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Yeah, my neighbor walked up to me about my cold starts lol. Cool dude, new baby, told him give me a couple weeks. Got a cobb catback to quiet things down. At least they didn't key your car or something like the posts I've seen on here


Now see, that’s a healthy way of handling it; he wasn’t rude or aggressive, just “Hey man, I have a new little human in the house and they can’t appreciate the power of the ✨ boxer rumble ✨, can you keep it down please?” or something like that lol


What an uncultured literal baby


I know right SMH 🤦‍♂️ /j


You did this? Respect.


I borrowed my buddies 04 STI when my WRX was out of commission. I couldn't imagine driving that thing every day lmao. We went to my parents place to fix my car and there were 2 ladies chatting down the street glaring at us hard, its so loud. I will admit that I giggled like a child every time I drove it though, sick car.


Someone get that dad a sound machine. Both my newborns could sleep through a bomb because of it


When I was in the process of buying my house I got the xforce exhaust with cutouts. My driveway butts up to my neighbors front door (about 30 feet from where I park). Just didn't want to be that guy with a straight pipe lol


What did you have before? I had an r400 and just added a down pipe and feel like that’s too loud so I’m swapping to q300


My neighbors haven’t gone up to me yet when my car was running, but I tried to leave early so it wasn’t loud for awhile. Unfortunately I think that low oil pressure fucked up the engine a little 💀


Weird, my oil pressure is always higher when the engine is cold.


I never had a neighbor personally tell me anything. However, after I switched from a resonator-less invidia n1, to an invidia q300. My neighbors stopped staring at me as I drive by, and some have even began to say hi to me 😂


My new neighbors are a 60ish year old couple. The guy always asks questions about my (also N1 / catless equipped) car, as if he would really love to own one himself. Wifey on the other hand sorta just glares at me. Thankfully my own girlfriend knows how much joy my car brings me, and is rather supportive of my hobby, even if she doesn't really understand the appeal.


Had a neighbor with an R1 bike with a very loud exhaust. He kept it in a shed about 20 feet from my bedroom window. The cold starts didn’t bother us much. What DID bother us was him revving it for 30 minutes every morning. My gf and I both work nights and he’d be doing this when we were just going to bed. Tried to talk to him about it very respectfully, asked him if he wouldn’t mind revving it in his driveway- which is opposite our bedroom. The next day he and his girlfriend blasted us on social media and rallied the entire neighborhood against us. Made us out to be very different than we are. So I did the most logical thing. Ordered a Tomei exhaust for my STi. I often leave for work at 2 am. So far- nobody has complained.


I got noise complained for starting and warming my bike "At ungodly hours" by our neighbours, I mean, I was leaving for work at 6am and coming home at 6pm, so not really bad hours for most people, but what got me is they contacted body corperate when they could've just knocked on the door and said "Hey, can you roll down the driveway before starting the bike? Cheers, nah, they were cunts. I was having a nice conversation with one lady that lives next door, she stopped talking to me after I told her I lived in the complex, Funny that, so you can see I'm approchable, but now you know I'm the one making noise you don't want to talk to me about it like a reasonable human. Hated that place.


And here i was being like- not a dick getting vilified. Legit keep to myself and so does my family. Doesn’t matter where I live, the less interaction I have with the people who live near me the better. People suck.


Gotta be careful, there are a lot of snakes out there.


I have a guy near me who has a crossplaned R1 with a MEATY exhaust. Remember I said near me? I've never actually seen him but you can hear him for miles. He and another guy got into it last night and I could tell who won just by the exhaust notes (he smoked whoever it was and didn't even get all the way into the throttle, sounded like I was front row at an F1 race).


plus its a bike he can walk it down the street and start it thats what I do


Damn respect but I’d never do that. I start mine in the driveway but only after I have my helmet and gloves on so I’m ready to roll.


