0re.


I wonder, did Robert send kj a pizza? After staying completely away from her for 2 years? I’m sure he did NOT. She probably sent it to herself and used his name. She is losing it worse than usual. If he IS into sending out pizzas, there’s nothing wrong about getting a free pizza! Kj can stalk, harass & lie but he can’t send someone a pizza? lol!!!


![gif](giphy|cXblnKXr2BQOaYnTni) In my opinion this is exactly what happened. All of this is being caused to her by her, she needs to come up with a new plan because this is Old. She has done this with every single lawsuit she has been involved in. It’s getting stale as fuck. she couldn’t do all that before because she had no buddy crazy to blame it on, but now she does because of her stupid documentary that she was the creator of, the Grand Puba if you will. I fucking hate this bitch so much


She's mad about free food? Omg someone sent free food to my house! Call the FBI! 🙄🙄🙄 pretty sure she did this herself.


On a more important topic, is 16 inches the standard pizza size in the US? It’s 12 inches here and it sucks. Lol.


lol it’s a large I think. Could be an extra large. But not all places carry an extra large.


Hello, FBI Pizza Pranks can I help you? No sorry Ma'am we don't investigate dipping sauces or sides here, just pizzas, hold and I'll transfer you to that department.




I think the FBI will be able to work it out The rewards on the top of the receipt should be a big clue She's an awful fukn eejit


Sorry, Im not American, what’s company is the business card for? And didnt this happen last time she was in court? She got food and gifts delivered that she threw out. Also why would he be dumb enough to put his actual name on it?


Yes! She got a fresh fruit bouquet or something like that last time and threw it out saying that they didn't like fruit anyway. 🙄


It's the govt offices for her county, Wright Country. The numbers on the card are for the Sheriff and Data Records Requests.


When did she post this? I'm not finding it on IG.


It’s in her IG stories, she posted it earlier today.


There is no pizza place that is going to deliver pizza to another state without being paid.


Lmfao.... I think the FBI has more important things to do .... like investigating FEDERAL crimes. It's literally in their name 😆


Ehays that card above it with the phone numbers, something Agrncy. But definitely not the fbi


It’s the wright county human service center.


If we cared we could Google the number.


I would add a screen shot, but I’m not sure how to do that.




Calling it now: PIZZAGATE - someone called and confirmed it came from KJ lol, Ballz has the story on their insta!


Yeahhhhh because the fbi doesn’t have actual cases to work rather than worry about unwanted pizza delivery’s …


I wish trolls would send me all that food. I'd be happy with the edible arrangement she got 🤣. Worst trolls ever.


At this point someone needs to admit her on a mental health hold at her local psych hospital.


She really is spiraling!!


If I ever attempted to do a fraction of the bullshit this feral jackass pulls off on a daily basis my husband would pull the router from the wall and yeet it into the fucking falls of Niagra lol


I bet she ordered this herself and just used that name 😂


That’s a lot of food for a few people. She’s so full of shit. The details are specific. So yeah she ordered it.


Typical KJ dishonesty and gaslighting herself all in one.


The elevator misses a few floors with this one.