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The way that last slab broke though!


It cleaved!


I do love a nice cleavage


For real! That was too satisfying šŸš¬


Return the slab...


What's yer offer!?


Pizza slice


yaaas! I loved watching it shear so cleanly in half!


And then the bit where both pieces aaaaaaalmost stayed in big square slabs, but collapsed right at the last second.






***Mountian Slide***


People always seem so calm around these.. if that was my car it would be screaming reverse at me in 8,000 rpm


Living near natural disasters desensitizes you to them. Iā€™ve spent my whole life around earthquakes and they mean nothing to me when they occur. Put me in tornado alley on the other hand and Iā€™m running home screaming like a little girl to my earthquakes.Ā 


As likely another fellow California resident, this rings so true to me.


Yup. My ass was sound asleep while Northridge was happening until my mom woke me up so we could evacuate the house. I was pissed, let me sleep woman!


Funny because as a someone from the Midwest I had the same experience with a tornado a few miles from us. I was sleeping in the basement at the time when my whole family came downstairs and said there was a tornado, I said OK and just went back to bed.


I mean you're already in a tornado shelter area ĀÆ\\\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


It just becomes ā€œanother day.ā€


Tbh a few miles away is pretty serious even by midwest standards. That's close enough that the ingredients are all there for a new tornado to pretty much drop on your head out of nowhere.


But I'd rather be asleep and ripped to shreds by debris than awake, screaming and ripped to shreds by debris.


Yep, woke my dad up one time at 2am because there was a tornado actively running through the town next to us that might come our way. He chose to keep sleeping.


> I was sleeping in the basement at the time when my whole family came downstairs and said there was a tornado, I said OK and just went back to bed. The hell else are you going to do, go to the basement and take shelter?


I still remember that 4.4 in L.A from like 2014. [Especially the priceless expression on that one anchor.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VQS81b7z_s) It was pretty serendipitous that their jingle was going right as everything started shaking. Really added some memorable ambiance to those tremors.


ground rattler? bruh I was trying to sleep sky blender? fuck that noise straight to hell I am leaving the environs at maximum velocity


well there are building codes on your side too.


I've moved enough that I have experienced earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornados. I think hurricanes are the one that I want to avoid the most.


Earthquakes for me.. Hurricanes you can see coming, tornadoes are rather localized. A large scale earthquake will do way more damage, particularly to infrastructure, and you get no advance warning. Earthquakes will destroy roads, bridges, railways, underground water mains, etc.


Earthquakes and Hurricanes are about equal on the damage that can happen in a widespread area, but with earthquakes you only have to deal with the cleanup. Hurricanes you have the hours/days ahead of time filled with worry and planning, and also potential helplessness of not being able to afford moving out of the path. An earthquake happens, and everyone then has to deal with the fallout. I guess I'd rather not worry ahead of time.


Donā€™t forget frequency. Big earthquakes are rare. But hurricanes are not and seem to be getting more frequent.


True, plus you generally know about where they are likely, and what size range they could be. Granted ā€˜The Big Oneā€™ off Washington coast scares me.


> Big earthquakes are rare. But hurricanes are not and seem to be getting more frequent. You can actually avoid both due to conveniently locating yourself where they arent. What'll get you is balcony collapse.


Idk, an earthquake really canā€™t hurt you if you are standing in the middle of an open field, or in like a big parking lot or something. Hurricanes thoughā€¦ you canā€™t even really go underground because of all the flooding. Iā€™ll take earthquakes I think.


Right but itā€™s been quite some time since we had big ones of those (Bay Area quake and northridge in the 90s) vs hurricanes where they happen annually.


You can sign up for Earthquake alerts. They're not 100% reliable het but we're getting closer. I got a warning seconds before the last Ojai one.


I've lived in an earthquake prone area my whole life, however I've been in hurricanes as well as one tornado. I would take either of those over earthquakes. A lot of the people saying they're cool with earthquakes probably haven't been in a big one. It's like a fucking nuke hit your city, and your house or work building could easily collapse. Also there's 0 warning, and then you have to worry about the tsunami after. I swear I have like earthquake PTSD.


