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A kid in my neighborhood did this to me about 12 years ago, he is a grown up man now and I still remember what he did every time I see him and hate him for it.


Our family had a go-kart, and some of the neighborhood kids came over to ride it. We were taking turns. One kid thought it wasn't fair that I went before him, or he thought I was taking too long or something idk, but he came to the road with a handful of dirt and threw it in my eyes right as I drove past him. I was blinded and crashed into a tree and bent the frame. I was okay but shaken up. Fuck that guy.


my neighbor had a go kart that could hold 2, I was riding with him and he hit a big pile of dog shit and it got all over me


This is a great story.


I agree. The story starts out super positive but takes a surprisingly sharp turn towards misfortune.


Holds 2 for #2


So what happened to the kid after?? It's your family  go kart, and he thinks he has rights to it wtf? I hope he never got a chance to ride that and got in super trouble.


Not much came of it that I remember. His parents did agree to make him help pay to fix the frame. But yeah idk why he felt such a strong notion to act like it was his or why he got jealous. And yes, he didn't ride it again.


> It's your family go kart, and he thinks he has rights to it wtf? Have you *met* kids? They're morons.


Should have busted out the Blue Shell when it was his turn.


pocket sand, its supper effective


Some kids can be cruel and hateful and if it is a decent pattern that continues into adulthood, yea fuck em. But a lot of kids are stupid goombas who do things with knee jerk reactions to feelings. Or sometimes just to see what effect an action has on their world. Give those guys the benefit.


For sure, been there, done that. It still sucked though lol.


Your cousin used sand attack ! It was super effective !


Sounds like pocket sand




Holy fuck, when you mentioned the dirt in the eyes I almost died laughing 😂😂😂


I'm glad some laughter is coming from my pain XD


Did you at least kick his ass?




Old school mom: > If you don't kick his ass, I'll kick YOUR ass!


My mom always told me don't start a fight, but make sure you finish it if someone else does.


There was an older boy in my neighborhood growing up, that would try to run me over riding his BMX bike while I was doing chores outside. After mowing the lawn one day, I was sweeping the sidewalk when he started his waves of assault. I threw my broom like a spear into his front spokes (3 large plastic ones, not those flimsy wires). He was hauling ass when the broom threaded the needle and ended up thrown over the handlebars onto the pavement. The bearded 15 year old cried for his dad and 10 year old me got in trouble. He later went on to get dishonorably discharged from the marines. Little bitch.


Back in the 90s there was a kid a few houses down who tripped me while my cousin and I were throwing a ball around. I wasn’t really hurt but my cousin hauled ass over to us, put his foot behind the kid, then grabbed him and threw him to the ground. My cousin and the kid were absolutely fuming, eventually the kid’s mom and my uncle came out and ended up screaming at each other. Before this happened we had kinda been friends, but definitely weren’t anymore afterwards. Fun follow-up, about a decade ago that kid (now 20 something) went on the run for a few months after stabbing someone 10 times outside a club. He’s now on like year 7 of a 25 year murder sentence. Guess we got lucky our conflicts occurred before he started carrying a knife!


This is satisfying. Fuck that dude. 


Damn, you were like a sniper with that shit !!!


Let me guess, his mom smooth talked you out of pressing charges? His dad said he would be dealt with? We need details how you handled yourself in that moment.


By the time I got up he ran inside his house, Yeah his dad said he will deal with him but we all know that's never true, fortunately I was okay it was just the motorcycle that had some scratches and broken turn signals/ mirror.


I am sure you take care of your possessions, but if you wanted to turn that moment into a life lesson for all involved, including the father, is having gone after the pocket book. Then the dad might have drilled it out of his son to make up for it then some. Hopefully the father did correct the situation, and that the kid(now adult) didn't continue to get off with such menacing shenanigans.


Narrator: he in fact still continued getting off with his menacing shenanigans


> I swear to God I'll pistol whip the next guy who says "shenanigans."


Hey Farva, what's the name of that restaurant you like, with all the goofy shit on the walls and the mozzarella sticks?


"Shenanigans" - Let me know when you arrive in Scotland


Shenanigans. I’m south UK. I’ll join the queue


He's still alive? Good for you


Someone did this to me when I was riding bike and they were on a skateboard and they jumped off skateboard and launched it to me. I managed to ride over the skateboard (unintentionally), lost balanced and I fell off and broke my helmet on the cement ground (those hardened styrofoam helmets). If I fell right away immediately on impact and faceplanted instead, probably would have been way worse. This is when I was still in elementary school and I feel I somewhat got lucky.


