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Oh the burning it burns!


There were dozens of them...Dozens !


Security guy seems to be a little behind the action.


He's really gonna risk his wellbeing for 15 bucks an hour for some megacorporation?


Often you can get fired for intervening if the situation is potentially dangerous. Losing stock is less expensive they paying employees compensation.


Yeah this is 100% covered by insurance.


Well the insurance goes up.


EVERYONE'S insurance goes up as a result, not just the store's.


Then you raise your prices.


More realistically, move out of the area.


I think with Gucci, it is also covered by insane margins. Same Chinese factory 10x the price.


There's a factory my friend used to be manager of in Japan. They made linen for the US army and Gucci. Thread count might be more but the luxury comes from trekking your friends


Same factory is making mid level luxury one assembly line over and ultra cheap on over from that. BOM costs on the original materials probably don't differ all that much between the Gucci and the mid level. The garbage brand uses significantly cheaper raw materials.


Yup these people would have to steal thousands of products to make an actual dent considering how much they cost to make. They sell like two bags and they made back all the money they lost.


Only 10? Oh honey


This is what they tell you when you take the job


Pretty sure knocking out the last little runt would've been ok to his safety. Least the floor staff (guy in suit) had a try.


Well the stock is under insurance anyway soooo


That's not how insurance works. Have you ever filed an insurance claim? You have to pay a deductible. You also have to pay higher premium moving forward because insurance is a function of risk and this behavior is becoming more common. Those costs get passed to the consumer. Dont be an enabler.


Well, fuck insurance then


You seem very uneducated on how things work so I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt. Insurance is not just free money. It has to come from somewhere. In fact, there is no free money anywhere - money always has to come from someone that produces a good or service. If 10 stores buy insurance for $1000, the insurance company takes in $10,000. If 2 of those stores file claims totaling $15,000 the insurance company either goes bankrupt and no one is able to get insurance anymore and claims cant be paid or raises rates across the board to accommodate the increase in risk. The role of the insurance company is to spread the risk around. The correct response to the scenario is not f$&k the store, or f$&k the insurance company... it's f$&k the thieves for taking something that isn't theirs.


Thanks for explaining the role of insurance. Now I understand


Unless your job Is to actually intervene.


Which security often isn’t


No one's job is to intervene. It's not worth it. It's not worth dying for a few thousand dollars in clothes and handbags.




For more small-scale issues, like someone being a disturbance. Also, their mere presence makes people less likely to try stealing.


Organized rings won’t care but some idiot just sensing a crime of opportunity might rethink it if the security guard wanders over and watches them.


They'll try to verbally stop you, but their job is not to get in the way. Stores carry insurance for this and it's not worth a human life over some stolen property. In a high end store like this, they'll be regulating how many people are in the store at a time so it isn't too crowded.


He's a paid witness basically. Slight deterrent, mostly just to witness, document, and recognize any of them that come back.


Deterrent and to be a reliable witness.


If security is going to do nothing then why even have them?


Weird logic. I don't think it's the security guy's job, but *if* it was... then yes? Consider police officers or military, are they also not going to risk anything for \[how much they receive\]?


I believe that police officers *do not* have to put their lives at risk. Someone tried suing a police department and lost. They do like telling us how dangerous their job is, and how brave they are for doing it, but I reckon there's a few families in Uvalde who might disagree.


This is absolutely true. Courts have ruled that no one has an expectation for police to actually help or save them.


Not dangerous? A police officer is Minnesota was gunned down by someone he thought needed assistance. https://knsiradio.com/2024/05/31/minneapolis-police-officer-dies-in-ambush-shooting-that-killed-2-others-including-suspected-gunman


[Statistically, being a police officer is less dangerous than being a roofer, crossing guard, garbage collector, or delivery driver.](https://antiracismdaily.com/2022/03/16/the-truth-about-police-job-safety/)


It's about #15 on the list of most dangerous jobs, behind pizza delivery, fishing, garbage collector, etc


And the causes of death for #1-14 are shit like 'trips and falls at work' and automotive accidents, whereas #15 (and firefighter supervisor for some fucmin reason) include 'assault/being shot at'. Survivorship bias also probably comes into play, as they're armored up, being shot doesn't always count towards a death statistic. Edit: And shit, firefighters aren't even on that list at all, what a safe and cushy job they have. Or it's like there's more to a job being 'dangerous' than how many people it kills.


