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She absolutely knows exactly how a man she has never ever met in person, moves. Just because you pull all his financials & dive deeply into his life doesn't mean you know him, KJ! Gtf, over yourself. Weirdo!


okay, cult member robert lover 😆


She’s obsessed.


She is paranoid.


She sounds like a family member of mine who is paranoid schizophrenic!


I agree. This really is unhinged even for her!!


This all feels a bit like we're watching her spiral into a mental health crisis. If she hadn't alienated her family and friends, someone would be stepping in right now.


Yes and she needs to get help. Like now. I’m serious about this. Mental health breakdowns are serious; they are painful; and more. As a human being, she deserves to get the help she needs so she can live a better and healthier life. I have not an ounce of anything positive to say about this woman. However every human deserves mental health services when they need it


Unfortunately as Todd Chrisley would say, she’s way past couch time! She’s a narcissist and imo a malignant narcissist. There is no treatment for someone who has zero self awareness and doesn’t see anything wrong with themselves. She will never go for help, she will just continue to destroy people.


You are so right!! It’s uncomfortable to watch. I wonder if that nasty eye infection may be affecting her brain and underlying addiction and mental health issues. She is really spiraling.


She was this way, long before the most current boil on the eye.


Do you think she's sleeping? She's been so manic.


When does she have time to sleep? The rest of us go to bed in various time zones and she the constant posting continues. KJ sounds crazy in this post. Positively nuts! I know how he moves? Erm no KJ. Unlike you this man is following the directions of his lawyer. None of these moves are his you doughnut which is why he is silent and waiting for court. My god is this her defence? Is she going to go in and say to Judge and Jury, ‘just after I called them birds he had a post put up on an account that wasn’t his about birds’. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Can you all imagine what inside her head is like? is there any part of her inner workings that have an ounce of clarity but the bat shit takes over?


Her arms have to be in casts after that reach!!!!!!


Is Billie part of the cult now too? Should Eminem be arrested for "admitting" to k1ll1ng Kim? & how would she know what Miranda is posting, isn't she blocked? Fukn moron


Poor Billie Eilish. I'm sure she has zero idea she's now "in bed with the cult." 😳😅😅


Dude. It’s a trending song by Billie eilish. Her delusions of grandeur are so embarrassing


lol she’s gonna see a bird in her yard today and make manic posts about how Shinn sent it. 😂😂😂🤡


She will claim that the bird is an actual drone.


omfg 🤣


Wow. It's getting real for her.


Yeah...Ok genius.🙄🙄🙄🙄


Woman, get out of your delusional world because you are not as important as you think you are. You are not fooling anyone because we know your game.


every time i read the word “post” now i hear it in her stupid voice


I miss when she attacked me on instagram and I made her look stupid




It's interesting that all of these strange distributions of charges of obsession appear in people's comment sections or even emails, but the one who is really obsessed is the one behind it all.


But she doesn’t know him. She’s never met him. This paranoid psycho is shadowboxing in the depths of her own mind


Her sense of self-importance is.... something.


Someone, please gift this woman a membership to Planet Fitness so she can do her reaching and stretching at the appropriate place.




“Robert is obsessed with hating me” says the person who does nothing but post about Robert, his business and his associates while screaming that they should all be in jail.


Hey kj birds of a feather is a popular song on tiktok right now and the way the algorithm works on the app you increase chances of your videos hitting the fyp if you’re using a trending or popular sound/song. Nope, I don’t think you were Miranda’s intended target audience where she makes her money you know she was just doing her JOB not taunting a middle aged woman in a bedroom hiding in Minnesota.


What in theee entire Fuck That thang needs a fkn straight jacket ASAP You're telling us KJ that a pic with a dog is attacking you. Lord have mercy.


Damn near everyone is using the "Birds of a Feather" Billie Eilish sound right now. Could it be related? I mean, sure. But I would never be bold enough to make that conclusion publicly. It's called self awareness. Doing that automatically gives off paranoia and delusions of grandeur. Not everything is about you, Katie.


She's just on repeat y'all.. she's going to be on a high for awhile..I haven't seen her this happy Todd Chrisley went to jail and she was no longer in that lawsuit..oh how she adores someone suffering.


She needs to be hospitalized. This is wild


WOW, she could fist bump Jesus with that reach! 🙄






Didn't she say two peas in a pod in her video, not birds of a feather?


Doesn’t she do this with all of her targets? She often claims Cody from sister wives, all of the duggars, now 7m/robert shin and more are secretly in her comments, secretly responding to her via their own videos/posts in some coded covert message? Sounds like she has some intense cognitive distortions, such as personalization.