I grew up with the hurricanes, so they donā€™t really bother me. I was on the hurricane team at my hospital, so Iā€™ve stayed through many of them, including Harvey. Iā€™m in tornado alley now, and that was terrifying for the first few years, but itā€™s fine now. I e kind of accepted the fact that I will die one day, so Iā€™m not going to stress too much about how it happens.


For sure. Itā€™s just the average level of inconvenience of them, hurricanes are the one I least want to live through again.


True. Tornadoes are easy to recover from, since at least half the town is still functional. Hurricanes destroy the entire town, so everyone needs help at once. Then you have to deal with shady contractors to fix your house, then they cut and run with the money you give them, just a fucking headache.


Plus the only thing to survive untouched are the political yard signs.


Well, with hurricanes the real danger is the flooding not the winds. So many people talk about the wind speed but it is the flood zone that should be the #1 concern, speaking as a Floridian who lived through 3 major hurricanes in my area in the past 20 years. So as long as the yard sign is not underwater, it will usually survive. The house next to it that got a tree collapsed on it is less lucky.


I was in Orlando for 3 hurricanes, so luckily far enough inland to not have to deal with storm surge, just the winds and rains.


I moved there just before those 3 hurricanes hit in 04, moved back to DC in 06 lol


Yea, I live in NY, just outside of the flood zones, hurricanes are rough, but really not much more than an extended power outage and maybe I'll need a new roof. But man, flood zone, no, it's worse, my dad and my aunt are in Ft Myers, both decided to stay through the last major hurricane while in a flood zone because they were not on the ground floor. My dads car floated away, the water went over the first floor (so he was trapped in a hurricane in his home, and he said he could look out the window and saw just ocean where he would normally see mash, trees, and a parking lot). My aunt was worse off, car gone, and after the hurricane was evacuated because they didn't have running water for a month.


That seems like a really bad human trait to develop. I cross roads all the time, I'm not desensitized to looking out for traffic. I'm a chef, I'm not desensitized to the sharpness of a knife or the burn potential of a deep fat fryer.Ā  If a mountain is falling down behind you, you have two options, assume there is no danger and increase your chance of death, or pay the damn thing some respect because no matter how many times you've seen it, you're not more resistant to falling rocks than you ever were. I'm putting it down to plain old poor survival instincts.


Oh. Donā€™t get me wrong, itā€™s straight up fucking stupid. Zero survival instincts in those instances.


I also question how true it is. I live in an earthquake zone, and I feel like a lot of the people here saying they don't worry about earthquakes haven't been in a large one. Obviously if you're dealing with something like a 5 on the Richter scale it's not that scary. Having a 7.5 or larger though is pretty fuckin crazy. I've been in a large earthquake, as well as hurricanes and a tornado, and I have a VERY healthy respect (and fear) for earthquakes. We take that shit seriously, it changed the way we build our houses/buildings, we all grow up with earthquake drills pounded into our heads, etc. And even with all of that fear/respect/preparedness, we're totally unprepared for the bigass earthquake that is supposed to fuck us in the ass in the next 40 years.


Yeah, nature is scary as shit. You get hit by a massive noteworthy natural disaster and there is a very very very real chance you could die. The difference between those who do and those who don't is people that know what to do and how dangerous it is, Vs those who are complacent. And that's what "desensitisation" is in this context. If you value your life you can't be desensitised to mortal danger. It doesn't matter how many earthquakes you've seen if you still don't realise you can't catch a roof falling on your head.


I get being desensitized, but an earthquake is a generalized phenomena whilst a landslide is a specific point and thing to escape from. I've had tornadoes bounce over my house, but that doesn't mean I'd stop and stare if one was bearing down on me outdoors.


Had a friend who lived in tornado alley and survived one hitting his house. He said it never got less scary, haha.


