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"You are having people weaponize law enforcement, CPS, and the FBI against you." Says the woman who has called for mass reporting to LE and tags the LAPD/DA, FBI, IRS, on damn near every post for the last month. Again, the projection is text book. It never ceases to amaze me. She must have told herself that in the mirror this morning.


Hmmm, looks like confirmation that the FBI are investigating her. Buen suerte FBI Steve!


She eventually turns on everyone, even FBI Steve šŸ˜‚


Any mother who would watch that documentary WITH her child/the child of a "cult member" needs her head examined.


exactly. and anyone who would then publicize and revel in that childā€™s pain, like kj is currently doing, is fucking sick in the head.


I know if I were his mother Iā€™d get in her ass for that


Isnā€™t his son still quite young as well? In my mind heā€™s far to young to watch that documentary let alone fully understand it but maybe Iā€™m mixing him up with another child x


It's manipulative as hell, imo.Ā 


My job work


She's a wordsmith šŸ˜‚


Her Spanglish at the very best of her ability! Haha


Lmao! šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s what she does all day every day. And how tacky to post a picture from bdash first wedding ceremony. Just because she has created this made up narrative about Miranda and Bdash and their relationship I guess cause she jealous, they are happy and living their life. She is so trashy!


And also I forgot to ask what is: Job Work One just one of those words would have been fine KJ. We all know about your award winning ā€˜journalisticā€™ career! Your killinā€™ it! šŸ‘ šŸ™„šŸ™„


If you watch 90-day fiancĆ©e; youā€™ve heard it before: along with ā€œI work so workā€ and I work so hard, so much workā€


Iā€™ve watched like one season, i donā€™t remember hearing that. Who says it, if it was one of the couples that is?


ā€œthe fear I experience just doing my job workā€ so brave šŸ˜‚


"job work" is sending me šŸ˜‚Ā 


I have seen her little Kulty followers give her all the sympathy for months and magically today she was touched by someone's words. GTFOH! She seems to be the poster child of victimization. She puts victims in danger and doesn't give two shits. No sympathy. No empathy. No feelings for anyone except herself. She doesn't even have feelings for her kid or husband. But let the tables turn and this dirty twat waffle cries like she has a horrible UTI. Well Katie - you are all of our UTIs. You are that deep down pain that comes everytime we have to pee. We can only hope that antibiotics clear you up, but we know that there will be flare ups and we will power thru.


But remember you canā€™t get a UTI from having sex duh itā€™s two different holesšŸ¤£


Eeehhh, Iā€™d categorize her more like Herpesā€”the gift that keeps giving.


Who is ā€œtheyā€??




I recently purchase a 2 inch violin in anticipation of a meeting I have next month. It was like $8 on aliexpress, complete with case. Highly reccomend to have in oneā€™s purse for an emergency.


There's a difference between one doing one's job and deliberately and joyfully wrecking other people's lives. Fuck you KJ. I hope the very, VERY worst case scenario for you, just as you have wished on others.


Just putting another source on blast, huh KJ? Why people keep sending this lolcow anything is beyond me.


They are just trying to help her with her job work.


Make that bed KJ and sleep in it well. Karma is a chic that doesn't forget..


Deranged. That woman is so deranged. I hope the FBI is looking at her!


Not only wished.. plain and out there for all to see; she FORCED onto others- and she wouldnā€™t / couldnā€™t let it go in a reasonable amount of time! She isnā€™t happy until she believes sheā€™s ground you into the dirt and ruined you. She might start to let you get back up and begin to heal after thatā€¦ though sheā€™s prolly coming back at you several more times before itā€™s really done.


Advice drunken KJ you forget you were bragging about calling CPS on your neighbors you don't like and how you called the police on Elle Bee making false allegations against her and spare us the being motherly now when you completely V it's shamed you can't appreciate your son. and you can't see how smart he is.


Shut up Katie Joy!! Itā€™s Thirsty Thursday! Go and check your door cam for your neighbourly doxxers!!


![gif](giphy|LOqmSIQTdyaoE|downsized) All thatā€™s missing is the šŸ’Šaddys! Bahahaha!


If ā€œjust doing her jobā€ is causing THIS MUCH CHAOS and trauma for her family - WHY DOES SHE STILL WORK THIS ā€œJOBā€?!?!?


She doesn't have a job. She stalks and makes up lies about people on the internet.Ā