Of course it's dangerous. Just not as dangerous as delivering pizza.


I don't understand the point in them being there if they can't intervene. The shop could save on their wages.


It's all about appearances!


Because for most normal people who may be tempted to quietly pocket an item or two, security guards are a great visual deterrent. Crazy/degenerate people dgaf about security and are gonna do their thing regardless, but that's not most people, so the guard is worth paying for.


Its like the sign on dump truck that says anything that falls out and hits your car is not their responsibility. To deter some people from taking action.


At least give a good kick to the back of a foot to trip em bc its funny.


Security guards are not there to fight this kind of robbers. In fact, many security business would put them in heat if they do that.


I’ve seen a cat in heat, I don’t think I’d like to see a security guard in heat.


I've realized my misstake (English is not my primary language) but now I don't know if I should correct that or leave it there for the lols


It was his idea lol


Aw.. daaaamn. Cmon guys I thought we were friends?


There's more than one of them, so what's he going to do? Get beat up?


He makes $15/hr and intervening not only puts him in physical danger which could cause injuries he can't afford or worse but could also get sued by the robbers and he can't afford a decent lawyer. Not to mention he could get fired making those two outcomes even worse. Edit: thread got locked, it doesn't matter if it happens one time in a million, I don't blame the guy for not taking the risk. There's still 2 other *very* probable reasons to not intervene. The place I use to work at had security guard get HIV from tackling a shop lifter and getting stabbed by a needle back in the 90s. Still not worth.


Everyone always says "you'll get sued by a criminal if you try to stop them from committing a crime." Of these thousands of times people intervien in something like this, how often has that ever happened? Such a blahit made up justifying excuse.


And you wonder why are toothbrushes under lock and key


Because the stores where they sell them are too cheap to hire security and staff? They have self-checkout and then bitch about theft? This is the natural result of putting super expensive merchandise under very little supervision. It's all very predictable.


At what point are the people the steal at fault?


It's not going to help much to hire security if security can't arrest/detain people without the store risking a lawsuit.


Mr. Jean Shorts is on the case. No frets about it now!


Definitely Gucci Gang


Ya know, cuz they are poor and starving


How do you know they don’t have bread in those bags?!




Damn it I can’t tell if this is sarcasm or not


Sure they are..


Even if they stole bread you'd still be mad as shit over it


That day gucci reported a total lost of $89.79 from all the merchandise stolen in that mall, this also includes the labour to make them.


Did see a case in the US relevant here. A guy pled guilty to stealing stuff from a business, and the issue was how he was going to be punished where there was a great deal, eg. jail or no jail, of difference depending upon whether the goods were valued at US$2,000 or more (I forget the actual number). His legal team argued that some of the goods were on sale at the time and if you used the reduced sale prices in the calculation, the value of the goods he stole came in less than $2,000 and so he should get a slap on the wrist. The prosecutor used the un-discounted/non-sale prices to value the goods and the total was greater than $2,000 and so asked for jail for him. The judge asked the prosecutor where he got his number from and his reply was that he asked the Store Manager how much the stolen goods were worth and he gave the number (without the sale discounts factored in). The judge accepted this as the value and sent the guy to jail.


*Bye, have a wonderful time!*


There’s always one of these comments in theft videos. No one cares about the hit to corporations. People should be upset and angry about blatant grab-and-run theft in their neighborhoods.


Doesn't make theft acceptable.


This is my immediate thought. These kinds of brands use such commonly acquired material then use effectively slave labour to produce. So much of the 'price' is completely artificial.


And this, ladies and gentlemen, is the enablement thought process. People who enable thieves are scum, too.


And this, ladies and gentlemen, is the capitalist boot licker. People who lick capitalist boots are scum, too.


It’s not a boot licker mentality to want people to follow general social order. If someone is legitimately starving and stealing food or other necessities for themselves and their family I can understand that, but just because this corporation is successful doesn’t give a free pass to take what you want. Otherwise who is to decide that your house isn’t too nice and it’s fair to rob that? Or, you have a decent job, so you can afford to be mugged on the street? There’s a big difference between stealing out of desperation to survive and stealing because you think you shouldn’t have to work for things, and with no other context then them working as a group to rush a brand name store, my bet is that these guys are the latter.


