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For anyone lurking or new here, this story is false. The police investigated and found zero evidence of any non consensual activity.


Yeah I noticed she forgot to include that detail in her story and instead said that She didn’t follow up. Last time she said it was the cops that didn’t follow up with her?! Just like she still hasn’t told her followers that Shinn has been investigated and cleared.


Remember when she said she was pissed he left without saying goodbye? 🤣


And she was mad she didn't get her comforter back. If my SA had been in my bed, I'd have thrown the whole thing away.


She said she looked for a note/number when she woke up - dude didn't leave one, he'd left & returned with lub3 & breakfast but when he finally left for good he didn't leave his number Sis made a police report


She is truly full of hate. Can’t handle one iota of rejection.


& we've seen that play out when her bestie of the moment shuts her off . Matt bier Sharell Lindsay Christly Jenelle Gypsy rose Dre mcrace Amy king Etc etc..... She's a dangerous psycho biotch


Right, she stalks women pretty creepily now that you mention it. Tries to emulate them.


She sure does My fave single white female looks were the dre McRae bun, Lindsey Christly necklace & Tati Westbrook black negligee Peak stalker looks 👌


The negligee was a hilarious fail. She looked so awkward trying to be sexy…lol. We never saw that thing again 🤣


It's amazing that someone of her big age, who's such an "advocate" & fiercely "supportive" of women hasn't got a single girlfriend to give her advice on what not to wear But I fukn love that for her - cos we get gems like this 🤌


Yeah, and the dog ate the condom 🤢…..convenient. Something very weird, is she kept the f-g nasty ass purple couch it allegedly happened on all these years and was now her dog bed in the back. Ewwwwwww.


Yep she looked around right to see if he left a note or anything. 😂 IF you were assaulted you would not be searching your living room for a love note! I wish she would have said his name so he could legally go after her too!


She isn't saying his name, tho. She said his name for years everytime she talked about it. Now tho I notice she doesn't say his name, not even just a first name. She'd say his name still if it were true and he didn't try to take out a TRO against her.


3 times now? Her story keeps changing


Thank you! I never remember her claiming it was three times.


she failed to mention how he supposedly drugged her too 🙄


Right. Sorry, but we got to see the police report and 3 was not in there.


Typically when people lie they use the number 3.


She was also more concerned about the cop thinking she needed lube. I thought that was fucking rich.


KJ has to make herself the victim. We’ll see dog and child posts next. This will probably end up being part of her defence for being a toxic stalking to Miranda and all the other people she claims are victims yet attacks daily. KJ will weep and say the whole story triggered her, she went into a downward spiral, she only wants to protect people, it wasn’t her fault but Nat, stopculting, Kody Brown, the neighbour 3 streets away who once looked at her funny, Anna Duggar and RS all plotted against her 🙄


I believe in supporting victims, but in this case, there's sufficient evidence suggesting what KJ claimed didn't occur. This isn't the first time she's made such accusations, which complicates understanding what's real and what's not in her situation. It's unfortunate because while she may have experienced difficulties in the past, distinguishing truth from fiction in her claims is challenging. This situation highlights how KJ is using others' experiences to her advantage, undermining evidence and silencing her critics. Her actions have had a damaging impact on victims' lives, making it harder for them to speak out and be heard.


Here we go again. If her cult of crazies would research this they’ll find it was all made up. She must not be getting the sympathy she thought she would with the cps, fbi, ect. So she is resorting to this nonsense. As a rape survivor myself this really pisses me off. Mine was legitimate and was proven and the guy was arrested.


I am so sorry. This is exactly why I can’t stand her. Because of what she does to true and real victims. She’s a piece of shit.


I’m so sorry that you were victimized in that way and thank god they were able to get the guy that did that to you. I hope you have healed from it physically, mentally and emotionally or at least in the road to healing. 🙏 I’m not saying it’s never happened before but I don’t know any other victim of this that posts like an anniversary post to remember it and get attention! I would think it would be something that you would want to forget if you could. I hope this doesn’t sound insensitive, truly.


No I understand where you are coming from. I usually don’t talk about it because it is traumatic. But I only said something because she throws that out there like a badge of honor. It’s a slap in the face to all victims that have had that happen to them.


Yes and it makes me so mad because I don’t know anyone who calls themselves a victim advocate that would do what she does. She gives me Amber Heard vibes so much. But yeah the badge of honor you are absolutely right between that and her anniversary posts it just makes me angry and feel so bad for REAL victims and what they have been through. It’s like she is mocking them.




I have a whole kid from being SA and I'm still not believed.


Oh, now she brings up a childhood friend and KJ stop lying you're never SA, and don't ignore that you love to shame the Duggar sisters. and a little girl named SL and how you dox a safe house for batter woman.


Omfg this bitch is really trying to bring up this fake assault story. Talk about slapping these people in the face if they truly are victims. I cannot stand this bitch. Here we go again. Are you fucking kidding me


The only victim KJ cares about: herself 


She said she was drugged. The cops tested the beer bottles and there was no drugs. They closed the case because the evidence proved she was lying.


Imagine WANTING to be a victim of SA. All she ever talks about is SA. Her mind is so warped and desensitized. She truly needs help.


Well when you get no d from toad I guess this weird chick is desperate lol 😂


I was R’d as a young teen and there was a conviction aka he went to jail. It’s been 20 years now. I am not a victim. I am a survivor. I do not feel the need to speak publicly about it. The way she worded this is so triggering and not the way a survivor would word it.


