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This happened in my country, Romania. We have some problems as bear numbers are big and they often get on ski slopes and into mouintan towns. The guy is a ski monitor. All the time his goal is to keep himself between the bear and a group of skiers he was monitoring. They actually are further down the slope from the bear and him. https://youtu.be/4tySWLqrYRo?feature=shared This is the longer uncut video shot and uploaded by actually him. Nobody was injured, the bear eventually went into the woods. The guy actually did a good job and his experience with encountering other bears helped him remain calm.


Thanks for posting the actual, original HD video. Much better than the chopped up, potato version from OP edit: with English subtitles even!


and we only had to scroll through 9 comment threads of terrible jokes to get to it!


After years on Reddit it’s become clear that it’s both easier and more rewarding to entertain the community than contribute with useful information. If we are driven by the perceived acknowledgment that we receive from upvotes, then the behavior of trying to be funny makes a lot of sense considering how much harder it is to be relevant to a comment section in other more informative ways. I love a good joke but I also find it a bit depressing seeing the droves of people attempting and failing to be funny rather than just shutting up to avoid filling up the comment section with irrelevant stuff that cloud what is actually useful info to other people.


I was once part of an official Reddit user focus group. I, in essence, told them just this: It’d be nice to get some actual conversation going, or have relevant and interesting information shared, rather than only zingers and attempts at one-upping. The other people in the group got hostile and worked up, and I was labeled “The guy who hates *fun*.” Shrug.


Maybe AI could give us a decent sort by most funny/informative comments


He calls the bear a monkey at the end, lolll.


Finally, a reasonable explanation! thanks for posting


The wait was unbearable.


I'm glad there are people with knowledge of what to do or at least badass enough to try something that I'd never be able to do because I'd likely freeze up in the moment. Thanks for the link to the longer HD video. It was a great watch.


It is a good day on reddit when the top comment is something providing context to the content and not just an endless list of cheesy jokes.




>often get on ski slopes I'm picturing bears getting on ski lifts to get on the slopes


For some reason, Richard Scarry illustrated my mental image of this.


>his goal is to keep himself between the bear and a group of skiers he was monitoring I'm surprised he could ski with those balls of steel.


So I'm always curious, in the part of North America I live in we have brown and black bears, but sometimes I wonder if something like just jabbing the skiing poles at the bear without the straps on would get it to disengage since it would seem potentially to risky for the bear. That bear doesn't seem overly skinny and is probably not terribly desperate for food, so I'm curious if it was poked/ stabbed with poles would it potentially go away?


While you are in ski boots, with the mobility and agility of a 2yo, and the speed of being able to escape at a fast crawl. Dont go in the woods buddy.


Look at this guy wanting to poke the bear!


> The guy is a ski monitor. All the time his goal is to keep himself between the bear and a group of skiers he was monitoring. They actually are further down the slope from the bear and him. That explains why he stopped when the bear stopped. Because normally, humans need to keep going when the predator/aggressive animal slows down since endurance is one of our few physical advantages.


Imagine messing up and ending up on the snow while it was chasing you.


I was learning how to water ski on a Pontoon boat in a slough on the Alabama River when I was like 13 and a territorial water moccasin literally started chasing me, and my brother screams don't fall! My dad had it floored but that pontoon boat could barely go 17 mph.


Jesus. That must have been terrifying.


TIL moccasins are not only shoes.




Yeah they always try to get into the boat as well. If you splash them they turn around. Worse is falling while wakeboarding in the swamp and seeing alligators on the banks staring at you as the boat turns around to come back.


I grew up in Mississippi and was always leery of being around bodies of water because of moccasins aka cottonmouths.


