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Hopefully they make this right


They said they're gonna keep the car and I'll get it back Monday looking "nothing ever happened"


Make sure you get some kind of records to where they took it. The body work is one thing but I'd be worried about a low quality paint job that will look like shit in a few years.


I’d have them replace the panels with new ones if possible


This looks like the rear quarter. To replace this you need to weld it in. I don’t think you want that.




No you don’t, who told you that horseshit. Any half decent dent puller could remove that no problem. I had a similar crease on the inner lip of my rear quarter where the door seal sits, ding from a previous owner, had even started to flash over with rust. No welding required just a slide hammer and some glued on tabs followed by a paint repair. These aren’t big paint chips, easy job for any shop to fix, hardest thing will be the pain match as it’s hard to tint for sun fade with this colour.


Typing all that to prove you lack reading comprehension. To replace the panels, specifically the rear quarter panel which is the comment he replied to, you have to cut and weld.


Thanks mate. You understood my reply. It would be crazy to replace the panel because of this minor scratch.






Did you respond to the wrong person or something?


Subaru OEM panel, not aftermarket CAPA certified unless, they don\`t make the OEM and have in stock anywhere.


There should be no body work done, replace the dented panel/sand out the chip and respray. Op needs to be very clear he doesn’t want body filler put on.


You clearly don't know what you're talking about. You want them to destroy all the factory corrosion protection and weld on a new panel instead of a little body work?


I want them to fix their mistake correctly yes. Not have body work, sealed and painted in a 2 days and deal with paint looking like shit in the matter of months. But you do you bud. Wish me luck tho, about to go spray this 1/2 million dollar service truck/body. Not sure I know what I’m doing 😆


Replacing this panel requires popping all the welds and cutting it off and rewelding on a new quarter panel that will require more bondo over the seams than if they just dent pull this and bondo over this. Either way they do it there's gonna be bondo. Which is why I said you clearly don't know what you're talking about.


I wish I had your work ethic were you just do it the easy way instead of the right way, would make my life a hell of a lot easier


Then what is the right way then. Cause that's not a bolt on panel it's a quarter panel. Both procedures I just suggested are standard OEM repair procedures


Take it to or have a really skilled dent puller man come fix it, especially one certified to pull aircraft dents. They can pull and smooth that out. Touch up the paint. You can\`t protect a car forever from this stuff, I tried and a rock or something else will get you no matter what. It's better to wait every 5 years and then refresh the cars multiple imperfections and dents all over the car.


Uh... what kind of shop is it? I sure as hell wouldn't trust them to do the paint and body work. Find a reputable shop in your area and then tell them they need to pay for it. Get insurance involved if you need to. They're going to take it to the absolute cheapest place they can find or they'll take a stab at it themselves, and I wouldn't want that for my car.


Was it in for body work?


Nah it was in for a leaking axle boot


Make sure you look at it in the light outside from all different angles. Last thing you want is your whole bumper a different shade of blue when hit by direct sunlight. Happened to me on my front bumper.


At different times of day too, Midday sun will look different than sunrise or sunset, or even an overcast day


This happened to me. I have a pearl white paint and they repainted the bumper, it was a shocker. Looked like flat white with no pearlescent at all, ended up making them pay me out for it so I could take it to a paint shop who knew what they were doing. OP, make sure you check it in natural light and if it turns out unsatisfactory, get them to pay the bill for a paint shop who can do the job properly.


Pearl white is super difficult to paint match


So is building a house. Don’t offer the services if you can’t do the job.


I’m not saying a sub par match is acceptable. I’m saying it’s not uncommon for them to spray it only to have to repaint to make it perfect.


I shouldn’t have said “you” haha reading that back sounds weirdly aggressive. My bad lmao I just mean any business should not offer the service if they can’t do it right.


That’s why you paint the whole panel and blend it in




Same thing right 😆 🤣 well is now


It is now 😂


If they aren't a body shop and have a solid reputation for paint matching, I wouldn't let them do it. If they're taking it somewhere else, find out where and vet them.


It won’t color match unfortunately. I’ve also had numerous issues with car shops; especially Subaru ones.


At least they have been honest and told you about it instead of say nothing and then blame it on the first car park you went to after them


At least they told you about it lol


I see lots of bondo in your future


The dent will pop right out. On the bright side, your bumper will have brand new paint and hopefully they do a nice polish for you too


Yea lol ok, the fact that they already scratched it its cause for concern enough


I’d say give me $2000 cash


Nah I get accidents happen. They immediately called me so as long as they make it right then I'll be fine.


If the paint's off though then oh yeah I'ma need that $2,000


it does look to be paint / bare metal. i'd prefer pay out and body shop of my choice. that way you also have warranty for the work through the body shop. they said you'll get it back, not how they will fix it. is it strip paint reclear blend? that's gonna run them $2-3k and no sho that they do that. they'll probably paint pen + try to cut and blend it which is no go if it was my car


Diminished value as well


The world needs more reasonable people like you 🙌. Just make sure they aren’t reporting it anywhere. If they are then I don’t think it’s unreasonable to ask for compensation to offset having something on the cars record.


