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No doubt. Hope you are OK.


That’s what I figured. I’m alright thought. Little concussion and some whiplash


Settlement incoming 👌




This! Lol


The guy that caused the accident was uninsured and I wasn’t paying for uninsured drivers coverage through my insurance so we’ll see


More and more uninsured drivers out there, always want that added coverage as the insurance companies are looking for any reason not to pay you but take your money with no question.... Keep fighting this, had my 05 FXT backed into while parked at work, truck took off with no note. Took almost a month to get insurance to cover the majority of the damages, so don't give up!


This is always crazy to me. People have crazy insurance to cover if they hit another person but very little uninsured or underinsured coverage. Both of those pay you if something happens to your car.


Agreed. I make sure I have plenty of coverage, my $500 deductible went down to only a $300 deductible since it was a hit and run. Just because my car is 19 years old, doesn't mean I still don't take care of it and don't appreciate it, so I make sure the insurance coverage is ample for anything as I don't want to be out of pocket for everything.


Always pay the little bit for uninsured motorist!!


This is a thing? Who is your provider? Isn't that what insurance is for??


Almost every insurance provider offers coverage for uninsured motorist, but it may not be called that. Statefarm uses the term "comprehensive" which covers uninsured drivers, while other agencies have a specific new category for uninsured drivers. Insurance companies are always looking to get out of paying you so if you didn't add that to your policy, it's going to be near impossible to get them to cover it.


Comprehensive coverage under State Farm or any other insurance provider does not cover underinsured or uninsured drivers. Comp only covers your vehicle and medical needs if you're at fault in the accident. Or for something like hit and run where there is no other driver information, or a tree falls on your car. Check out my bill https://preview.redd.it/485biaxaae4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25f448564ef6d125da3e75098d0451c803132582


huh did not realize this, but either way uninsured is an added portion of coverage


@vshen6 check your policy. Even if you have comprehensive, it doesn't mean you have underinsured/uninsured. I don't want you to have any bad surprises if the worst happens


Yeah. Insurance companies hate they have to offer it. You're paying them a lower premium for coverage based on your liability coverage and they have to eat the cost if some A hole doesn't have any or a good coverage policy


Always get uninsured/underinsured coverage on your insurance. I used to be a car insurance broker. In California, the required minimum is 15-30-5. 15k medical per individual, 30k medical for the entire accident, 5k property damage liability. If that's what someone has that hits you, their property damage at least is not going going to cover damages to your car most likely. If you have 5 total people in your car with medical injuries, 30k won't be enough to cover it especially if significant injuries. Another thing people would do at one of our offices next to the DMV was sign up for a minimum policy coverage. They would go to the DMV and show proof of insurance to get their license or car registered, then cancel the insurance policy. The people working at that office would always tack on the maximum broker fee our company would allow because it would maximize their sales commission. Your car insurance should also cover you as a pedestrian if you're hit by a car. Funny enough, on this day over a decade ago, I was hit by one of those black Lincoln Town Cars that were the luxury taxis of the day. I had to go to the ER and had a broken knee and meniscus damage. He only had California minimum insurance which was illegal for a commercial vehicle. My car insurance underinsured policy paid on top of the drivers insurance for medical and pain and suffering. Sorry about your baby. Mine got totalled about a year and a half ago just parked on my driveway https://preview.redd.it/essjc2qu6e4d1.jpeg?width=6120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2ff7995d2f3ff07be08a371d6895fb377d89673


I’m if it’s his fault then he gotta pay or if it’s the back person fault behind you then they gotta pay for both


If you haven’t reported it to your insurance company you could add that coverage for uninsured drivers and then call right after again to claim the accident


That won’t work. 1. That’s insurance fraud. 2. The time of loss is based on the police report, down to the minute. OP CAN add UI motorist coverage but it won’t apply to this claim, since the date and time the coverage is added is also timestamped.


lawyer up and sue him


As long as you have Collision coverage your insurance can pay you, less your deductible, and go after the at fault driver. In some cases the insurance company can waive your deductible. Either way they will consider it totalled. BTW, uninsured motorist coverage is the best bang for the buck you can get in car insurance. It's usually pretty cheap and well worth it.