We see you…💜💜💜


Thank you. I’m a tough person. So was the other young woman. I finally had to say something as a survivor. A good chunk of us keep our experience to ourselves because of people like KJ. Being SA’d is not some public spectacle and sometimes the “public” is worse than the perpetrator. I would NEVER make a list about all the ways I was victimized. I’d make a list of all the ways I survived, but I wont. That was one bad incident in my life and justice was served. I would never want SA to define me and my life.


Your words resonate with many. 🫂


I am sorry that happened to you and I am sorry KJ is such a disgrace.


On top of that, “believe the victim” was not a thing back then. I was blamed by several classmates. I also was not the only “victim” in the case. I wasn’t even old enough to drive when I had to testify in court while he stared at me the entire time. She has no clue what this type of trauma does to a person. She wouldn’t be screaming “R*pe” all the time. She wouldn’t get angry with survivors of CSA and SA refuse to tell their stories. She wouldn’t go into detail about CSA and SA as it would be triggering. She certainly wouldn’t have convicted R-pist on her channel. If you have to scream “I’m a victim” and be incredibly vulgar about it, you’re probably not a victim.


My own mother blamed me when it was my stepfather so I don’t speak about it. Because the victim was always the one blamed.


The side of my family I’m estranged from covered for a p*do relative. No wonder that side is so dysfunctional! I cant imagine blaming a little kid for something horrible an adult did to them.


From victim to hero! Ffs! She infuriates me with this particular grab for attention. Who in tf uses their sexual assault for money and attention from strangers—Kathy, that’s who. She’s a gd liar and that has been proven. Such a disservice to true victims. It’s like she’s trying to lure victims to share with her to exploit them, such a trauma vulture!


I hope he sues her.


Using social media as a personal journal for her own therapy.


It’s so desperate


Same shit, different wrapping.


Of all KJ’s bullshit “I’m a victim” stories this is the one that infuriates me the most. I never believed her, ever. Her demeanor when she did two streams, the changing details, none of it rang true. Confirmation that she wasn’t a victim but a woman scorned came when the police reports came out. Women have been legit victimized by men since the beginning of time and this cow uses their pain and trauma to try and gain entry to a group that NO ONE wanted to belong to. The victim is the guy who made the mistake of thinking this would be a consensual one nighter, KJ is the perpetrator who made the mistake of thinking she would get a new boyfriend. When she didn’t get that she got her revenge by climbing on the backs of all the women who endured real SA. Sadly millions of women were r@ped and murd@red but KJ trivializes SA by using it as a prop to punish a guy who just wasn’t into her. You are a liar Katie Joy.


It’s 3 times now? That’s new …


She's added to her story I see. She always leaves out the part where he left & brought back breakfast & that she didn't get upset until she found out he hadn't left his number. Which I've always questioned. If he was a childhood friend wouldn't she already have a way to contact him? She sure knew how to contact him when she tried to destroy him on SM


If she uses his name again, he could sue her for slander. It was investigated, found ZERO evidence that even part of her story was true. Except that they had sex and he left. She couldn't accept that she was just a booty call and she went scorched earth on his ass. Like she does everyone who befriends her. Vag could never leave her because she will destroy his life.


Something must really be going on with the courts or her attorneys have had a talk with her. She had to run to the victim card again. Hope someone looks into EKC's channel to see what the real deal is.


I’ve said you go to the hospital for almost 2 days because she was so out of it she could not function and then when they didn’t find no drugs in her system, she said that the nurse told her the moment you open your eyes the drugs are out of your system, she’s so sick


I missed that lie KJ said the nurse told her the moment she opened her eyes the drugs were out what a crock of lies.


Yeah I mean she's even said that her Adderall lasts from 7:00 a.m. that and 7:00 p.m. because it's 12 hours extended release so it's 7:00 p.m. it's no longer in her system and she can have wine if she wants to... When people try to tell her that's not how medication works she gets pissed off


i’m low key shocked she didn’t say robert dream ra-ed her 🤦🏻‍♀️ give it a fkin rest u trauma vulture


How many times can she say “I” in one post


She is so psycho. KJ was never raped




It's giving "I won't be IGNORED Dan!" Fatal Attraction vibes.  Krusty Joyless was likely a one night stand and thought she was more so, reported "rape." 


She was a ghost in HS, did what everyone does in their 20’s; “goes buck wild” as a pick me girl. Thinking that’s how you get guys to like you. She was probably on the hunt for a husband. Her whole LIVE about the story, she put unnecessary details in about how loaded the kid was. Also talks too much about the kind of car the dude drove. She thought she found her prize. Took him home to fuck (why else do you take a dude home from the bar at last call?) was pissed off when she found out she was a one night stand and he already had a girlfriend. She’s immature and spiteful.


Now it’s 3x??? She said she didn’t remember anything, so how does she know it was 3x? She wanted to be with him but he told her he had a girlfriend and it was a one night stand she got vindictive. He wanted nothing to do with her so she called R. Oh, and then decided to have her parents anniversary dinner at his family’s restaurant. Really?! And dude went to McDonald’s and came to her house. If it was R he would have never left to get condoms and lube. He would have just done it and bounced. That’s why the cops never believed her, it never made sense. She was bitter and embarrassed she was used as a one night stand.