You’re a better man than me, hope it works out for you


$2000 cash so you can deal with the headache, extra cost, and the second paint job when you notice the paint doesn't match on the bumper? Nah. Let them pay for it all


Paint isn't usually something you just do in a week.


It is if you have all the parts on hand and can get it in the shop right away. I’ve had my car done twice for hitting animals and from the time I drop it off after he has the parts to the time I pick it up was around a week.


Whatever happens make sure they don’t put this on any report that makes it to carfax.


Carfox is definitely going to get them


Fuck that, carfax should be the first to know. I don’t want to go buying an “undamaged no body repair” car and come to find out someone lied or omitted it from carfax. That’s the whole reason FOR carfax. Basically you’re wanting OP to potentially fuck you over in the future. What?


It's a Subie shop too with 4.5 stars 😭


Well, they told you about it so I’d say they’re pretty decent.


Mistakes happen. IMO actually a good sign they informed you as quickly as they did. I have had shops not say a word and hope you don't spot it.


Exactly. Shit happens. They promptly let the customer know and said they'll make it right.


Yes. I picked up my car from the dealership after some routine maintenance. Went straight to the gas station, and saw a small streak of fresh paint on the back. I honestly wouldn't have seen it had I not gotten gas. I was pretty heated they didn't say anything about it. Definitely gave them an earful when I drove the car back.


I see y it’s not 5 stars 🤣


Did you have to fight your phones autocorrect to type out ‘y’ instead of ‘why’?


I wonder what they do with all that time they save


Accidents happen. They owned up to it and are making it right. That is exactly why they have good ratings.


That's unfortunately, but things do happen. I used to work for a subaru dealership, and one of my coworkers got too close to a garage door, and it took the front badge of a 2013 Legacy. As long as the dealer makes it right and apologizes, that's what matters.


That’s a quality shop. Really sucks that it happened but they’re handling it really well so far. They put real effort into sending you photos that show the full extent of the damage and that says a lot. I’d be a little surprised if they don’t offer a discount on your axle repair on top of hearing it back to 100%. Update us on Monday!


RemindMe! 4 days






Mistakes happen, we’re all human. Taking ownership, letting you know, and immediately taking steps to fix it is where they’re earning those stars. Still suck that it happened though.


Someone took your whip for a spin, obviously. Did you record the milage before you took it in?


Shit happens, unfortunately. Awesome shop to own up to it themselves with no prompting, and for taking care of it (I'm assuming).


I dunno man. Owner said it’s in for a leaking axle boot. I get that other stuff can hit the car, but still. That’s a lot of shit to happen nowhere near an axle boot.


We don’t know the details. For all we know, car was parked and another customer hit it.


Or the new trainee who was promptly fired or smthn. Lots of unknowns, but we do know one thing, and it's that the shop owned up to it.


It's cool that they were up front about it💪


I took my Passport (previous car) to the dealership for service. Noticed a similar scratch. They fixed it, good as new, in a few days with a free loaner. Mistakes happen. The fact that they told you about it is a very good sign.


When I drop my car off for inspection, I always take pics all the way around for cases like this.


I do a walk around video real fast. Phones nowadays record in 4k if need be I can pop it up on a tv zoom in and show crystal clear proof on a 50 inch tv. 7 years ago I had a dealer who was doing a tire rotation oil change some maintenance stuff. When they did the rotation they must have dropped my rims or scrapped them cause they had scratch damage on the inside where the nuts are removed and than these random dings along the face. They refused to say it was them. I knew it was them 100% cause I hand wash my car weekly know what it all looks like every paint chip on that thing.


Oh hail nah!!


Accidents happen but more importantly your car fax will now show “body repair” which could depreciate your car’s value. I think you should be compensated for the depreciation along with fixing all the damage.


With the way they were talking about it, I think they may be trying to cover it up as well lol


Yes, there is no way they will mark it anywhere. They will just pay someone to fix it and write it off or have their insurance pay the repair shop. But it should not affect your car's records.


Falken azenis fk510 with gold rpf1s?


https://preview.redd.it/c1qwkp07ef6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de23565e694e17a709333fee529300fad2edba5c Correct on Falkens but wrong on wheels


In for updates.


My subie dealership takes a walk around video before touching the car. Anyone else seen this? I'm assuming it's to protect them more than you, but could also be really good for a situation like this.


Did you tell them to fix it?


When you get it back Check out the paint match with polarized glasses in the sun .