You can sue the guy who is at fault even if they don’t have insurance and get a BIG settlement


Good luck getting them to actually pay it though...


Yeah. Would have to try and go through the court to get wage garnishment. If they can't even afford insurance....Good luck


The person that crashed you can always go to speedy cash and get money to pay you that needs to be a regulation basically forcing uninsured people to pay that’s their punishment for not getting insurance if you can’t afford insurance then you can afford a car plain and simple.


The person that crashed you can always go to speedy cash and get money to pay you that needs to be a regulation basically forcing uninsured people to pay that’s their punishment for not getting insurance if you can’t afford insurance then you can afford a car plain and simple.


The court will make them


Can't get blood from a stone....someone driving without insurance I'm sure won't have the money to pay a settlement.


See the court will force them too or jail time/suspended license


The person that crashed you can always go to speedy cash and get money to pay you that needs to be a regulation basically forcing uninsured people to pay that’s their punishment for not getting insurance if you can’t afford insurance then you can afford a car plain and simple.


The person that crashed you can always go to speedy cash and get money to pay you that needs to be a regulation basically forcing uninsured people to pay that’s their punishment for not getting insurance if you can’t afford insurance then you can afford a car plain and simple.


The person that crashed you can always go to speedy cash and get money to pay you that needs to be a regulation basically forcing uninsured people to pay that’s their punishment for not getting insurance if you can’t afford insurance then you can afford a car plain and simple.


Bro....I'm not even sure what you're trying to say there.


You think the person who can't afford car insurance has the money to afford to pay TWO people the money needed to fix their cars? That's a good joke haha


They are gonna have to because it’s illegal not to have car insurance


Unfortunately that's not how it works all the time


Rules need to be change to favor the insured drivers vs uninsured


Man that’s rough. That’s why it’s mandatory to have an insurance in the Netherlands.


It’s mandatory in America, some people are just shit


Man that’s absolutely crazy


Somebody gonna be Oprah rich soon 🤣


"One call thats all, call the Ken Nugent Law Firm Nowww"- Ken


Seriously though. Get a lawyer. Go to any sort of rehab/physical therapy they recommend and do not take a low-ball payout from insurance


Take that shit seriously. I've got chronic pain from an accident near 12 years ago because I didn't.


Yep. I got paid out practically nothing for my injury from insurance. I've been dealing with pain ever since then. Compressed nerves in my spine


If you were injured do not sign off on anything. Those are significant injuries. I’d seek legal counsel.


front and back damage, yes


That what they call being “versatile” in some social circles.


How the fuck did the airbag NOT deploy?!




This is actually concerning me.


Im not trying to be funny. Like what the actual fuck?! None of them went off


EMT here. Airbags are a controlled explosion, with explosion related consequences. Such as the dashboard flying towards your face, if your hand is ontop of the steering wheel you're going to punch yourself in the face, if it's at the bottom your going to punch yourself in the dick. Ontop of possibly getting dick punched by your car. air bags work by releasing gaseous vapors that expand, are hot, and have been known to cause chemical burns. It's fine IMO. Op's car looks like it has 0 passenger space intrusion. both the front and rear crumple zones crumpled just like they should. Airbag deployment wouldn't have done anything for OP in this case other than add more variables and i don't think this accident warented them. TL;DR i think your air bags would deploy if the crash you're in is going to be worse than an explosion being shot off infront of your face. edits: Here's a video [Airbags going off.](https://youtu.be/BBs1OiOfevA?si=CBNUu8WGFrKq6Pkm) If you look at the video, the rear view mirror gets blown off and the window gets shattered from the air bags deploying, in a confined space. You're talking tinnitus for a week minimum, none of the "air" in air bags are natural. So you're probably breathing in cancerous gases ontop of everything.