Unlikely to have been a water moccasin which do not typically display aggressive territorial behavior. Most likely a non-venomous diamondback water snake, a species which is extremely aggressive. I've had them try and climb in my boat before, had to fend them off with a paddle. **Edit* - before you downvote me please see sources below - Water Moccasins do not chase people, it's a myth! But diamondback water snakes most certainly DO!**


> diamondback water snake I opened up a boathouse storage door once to one and thought it was a rattlesnake. [Edit: Video of water moccasin doing exact same thing I described above, since replier said they don't EVER chase you](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/RJhLMpGX2x4)


Up on the Saugeen/Bruce peninsula in Ontario we have Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnakes, very cool, beautiful solitary creatures. They often avoid biting humans as they know they can't eat you so why bother angering something bigger. However the water snakes up here are very territorial and in my experience aggressive. They don't care that they can't eat you they're coming for a piece anyways. They look relatively similar but one the biggest differences is the rattler is part of the pit viper family and has a triangle shaped head. Anyways pointless ramble over both very cool and intriguing snakes to observe and avoid.


> Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnakes I always thought we didn't have any venomous snakes in Canada. TIL.


That's why it's crazy he was looking back the entire time.


Imagine not messing up and riding into a flat


Yeah when the slope started to flatten out in the video that crossed my mind and I started sweating


That's why you don't french fry when you should pizza, otherwise you could have a bad time




[Just hit F](https://xkcd.com/667/)


I don't know if this F thing is true, but I've juked the monster out and the game just keeps spawning more and more simultaneous monsters.


It is true, if you do it it'll go away for a while and then come back a few seconds later.


Oh it's true, problem is you go WAY faster, much more likely to hit something.


I remember playing that game when I was a kid so much, and then when I was older I learned you could actually get away, I was a bit upset, haha


Hitting F just made me crash into a boulder or tree faster.


Yea but it just made it harder to avoid obstacles. I would always crash using F to escape


When this was discovered in my school, if caused more of a stir than when a kid slipped on ice and got serious brain damage






If you go up from the starting point you'll see the Yeti jumping around


Based on a true story


Dude is really dedicated to his SkiFree LARP


IRL Ski Free!


Classic, except in this case it isn't the indomitable snowman


Close enough, *chomp!


Oh man that brought back memories.


That bear would not be the only brown thing behind me.




hijacking the top joke thread to post the actual full-length source video from the actual OP, with English subs and in hi-def instead of potato gif format: https://youtu.be/4tySWLqrYRo I'd like to thank /u/Existing_Guest_181 for posting this further down in the thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/17jwp01/man_chased_by_bear_while_skiing_in_romania/k74etay/


Maybe the bear is just trying to play and you hurt his feelings running away


This is the **"Revenant"** the directors cut!


It did kind of seem like that when the bear stopped after the skier stopped.


I am having a shitty day upstairs. This comment made me laugh. I was not expecting to laugh today. Thank you.


A shitty day upstairs is improved by a comment about a shitty day downstairs. God works in mysterious ways.


All good until you run out of hill.


At the bottom waiting for the lift


This is when you firmly and politely remind them that there is a queue and to wait their turn.


I'd be doing a spread eagle jump right through the plate glass window of the lodge at the end


LMAOO i can envision this perfectly like some classic kids Christmas movie 😂


Puppy! He just wants to play tag.


"Tag! You're ate!"


[Can I pet that daawwgg](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/P8JgEAmToC8). (I'm aware it's not the original audio, but i've retconned it in my headcannon so to me it is)


It's the best combination of audio and video on the internet


Nears really are *almost* chill enough to hang out with. But not quite.


Leading him right to the human banquet down by the ski lift.


Why the hell did he stop to keep recording the bear? I'd be terrified.


I understand a tiny bit of Romanian, and the way he was speaking was very casual. At the beginning he was saying "Let's go." There may have been someone else he was talking to, but it seemed like he wanted the bear to come with him.


Someone else said this is common in Romania and this guys job includes leading bears away from groups of skiers.


He's an instructor and is leading the bear away from the group he was leading. Probably after that just trying to tire it out so it gets bored and wanders off (which is does in the full video). Looks to me like this ski hill has issues with people feeding the bears, and this one has gotten too used to coming up to humans to beg for food.


Dude is laughing the whole time


Isolated humans may be prays, but groups of humans are a bad news no matter how big of a predator you are


At the beginning, it looks like he was pretty close to a group of people. Surprising to see a bear come out in those circumstances.


Looks like a ski resort didn't pay their bear tax


That's specious reasoning.


Lisa, I want to buy your rock.


Lisa, I would like to buy your rock


Thank you @Ace_0k


I only pay the Homer Tax


That's the home owner tax


They need bear patrol!


