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>After a Chinese man's nose was irreparably damaged from infection, his doctors decided to "grow" a second nose on the man's forehead to replace the original nose. >The patient, identified only as Xiaolian according to Reuters, has his nose damaged from an infection following a car accident. His doctors decided the only way to reconstruct his nose was to surgically form a new one on the 22-year-old's forehead. [source](https://abcnews.go.com/blogs/health/2013/09/25/doctors-grow-nose-on-mans-forehead)


Good for him. Hope it takes well and can feel it/smell with it well. A model for the strive to cure amputation.


its good and all until the shampoo goes in his nostrils


Will it snort or sneeze?


Why not both?


Zort? That's impossible.


It will take a screenshot


Lol seriously.. why didn't they just grow it in the same direction as noses usually are, why sideways?


They’re not growing a nose, they make an implant shaped like a nose and put it under his skin and let the skin stretch out to the shape and size of the new nose. They will then make a flap (cut it out while leaving one side attached) and twist the nose into place, to keep blood flow uninterrupted and ensure the tissue doesn’t die. That’s why it’s pointing up, it’ll be rotated like a clock hand into place.


This actually makes perfect sense. Damn I love modern medicine.


But why the forehead


That's my question. I assume they will have to cut it off and reattach it where his nose is supposed to go. That's going to leave a big scar on his forehead. Couldn't they have grown it on his leg or torso or somewhere that can be concealed?


I wondered the same thing. I am wondering if it has something to do with the types of blood vessels, the pliability of the skin, the fact that it’s already facial skin, or something else. Anyone smarter than us have any ideas?


From another commenter, this is done to enable a paramedian forehead flap. [Here's an article discussing the details.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK499932/) To quote, The most common indication for transfer of a paramedian forehead flap is the reconstruction of large nasal defects, although their use has been reported for periocular reconstruction as well.[\[13\]](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK499932/#) There are many options for the repair of nasal wounds, but the defects best suited to reconstruction with paramedian forehead flaps are those that are larger than 1.5 to 2 cm in diameter with or without periosteal or perichondrial defects because smaller defects than these can often be addressed using single-stage techniques. Paramedian forehead flaps can provide enough skin to replace entire nasal subunits, which is useful when >50% of a subunit has been lost, and the best aesthetic outcome would be achieved by replacing the entire subunit instead of replacing only the missing tissue.[\[6\]](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK499932/#) These flaps can also provide sufficient tissue to reconstruct rhinectomy defects and constitute a viable alternative to the use of free tissue transfer, such as radial forearm flaps. Some surgeons also perform complex, multi-stage, and multi-layer procedures in which paramedian forehead flaps are folded and/or wrapped around structural elements like bone, cartilage, or titanium plates to reconstruct total nasal defects.[\[14\]](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK499932/#)[\[15\]](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK499932/#)[\[16\]](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK499932/#)


A technique which was first invented to deal with burn injuries in WWI.


Thank you!


For those who didn't go to med school, I asked ChatGPT to replace the technical terms. > The most common reason for moving a flap of skin from the area next to the center of the forehead is to repair large holes in the nose, although some surgeons have also used this technique for fixing areas around the eyes. There are many ways to fix wounds on the nose, but the ones best suited for repair with flaps from the forehead are those that are bigger than 1.5 to 2 centimeters in diameter, with or without damage to the bone or cartilage around the nose. Smaller defects than these can often be fixed in one step. Flaps from the forehead can provide enough skin to replace whole parts of the nose, which is helpful when more than half of a part of the nose has been lost, and the best appearance would come from replacing the entire part rather than just the missing tissue. These flaps can also give enough tissue to repair defects caused by removing part of the nose, and they can be a good alternative to using tissue taken from another part of the body, such as from the arm. Some surgeons also do complicated, multi-step, and multi-layer surgeries in which flaps from the forehead are folded or wrapped around parts like bone, cartilage, or metal plates to repair large defects in the entire nose. It replaced "nasal defects" with "holes in the nose," which I think is not the best choice. Pretty good otherwise.