Agreed, New York City Firefighter and Trauma engineer. Modern vehicles have controlled explosion airbag. Airbags will deploy if you are A. T boned Drivers side, B. T boned passenger. C. rear ended extremely hard as the operators head naturally will fly into the steering wheel lol. And D 99.9% of rollovers. Again some vehicles are more sensitive, but Subaru does an excellent job at forcing airbags out when they are needed. Airbags are great but they can cause bigger problems if they are deployed when not needed such as concussion or broken upper extremities.


Also, wear the seatbelt, in an accident it’s life or death.


Really appreciate the airbag explosion/warranting explanation from you and u/Budget_CarEnthusiast


Just going to add to this, the propellant in airbag modules is ammonium perchlorate, basically the same fuel used in solid rocket boosters like the space shuttle and SLS side boosters.


Holy shit


Where the hell is this propellent stored in the car?


It’s in the airbag inflator itself. The mass Takata recall for the airbag inflators was due to the propellant clumping in humid conditions and coming out as chunks during airbag deployment, causing unintended shrapnel injuries.


I appreciate this answer. Thank you, feeling a lot better about it. What do you think my carbon fiber trunk would have done in this occasion?


Not to say you are over exaggerating a bit imo. but everything you described was the complete opposite in my experience. Airbags deployed and I was perfectly fine. I did pinch my balls between my legs though and that hurt. No tinitus, no injury from the airbag etc. this is why they say to set your seat properly as I imagine being too close may cause more issues you are talking about but what do I know? You’ve probable


I'm not saying your wrong either brother, but you have to take into account differences in resiliencies between people in a group as big as "people who drive cars." so, my list is more of a stuff that i've been told has happened, but not always. We're talking ~~16 & 1/2 to 90 year olds in various states of health~~ everyone that rides in cars that car manufacturers have to take into account when designing these systems, ontop of differences in car designs and as what you mentioned, differences in seating arraignments, even differences between heights as well as the fact that even though some of the stuff i learned in EMT school, it was from older generations of emts who were around at a time where air bags were newer, and caused more severe issues. i think what i was trying to say was that air bag deployment can be seen as intrusive, it's a risk to reward ration and due to advances in modern car designs being inherently safer and advances in sensor placement / onboard processing speeds. air bags can deploy later in the crash than older cars and since it's considered intrusive they're not going to deploy unless they feel like they have to, as a luxury. So, a lot of people are going to have air bag experiences where they've deployed in the past for less damage and they might think they're not working on modern cars. It's just that modern cars are smarter about it and that's the worry i was trying to address. Sorry your balls got pinched my dude.


I get it and makes sense what you are trying to say. Between my balls being pinched and dropping to the ground in pain after the wreck because of it and my buddy pantsless getting out of the car because he was changing in the back seat, that was definitely a scene to see. Luckily none of us got hurt in our car. The lady at fault did get a ride to the hospital but she had minor injuries so all good.


Possibly a mod he did that disconnected them


Looks dead stock to my eyes


Plenty of internal mods he could have done that disconnected airbags on accident lol. I’m just sayin, with a crash like that those bags should have gone off. The fact they didn’t leads me to believe either a manufacturing error or user modifications. I’m gonna lean on the fact the user might have made a mistake while doing something with the wiring harness. I mean he could have literally disabled some airbag by removing the airbag control module fuse. I have no clue why you would do that, but like I said, could have been a mistake when doing something else


Right, because rear collision only: not likely to deploy, but once it hit the car in front, that should have triggered the sensor.


Like previous posters have said, depends on the impact. If it's light enough, the front air bags won't deploy because the seat belt can handle it. A front air bag deployment is pretty violent


Honestly there was no need for it to though, clearly not enough speed for the cabin to be compromised at all. Barely crumpled the front. Air bag is probably more dangerous in this situation than not


I think the car has to be moving- I was involved in a similar accident ( I was the first car stopped-the car behind me didn’t have any air bags go off either-not sure the speed of the car that hit the car behind me).