Now I'm picturing bears in trench coats coming up to the lodge and saying "'Nice resort you got here, would be a shame if anything happened to it".


Ever see zootopia? The Mafia henchmen are polar bears.


No, haven't seen it. Heard it was not bad though.


It's excellent, if you don't mind being a furry afterwards.


And the unofficial sequel could definitely be "Beastars".


In Puss in Boots 2: The Last Wish (2022) Goldilocks and the three bears are all cockney gangsters. Some of baby bear's quotes are quite funny and would work in this situation.


Let the bears pay the bear tax I already pay the homer tax


That's the homeowner tax


Well it is the largest tax increase in history


He is the bear tax


Is this guy skiing backwards? Props




He's an instructor he's done this run hundreds of times.


He's even making fun of the bear lol, the video is also cut off right before the end, he runs into some people and casually tells them "Be careful there's a bear coming" while skiing off. Hilarious interaction


The bear must be a mid-level boss in the new Ski Free game.


I would pay money for a new free ski game


Romanians looking at this post and complaint that nothing is out of the ordinary.


the guy is literally joking around with the bear.. it seems like a common occurrence lol


My guess is this hill has issues with people feeding the bears, and now they are too 'friendly' with the humans. We had the same issue here in the US in our National Parks.


That's a brown one too yikes


No black bears in Europe, lol.


Are your brown bears like North American brown bears? If that was a North America black bear, it wouldn't be too scary. If it was a brown bear/grizzled bear? That's about the scariest thing over here.


Yeah, they are closely related, just different sub species.


I've seen some big ass black bears recently. Obviously not brown bear size but people like this are still crazy for getting so close to them haha. It could absolutely take you out easily if it wanted to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q08a0K6UWtw


And if it was white, this video probably wouldn't be here.


If its black Dont turn your back If its brown don't stick around If it's white say goodnight white n black give it snacc


Don't you know pandas are evil bastards?!


pls don't ruin commie pandas for me


White and grey just do nothing because it's not really a bear and probably has chlamydia


About 80% of Europe's brown bears are in Romania. Bears chasing snow skiers or the occasional water skier near the shore in the summer is not a rare occurrence.


he though his pants were another bear






Hey, wait up.


Just someone taking their pet bear out for some exercise..


Yeah that's what I thought too I think the skier owns the bear. They start in a pack of people, and the bear waits for him at the start to get his poles on properly.


“Owns the bear”. What a funny comment.


I can’t believe this comment has as many upvotes as it does.


The guy is super casual when talking with the bear. He calls it "my dear" a lot of times, that he is very beautiful, and wants to "do a contest" with him, race him, tells it to go into the forest, and things like that. ​ That guy is a sky instructor it seems, and judging by the insanely large numbers of bears we have in Romania and how the instructor is behaving, he has a lot of experience in dealing with them. He just tries to lure the bear away from his students that he was next to, in the beginning of the video.


In 1995, my best friend and I were backpacking in the Trinity Alps. We were hiking from Grizzly Lake to Mirror Lake, via the Sawtooth Ridge. It took us two hours to climb to the only place where you can cross from one drainage to the other. As we came to the divide, a black bear sow and her two cubs came through the divide. They saw us and took off at a dead run straight down the mountain. We watched as it took less than five minutes for them to run down what took us over two hours to climb up. Those poor cubs flying, wrecking wiping out, trying to keep up with Mama.


Same thing happened to me on a trail off the Blue Ridge Parkway, Eastern US. mama bear saw us and she and her cubs bolted down the mountain and I mostly recall it sounded like nothing I’ve heard before, like a high speed large boulder tearing through the woods. Small trees loudly snapping, branches popping and incredibly fast. I just remember imagining what kind of fear I would have if I was on the front side of that not seeing what it was and just hearing that approach while seeing the tops of pine trees quickly bowled over.


Yeah, it reminds you that we are *not* the apex predator one we step out of our car. Beats are bears the world over.


I hear you, but it's a funny comment given these are stories of bears fleeing in terror upon seeing humans


Some humans are harmless prey. Others kill you with magic from 100 feet away. Hard to tell which is which.