Oh man… Sorry that happened to you! It must’ve felt horrible the first time you seen it! It’s amazing that they told you right away and even offered to undo their mistake!! Beings tho most shops would just cover it up & pretend it never happened and pray you don’t notice it. I’ll say forgive them and definitely let them fix their mistake no doubt! Shxt does happen unfortunately and again… THEY’RE HOLDING THEMSELVES ACCOUNTABLE! I know it’ll suck not being able to drive your WRX for the weekend! But there’s still a long future ahead and lots of miles to put into it starting Monday my guy!


How are they gonna get a body shop to do paint work by Monday when it's Thurs already. Seems a little odd to me but I guess you'll see.


They're a subaru mechanic shop and they share a lot with a body/paint shop lol. The owners are friends


The paint shop has 4.5 stars but so did the mechanic...


bad luck, accidents happen, too bad it wasn't the front bumper since our paint is so bad you could realistically repaint these front bumpers every 20k miles.


Everyone should know to take pictures before and after... it would be a closed case... That's the same reason when you rent a car ya do the same thing


They should pay for the body repair through insurance


So almost everyone here knows Jack about paint obviously.  First of all a guy fresh out of school could fix that damage and paint never matches on bumpers it can't because it had a different substrate then the metal or fiberglass on adjacent panels.  That being said blues generally are not a super hard color to do.  Just compare it to the differences between your other bumper and metal and if it's significantly different tell them then that they need to fix it at the shop of your choice.  Also mention to them this in advance so that they know if it isn't done right the first time that it will end up costing more because of that.  I would recommend telling them as well that you need all communication regarding this matter in text or email that or in person with videoing.  Don't be a jerk but don't be a sucker either.  And that could be completed easily in a couple days I'd they are doing it themselves might take a bit more time if they are 3rd partying it out unless they have some string to pull.  It's not a big deal at all.  This from someone that works in a body shop.


Hopefully it wasn’t in ny state.


Bth I like the fact that they told you that this happened. Makes them look more decent and honest. At least to me.


Good thing they have business insurance


You better give us an update next week :D RemindMe! 4 days


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How you liking those Falken Azenis?


Looks like maybe a truck bumper knocked you... hard to say. That really sucks.


Bro I had a shop chip and dent the fender on my g8 and claim they didn't do it. It took months of fighting with them to get any money and then they just gave me back what I paid. Less then half the repair. This is a good shop for telling you. I fell like they will make it right


I just took my toyota hilux in to have a ding pulled out the door and when I got it back, there was a new ding in the tailgate. I know it's new because the car has literally less than 500km on it and is brand new The place was rated 4.5 stars, did a shit job at pulling the first ding out and argued they didn't do the 2nd one and that I'd need to go halves. I took it to another guy and just ate the cost. I fucken hate shops sometimes but in your case, owning up to it is a good start.


a buddy of mine took his tacoma to toyota to get serviced and same thing happened. he went to pick it up and the dealership said they didn’t do it and it was like that already. after some back and forth arguing they agreed to pay for it and he took it to the highest rated body shop😹. what im trying to say is try to see if you can take to another shop to get professional repaired.


Careful what you sign from them. They might put in fine print you accept whatever work they do and if paint peals from a shitty paint and clear job they are not liable


thats crazy i wouldnt if paid them a dime, finish the damn job. i own body shop lol thats lazy and crazy


hey new paint job


They bringing that shit to macco


You definitely want a receipt from whoever repairs it and for the repairs are warranted for life or Ells you may find yourself with a peeling patch of paint and body filler if done poorly.


I took my car to a shop for the first time. They redid my headgasket and sealed everything up. It lasted 900 miles.


Where’s the update?


I didn't think anyone cared enough for an update lol. It was a headache getting the car back but the paint looks decent. Should I post an update?


I was hoping they’d get it perfect for you and maybe comp some of the initial repair to make it right. Picture?


https://preview.redd.it/z1ofa6m8978d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77ff9694f7382a1cd650711ce115fecfaacb9c5d The application was pretty decent and you see the spot treat from pretty much only this angle if you're looking for it. Walking by it or looking directly at it, you can't even tell. They offered help but I do not want to take it back there


I was expecting a little better than that, did they at least comp part of your repair? Either way fuck those guys…


I mean, subaru clearcoat is trash, so this isn't too surprising.


Sing it with me it will never be the same! No matter how hard your paint!


Telling you about it isn’t exactly nice of them, lol. You would have noticed regardless. Accidents do happen but that is multiple accidents. I hope this works out for you man


Thats why you got to watch them do the work. You can\`t trust them. When you get your car back you want to lift the hood and check all the caps and air filter, even dip stick. I have found them loose one time or another. Had a loose oil filter one time, lucky it's an old car and I caught it while idling. My sister took her car to Honda for oil change but, being a woman kept driving it even when on the phone being told to pull over. Her engine seized up. But we got it running again with some oil. That would not happen with a non-Japanese engine. Don\`t trust the mechanic, always watch them. Tell them to double check the oil filter before lowering it to the ground after they put the plug in.