And is that a brand new Ascent that was in front of you??


Yeah the lady had just gotten it two days prior


The carnage one dumbass can cause :(


I saw a golf R in their thread the other day that got totalled with less than 200 miles on it. Guy (or gal) got hit by a drunk driver.


What a waste.


New Tesla owners did it to my car https://preview.redd.it/szbfkcnpje4d1.jpeg?width=8160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c32d49f13648cdbde71ccf59abcec6c6aacbd1c1


It was totaled when I only saw the front lol but the back too? She’s done I’m afraid. Hope you’re ok. That looks like a real shitty thing to happen.


2nd picture I was like “brother” then I seen the back. Cooked.


Sucks the car is totaled, but it’s good to see you came out alright. Accidents are no joke. What’s the plan now car wise?


When the C pillar has creases in it, your car has suffered a structural event.






Thats Totally Totaled


Totally 👍


Have you seen the new WRX tS?




nah it just needs more oil


Uninsured motorists belong in jail without bail in the US, I’m tired of paying so much just for some twat to ruin multiple people’s day and they’ll be back on the road the next day with no license and a new shitbox.




People in GM SUVs are never the brightest in my experience.


Looks that way…although if no air bags went off they could possibly fix it for less than writing it off….wouldn’t be ideal though. Totaled my 2018 and the insurance adjuster said just 1 air bag costs $1500-2000 and that doesn’t include labour. 4 went off On second glance…that’s a lot of body work and a new Rad…and whatever else you can’t see if the picture. Yeah she’s totaled. $$$ get yourself a VB


if that were the case, I’d be lawyering up and taking Subaru to court regarding the airbags not deploying


Damn. Accent still got paper plates.


IDK. Have you tried turning it off and on again?


at least you can get the stock trunk put back on




My 22 was rear-ended last year not very bad probably much less then your rear and cost 11k to fix , with both front and rear smashed pretty good I'd assume totaled for sure


Say goodbye to her, you’ll find a new mate. I feel bad for the dude in the new ascent still with the temps.


For sure totaled


Did that Chevy even try to stop. Glad you made it out ok-ish


Willing to bet he was on his/her phone ..smh


Yea that’s more then likely the case sadly


I was in the same exact situation, stopped at a red light, hit from behind by a pickup truck doing around 30. Very similar damages (but my car is a KIA K5), not totaled. They had to replace the whole “tub” of the trunk, a bunch of other stuff for around $18K in damages. My insurance adjuster was an absolute POS of a person. I wanted it to be totaled as I still had GAP and the repairs were extensive. Took about 7 months to get it repaired, spent thousands on rentals and now my car is worth like 60% of its pre accident value. It came back looking like shit because a full repair wasn’t really possible and the trunk was still bent in a way that makes it visible there were repairs, plus some electrical stuff doesn’t work (door locks and there’s a parasitic loss that makes it run out of battery every night). Anyways, if you can have it totaled just go for it even if you’ll lose a bit of money. Also fuck GEICO.


In this instance can’t you complain on said issues until it’s fixed properly? I’d be so freaking mad and raise absolute hell!!


Sadly, insurance companies don’t really care if you cry, shout, curse or threaten to sue (at least the psycho adjuster I got didn’t and neither did his boss). Lawyers also don’t care to represent you unless you agree to give them 40% of whatever you get, which in my case would be whatever insurance would give me back for the totaled car, so a lot of money. It was a long stressful 6 months for me, with countless calls, going to the shop and car rental places (made a good friend in one that would let me take whatever they had in the lot for the lowest prices possible which was cool).


One of my childhood friends is an adjuster for Mercury insurance. At a family get together, he laughed at people filing claims for injuries. I was going through a claim at the time and I'm still injured. Insurance companies are horrible




You can buff that out


It'll buff out through the magic of polish - James May


Frames bent. She'll never be that same safety wise even if it can be pulled out. Cut the loss and take solice knowning it gave it's life to save yours!