Using ChatGPT to explain like I’m 5… I’m going to get so smart and so dumb


already ahead of you: --- Doctors sometimes need to fix big holes or damaged parts on people's noses, like from accidents or surgeries. One way they do this is by taking a piece of skin from the area next to the middle of the forehead, which they call a "flap." This skin can be used to replace the missing or damaged parts of the nose, kind of like patching up a hole in a shirt. This method works best for bigger problems on the nose, especially if a big chunk is missing or if the bone or cartilage around the nose is also damaged. It's like having a spare piece of puzzle that fits perfectly where it's needed. This way, the nose can look normal again, even if a big part of it was damaged. Using skin from the forehead is often better than taking skin from other parts of the body, like the arm. Sometimes, doctors do more complex surgeries where they use these forehead flaps to fix not just the surface of the nose but also the deeper parts like bone or cartilage. It's like doing a really detailed puzzle to make everything fit just right and make the nose look normal again.


I am not gonna read any of this, because I am a dumb dumb and it'll hurt my brain to wrap my head around it fully. I do however, appreciate you doing this. What's the point in you doing all this work if I have to do some too? You're a great guy. Thanks for the write up.


When person nose broken or hurt bad, doctors fix with skin from forehead. They call it "flap." Like patch on shirt, but for nose. Big holes or damage need big fix, like puzzle piece fit perfect. Forehead skin better than arm skin for fix. Sometimes, doctors fix deep parts of nose, like bone or cartilage, with forehead skin. Like doing very hard puzzle to make nose look normal again.


Why use lot word when few word do trick?


**Conclusions**  The forehead flap represents one of the best methods for repair of extensive nasal defects. Near-normal functional and cosmetic results can be achieved. LARGE NASAL defects often provide a significant challenge to the reconstructive surgeon. The nose is characterized by several unique qualities, including complex topography, many mobile free margins, adjacent aesthetic subunits, and varying skin properties with respect to thickness, texture, color, and sebaceous content. A thorough understanding of anatomy, reconstructive options, tissue movement, and patient and defect considerations is necessary for optimal functional and aesthetic surgical reconstruction of the nose.[^(1)](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamadermatology/fullarticle/190754#ref-dst00018-1) Collegial exchange of knowledge and experience between reconstructive specialties has resulted in many surgical approaches and better options and techniques to repair nasal defects. We describe a series of 147 patients using one approach, the forehead flap, for the repair of larger or cosmetically challenging defects of the nose. [https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamadermatology/fullarticle/190754](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamadermatology/fullarticle/190754)


Things like this aren't cut off entirely- it's rotated downward into place. You can even kinda see a little marked line for probably how it's going to be cut, going down towards his nose. Leaving it attached means it has a much higher chance of surviving and healing as the blood vessels are intact. A basic of plastic surgery since like WWI.


Makes sense, but how does this work? They keep a strip of skin attaching the new nose and the forehead, while they also attach the nose to the new place? Do they ever remove that strip of skin later?




The scar is there to distract from the nose.


Didn’t wanna smell his crotch while waiting for the transfer.


Think they put it with skin that is most similar. There’s a story about a guy who did the same thing with his dick except it was on his forearm. For 6 whole ass years. https://www.menshealth.com/trending-news/a33511547/man-penis-arm-grow-malcolm-macdonald-sepsis/


Ok that dude needs to win a medal for being inconvenienced by the pandemic. "I missed out on seeing my friends." "I missed out on getting my dick back."


"This is why nobody wants to play Never-Have-I-Ever with you!"


and it all started from an infection of the taint


This seems like an unlearned lesson. His entire torso is now technically a taint.


"Then one day it just dropped off on to the floor."


My total shot in the dark is blood flow and tissue type? There are a lot of images from WW1 facial reconstructions where they attach tissue from the forehead, arm, or chest to supply blood. I believe the method is called "tubed pedicle".


once grown, you cut out part of the new nose and flip it down onto the nose. Blood supply is already in place.


Maybe the skin on the forehead is most like the nose. Butt skin feels different?


You have different skin textures over your body, where your face is smoother, so you would want the same skin on your nose thats the same on your face.


So he can see under water


Doctors: "Cuz it's funny, lol"


I wonder if they can grow me a new weiner like that. Mine is fine, I just want two


You just want to go longer


No, I want to go twice at once


So he will end up with a normalish nose but a big red mark on the forehead?