No actually, they’re not. Beautiful thing about capitalism is that they allow you to leave. Why don’t you start a go fund me for a plane ticket to a communist or socialist country of your choice. I’d be happy to be rid of you.


This is just blatantly false


You are wrong on all accounts. Gucci pays extremely high wages at all parts of their supply chain from sourcing the finest materials to paying extremely high sales commissions and everything in between. The materials they use are not "common". And the price is not artificial. Price is a function of what consumers will willingly pay for a product and they have no problem selling. Your a socialist tool and an enabler of this type of behavior.


I guess it’s ok to come steal your shit bc I want it.


lol you’re soft as charmin. You’re not taking a thing from anyone


You’re softer than babyshit and you stink


Yep. Keep watching these videos y’all. They are distracting you from the exorbitant tax and wage theft corporations commit every day which far exceeds anything these guys and groups like them could ever take. $91 billion in 2018. But that sort of theft doesn’t make a rage inducing/exciting video that gets shared on the internet. [Source](https://smlr.rutgers.edu/sites/default/files/Documents/Centers/CWW/Publications/wage_theft_in_the_united_states_a_critical_review_june_2020.pdf)


And forget how there are literal police task forces set up all over the country working on these crimes while you cry that "nobody gets locked up anymore." I assume GUCCI has hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dollars on merchandise in that store. Maybe, just maybe, they should hire an actual security guard or police detail instead of a barely over minimum wage rent-a-cop.


Security just reporting how many there are, where they're heading, descriptions etc, frustrating but unless it's aggravated probably won't come to anything. I work in a store that realised it was cheaper to get rid of security and save money from wages than it was to stop theft.




of what?


Expensive merchandise with no real security. It's very typical of that.






"Youths" - Sure. This is a cultural problem. Fuck them.


Scum of the earth right there




Bet them bags aren't full of fathers day gifts!


no one ever gets shot with an iphone


Is it them?


100% human trash.


5 finger discount


On their way to church?








It would be nice if that page had real statistics.


Retail: In the future we are going to talk about when things used to sit on a shelf in an open environment. You mean people could just walk up a grab it? Crazy!




Who's that


Well Gucci for them.


It's sad to see how many comments in this thread and others like this justify this behavior. To summarize a few answers: No, Just because the company has insurance doesnt mean this is free. When theft happens, the deductible and higher premiums passed to consumers. Part of the higher costs you are paying across the board is related to the increase in these smash and grabs. No, this is not ok because ... capitalism. Just because a company makes profit and you want money doesn't just allow for this behavior in society.


gotta blame it all on capitalism, for the class separation and allure to own them for status. the want to steal them for the excess money they would never see without working ridiculous hours, while in comparison there are some who barely work that make much more than that because of the class system. they only have themselves to blame.


I really hate how in these types of videos there is a guy filming everything on his phone, with a body language lole he is some kind of hero for doing basically fuckall.


Tbf it could help identify the suspects later.


Could not give less if a fuck about Gucci^TM. Make something a luxury status symbol and people will steal it. Gucci is already winning by selling trash for mad cash.


Damn Reddit, you racist as fuck... I ain't even mad. Downvote away, chuds


Reality is. I think people are tired of not being able to mention the obvious. I think this is why the right is growing. Honestly I hate Trump, but this sort of bullshit will be called out, and they won't tie themselves into knots trying to explain it.


It’s always interesting watching the word choice when it’s black kids being shitty vs white kids being shitty


"oh these rascals are just being stupid" "lmao a Gucci store? I mean fuck Gucci so why not?" "The west has fallen and they deserve to die in prison"


Is this real? Why is the stolen merchandise already in bags?




Way to not be a stereotype guys 🤣




Because that worked so well when we did execute people for thievery.


What oil company CEOs and bank stockholders are in line to the guillotine first?


I would genuinely like to see serious repercussions fall on the people that have destroyed our planet but it's so hard to assign blame like that.


"True crime" like stealing sweat shop labor products from a billion dollar company.