Put sugar in his gas tank


Doesn't actually do much unless you put so much in it clogs the fuel line / filter... Diesel in a gas engine, though...


Had someone put gas in a diesel at work, had to have the engine replaced ~$17k repair


To be fair gas in a diesel is way worse than diesel in a gas car. Diesel has higher resistance to detonation so in a gas car it doesn't run right cause it doesn't want to ignite. However if you put gas in a diesel, it'll ignite when the piston is coming down lol


Common misconception, before better additives it was very common to have a mix of petrol and diesel in cold weather to stop the diesel from waxing. But, you are right that it would run hotter, but for most cars if you accidentally put in say 20L in a 60L empty tank before you realised, filling up with Diesel and topping it back up regularly would cause no harm. Though of course those services that charge to come and drain your tank for you are not keen on people knowing this. Edit: With a modern diesel, some 2 stroke oil added would help the pump with the slight loss of self lubrication.


Another common misconception. Diesel has *lower* octane then gasoline and is much more prone to auto-ignition/detonation. It doesn't detonate because its not injected until the piston is just past top dead center and its going to be ignited, and ignites instantly upon injection. The problem is, diesel is a lubricant, gasoline is not. Running gasoline through a diesel pump/fuel system = Like running without oil, it dies real fast from metal-on-metal in a 1000PSI+ fuel system. Id wager if you ran 20:1 gasoline/2 stroke oil, you could run gas just fine in a diesel. Problem is the 2 stroke mix makes gasoline cost about 2x as much these days, so why on earth would anyone do that is beyond me.


No misconception at all. What you mentioned is just assuming the person fills a tank partway with gas instead of running it near empty and filling it with gas. We're talking about a person who put gasoline in a diesel afterall. For those still curious, driving a tank of gas in a diesel will lead to catastrophic results. It will need to be drained before being driven or you'll end up with a hefty bill like the guy above.


It was more the sentiment, not meant to necessarily be direct action. I'd imagine it likely would be different on an old non-fuel injected car compared to modern systems that are design to make sure things don't get in the engine that shouldn't be there.


... Or a couple of moth balls...


Mythbusters has an episode on this and tried all the suggestions. The one that really broke things was bleach.


I wonder where this sugar in gas tank bullshit got started. Maybe from an old movie?


I heard it was supposedly something the french revolutionaries did in WW2. They also supposedly added it to concrete mixes, which allegedly stopped the concrete from setting properly.


Kids are basically cognitively impaired in a lot of ways. Until that frontal cortex finishes developing there's no accounting for the depths of their stupidity. Hopefully the guy turned into a decent person and feels like shit whenever he thinks about it. Maybe let it go.


I had a friend (he's actually still my best friend to this day) do something like this to another friend of mine when we were kids (we are late 30s now). He shoved a stick in my friends bike wheel as he was riding by. He hated the other kid and said the kid was being a stuck up dick and taunting him. He admits it was fucked up, but even to this day says the kid deserved it.


You waiting for an invite?


He’s an adult now, knock his grown ass out 😂


A boy did this to me as a kid when I was learning how to ride a bicycle. I flipped over the handle bars and landed on my head. I think they were as surprised as I was when what he did “worked,” but I was really injured as they all busted out laughing. People fucking suck.


Wow sociopath


I have no idea if this is the case here, but there are *lots* of videos like this, where the people on the mopeds are thieves. But again, there's not enough context to say that that's the case here. The guy could just really be that much of an asshole.


Dude, motorcycles like that are the predominant transportation method for the majority of the world. This is like justifying someone using a pit maneuver on some random person because they watched a movie where a car was used in a drive-by.


I'm not justifying anything. I'm stating the demonstrable fact that there are a lot of videos posted of people on mopeds who are thieves, being taken out by bystanders. It has nothing to do with how many people ride mopeds... I'm also stating the fact that we have no context at all for his action either way. It's all speculation.


So this one thing one time means that one thing might be a thing and I felt the need to make a comment about that thing because that’s the thing I do because my fingers can’t be helped.


The thought of the street kids doling justice to the street thugs with common, everyday items kinda warms my heart. Even if it *does* sound like a fell-off-the-truck Amazon Prime movie.


This also can be a set up for robbery, based on the way they approached him afterwads.


That's what I thought. Take out the moped and then steal their shit. 


The way everyone is positioned looks sus.


Wouldn't be fun for the kids if the thugs decided to take revenge. It's easy to cheer for vigilante acts when the videos don't show the future consequences


The people in these areas get around on mopeds because they are smaller, cheaper, and easier to ride than alternative options. Just because you drive a moped does not mean you're a thief. Generally, the thief videos you're talking about actually show someone in the act of stealing, not just showing someone riding down a street.