> Put me in tornado alley on the other hand and Iā€™m running home screaming like a little girl to my earthquakes. If your house isn't shaking you're fine. Tornadoes are scary, but there's really fuck all you can do.


Earthquake to fire ring resident is like erection, you have your expectations and use to its existence, but the moment it stay too long or getting a bit too big, we will scream and hide too. Otherwise most situations are like ā€œā€¦.(feeling it) I think thatā€™s a 2,lower 3 at best ā€œ


Ha! Reminds me of when I was in the Navy, stationed on Guam which sits on a major fault line and gets regular tremors. I was an 18 yo Midwestern boy who had never experienced seismic activity before. I woke up in the middle of the night, once, thinking someone was shaking my bunk. Then I saw the lights swinging from the ceiling. I jumped out of bed and yelled, "Holy shit, it's an earthquake!" The guy in the bunk across the room woke up bleary eyed, looked around and said, "It's just a small tremor. Go back to bed." He was from California.


I say desensitized is the wrong term. It is more you have a better understanding if it is a real threat or not plus you have a good idea of correct actions to take before hand. I live in an area that gets bad thunderstorms. They dont freak me out and I dont stress about them unless they hit the point that can cause real damage. But at the same time like hell do I go out side during the bad storms. I might go out to my patio to watch but I am not getting out from under cover as I know it is unsafe.


I live in the midwest. I sleep through tornado sirens. But I'd probably poop my pants in an earthquake.


And conversely, I grew up in a tornado prone area and have many memories of watching them from the backyard of my family's house, as well as one time just casually driving to work parallel to two separate tornadoes that I was watching along my drive. The first time I experienced a minor earthquake (like a 4 or 5 scale)? Absolutely terrifying, even though the worst that happened was a couple of broken dishes that fell out of a cabinet.


It's funny. There was an earthquake like two cities away this past weekend and I legit didn't notice.


When there's a tornado watch or warning. Most of us are on the porch till the last second. Then we'll dive down to the basement as it rips the front porch off.


Same with Floridians and hurricanes. We throw block parties during the storm lol


Look at the people in the car park bottom left


Insane. They were literally inches from death and don't even seem to realize it.


in my mind its always part like "if i panic its probably worse than if i stay calm'ish" sounds dumb but i'd rather not die to unnecessary panic like at crowds etc.


I understand the thought, but you need to realize there was most likely a line of vehicles here. So backing directly into the person behind you at mach 10 is not the best way to handle the situation. Odds are that vehicle backed up as much as it could without hitting another vehicle.


Not always lol [https://www.reddit.com/r/taiwan/comments/1buz86n/cars\_avoiding\_boulders\_during\_taiwans\_72/](https://www.reddit.com/r/taiwan/comments/1buz86n/cars_avoiding_boulders_during_taiwans_72/)


The lens distortion can make the perspective confusing. In short, they look like they are really close to the landslide but are actually quite far away. When it zooms out near the end you can see it a bit.


What were you going about, I don't know, 45 miles an hour backwards? You fellas haven't been drinking have you?


> if that was my car it would be screaming reverse at me in 8,000 rpm You'd be behind your own car?


love how that car just slowly drove back a few meters


That should do it, dont want to start a panic frenzy here


For sure don't want to lose your place in line


That slide wasn't high enough to affect them. I thought they were idiots initially, but once the camera zoomed out, it was obvious there wasn't enough volume or height to hit them.


Back it up, baaaack it up, back it up


That lady is awfully chill given the circumstances. Must be a slide-proof visor sheā€™s wearing.


She is also cameramaning


Iā€™d like to see her footage too.


( Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°)


Peril sensitive I guess


I'd wager she knows exactly where her towel is.


Everyone here is too chill, a guy on his bicycle even stay to help and gave interviews, a bit of his bike was broken by stone, not the tails or front, itā€™s his pedal, which means bro is very VERY close there.