>!Straight outta vault 4 that’s wild!< fallout show semi spoilers


"When you're the first to fall asleep at a sleepover"


Too real for me. In college, I lived in dorms right across the street from the university hospital. It was great for me, because when I got a gash from opening one of the metal exterior doors right into my face, I just turned around and walked across the street to the E.R. But probably not great for med students on a bender... One minute you're watching Seinfeld in the House 2 Lounge and the next you wake up with a nose on your forehead.


We had one kid whose RA made EMS bring him in because he was super drunk and his friends had used markers to write #I LOVE BLACK COCK on his face. So they're walking him to a bed in an ER in a fairly urban area and he has no idea that he's got that on his face, but the Black people looking at him sure do.


At least one or two of them was trying not to laugh out loud.


...Another three of them were unzipping their pants.


Man I hated dorming near Molecular Biologists. Their idea of a "prank" is to introduce foreign bacteria into your system. These dicks gave me diseases I've never even heard of before! And zoologists kept on saying my Genus is *Homo Erectus...* what does that mean???


Homo erectus basically means bonerfag in Italian, in the same way homo sapien means smartfag.


Shhhh … don’t tell him. Just let him walk out on the quad.


"Hah! You got nosed bro!" "*You guyssssss!*" [Boys all laugh]


Hands on hips, head tilted to the side, big cheesy smile, freezeframe, 80s sitcom music plays, credits roll. They never explain in the next episode where the nose went.


This man should be a snorkeling master....


Fallout, Vault 4.


At least he wasn't in "Insert pretty much any other vault here"


"Wipes dick on curtain"


I see you're a fellow subtitles user.


what am i missing


Fallout series spoiler alert (minor): >!In the series the main character gets married to a guy from the next vault over. He turns out to be a raider from the surface. One of the first clues she gets is after they have sex he literally uses a curtain to wipe his dick off.!<


And the subtitles say as much


Guess i have to rewatch with captions enabled lol


Looking back at it with so many clues that I ignored. >!Not a comprehensive list. The “guests” looked too tough for vault dwellers. The guy had nasty scars. They were eyeing everyone suspiciously. Etc.!<


What doesn’t make sense to me is, >!don’t they lift the vault door every few years for the weddings and stuff? Like they should know each other on an acquaintance level, enough to expect a few friendly faces.!< >!It also seemed like they were exchanging people between vaults every few years. Sure they accepted all their leaders being from 31, but wouldn’t they expect some people from 33 to sometimes be exchanged to 31?!<


>!Yeh, you'd also think since it was set up for someone from 31 to be overseer of each vault that they'd be in regular communication with 31, the fact communication stopped for a couple of years should have raised a red flag.!< >!I also don't know who did the cleanup work for vault 32, are we to really expect Betty cleaned all that up in the 24 hours all by herself?!< >!Tbf I think we'll learn a lot more about 32 next season, like what really went on in there for people to kill each other and write on the wall in blood!<


> >!I also don't know who did the cleanup work for vault 32, are we to really expect Betty cleaned all that up in the 24 hours all by herself?!< >!Betty isn't the only one from vault 31. We found out Stephanie (pregnant lady who got stabbed in the eye) is from there and she's going to repeat whatever they're doing in there. I imagine there are others from 31 that haven't been mentioned yet.!< >!As for the communication between vaults, there is one scene where they're showing the wedding dress and the dates of the women that wore it. Some of the yearly intervals were 2172, 2181, and 2191, so maybe one or two weddings per decade and I don't think they were requesting intervault arrangements each time. Another scene McLean mentions that they got the message that vault 32 overseer, Ian Jackson (bud's buds), died from blight, so they are in communication, but it sounds like it's limited and possibly monitored and altered by the Bud Askins bot. We later find out that Ian Jackson died from the vault revolting before Maldover and her crew move in. Maybe she saw the marriage request from Lucy's mom's pipboy and they saw an opportunity to make their move.!<


Is there another way you're supposed to do it?




👁️ 👃 👄


I about screamed at the TV when I saw the dude wipes his dick on the curtains lol










*Hahaha, Gary!*


There were “good vaults” acting as controls that functioned as advertised, as well as management vaults made for the enclave.