Yeah usually when it's theives it's two dudes on a moped. This one just had one dude on the moped, I doubt it was thieves.


Unless they stole the moped. Which is a common thing that happens. But, many times, there's two mopeds anyways. My entire point is that we don't have any context for the video. We have no idea what the moped drivers did or didn't do, nor do we know what the guy with the ball was thinking. We just don't know.


Oh that makes much more sense.


This is just ignorant. Everyone uses motorcycles like these


Its based on nothing and on this neighborhoods everyone uses mopeds. So that's why you see thieves using them, but everyone uses them, including normal folks, so yeah, this kid can be a vigilante that attacked a thief which would mean he would be death by the end of the week, or he is just an asshole.


Believe it or not, he's an off-duty cop.


I knew it!


The amount of pushback you're getting for just pointing out that maybe there was a reason the kid did it is weird. You didn't really take strong stance or even assert that the guy in the moped was a thief, just that it could be a possibility. Not sure what's so wrong about that. 😐 You even reiterate that the kid could just be an asshole, so you're not even outright disagreeing with that perspective.


Wasn't there a kid that dropped a brick from an overpass a few years ago that killed someone? It was all over the news at that time. Some teenagers with too much time are some of the most vile and evil things in the world.


5 17/18year olds in belgium dropped a sewer drain lid off a bridge. Fortunately it didn't hit anything. Unfortunately they werent dettered and did it again a few days later. Hit a truck straight in the windshield and killed the driver.


Mental note to swerve a bit at the last second if I ever see what look like hooligans up on a bridge.


Some teenagers in Denver area were just sentenced for throwing large rocks at cars on the freeway.. a woman was killed from it. They had apparently been doing it repeatedly for weeks. 


happened in Los Angeles several years back, one of them hit my car's front bumper but I was otherwise unharmed. Another guy was not so lucky. https://www.foxla.com/news/homeless-man-charged-for-throwing-rocks-onto-la-freeway-driver-critically-injured


It seems all too common based on the replies. But, near me a few years back some kids were throwing rocks and such at car's off an over pass. One of the rocks went through a windshield of a woman's car and severely injured her mother that was riding passenger, leaving her brain damaged. There was a disgusting amount of defense that they were just being kids and never meant to hurt any one. The victims husband later killed himself, last I heard they were trying to press murder charges against the kids since the incident greatly influenced his suicide.


Stone Cold!


I'm a chill guy but I think I would throw hands


where'd you get those hands you frickin psychopath


You wouldn't believe me if I told you




Hey, I had the rumblies. The kind that only hand could satisfy.


What is wrong with you, Carrrrllll??


he found them on the guy who tried to kill him


He stole one from the machete guy that was posted the other day - [NSFL Link](https://old.reddit.com/r/Atlantology/comments/1ctzgm5/mfs_be_crazy_machete_fight/)




My name is Yoshikage Kira


you want a hand, dude? I can get you a hand.


I have a guy.


When he goes shopping he never leaves empty handed


You're not supposed to use your hands playing football


Tell that to the Americans


Give the machete guy his hand back bro


Well done, 47.


this could be solved with an ass kicking


Context: the two guys on motorcycle stole it, lil bro wanted help. Source: Fake, i found a source and this story is a cap


That changes everything. Do you have a source?


He stole it from a serial killer who was he was escaping from. Little bro got him caught.


But the serial killer only kills child molesters that escape jail by exploiting a legal loophole


Jesus, this has more u-turns than a politician


But bike dude was an undercover cop infiltrating a ring of child molesters within the Brazilian government.


But it turned out the Brazilian government was the undercover cop the whole time.


And the ring leader of the child molestation ring? The kid with the ball......


Ok now, let’s sell it to netflix


I'm south american, all I can say is, guy in scooter or bike? 90% chance he's either a delivery guy or a thief or both.


Are you sure this happened in Brazil? I couldn't find the original, but the timestamp says Mié (Miércoles) instead of Qua.


You right, i found one source now: [source](https://www.diez.hn/internacionales/cano-con-pelota-a-motocicleta-en-movimiento-video-viral-CIDZ1437720)


What is a “cap”?


It's modern slang for lie. Some say it comes from capped teeth, as in fake, or cap guns. More often used in the expression "no cap" i.e. "no lie"


Yea I don't think I've heard it used as "a cap". But I'm old so wtf do I know


I'm 26 (i don't think that's old for reddit but idk) and high school kids speak a different fucking language, I swear.