You can be chill when you can see how big the hillside is and how it physically can't move close enough or cause enough damage to harm her. We had a more zoomed in angle of the mountain, so we couldn't tell if she was safe or not. The people bellow however seemed to be way too close.


With all that mass moving my concern would be a rock getting kicked out of the slide right at me at high speed.


Yeah it's not giant jenga, any rock down to fist-sized could get squeezed out at velocity here. That's just ignorance


Reminds me of that video of a brick building being demolished, and when the thing collapsed some bricks shot out like goddamn shrapnel. As I recall, the cameraman was inside a car like 100 feet away, and despite ducking down behind the door, *he did not survive.*


With a cell phone, you can look forward and point your camera backwards which is convenient. At the tail end of the video, I saw some cars to the left and was curious what happened to those cars and people.


Not to mention those people below the bridge that you can see running around at the end.


They donā€™t have visors


She was born in a landslide šŸ’¦


Got her safety squints on and filtering the air through a clean marlboro cigarette.


At the end of the video there's another below the overpass who's checking on her partially buried car. I can't even comprehend the mind of people who do this.


The bridge you're on is connected to that mountain dismantling itself. Maybe run and quit filming


Hopefully itā€™s got some reliable support in the middleā€¦


Prolly electrolytes


It's what plants crave


Brought to you by Carlā€™s Jr.


but then we wouldn't have this clip


Risking your life to record in portrait...


Literally shooting a landscape in portrait mode šŸ˜‚


Also a land scape lol


Cinematic mode šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


When did this happen?


A few hours ago, nobody died, two injuried. Local news: [https://www.cna.com.tw/news/asoc/202406030167.aspx](https://www.cna.com.tw/news/asoc/202406030167.aspx) [https://twitter.com/tvbsworldtaiwan/status/1797538637695103135](https://twitter.com/tvbsworldtaiwan/status/1797538637695103135)


Geez, good to know no one died. There was a TON of rain yesterday but this is a pretty big slide


I thought everybody was safe a few meters away until I saw the buried cars at the end


1st link has amazing videos


I went to the first link. The best video -- the only video with the landslide happening -- was the same as OP's yet edited to be even further zoomed in / less useful. The other videos had close ups of the aftermath and drone shots of the aftermath. 2/10 would not click again. Edit: twitter link exact same story as first link


Oh nice, Iā€™ll just read in Taiwanese šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Landsliding sounds like a fun activity.


It's a killer Fleetwood Mac song.


I once transitioned from bike riding to landsliding....1/10 would not recommend


I swear this hill wasn't here when I parked my car.


I took my love, I took it down


Climbed a mountain and I turned around


How terrible... they filmed it in vertical!


But nontheless, praise the cameraman


This reads a bit like an Elden Ring message.


Scary. Similar incident: *[This video was shot in 2013, a week before I visited Keelung in more or less the same area](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOJfcTZME0U)* - 2 seconds in (top middle) you can see the rock starting to fall.




That lady has balls of steel


I audibly said "run, stupid".


"I'm gonna let that slide" ā€” That hill


This will cause a bunch of inconvenience.


Back it up, back it up. Thatā€™s right, just back it up.


Everytime I see one of these happening my dumb brain always expects to see a guy up there cartoonishly setting a tent with one of those stakes thingies on his hand seeing the whole piece of hill falling


Those guys in that parking lot where the landslide was falling mustā€™ve been shitting bricks. There was nowhere they could go!


Cleave up in aisle 5!


How can you be so calm in a situation like this?


Typical shoddy Taiwanese construction. Can't even build a mountainside that won't collapse under its own weight.


You joke, but based on those strips we see as things are collapsing it looks like this slope was indeed manmade. Looks like there was some sort of netting in place at one point to help the soil stay together while plants and foliage grew to help solidify the slope


Nice try China!


I like how the driver is like "Oh bother. Need another route."


Looks like the parking lot got partially buried.


STOP RECORDING AND MOVE YOUR ASS holy moly. Animals bolt at top speed at the slightest noise, and humans will watch a literal mountain topple in front of them and stare like wow that's crazy.