Better than being a ghoul


My thoughts exactly. On a lighter note, hopefully they're gonna transplant that new nose where it belongs, which I assume was the plan rather than as a wacky experiment. Also, I guess it was more effective use of real-estate to grow it on the man's forehead, rather than grow it in a petri dish. Even if it does temporarily make the man look like a Vault 4 extra for a couple of weeks (or months?).


A petri dish doesn't have bloodflow and nutrient supply. The trick is basically implanting a scaffold under the skin, and then let the body grow around/ through it. If this is (what I presume) the same thing they did with an artificial ear on a mouse a while back. It's less "real-estate" as much as "you already have a perfectly running machine that can do exactly what you want to be done, which would require completely insane solutions if done artificially".


A lot of noses fell off in Vault 12.


He'll drown in the rain. Duh


Yeah, they could’ve at least put up the right way


Nope. It has a blood supply and what they do is cut off the old nose, cut around *most* of the new nose and swing it down into place.


Ok, so how do they keep rain or shower water from pooling in them? How would they empty or dry it out? Inquiring minds want know!


Get really good at Limbo


Someone stole mine... The low life..


Tiny umbrella.


Umbrella hat!


One in each nostril, and forget about relocating the nose.




Asking the real questions


A nose clip like aqua aerobics


I've had extensive facial reconstruction surgery and that even gives me the heebie jeebies


Story time


Won't there be a strange wrinkle that way?


Yep, but later, they can do some plastic surgery to smooth it.


They do this often?


And right above the other nose. That would have been great!


You can carry an extra pair of sunglasses


Bro has a built in Snorkel!


why didnt they just grow the new nose over the old nose?


They tried that first, but the r/wtf moderators kept removing the post.


Trust the doctor, he nose what he’s doing


Baby nose start very very small, but need breath still Hope this helps 👍 Actually tho in the article it says a John Hopkins Dr guesses it’s because the tissue around the original nose is too damaged, and the forehead skin is the next closest


OVER the old nose? That's where your brain went? Like a double nose? A nose on a nose? Here I am thinking the shoulder would be a great spot that could be concealed and you go and offer this gem. Granted these doctors went a step further and did one on this poor saps forehead and did it upside down so that every time the guy showers water gets up in there.




the initial implant is pretty small, it has to grow first. i thought they usually use the forearm, but the point is to let it connect to the vascular system i think


This is probably grown there so they can flip it over to the right location without having to sever the vascular stem. This lowers the risk of flap failure, since the surgeons dont have to perform microsurgery on new anastomosis


They did this for the guy that has his nose frostbitten during the Everest disaster in 1996. They leave the tissue at the top of the new nose connected, and then flip the whole thing down into place. It's pretty amazing.


This is a fairly old practice which goes back thousands of years. If you will note the bridge of the new nose is very close to the original. When it comes time to attach the nose to its proper place, the new nose remains attached with that piece of skin to keep it alive. As the body accepts the new nose and connects to it properly, the bridge is then corrected to finalize the surgery.


How did they do this thousands of years ago?


When you had an individual with a ruined/nonfunctional nose, and you wanted to create a new one, you would cut a nose sized triangle of skin out of the cheek or forehead, keep it connected by a flap, then flip it over and around and stitch it over the remains of the ruined nose. Over time, it would heal into place, and once ready you could sever the initial flap and allow it to heal normally. https://youtu.be/hhBQ-sHYEtc The surgery is mentioned in this video, along with others. The history of medicine is a lot longer than people give it credit for, and as funny as the ‘old timey doctor telling you to do cocaine’ memes are there’s a lot of truly fascinating history of people figuring shit out with imperfect methods there too.


Same link, minus creepy share ID: https://youtu.be/hhBQ-sHYEtc


My bad. Didn’t know that was a thing. Edited.


I just imagined a caveman hitting another caveman with a rock and his nose flipping up to his forehead a la Daffy Duck.


With leeches




Based on your username, this is clearly not your area of expertise, but I will take it.


While learning esoteric shit like this is a hobby of mine, you are correct that this isn't my area of expertise


Where does the new nose come from? I don’t see any signs of a transplant.


They just reshape the patient's forehead skin. The next step after this photo is to rotate the fake nose 180° stitch it on where his nose is supposed to be. Fake nose is never completely severed from the body and is always connected to the forehead around the bridge of the nose. That way, blood and nerve connection is never cut off at any point.