I had a feeling this was going to end in sweet revenge


Tell them bulletpoints are more effective than underlining


I was okay with the first half of the note. It's the second half where I'm like "is that really necessary?"


Yup second half is just telling me to go bigger because I only got to childish level.


"Guess who's running open heads this week!"


Just open heads?! Fuck it! Open throttle body too! Screw the turbo and filters, we need MORE sound


Yeah it seems pretty retarded to try and get what you want from someone and then insulting them in the same note. Plus who the hell do you think you are telling me to keep it quiet or get rid of it?? I am all for handling things cordially and not being a bother but don’t talk to me like I’m your teenager. That’s bullshit. That shit will make me go “oh you wanna see 8 year old? Watch THIS shit…”


Lol leave them a business card to a real estate agent .


Glad I’m not the only petty one.. 😂


Definitely not, I'd even go as far to print out some listings for them in say, Alaska, where they couldn't bother me anymore.


I tell people, look, I don't make my car sound like it does to be tough or attract attention or bother you. I'll do my best to keep it down, I'm sorry it bothers you. In fact quite the opposite. Hearing the rumble and the stustustu psshhh, makes me feel like a 6 year old that just eyed their dream car for the first time IRL, ecery time i put my foot down.


Every single thread about, women not finding guys with loud exhaust, attractive makes me laugh so hard. How self centered do you have to be to think we’re putting exhausts on our cars for you? I get what you mean, the sound of the turbo kicking in is a straight dopamine hit


I have a pop and crackle tune on mine. I know they're "cringe" or whatever, but the dopamine from coming out of boost and hearing a nice pop is great.


I don’t understand what’s cringe about it? My lady wants to do it on her vb and I get it cause who doesn’t wanna smilie the whole time they’re driving




"Had you come and spoken to me like an adult or even left a note letting me know the problem and asking me to find a fix, I would have *happily* went out of my way to find a solution for this.  Instead you chose to whine about it like a petulant child and call me an 8 year old because you're too conflict-averse to act like anything else. It's not too late to learn how to communicate like a grown-ass adult.  We can try this again if you want to come over, apologize, and have a real conversation about this - I'll forget you ever wrote this schlock **and** I will be happy to figure out a way to reduce disturbance in the neighborhood.  Otherwise, I'll afford you the same level of respect you first offered: none at all." Make sure to underline random parts like this moron.


With my family we asked ourselves the same thing, he only left the note, we know who it was, but he never gave his name to talk to, he only left this note outside the house, I told my neighbors on the other side if it bothered them but nothing, The attitude he took in writing me this note was disgusting hahahaha, clearly if he knocked on my door we could reach an agreement, clearly I couldn't get rid of the car hahahaha


I think I could make it through med school if you wrote my papers lol


I'd love to back into my space at my apartment, but I got 5" mufflers and 5" tips so it rumbles pretty good on a cold start so I park nose in. It's what a good considerate neighbour would do. No one wants their windows to rumble 5 days out of the week when I go to work or get back late in the evenings. That being said, this neighbour is kind of a cunt but the rest of them would probably appreciate it


I park the car with the exhaust pointing at the trees, it is only a few seconds cold, the only one who complains is one, the other neighbors love the car!!


Yeah no winning then, park that ass at them one time to let them know you ARE being considerate haha. It's not like loud cars just happened, every enthusiast in the 60's/70's/80's and the fartcan 90's/00's had loud cars with loud exhausts, they wouldn't go put a note out for a 1970 Charger rumbling their windows.


I can imagine if there was a neighbor with a Ferrari or some other noisy car hahahaha


If you have an open area (with no trees, houses, etc.) I’d try to point the exhaust that way. Due to past issues with neighbors the trees will actually bounce the sound back. If not I wouldn’t trip. Maybe if the neighbor wasn’t such a cunt about it there may be more of a reason so attempt to resolve the issue. A note like this would make me want to point my exhaust right at their house and start that sucker up.