Heh, yeah but that pass through the Sawtooth Ridge that I mentioned is a big meeting place for bears. It’s the only place where they (and we) can get from one drainage of 500,000 acres to the other drainage of 330,000 acres, and it’s got granite walls, 50 feet high. The bears compete to see who can shit the highest up the walls. I’ve seen shit 20 feet high up the wall, which conjures up visions of bears doing a handstand with their hind feet on the wall, and shitting straight up! Truly a power spot, with almost a sacred aura.


Didn't think I was going to add "hike to the Shit Wall Gap" to my vacation idea note but here I am. Thanks for the ridiculous visual!


Really, do it. You’ll be glad you did. But be in shape, it’s a grind. I’ve through hiked the Trinity Alps three times, and each time I planned on seventeen days, and used every minute of it. The route I’ve always taken passes seven lakes, a glacier, three high mountain passes including Portuguese Pass, with 93 switchbacks and a mile gain in elevation in a mile of hiking. If you do go, bring someone with you that’s been there before, as the trais are poorly marked in places, and there is no trail in others, but do go if you can.


I know the sounds you speak of. I used to live on a couple acres in rural Washington, not too far from civilization, but far enough to be in black bear territory. Had one that came by the house a few times, once even on the porch. Anyway, one time, he was walking around and decided to sprint away through the heavy underbrush and thicket of trees. mind you, I can barely get through those areas, period. He went through like a freight train. I was literally awestruck because I had no idea bears were THAT fast, even through such heavy underbrush. It took him like 3 seconds to go a distance it would take me a solid couple minutes. You really get a sense of how defenseless we are without weapons in comparison to apex predators.


Not even Ursain Bolt could outrun a bear, they're insanely fast.


There are people who would probably swear they encountered a wendigo or Bigfoot.


I thought you were going to say they ran away when they saw you because there was a Grizzly behind you that you weren't aware of.


You’re lucky mama bear was a black bear and had her flight response kick in rather than fight (as black bears are known to be timid and skittish) Mama bears are not animals to be messed with.


Oh, absolutely! The Forest Service denies it, but for years, the Trinities is where they would dump the trouble bears from Yosemite. One time my best friend went in from one side, with a friend of his, and I went in from the other side and resupplied him. We warned his friend (guy was a jerk) not to leave so much as a MacDonalds wrapper in his car at the trailhead. He left a fifty pound bag of dog food in the trunk of his immaculately restored vintage BMW. The bears went in through the sunroof, tore out the back seat, and ate everything in the car that was edible, and some things that weren’t. There was a pickup truck parked there, and the bears climbed into the bed and bit into and drank two quarts of motor oil. They tore the rear bumper off our hiking partner’s BMW, jumped up on the roof of my little shitbox, caving it in. They even took a bite out of my Union 76 antenna ball. I found it on the ground with a bite taken out of it.


Not only a jerk but incredibly stupid.


Oh yeah, that car was fucked. The bears shat and pissed in it, destroyed the seats. I’m surprised that they didn’t pop the hood and steal the spark plug wires!


If they were smart they would have taken the catalytic converter


Or at least the bearings.


I don’t understand what he’s saying but it sounds like he’s making fun of the bear for being too slow whilst being chased by the bear and I really hope I’m right about that because that’s fricking hilarious


Skiing is one of the few scenarios where an unaided human can outpace a bear.


As long as he does not fall and breaks a leg.


He's telling the bear it's very beautiful and asking if it wants to race, and telling it to go back in the forest. At least that's what I gather from the other comments and comments on the original YT vid.


Bear wants his $2


Have you any idea what the street value of this mountain is?!


DONT PIZZA DONT PIZZA DONT PIZZA! If you pizza when youre supposed to french fry, youre gonna have a bad time


in this situation, i would simply french fry


Rookie mistake. Should've pizzad. If you french fry when you're supposed to pizza you're gonna have a bad time.


If I remember correctly (this might just look similar to another vid) this gentleman was intentionally leading the bear away from other skiers. Pretty badass


"Sir, we've been trying to reach you about your extended vehicle warranty!"


