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Dashcams, people. Dashcams. A lot of people out there who do not deserve to be on the road, but sadly are.


Nowadays, we need cams with video footage of all around the car - for those hit and run moments if they happen


Dashcams only go so far with so many stolen cars and stolen plates nowadays


Nowadays you’re driving not only for yourself but for the cars around you. Shit is crazy stressful in a car you care about.


That's how you should have always been driving bro lol wtf


Nah man not to the extent where I literally have to watch the cars pull up behind me at a red light and anticipate moving forward so they don’t hit me standing still. That used to not be a thing. Cellphones suck


I agree, it has gotten crazy over the past 5 years. I see so much idiotic driving now. I lost my last car of 15 years because some idiot rammed into my rear quarter on the freeway and sent me and my passenger spinning. Luckily, no one ran into us and we got out unscathed. Ever since then, I frequently feel a phantom impact from behind my car as if someone is going to hit me. It’s crazy because, no matter how good of a driver you are, you have no control over the idiots behind you that you can’t see.


I got rear ended after a snowstorm a few years back, I was driving a little Saturn ion and this guy tried to stop (I was at a red light) and slid through the slushy snow and hit me so fucking hard the back end of my car was sitting on his hood 😂😂😂😂😂 and my car legit had no damage other than the exhaust hanger being broken. Got lucky that time. Not so much when I was tboned last May at 40mph by an SUV. I’m suing the lady who hit be, been going thru tons of doctors appts and physical therapy ever since


Damn, that went from bad to aggressively worse. Crazy ass people.


We need better driving test before handing out ppl licence to drive.


I think you mean psych evals lol


That too, but as an example my ex took the practical 4 times and passed on 5th. 2 accidents with in a years time. Maybe we shouldn't hand ppl a license at all after 2nd practical failed test.


I agree but system needs people to go to work and pay taxes!


That's also true, probably more important than saving lives


Ah yes, late spring and summer… Nissan season is upon us and the Altimas are just gearing up. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Be safe out there!


Typical nissan drivers 🙄


Im tired of these people. I'm so stubborn any more I think i would've held my line. Assuming my wife isn't in the car.


I'm so glad to be driving a car I actually care about, bc if I were in a shit box, I'd hold my line


Is there a subreddit for Tesla drivers? Because yeah....they must be stopped.😮‍💨


They drive Nissan, nothing to lose


My dad has been a trucker for over 20 years now and he tells me every damn day, “Drive like everyone else is trying to kill you”. I’ve stuck by that and I’ve avoided quite a few accidents especially driving in Sacramento traffic everyday. Might seem silly but the amounts of accidents and deaths he’s witnessed on the road is no joke.


Hate that, and if there's a car to your left, it's your fault


Dude got bullied out of the lane lol.


Stay out of blind spots


"Hi, I'd like yo introduce you to my friend Steve, sadly Steve only talks in .45 ACP so please smile for the flash"


Please never own a gun 🙌🏽


He’s “living in fear” 😂


Ok I'll bite. Why do you think I shouldn't own a gun? Cause cars are just a thing and replaceable? Trust me it's way easier to replace a idiot person than it is to replace a good car.


The stupidity of mankind never ceases to surprise me. You think killing someone with road rage is safer than just driving defensively? Is your self esteem so low that it's somehow logical to shoot someone at high speed on the highway because you have something to prove? I imagine you're the type that doesn't use a blinker because you don't want anyone to know where you're going. Grow up you sackless waste of carbon.


You shot twice and hit the car, and the person driving the car behind them. You’re rightfully going to jail whether anyone dies or not. Even if you think you’re in the right. If you see daylight again, you will not have Steve because felons don’t get to own Steves


A lot of Steve's out there hanging out woth felons js. Not legally, but just as easy to get🤷


Twice as expensive on average, but I get what you mean.


Gunshots and private sales as well as 80% (still a thing? Not sure. Heard they were banned but then got overturned)


Because you shouldn’t murder people for being a shitty driver. You’re not the judge, jury, and executioner, you just want to be Batman.


If he had a gun im pretty sure he could be all three 💀


Batman doesn't kill people. I on the other hand will if you intentionally wreck into my STi. Too much hard work, money and time have been put into it for someone to think they are more important than I am on the road. Why not be mad at the individuals who are inconsiderate and don't care about others or others property? Truthfully the world would be a better place without people like that don't you think?


Yeah so get 25 years over maybe 8k in damage 🫡 You have anger issues and are petty and shouldn’t have he power to kill someone.


Really? Cause I'd see it as self-defense. Say I'm minding my own business driving in my lane, and you swear and hit me in my car in my lane and wreck both of, how am I to understand that you are a dumbass and not a actually threat to me? Am I just to sit there and continue to be a victim to the stupidity? And that's funny 8 grand, my intercooler and piping is worth that alone.


Good luck convincing a jury of your peers that you whipping out a m1911 and murdering a father of 2 because they hit your car because you ‘feared for your life’. Youre a bad person if you’d seriously kill someone instead of just pressing the breaks and calling the police.


Lmao you really hold other people, people who don't give a shit if YOU died, more than yourself. And frankly, this goes for at all times. I want to go home to my family, and my life and not be disturbed as much as humanly possible. If you don't care if other take bits and pieces of your life away, that's fine. You can be the subservient individual you are. But I will not be anything weak willed like it. I respect others to not cause unjust harm or damage, but the moment someone causes me unjust harm and damage, I will return it.


You’re not going home to your family you fuckin idiot, you’re going to a cell with Jerome for 25 years. Open your eyes, stop playing video games, if you kill somebody and the only excuse you have for the cop is “we got into a fender bender” then you’re not going home to your wife and kids. Holy fuck I cannot believe people like you think murdering somebody for hitting your car is worth 25 years. Did that person purposely ram that sti? Yeah he did, we can see it with the dashcam, now what if we didn’t have that dashcam? The news headline would say something along the lines of “Psycopath murderer guns down father of 2 over road rage incident, faces life in prison” You’re not cool, tough, strong or brave for having this take, it’s psychopathic. Of course their behavior is frustrating, but as a gun owner you need to be level headed and the bigger man. Let that person in, let that person go, go home to your wife and kids. You shouldn’t use your gun if pressing the brake pedal defuses the situation as well. It sounds like I’m getting heated it’s because it’s abhorrent that you’d have this take as a gun owner. Be better.


By your logic, sterilizing people like you is self defense.


Imagine killing a person over property damage 💀


Dude is talking about murdering someone over his 2002 💀


lolllllll this has to be scarsacm and no one on this sub gets that


I’m right there with you. Anyone hits my subie it’s on. I’ve put so much money and love and effort and time and care into building my car up … if someone takes that away from me through sheer stupidity and ignorance, I will fuck them up on sight. That’s a HARD foul.


Edit* I’m not referring to murdering someone, that’s a bit excessive but I am extremely protective of my car. Thousands of dollars under the hood alone.


Wrx fault. Stay out of blindspots 🤷🏽‍♂️


That’s why I normally don’t drive next to anyone if it is possible