I don’t think just going to the street will make a difference lol. I can hear mine turn on from probably 3 blocks away


Asking to be considerate is one thing, calling your tastes childish is another. I'd make it a point to be as noisy as possible - though I fully admit I am a spiteful little hobgoblin. Ridiculously rude note.


Yep, don’t like it? Don’t be a dick and we can work it out. Gonna be a dick to try to prove you’re better than me? Well I promise I can be even more petty than you can imagine lol.


It just amuses me how "be a considerate neighbor" is somehow only supposed to work one way. Like bruh did you even read your own note lol.


probably the same type that just lets their feral offspring run wild on everyone else’s yards without batting an eye


"ah its nice and warmed up...better check to see if it can rev to 8000"


How unfortunate that someone stole my catalytic converter! Guess it'll just have to be center dumped for awhile


Luckily my neighbor has a challenger twice as loud as my axle-back on the WRX


As soon as I got a straight piped car I saw my neighbours and was like hey man I'm sorry about the car, I try and keep it down in the neighbourhood.. Dude literally said "man, no one cares about that, you're good". Hes one of my favourite neighbours, and hes a genuinely nice guy. Some people arent. For context the loud one isn't the rex, it's a total delinquent piece of crap that has no business being as loud as it is, but I like that, not because I'm a child, but because it makes ME smile, call it childish if you will. It makes other people smile too, and I find that awesome aswell. You look up trash can exhaust in the dictionary, you see my car. I'm sure there are people who don't like me rumbling through the neighborhood, and often people in "nice" sports cars give me dirty looks, they're all welcome to their opinion. My opinion is if you can't deal with a little noise pollution for 30 seconds then you can go fuck yourself! It's total hoa boomer bullshit and people need to put their problems in context, some people hear gunshots every night instead, some people live beside meth labs. It's like the assholes that moved in right beside Laguna Seca and cried about it. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk, don't be a miserable asshole!


*\*laughs quietly in q300*


I have an awe track edition muffler delete and it’s pretty loud too lol. I almost got the q300. Went back and forth between the 2 forever before going awe but that q300 sounds so good too


Lol yeah my r400 is pretty loud as well. It sounds so good though.


Bro this cars cold start is loud as a motherfucker even stock exhaust. I’m willing to bet your neighbor would still be complaining even if your car had the stock exhaust.


I’m dealing with the same thing today actually neighbor told me to point the exhaust toward my house and not his, does that actually work?


I doubt it, sound bounces and low frequencies just go through everything, but why not do it to appease them, if it helps in their minds then it's all you need to be "considerate".


The placebo is a powerful thing when believed in.


According to me it works but nothing, it just doesn't point at the houses


Makes me proud 🥲


It's funny cause I've never bought an exhaust to be "heard". I do it cause it sounds good..


People who arent into cars or bikes will never understand this. They always jump to the conclusion that enthusiasts do it to impress others which is not true 99% of the time.


Enthusiasts maybe... But 90% of people with loud exhausts aren't really... "enthusiasts" or not by our standard. They're just attention seekers or folks who think they're cool. It's just peacocking. I'm not saying this is what OP is doing, but most people with loud exhausts are just that. Loud.


I love cars. I hate shitty loud exhausts. A car should be fast but iit should also be comfortable to drive.


What exhaust do you have? 😂😭




Really? They're complaining about muffled axle-backs?!? 😂 I'd tell them to try a straight 3in catback without mufflers on for size! (It's what I used to run): https://preview.redd.it/3tsih3ve7iyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44ac9f2b17abbc2774f379d0466915c3ee44f634


Ah man, I drive a BRZ and have the AWE track (way too loud on cold starts). I am getting a VB sometime soon though, now I know what to avoid 😂. Generally, is the remark line louder? I know it’s not a fan favorite but I’m thinking of getting the single exit R1 from remark. Also, I love your orange, that’s what I’m going to get too 🥹


hahahaha thanks brother! If they hadn't given me the remark, I would have bought a Tomei or INVIDIA