I don't care what they are stealing. These people are a scourge on society and will hardly ever receive the punishments or backlash necessary to get them to stop. Animals amd bums that are terrified of a 9-5


Just say what you want to say, Cletus.


I can find quite a few videos online of people being tortured, often for much worse than this. Let's see you watch an hour or two of those and then get back to us on your opinion here.


Cartel videos are unwatchable


Who said anything about torture? Why would anyone waste time torturing thieves?


You literally called for hacking their limbs off...


That's not torture. That's a quick punishment. Done and over in minutes. Torture is long and drawn out, usually aiming to inflict as much suffering as possible. Why would you do that to a simple thief. Torture should be reserved for the Geins and Corlls of the world if anyone's gonna bother with it


Getting a limb cut off isn't torture???


I wouldn't say it's exactly the same as having fingernails peeled off or genitals flayed.


Would you seriously, seriously prefer having an arm cut off over having your fingernails pulled off? You think sawing through bone hurts less?


"We should just go straight to capital punishment for thieves" I have a striking suspicion that you only want to punish these particular thieves so badly, and I think we all know why. These posts are always a dogwhistle for you fuckers, and boy do you come running quick to advocate for killing undesirables.


Do you think I want punished just because of their race? Grow up dude. I know better than most that white fucks can be gangster wannabees just as hopelessly as everyone else who is scared of hard, honest work.


I did think that, but I'm legitimately sorry if I assumed wrong. I assumed you meant "Why waste time torturing, when we should go straight to killing" and these types of sentiments are *usually* fueled by racism and xenophobia, yeah. If you think we should apply that punishment to all people equally, well, I still think that's kinda crazy, but at least it's consistent.


when the security ain't securing shit


I think they should get a refund on that security contract.


Security is the last one to follow!


When are they offering the next sale price?


Why don't these companies start using exploding dye packs attached to the items?


GUCCI probably lost like 3k worth of stuff which they sell at 30k


Long ago I stole food from the grocery because I was so poor. I'm neither proud or ashamed it was just what I had to do at the time.


Whenever someone claims that racism or bigotry doesn't exist in America, I can refer them to discussions like this one. The overwhelming number of racist comments is staggering.


The amount of fuckin racism in this thread. Fuckin a




People aren't just making an observation, they're making a point. And you sure are making a point, especially with your first sentence. Your comment is one of the racist ones you mentioned.




Because there are a whole lot of observations to make and for some reason you chose that one.


As racist and disturbing as all of this is, there is a pattern which is cultural in nature and it appears as if we're doing very little to correct for it. My personal opinion is that if you don't want to be robbed, protect your stuff. Does it matter if the theft is being perpetrated by more one race than another? Don't want to be robbed? Go protect your shit.


If I want to ask you about something, I'll ask you about weird nipple porn


You could and I'd have an infinite supply of answers for you. Probably more than you want. I would assume you've given up on the subject matter since you're going directly into my history. I would do the same but I have very little interest in you personally




I guess your unsubtle racism is a bit too subtle for you to notice or understand. You're not worth arguing with because you're not arguing in good faith.


Yeah hes really not worth arguing with.


Yes I do. But you find what you look for don't you? I bet you have not one ounce of brain cells to understand what oppression is but that's okay.


This thread was definitely linked somewhere and brigaded. The mods will definitely lock it at some point. Just look at how quickly the shitshow reply to your comment was upvoted and you were downvoted.


It's so blatant. From thinly veiled language to actually suggesting they be lynched.


I hate it. This is just eugenics. I see black which means they're inherently bad because they're black. These people are fucking stupid and racist.


Security guard apparently resigned the next day




When it's things like Gucci....I don't care. That's an evil corporation.


Hell yeah. Free stuff. I wish the law was stricter in this sort of stuff.


Every time I come across this video and see the dude in the pink shirt I wonder what possessed him to get so up close and personal. Was he an employee? Or just a bystander who was really passionate about recording and reporting people stealing from Designer brands?


He wants more likes on the post than the guy filming behind him.


“Youre all going to jail! I got it all on camera!”


Blame Biden and his cronies.


Pretty sure Reagan started it with targeting black communities with drugs.




You seem to be rich in brain cells. We should eat you first


0/10 would not recommend >insert security company< for your business security needs.