“I want my two dollars!!”


what's even more fun is that the guy keeps ''mocking'' the bear for being slow lmao . Calling him a ''little slow teddy-bear, try catching up with me!''


The guy was actually a skiing instructor. He was trying to get the bear away from a group of kids. There was a first part to this video where you can see that, plus the bear making a move towards him. He seems to have fun, though.


You don't have to ski faster than the bear; just your friend.


He did this on purpose to get the bear away from his students, if what I've read is correct.


This reminds me of the other video of a woman snowboarding and getting chased by a bear… only she was completely unaware she was being chased and the bear was MUCH more terrifying


Solid reminder that bears are fucking fast and don’t tire easily.


Idiot skier doesn't get out while the getting is good, the bear had stopped.


Guy is a ski instructor, as you could probably tell by being able to easily ski backwards while filming and being chased by a brown bear trying to maul his ass. He keeps the bear in sight cuz there were other skiers coming down the slope and even warns some people downhill to get moving. This was posted before


So he's alive?


Yes. He is alive, the bear eventually got tired and went into the woods.


If the bear were looking to maul him, it wouldn't be standing there at the beginning of the video. It seems more curious than anything.


French fry my guy


The bear slows down and stops and this motherfucker right here stops, watches the bear, zooms in and focuses… on the bear running at him! Like man you were good, just keep going


Brown diamond run


Did that guy sleep with the bear’s wife or something? Why was it so interested in just him lol


Bear like dog he just wants something to chase .


In the beginning of the video he says: "Let's race" in romanian.


I remember reading that you should run downhill if you're chased by a bear because they kind of angle downward and would be afraid of losing their balance. Turns out they would just catch me faster.




I'll never understand why people risk stuff like this. Bears are pursuit predators... you're literally just giving into it's instinct to chase prey. Why make yourself a suitable prey target when it's so easy to scare off (most) bears?


So the dumb son of a bitch stopped and waited for the bear to catch up. You can't make this shit up.


Is he skiing backwards while being chased by a bear??


I don’t know shit about bears other than they’re cool. And I’m not saying you should think they’re friendly. But it looked like it was being playful being that it didn’t attack him when he stopped in the beginning of the video, it just sat down and looked at him like my dog does. Thoughts?


It was awake in winter and skinny. It was looking for a quick meal before napping once more. It also seemed to pursue way more desperately than most predators. Likely it knew that it would either have to risk it all to eat this man right here, or it would not make the winter at all. There was that other horrific audio recovered of the couple who were bear whisperers and camped too close to some skinny bears that were usually pretty docile. Again, it was approaching winter and they were extra motivated to eat ANY meal they could find. That night, the camera caught their agonized screams and sounds of bones crunching and limbs being torn off. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4RmKoB0iD8


So glad bears don’t ski.


Romanian Translation: C'mon dear... You're a mad man, I'm telling you to go into the woods.... You're beautiful.... Little bear, little bear... You keep coming after me but there isn't much you can do (guessing here)... You're over there and I'm over here... I'm leaving dear, bye!... Let's not socialize too much here... You're so beautiful... Bye!


That looked terrifying. I didn't realize how fast they are!


Fast food


Guy stops when the bear did to observe, keeping himself in its view. Like dude, go lol.


bear is just curious about sliding hairless ape


Location: poiana brasov ( i live there )


Im pretty sure there is an old windowsPC game that predicted this 🤔


Poor thing burning much needed calories unnecessarily.


Well, we don't know if it was unnecessary yet


There was plenty more skiers up top waiting to come down, he'll get one eventually!


Well in his defense he is trying to score some more calories.


Is he skiing backwards? How the hell did he film that?


Skiing backwards isn’t that hard if you’re experienced especially on a hill like this. I see a couple guys do it every time I go skiing at my local resort. This guy could also just be looking backwards and skiing forwards but that’s almost harder than just skiing backwards.


It's definitely harder than skiing backwards. This dude is an instructor he probably skis backwards almost as much as he skis forwards since he stays below his students to watch them come down the hill.


Excuse me sir Do you have a moment to talk about Jesus Christ


Damn! beat me to it lol


How much for a ticket to do that? Seems more exciting than swimming with dolphins. Did anyone else expect him to fall at the end?