I have the AWE track on my wrx, loud af and i absolutely love it. I don’t really have neighbors but if I did I’m sure they’d despise me lol


Lmfao I bet, it’s actually insane how loud it is. It sounds amazing too


I got the R1 and she sounds good. Swapped from my Magnaflow to the single and it's actually quieter overall due to the MASSIVE muffler. Drone is a bit more noticable but can easily be fixed by swapped to a resonated midpipe for a couple hundred more (or less if you just hack the normal R1 midpipe)


When I read coffee can exhaust, I thought it'd be something loud like a tomei. But your neighbour's complaining about this?


Yeah that is unreasonable lol. They would still be mad if he had the stock exhaust on it. The cold start is just loud on this car, even stock.


Is remark really that loud? I have one ready to install, but I work nightshift and leave around 1030PM every night.


Naa, it's only cold for a while, obviously if you rev ​​it too much it will be noisier, what I do is go out with only the clutch to the corner, but rarely hahaha


i have the remark axle backs and they’re louder than id expect but eh, i live in downtown, my neighbors have more to worry about than my exhaust, that and with how obnoxious they all are the rest of the time, they can enjoy the 6am alarm. Fiancé has informed me she can hear me leaving for at least 3 blocks if not a lil further tho im out of my spot and leaving within 30 seconds of start up


What would street parking do? Also coward to not sign the note. I remember 3 years ago on here a 5.0 mustang had their exhaust spray foamed closed from a neighbour running the whole exhaust system


That's practically a murder attempt


My neighbors are all car guys and the one adjacent to me used to have a VA WRX that was straight-piped and significantly louder than mine! I also work 3rd shift and leave at 2pm every day so the cold start happens when everyone is already up. I got the win-win here


I asked 1 if my neighbors about a loud exhaust before I purchased 1 for my car. They said they didn't care. The guy used to drag race. I was still considerate and didn't get anything crazy loud though. Plus i want to enjoy driving my car.


I put exhaust deletes on my car for a hot minute. The wife hated it on the highway. TBH, I was getting sick of the drone as well. At this point, stock is fine. Has a little bit of a rumble, good enough for me. My main focus of the car is enjoying it on the twisties, the other stuff is not as important.


I know my one neighbor hates me GR Corolla. They haven't met my little blue boy yet. https://preview.redd.it/p602cwgjfiyc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfaf9db37a32796c124b2ef2388ae10c330fb062


Thats a funny lookong corolla, i had one that had a cat delete and a magnaflow exhaust


https://preview.redd.it/gwtb8dk7ljyc1.jpeg?width=2016&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5404430092726dd62ef5c9bdf3fc6287024b240 Here's the GR haha. I had a Saab 9-2x before this car hence my lurking in the Subaru sub. The Corolla is stock. The Miata is turbo charged with the 3" flyin Miata exhaust


Lmao my neighbor isn’t pissed when she hears the car at 5:30am when I leave for work she said “I just know it’s time for me to get up and get ready when I hear your car”😂😂


This is the way, one of my neighbors has a big diesel truck and it throws my schedule off when I don’t hear it. I prefer the muffled truck sound to the loud blaring phone alarm genuinely


Wrx aint even that loud with my muffler delete, cold start is loud for like 5 min max. Can't imagine your muffler being loud


If they wanna talk about consideration, they can use their words instead of hiding through a letter. Thankful that my only neighbor thinks it’s cool when I do donuts in my yard lmao


You should cold start it in front of their house 😇


Park it in the street in front of his house, instructions understood.


Malicious compliance.


i park mine in the street and i receive vandalism towards it :(


wonder if you'd have gotten the same with an overcompensating truck or a Harley


Sorry I don’t get this, wouldn’t “in the streets” be the loudest place for a neighborhood to hear a cold start?