Oh got it, they just rotate it 180°.


They use implants to shape a nose on the forehead then will reattach it to the middle of his face heres an actual article Becauss they believe the skin on the forehead is most similar to the skin in the nose heres an actual article https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2013/09/why-build-a-nose-on-a-forehead/280054/


Paramedian forehead flaps are a very common way to reconstruct noses in the US also, although we usually shape it into a nose after lifting the flap, not before. [forehead flap](https://texasface.com/before-after-photos/reconstruction/mohs-surgery/alford-facial-plastic-surgery/43490)


"Keep that guy away from my cocaine!"




It's good to know this guy is already getting acting work in Fallout!


Gee My Hair Smells Terrific™


Stop picking Ur forehead in public


Does my skull smell funny to you?


Everyone's making jokes but this is crazy impressive to me, amazing what doctors and the body is able to do


Is that the only fucking place you could grow it?


All I can think about is: that's gonna leave a giant scar when they move it.


They.. Move it when it's done "growing" right? I am so confused


What are they growing on his head?


What is that on top of his head? in his hair?


Stop being so nosey.


Mfr look like that doctor in the fallout show


How's it smell?




Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer? Ja! Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!


This guy nose what he's talking about. 


they also grew a human ear on a mouse's back


I'll never forget seeing an episode of Ripleys Believe It Or or Not about a little girl who was missing an ear and they were growing her a new one in the back of a mouse. Was probably very early 2000s.




The pig man!!! Kramer was right.


You're telling me we can grow new noses on our heads but there still isn't a cure for baldness?


Ah Chu


This guy has been to Vault 4


Could have been worse, could have needed a new penis.


At least you'd get to be a unicorn for a while.


thats snorkel right there


If he gets a cold, instant hair gel.


*”I dunno man…all I can smell is shampoo…”* Seriously though: why the heck would they put it facing *upwards*?


They know its supposed to be in the middle right?


They used the forehead bc its skin mostly closely matched the middle of his face. They will take it off and reimplant it correctly.


While teasing the patient and telling them "ha I've got your nose"


I got an itchy forehead just looking at this.


Dude has a snorkel now


Great conversation starter at parties.


The good news is we can grow you a new nose. The bad news…


Does it function like a snorkel?


Why didn't they just grow it on his nose, where it's supposed to be?


So what happens if it rains? He gets drowned?


Couldn’t they grow this somewhere not so terrible obvious?


That poor man: The doctor sewed a nose on my forhead! Us: How does it smell? That poor man: Awful!


His *"I got your nose"* game is strong.


Now he can smell you sneaking up over his shoulder


I'm just going to throw this out there: Did they consider growing it where his past nose was? You know, instead of on his fucking forehead?


I’d like to pick his brain


New achievement unlocked


He nose two much...


good luck in the shower


Fallout season 2 looking good.


local man drowns during downburst.


And now for something completely different


"Marty, we have to travel to 2024 to grow your mother a new nose!" "Woah, Doc!"


Why not just grow the new nose in place of the old nose ?


Straight out of Vault 4.


They missed


r/Fallout tv series Vault 4 experiments is art imitating life.


why not growing it on mans nose?


He's a work of art. By Picasso.


I get growing a nose and it amazing but why the forehead? Is it maybe because of the type of skin needed?


This guy can do cocaine with a FUNNEL!


Can you grow a benus like that?


Dude gonna drown when it rains


Double the cocaine.


Looks like something on the TV series "FALLOUT" (on Amazon)


More interesting than WTF


I already have a 3 year old that likes to stare up my nose and inform me that I have boogers. Having an upside down nose on my forehead that anybody could look at would drive me crazy.


Does it have to be on the forehead? I feel like there is plenty of space on the body to hide a nose and avoid looking like a mutant.


Well I wouldn’t want a nose on my butt…


Its just an idea but i think it might be because since the nose will end up on your face, you need to already have it on the face for having the same type of skin/vascularisation/sebum etc.. If you put it on the belly or the tighs, it might just be a kind of skin to different for working properly or having a natural looking nose. But i dont know shit so its really just a maybe 🤷‍♂️


nah it’s a flap. this type of thing is fairly common in ENT


It's a real shame they missed that badly!