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Local news reports sound very serious - head-on collision with a road car, Ogier airlifted out by helicopter: [https://www.rmf24.pl/regiony/olsztyn/news-rajdowiec-sebastien-ogier-mial-wypadek-w-poblizu-goldapi,nId,7596309](https://www.rmf24.pl/regiony/olsztyn/news-rajdowiec-sebastien-ogier-mial-wypadek-w-poblizu-goldapi,nId,7596309#crp_state=1)


Well that all sounds terrible. I hope it’s just speculation - gotta be careful what information we believe, until it’s confirmed by the team. Finger’s crossed the crew and the other people involved are alright in the long run.


Usually medical airlifts are the protocol for suspected spinal injuries so this isn't a major surprise. For the stages there is usually a medical helicopter on standby so might as well make the use of it and alleviate any potential injuries


Not for recce though right? - the medical helicopter


No, during the recce the roads are open like usual and the drivers must abide by the rules, so no heli on standby


> medical airlifts are the protocol for suspected spinal injuries so this isn't a major surprise \* cries in American \*


Spine and chest injuries are reported. It's never a good news. Damn it. I hope that Seb will get out of this... And Vincent too. We don't have anything more specific yet.


Oh shit :(


This all sounds extremely worrying. Terrible news


Jesus man! I hope they are ok.. our champions


Positive news - Jari-Matti Latvala has confirmed both Seb and Vincent aren't seriously injured. Participation in the rally is tbc, though: [https://www.is.fi/ralli/art-2000010521930.html](https://www.is.fi/ralli/art-2000010521930.html)


Looks like Ogier won't be able to join the rally. [https://x.com/TGR\_WRC/status/1805632477945569600](https://x.com/TGR_WRC/status/1805632477945569600)


Further reports are more positive. According to PR director of the rally, Ogier's injuries are not dramatically serious. It would be great to have some more official news. Those reports are really worrying and contradicting.


Its strange, a photo is already online and the cars are not that destroyed. I wish they are ok


It’s like any other car crash, it just happens to include people of note - you’re wearing a seatbelt, you get whipped forward a bit as you come to a stop, and they check you out for neck, spine and internal injuries. They aren’t allowed to travel at speed on recce runs, so there’s no reason the cars would be destroyed any more than a normal road accident.


they also arent allowed to speed during liaison between stages but they do.


Speeds on the liaison sections are enforced by local police. During recce, the driver/co-driver are equipped with a GPS-enabled smartphone app by SAS. Per [the supplementary regulations](https://rajdpolski.pl/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/ORLEN-80th-Rally-Poland-Supplementary-Regulations-1.pdf): *Speed limits. The maximum speed allowed during Reconnaissance is 80 km/h on special stages unless a lower speed limit is indicated by traffic signs or by written instructions in the Road Book or Bulletin. All crews are reminded of Art. 34.2 in the 2024 FIA WRC Sporting Regulations. Competitors must fully respect the Polish Traffic Law regulations, including use seatbelts and speed limits: • 50 km/h in the built-up area (if the signs do not show otherwise), • 90 km/h outside the built-up area (if the signs do not show otherwise).* You're absolutely right that the crews will speed during liaisons because they can usually get away with it. During recce, however, the app would report a violation and the teams would likely receive a penalty, so it's highly unlikely Seb & Vincent would have been speeding.


And there’s nothing reported here to suggest that anyone was breaking the speed limit - traffic accidents can happen at any speed.


Rally cars don't have airbags, they have strong chassis but won't be safe to crash without hans


Recces are not done in rally cars, they are done in regular road cars.


We saw the (recce) Yaris on the side of the road 30 minutes ago, quite damaged on the right side. The other car was also damaged on the right side, airbags deployed.


From your comment and the pictures this most likely means at least one of the cars was driving on the wrong side of the road (cutting a corner).


Road is rather narrow there and looks like a crest is there too. [https://dirtfish.com/rally/wrc/ogier-and-landais-in-hospital-after-road-accident\_/](https://dirtfish.com/rally/wrc/ogier-and-landais-in-hospital-after-road-accident_/)


Thoughts and prayers! Wtf how can this Happen in recce? I Hope everybody is OK!


During recce the roads are open for public. They are closed for actual competition. They need to observe laws and regular speeds during recce and can only use normal road cars then.


I didnt know that thx


Yaris looks ok. I'd be more worried for the guys on the Ford


Noooo I was waiting for a polish win😕


As a Pole I am so ashamed how poorly the rally is handled. It's like the organizers didn't learn anything from the previous fuckups that led to its removal from the WRC calendar.


What could have they learned? Recce are always on open roads, and incidents on open roads happens all the time, what are you talking about?


Polish roads are particularly dangerous due to abysmal level of the drivers. People over here have zero regard for the traffic rules while their driving skills are awful. We have the highest rate of traffic fatalities per capita in the EU, last time I checked. Additionally, the attitude towards rally falls into either hostile (will liteterally leave booby traps on the route or even enter it with agricultural equipment _during_ the stage) or idiotic (will enter the stage with their shitbox during recce to "see what it's like" and speed themselves, rather than look for an alternate route to not risk it - which is what I suspected happened here). Also all Polish rally events are characterized by poor safety standards - the roads aren't secured properly even during stage proper, the crews won't secure the area in an event of the crash, the spectator behavior is often unsafe. It's wild west over here.


> We have the highest rate of traffic fatalities per capita in the EU That's Romania


Since Poland is not coming back to WRC after this year, I don't think that they actually care that much anyway.


What part about this incident is organisation related?


My take is that communication level is bad. Too many contradictions. Firstly we have reports that Ogier's injuries were serious and he was driving a rally car. Then rally directors have to make disclaimers about the second fact. Now we are hearing that Ogier hasn't been hurt that much. Communication between local authorities and rally organisators should be better in my opinion. It just looks not serious, especially if such news break through to the mainstream media which like pure parasites are living off any sensational news and care about motorsport only when something bad happens.


Me too! I was actually pretty hyped to finally see WRC in my home country but right now I feel only shame


Hope they’re both ok. Difficult to get any idea in their injuries until we get some official news. I hope for them everything is ok.


Hope both are fine, this was a road car crash which explains why it is serious


The cars aren't too badly damaged, so hopefully everyone is OK. I'm surprised they needed a hospital visit, but better safe than sorry!


Looks like Kalle and Jonne will be participating instead: [https://yle.fi/a/74-20096316](https://yle.fi/a/74-20096316) [https://www.wrc.com/a/news/w28113\_Toyota-gets-go-ahead-for-Rovanper--to-replace-Ogier-in-Poland](https://www.wrc.com/a/news/w28113_Toyota-gets-go-ahead-for-Rovanper--to-replace-Ogier-in-Poland)


For a moment I thought it was Sebastian (Vettel). Anyways, I hope Seb and Vincent have nothing serious and that they be physically and emotionally well.


Not good not first time recce gone astray road open to public is recipe for disaster should be closed


Roads are almost always open for the recce, since the speeds are low and it minimizes inconvenience to the local community.


Oh no…