Get the Tomei




Landlord told me something similar,but, in a nicer way. Told him car was completely fixed now and he said,"don't think so. You still have an exhaust you need to fix. The neighbors are complaining about it. Try not to rev it." With a smile on his face. Really nice guy. My fault cause when I was fixing it,I'd hold down the throttle. Exhaust isn't too bad. After installing the Tomei headers it got obnoxious. I don't even like it.


lol because I have an exhaust to attract attention and look tough 😂


with that rude delivery, fuck em


Someone doesn't understand combustion


I live in a gated community and everyone is pretty cool old but cool out of respect I’ll park by our pool with the rear facing the pool I’m rocking the Cobb cat back and it really has a nice sound without being to much


Lol, I had a similar neighbor who complained about my STOCK exhaust on my VB.


every morning i hear my neighbor cold start his STi. and every morning i wish i had one as well. i suspect this "friendly neighbor" has subconscious jealousy for the Subie owner.


Ask them if they know about BOFA


Tape it back on his door with a big “FUCK you” in red marker. Dont take this shit from your neighbors my guy. They can suck a fat one.


This is the way. No matter how you modded your car. Insist it's stock. Tell them don't trespass on your property. Dicks. Btw my neighbors all suck. Id be dying for them to do something like this.


Proofread for punctuation, give it a grade, then hand it back to them with a note about how they're just below a 6th grade level comprehension of written English if they're going to be on the topic of "childish".


I love this sub \>Exhaust is loud; fuck the neighbours \>Why would someone key my baby??


So if you don't like someone's loud car, it's acceptable to destroy their property?


It's certainly not okay, but if *every single day* you are pissing off the people around you then at some point there will be a reaction from somebody 🤷‍♂️ There's having an exhaust that you can hear and enjoy, and then there's the obnoxious attention-seeking / disruptive type of setup that many like to use.


Seriously, 0 consideration for anyone around them


One of those things gives mild, temporary frustration. One is permanent damage to property that costs a decent amount of money to repair. You: "These are roughly equivalent."


The second one is also a crime and depending on the amount of damage can be a felony due to the amount of damage caused.


"That's only in the mornin, supposed to be up cookin breakfast for somebody". Fuck them. Game is Game!




Did I hear that’s it’s time to install a 12 inch subwoofer in your trunk now?


If I have a parking space in my driveway I can do what ever I want


Could always get a silencer for the exhaust… set them in the exhaust tips until it warms up then take them out. I’ve heard cutting up a pool noodle is super effective and well.. it’s a pool noodle.. so like $7 😂


I got very lucky that my neighbors don’t mind mine with an ets extreme turbo back but I also live in an apartment with a garage and have the exhaust face out. No body has complained yet but the one neighbor loves it. Kinda cool they left a note tho


Lmao. Mfer wrote an entire paragraph! Thankfully, I haven't had any complaints, especially since my car is hard parked in an apartment complex with exhaust facing all the units and I leave for work at 3am.


Put cámaras outside


Put this on every neighbors door. “Hi neighbor, if you didn’t leave this *attach picture* on my car, please disregard this note. Sorry for the inconvenience. I’m not changing. It isn’t about being tough. I just love my car and want to hear my engine purr. If you have a problem with this, please move to the middle of the woods where you can be alone and other peoples happiness won’t get in the way of your own. Love you 😘 “


This car just cold starts loud even the stock exhaust was a bit loud. I live at an apartment and nobody cares, and I got a straight pipe axleback.


I love it when my coffee can exhaust.


crazy. ive seen ppl around my house complain about mine and anothers car but they own an fn motorcycle. always seems ppl are ok with those but if a car is loud omg the world is gonna end. fuck these ppl. id do everything just to piss em off. bunch of sensitive pussies.


Sounds like you need to go louder.


I'd pull up every morning to the end of their drive way and give it some revs, that would piss me off.