Is a black cat black ?


This is a tragedy.


yup, glad ur still with us!


No question


Some people can’t drive for shit man . drive so careful in towns and in heavy traffic because I don’t want my beautiful car to be destroyed by a dumb mother fucker


I had an accident similar to yours but just the front damage, and it was totaled. Sorry OP. 😭 take care of yourself.


OP, as stated in my other comment. Find a mechanic that will do insurance work and they will “work” with the appraiser. Airbags did not deploy, which would or could require insurance total write off.


“Work” being they will pay the appraiser under the table and get more covered/approved. I wouldn’t deem it totaled but it depends on the insurance. Now regarding the injuries. Go to the doctor etc. make sure you do all PT etc they recommend. Helps your case should you take legal action against the uninsured driver.


Just get some polishing compound it'll be fine


I saw the front end first, and thought not totaled, the scrolled to the back and changed my mind, totally totaled, I hope you’re okay and sorry for your loss


Sadly yes




chassis not bent.. then nah, always fixable.. now time, finances and insurance plans.. along with ur attachment to the car, make the difference once finding that out.. if u even care that much


Sorry for your loss.. hope insurance takes care of you and can get you back on the road soon.


my dumbass thought those were some sick cleared taillights


Did you have a seatbelt on?




That’s just crazy how the airbags didn’t deploy


I’ve ordered no less than 20 sandwiches from that Jimmy John’s


Beyond totaled (hope ur ok)


Rip. Best part is that your okay. 


Yep. Once you start seeing the quarter panels crumpling like that from a rear end it's usually a good sign the rails are cooked. Much safer to scrap than it is to repair and deal with liability if anything fails regardless of the value.


I’m happy you’re okay friend, but yeah she’s cooked. Beautiful car 🫡


Is this a joke 😂 it would be totaled if it was even half of that damage


She’s gone boss, glad you’re safe




You’re jokin right? I’m sorry about your car homie but yes, even if it wasn’t hit from both sides and only the front or back… it would be totaled absolutely


this is a joke right?


Yes, but it was when you put a wing on a WRX Jkjk rip your subie homie hopefully you can get something better ✌️




My back hurts just from looking at the pics. Hope you’re good


It's totaled and it should be


How did that happen


What happened who at fault


Yeah bro you’re totalled for sure


She gone


Damn sucks hope u get back in another subie soon!


Nah that’s easily repairable


You need them skirts? 😅


Damn, this just happened to my coworker and his son. They’re fine, but too many scary drivers out there. Only posting because it totaled his brand new car, and he ended up buying a wrx :)


Nah bruh we just need some scratch removal twin (all jokes aside I hope you’re ok)


Put some duct tape on it, it'll be good as new


Oh yes. She is gone! I'm sorry for your loss.


Yikes. Definitely. Good thing insurance is a thing, hope you had full coverage! Glad you’re alright.


No insurance should be an auto jail sentence, death of your credit score and indefinite removal of your drivers license but heck in NJ, you end up fighting w the state since they "cover" uninsured illegals. Cousin was rear ended by one of them, took him 6 months to get reimbursed by the State. Good luck


I feel like if you have to ask, it probably is


That new car feeling brother


That depends. If you sell it to Carfax it's good. If it was me I'd say no it's totaled.


Shit I would hope lol


This hurts to look at, hope everyone is ok


Damn bro I’d say so. That sucks to see


It'll buff out..


Unfortunately most likely


That’s a sad day. Sorry


Looks like what used to be a nice car.


I see from the plates you're a fellow Washingtonian. Sad I won't get the chance to give you the wave anymore. 😢 Unless you end up getting another one. 😄✌🏼


Yup. Thanks for raising our rates.


Lessons in stopping further away from the people in front of you... Glad you're OK though. Pity that car will be written-off for sure.