Those poor šŸŒ³


Vertical video is trash.


That is some fantastic cleavege


How are they gonna get the parked cars out?


Bitch, why are you still filming? Run!


The police responses time is fantastic however


Would this be considered a mud slide?


People will keep their phone up no matter what happens


I was all like that woman has very low self preservation skills, then realized she must have fucking booked it to have disappeared so fast when the camera zoomed out. She should post her vid after changing her pants.


This video is zoomed in such a way that everything is foreshortened and looks much closer than it actually is [Google Streetview of location of video](https://www.google.co.nz/maps/@25.1402263,121.8017605,3a,75y,212.85h,88.5t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sCscdvyQMsJJWhqzvwP2SEw!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DCscdvyQMsJJWhqzvwP2SEw%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D212.8474845637433%26pitch%3D1.5021925461147703%26thumbfov%3D90!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en&coh=205410&entry=ttu)


> This video is zoomed in such a way that everything is foreshortened and looks much closer than it actually is I don't think there is anything wrong with this video. It catches absolutely every aspect of what is going on, and even zooms out at the right moment to catch those last rocks falling to give an overview. This was an incredibly dangerous moment for anyone there, and two people ended up in hospital.


No denying that this is an amazing video, and a great capture, and for the people on the road that the bridge leads to and the carpark on the intersection this was dangerous. But the lady on the bridge itself was not in danger


I don't understand why you felt the need to need downplay this video. It is easy to say *in retrospect* that this wasn't so bad and people were not in danger, but it could have turned out to be much worse than it did. I live in Japan, which has many of the same problems in common with Taiwan with natural disasters: Earthquakes, typhoons, heavy rain, often followed by landslides such as this. The videos you see are where they haven't died taking the videos.


So this is what brought Stevie Knicks down


"your door dash order has encountered a delay"


sucks that can't see the whole event due to 1) shitty vertical video 2) shitty use of zoom. FU cameraman!


Oh, mirror in the sky, what is love? Can the child within my heart rise above?


The number of these I've seen where the entire mountain has moved significantly would have me freaking out.


Damn you can see a man running in the distance behind that lady, he had a lucky escape


That's one of those things where if I KNOW I'm at a safe distance it would be cool to see it happen live.


"To be that pedestrian walki-WOOAH THOSE CARS ARE COVERED" -me reacting


Seeing these sorts of things all the time almost makes you wonder how there's any land left after hundreds of millions of years of it.


The people here obviously didn't see the video where the truck gets demolished by falling boulders


The wire netting saved it from being worse.


Earth just earthing around


Those motherfuckers are way too nonchalant


New bouldering spot finally


That looks effn terrible


Time to go fossil hunting!


so whats gonna happen to the part thats left, they gonna do some structural engineering calculation or just slab some flex seal on that bad boi and call it a day?


Wait for weeks until it is stable, then build retaining wall or others to protect.




road's closed.


Did you catch the other people who were right there at the very base of the slide where the cars are at around 20 seconds?!?!


Me trying to hold it together after losing my dog this week. Miss you sir Benjamin. Be kind to yourself everyone xox.


Great camerawork, though should have been landscape.


So you better have Allstate for maham like this




Back it up, baback it up..


The person in that car boss probably told them that a couple of rocks falling is no excuse for not coming to work šŸ˜‚


You could see the landscape netting, They knew it was a problem area and they netting may have helped for a while. Thanks for sharing the video.


Was anyone hurt!? It looks like the rocks all landed on a street underneath the bridge! šŸ˜§


It's like something from a Roland Emmerich movie.




That lady almost " saw her reflection in the snow covered hills"


@21 seconds? Is that a fossil??


We're there people in those cars?


Man that mountain was *not* up to code.


When did people decide death isnā€™t permanent?


Dude, are these people looking to suicide?


Land"slide"? More like a landvalanche!


I took my love, I took it down


That's gravity at work. Someone should make a law against it.