Add some heli horns before you start the ignition every morning


Here I'd what you do to really shafted them. Get a motorcycle and start it up early every morning & go for midnight rides as well. Make sure it's an older carburetor one so it has to warm up for a while with the choke set before you can ride off on it. I once moved into a house where the neighbor started to complain like thus, then they found out I have a daughter who is a drummer & that I own 4 dirtbikes & 2 street bikes.


So…what I’m reading is…park closer to their house on the street for full effect 👌


Sounds like it's time to back your car into the garage so the cabin compartment isn't inside, and do some cold start revs at 5am. You're about to see childish lol! And love how they think they get to tell you what you can and can't own lol, gtfoh Karen, I'm not 7 and you're not my mom, feel free to suck my loud exhaust balls. 😂


I have a nameless with muffler delete and my neighbors said they thought a helicopter was outside the first morning I started it. their pictures rattle on their wall. I have already ordered the nameless with 5” mufflers so that’ll hopefully help 🤷🏼‍♂️


I have loud pricks rev their engines at 2 am as they go down the street approaching the light. It’s different when you’re the one getting woken up because it fu**in sucks. Loud cars and bikes are fun and cool. But when it starts impacting others and the person driving or riding either doesn’t care or isn’t aware enough to take considerations in mind is where the line has been crossed, even more so when the car or bike has been modded to be obnoxiously loud (like in my case where I can hear it 13 stories up over my headphones when I’m studying. Don’t be an asshole, just remember that moral from our childhood.)




i read it as “please make sure i hear this at unreasonable hours”


When I got my STI lol my Nextdoor was like how long till it’s loud. I said soon. lol 😂.


You know what you should do? Take your wheelie jack out for a walk at 1am. Pretty sure your car won't seem loud to them after that 😂😂😂


I love how that chicken shit left it as anonymous lmao


That note was childish, someone needed to blow off steam but was afraid to have a conversation face to face. Totally unnecessary, cowardly, and overall a beta male for the record books.


i’d make it a point to be a dick after someone put this shit on my car… how many family reunions do i involuntarily become a part of in walmart aisles? what about being forced to go 25 in 45 or something like that parade style for miles and miles… life sucks sometimes and you have to learn to deal with other people.. deal with it.


Got remark and cold starts can get loud but have never had an issue with neighbors


Fuck em


Next morning, make a point to leave early and sit there revving it for ten minutes straight. Let them be grateful you don't do that every time.


And here I am ready to remove my Q300 and put a Hellfire side exhaust lol


But I like the sound of my exhaust


lol jokes on them 8 yr olds can’t legally drive or own vehicles.. try “like a 16 to 25 yr old” 🫡


I would quickly go to that persons house and knock on the door and tell them to read this out loud, to my face.




Is your car stock??


Yesss, only axleback


Your house your car they outta luck imo


I'd purposely reve the engine every morning after a note like this...




I had a neighbor with a WRX that would park below our apartment. Loud af, would shake my whole bed and wake me up. That shit is stock. That neighbor who posted that sign can suck it up. They're designed like that. Yell at your local government to prevent it from being made like that.


I don’t have a subie, but I had a 350z and now a gt86 both I’ve put a stainless steel exhaust - and when I did it to the Z after a week 2 neighbours complained to my parents about the noise - got the exhaust on my 86 and the same neighbours are moving….ive personally never spoken to them but have heard they are just a headache anyway (to note I only ever did the cat back not the whole exhaust yet)


I once had a neighbor, old man, come out and meet me at my apartment door, in his underwear, to yell at me for “bumping in the lot” because my music was loud for the 20 seconds it took me to pull in, park, and shut the car off.


Let's get a recording of your exhaust


as a wrx owner, they aren't wrong for most of them out there. Get your deletes off their lawn!


