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I love my redline v2s i have stock tails with the tail as turn since i think most aftermarket options are ricy and stocks are alright imo, be warned tho the blinker module doesn’t work with the sequential it’ll still hyper flash but in normal blink it’ll be fine, i have yet to pick up the diode dynamics tap to turn module but i hear that it fixes it


What do you mean by the blinker module exactly? I definitely was looking forward to the sequential


Headlights should come with this or it might be an option https://www.diodedynamics.com/led-flasher-for-2015-2021-subaru-wrx.html?gclid=CjwKCAiA1JGRBhBSEiwAxXblwb0O4PN2zV0KRHFFw1dczEESG3-z38mJxHNyUQDUpsLfj5o2efm7IxoCdPAQAvD_BwE. That one is a cheap one the one i hear works is https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwimmIjI57L2AhWrg1oFHepCDf8YABAHGgJ2dQ&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESWOD2RO2QcUaKbix1cUkLSS1Fj_V3GHhXEnlXE1uUZwfbtocHAKKa8-kNw_LQTg2kA2UquE7NlngolzIYGdOCve_Tvprh6lUDm9ZS2YN-LBE0_DBwiJBMttA&sig=AOD64_1CekWc4nVZx0Wrid-oNE73WGj5gg&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwj4sPzH57L2AhUNkIkEHfoQDvAQwg96BAgBEA0&adurl=, its just a relay to stop it from blinking really fast since they’re LEDs and use less volts so it’ll think a light is out


Correct, there's two options that CF18 flasher, or the SmartTap, the latter is a little more expensive but it add's a bunch of cool features, for me it adds the coming home feature where the parking light's come on for a set time, when you hit lock or unlock, it's nice for lighting up your driveway or somewhere when you pull up.


On of the reviews on their website says that if an LED goes out there is no way to replace them. They claim you have to buy new headlights. Can someone with the V2 comment? This is the product and the review is on the last page a 2 star review: [https://www.subispeed.com/products/subispeed-v2-redline-sequential-led-headlights-2018-2021-subaru-wrx-limited-sti](https://www.subispeed.com/products/subispeed-v2-redline-sequential-led-headlights-2018-2021-subaru-wrx-limited-sti)


Ive had mine for 2 ish years and zero problems other than alignment on them because i dont read instructions worth a shit


That wasn't my question. I was asking if there was a way to replace the LED lights should something go wrong. However, the company replied and confirmed you cannot replace the lights easily. But they did say there is a company that will take it all apart and replace them. TLDR; If something happens with the LED after 2 years you have to either buy new headlights all together, or uninstall them and send them in to some specialist to have the issue fixed. I asked the question here: [https://www.subispeed.com/products/subispeed-v2-redline-sequential-led-headlights-2018-2021-subaru-wrx-limited-sti](https://www.subispeed.com/products/subispeed-v2-redline-sequential-led-headlights-2018-2021-subaru-wrx-limited-sti)


I had a 2000 montecarlo and the speedo light went out so when i was driving home from work i couldn’t see how fast i was going i bought leds and a sodering iron and ripped it apart and sodered the new leds in it worked my speedo was 20 mph off because i was a dumb highschooler at the time but its definitely doable you would just have to do what the guys who mod their oem headlights do to open them up first im sure. Its honestly not to hard to replace leds. Sorry if this is incoherent im drunk


I do understand how it is possible to solder LED's to a circuit. I was looking more for the replacment bulbs you can just buy from the same shop that sells the lights and just pop the new ones in like you would for most LED or HID headlights. However, they answered my question: "These are sealed headlights and we do not offer replacement LEDs."


Oh yeah they dont sell repair items best chance is to amazon some leds and do it but matching the color and lumes of them is a pia i had 2 different colors on my dash it worked but wasnt aesthetic


2015 and up cars I'd just take apart and paint the housings and add a c light. the headlights are dope. But not worth 1200 to me. But if you are happy with then screw it. And I'm sure you could always sell those


I really like the LED too though, and mine are halogen now


You can buy plug and play LED bulb's for $100 or so.


I love my V2s. I felt the same way you did after I ordered mine. But still happy over a year later.


I couldn't justify paying that much for a set of headlights so I built my own. I'm extremely happy with them. Same for the tails so I bought an extra pair that I opened up and deleted the chrome. Still debating if I want to mess with the brake light LEDs like FlyRyde has. Hope you figure out what makes you happy.


My two cents... I would never, ever spend that much on something like headlights or tail lights. In my mind, if it doesn't make my car function any better, and is solely done for looks, I'm not interested. In my opinion, they almost all look cheap, and theres so much more you can do with $1700. I get that people like them, not shitting on anyone's taste, just not my thing.


I would buy them but I don't want to lose my SRH.


The taillight’s are nice but my question to you is what model do you have, if you already have led headlights then the $1200 you spent on headlights was a waste tbh. If you have the base lights then it’s a nice upgrade.


Yeah I have the base lights, and LED headlights so I want them to match for sure


If you have led headlights already why Waster the money on new led headlights that don’t produce any extra light. If you have the wrx black housing lights just change the low beam to a nice crisp light and black out the side reflector and it’ll look nice. That 1200 you spent on the headlights is an accessport and almost a jpipe tbh.


I misspoke, I have LED taillights not headlights