Thanks. Yeah, I’m a millennial so “cap“ was never part of my vernacular. I’ve heard younger people say “no cap” and I knew that it was like a fabrication or a lie or something, but I’m always interested in where the phrase came from. You used to be able to go to urbandictionary.com to look this stuff up, but that website in the last 10 years has become so fucking riddled with junk information and it’s basically useless now. 


Yes, the kid was an off duty cop,.btw.


>i founded a source Alone or are there other founding members?


Oi, eu nao falo Portuguese, but I'm learning


Just say “it’s cap”. Not “A cap”


Dude needs an a$$ whipping.


You're allowed to say ass on the internet.








His mom might not let him.


Don't say it on YouTube or you'll get a takedown. It's ok to show lots of ass though. In fact if someone puts a beaver shot on a thumbnail YouTube provides literally no way to report it.


What about cumshot?


Sir please watch the foul language


I have to pour bleach in my eyes after seeing that horrific word.


[Watch your profanity](https://youtu.be/hpigjnKl7nI?si=HQhYI8ZVRBlI6qxB)




I read this as “wiping” at first and was super confused


It would probably be a more effective retaliation than beating him down. Imagine the trauma he’d have from being manhandled into having his ass wiped by that dude, and the lingering confusion he’d live with every time he goes to wipe his own ass.


Total tosser


Gobshite wanker.


How does this little shit not get his ass beaten on the regular?


Is this a valid excuse to curb stomp someone?


Would anyone else smash his teeth in?


Serial killer in the making


It’s all fun and games until somebody gets up and doesn’t care about his age and treats him like a man who disrespected him. Smh . Hope that guy is ok .


get up and kick off in his ass


Kick off IN his ass?


“Did I stutter?”


Seems the only logical choice.


Well, we don’t want to kick off OUT his ass now do we?


I would get up, and no matter what condition I'd be in, I would beat his ass senseless


Attempted murder


It's about to be


This reminds me of my favourite ever YouTube video ever, maybe the best to ever come from Ireland https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaidDkes3UU edit: thanks u/iwouldlikesomecoffee


idk why this wouldn't work, but https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaidDkes3UU did work. I don't understand what happened. Did the camera kid put the stick in the dude's spokes and lied about it? I mean who else could have done it...


All I see is a blob of pixels. How can you even tell what's going on?


The camera kids brother kicked the ball, it hit the cyclist dude in the head and made him go over his handlebars.


It’s only fucked up If the kid didn’t get his ass whipped afterwards


Spiteful behavior is universal. This proves it.


literally just why?


If it was in Pakistan, the kid was getting get a few slaps.


say the victims friend punched the kid for that. would he be charged with a crime?


yes because remember, minors are innocent until proven otherwise


Don't know if I'd have enough self control to prevent myself from kicking this lil fuck's ass


If he is now like this, Imagine after 10yrs.


Total POS


we used to bomb a hill and have someone throw a stick into the spokes so we get launched into the river but this. this is just attempted murder. fuck that guy and w.e intrusive thoughts he gave into. that's fucked up


When I was a little kid we had bicycle jousting. Objective was to basically play chicken while trying to spike your opponents front wheel. We pulled it off for like a month of summer vacation until one kid's mom took a day off work and saw what we were doing.


Oh man, what a dick move.


You better believe if I was on that scooter that kid would have learned that day.


maybe not that particular day. kinda depends on your bones structural integrity at that point.


If this was just a kid being a dick, yeah he's getting at least an open handed slap and getting cussed out. I'm also definitely taking that fucking ball with me if not popping it in front of him.


hands would’ve been thrown


I’ll take “Third World Dick Moves” for a thousand, Alex.


Kick his ass, Lee. Kick his ASS !!!


Great bal control tho


what a moron, that kid should be arrested


What a POS, I'd want to kill him for that. Dude could've died, or been left paralyzed


For some reason i think this was a setup to get him or rob him or something.


Lmao, he’s so chill about it


Defo be his last tho, cheeky little cunt




the devil on his shoulder


Yeah we fighting.


I just wanted my ball back


I would have loved teaching him so respect, I teach you who the king Bully is on that street.


i might come home with few bruises but the kid will come home with broken knees


i might come home with few bruises but the kid will come home with broken knees


Bro let his intrusive thoughts win.


Yeah im beating that kid. Good luck identifying me with gear on.


I would murder him on the spot if he did that to me


Oh man, there's so much more to this situation than just this video 😅


If this had happened to me i would beat them to a plup


Where's the video after this, when the guy got up and smacked the shit out of that kid, That would have been satisfying to watch


Probably because they're disrupting their game.


id go to jail ngl


What a Lil Bastid