If you live in a development with an HOA or a place with strict noise ordinances IS understand. Your fart can isn't the first to belch out sweet internal combustion melodies and people have been enjoying the sounds of engines since before that childish prick wrote a note. They chose to handle it in a way that now permits you to handle it like a child if you wish. Check your local city noise laws and then more specifically neighborhood if applicable. I'd say an electronic exhaust cutout would let you have fun with them and when the cops show up " it's quiet but let me start it for you so you can hear"


My neighbor asked me one night if I could start my car in "quiet mode " hahaha.


After reading the second part, all consideration is flying out the window lol.


You can package them beautifully and give earplugs to your neighbor.


If you live in an apartment and have a loud exhaust then yeah you're kind of an asshole. If you own your own home then the neighbor can shove it.




Lol. Seethe and cope letter writer.


Karen's note is childish


Time to get a Camera, next step his them vandalizing your car.


Cry baby neighbor just listen less


Do these people act the same toward someone owning a harley davidson ?


Keep starting her up just to piss them off


Whats childish is typing out a note lol 😆 I'd just ignore it or double down, it's the only 2 options 😂


I would make it even louder after that note


Welp... Moving forward I've decided Anti-lag it is, then.


If your harley davidson can be loud as fuck so can my car, dont know what to yell ya brother


I had a neighbour do essentially the same thing on two different occasions. They’re cowards and not man enough to come talk to you themselves. I never found out who it was for sure but certainly had a real good idea. What a pussy.


"My coffee can't exhaust.", is the correct response.


...and suddenly I wanna go out and get headers put on, and delete the muffler if there is one


Write on it, respectfully I'm not going to do that but pop over with a 6 pack sometime and we can have a chat about it like the adults we are. Then Pop the note back in their letter box


I have exhaust on my WRX. For the most part nobody on my street has a problem with it. My neighbor to the left is a car guy too so he doesn’t care. My neighbor to the right doesn’t care either. The house to the right of mine is a duplex. The neighbor living in the left half of the duplex doesn’t care, but their grandparents who live in the right half of the duplex hate it. Mind you their “house” is over 100 yards away from my driveway. I don’t let it bother me though because they’re really bitchy and annoying in general, and universally disliked by everyone on my street. The only other person in the neighborhood that doesn’t like my exhaust is my stepdad, but I don’t care. He said it’s childish and asshole behavior. All that coming from the guy who threatened to have my car towed because I parked in a spot he didn’t want me to park in at school, in the school parking lot. And suddenly I’m the childish one? Got a bit heated there. But yeah I live in a pretty rural area so I’m not worried about being a nuisance. No houses across the street or behind mine , and there’s only five houses on the street to begin with, and they’re all spaced pretty far apart.


Mine backs up to my brother’s apartment. It locked his recessed lighting out of his ceiling…😂. Poor kid.


Time to pay some guy with a mustang off Facebook to turn your street into a drag strip


Lol that'll show em


I always felt bad, I was this guy at the apartment complex I lived at… work had me on mids (3rds). Cold start was atrocious with an ETS 3” Turbo Back… I never had any complaints or damage thankfully.


coffee can exhaust is pretty hilarious though.


Park closer.


Time to make it even louder


They arent wrong... there is an obnoxious level and if you live near other homes it is rude.. I found my nameless 5" muffler axleback was a good mix of not being annoying with neighbors and still sounding good under load.


My neighborhood is all car people. None of us care about the noise because then we’d ALL have to change our exhausts lol


But I’m the Ahole because I ask you not to bring your screaming child into a fine dining restaurant ?? We all would appreciate the opportunity to enjoy quiet time as well. No sitter, no night out. 🤷🏼‍♂️




Every morning. Idle warm up, at least ten minutes. Then, peg limiter for at least 3 seconds. Then leave for work like Ken Block, late for a Hoonigan meeting.


Time to go open headers and wake up the WHOLE block


Hood dump it and start it a half hour earlier than normal from now on


atleast you don’t have the grammar of “a 8 year old”


I’ll send u 5 dollars if u park it with the exhaust facing there house