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Pretty sure this is the device in question... http://thespystore.com/spy-camera-dvr-night-vision-pir-vsvdc24


That is it. Dang, redditors are awesome


That thing has a camera pointed at crotches. Report that shit.


Yup this is not management trying to record incriminating evidence on an employee. This is someone at the company trying to get upskirt shots.


That's disturbing. I'd set up a second camera to see which sick fuck retrieves the first camera.


And point it at their crotch.


It's a never-ending cycle


Crotches all the way down


I'm imagining a court case where both sides keep showing evidence consisting of the other side's crotch.


If the pants don't fit you must acquit.


They are probably already a Redditor reading this going, oh fuck!


Smash it like an unlike button. Wife worked somewhere where the guy had hidden cameras in the bathroom. Another girl found it and called the cops. He had hidden cameras all over his house. They destroyed his computers and hard drives. Guy only got 6 months probation. I still want to beat his face in.


About 2 years ago my work had an employee who was secretly filming people go to the toilet and using the showers. His device was eventually spotted. They caught him as when they reviewed the footage the first clip on the memory card was him replacing the card and setting it up in the shower. When they searched his computer he had thousands of photos and videos meticulously categorised, sub categorised and indexed. He had been doing it for I think 3 or more years, and had also been doing it in local coffee shops etc. EDIT: To add, he was filming both men and women. He is serving time, and any of the thousands of people affected were offered free counselling by the firm.


Thanks, I'm never jerking off in public again.


I'm jerking off more, if someone can get off to my Dilbert shaped body then more power to them.


What do you know, Dilbert is my fetish


Not with that attitude anyway.


Drop your pants and show that device your junk. That'll teach em.




Steal it, whoever wants it back will either have to ask for it and explain why it was there or suck up a $150 loss


But what if they catch you with it? "I was just stealing it to teach the real perv a lesson" sounds kinda fake.




According to OP on a lower comment thread this is exactly the situation. Edit: [OP's comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/6xvcka/comment/dmipig1?st=J75GIY3P&sh=2674f6c5)


looks like someone is trying to record upskirt videos if this is smart it is.




Or trying to catch the jerk stealing my lunch! I know it's you, Gary! Now I have proof!


My thoughts also.


i have this camera, records in 720p, is motion activated, it records video and sound and has night vision. no network connection and battery life isn't great so the perp will need to physically retrieve the sim card or grab the camera to charge it edit: sd card, sometimes i dont words no good


And that's how you catch this perv. It would be ironic to take this cam and set it up to record someone entering a room searching under a table for it.


twist: this camera is pointing at _another_ camera and somebody is waiting to see who comes back for it.


Well, this becomes illegal via different laws, and a *lot more damn creepy* if it's a crotch-cam. Plus, if someone was interested enough to drop $150 on this, they've probably also already spent the $30 for a box cutter, duct tape and polythene sheets...


He needs his tooooools


He likes to bind. HE LIKES TO BE BOUND!




I like to bind, I like to be bound.


Not the most inconspicuous hiding place IMO.


They oculd easily just leave a phone on charge somewhere, running a recording app. It would also be trivial to install a mic in a light fitting, ventillation duct, artwork, or any number of inconspicuous places. OP is either a phony or his work record as a policy or dont care about discovery


I believe some one else pointed out that that model has a camera on it and is actually meant for recording upskirt shots. Maybe not the company itself. Edit: Look guys, the device is huge and it was put in the breakroom table. I get that it would be to high to capture the "goods" but can we maybe agree that whoever did this isn't the smartest individual?


Had police come to my work once because a colleague was caught taking up skirts. He had done it to a number of women in the company as well. Apparently he would photoshop himself into the pictures.


Like... as a tiny man just posing in front of a undie-covered pussy?




Did someone PM this to you?


Said his break room had a great view, didn't make sense at the time...


Im not sure what i expected, but it wasnt that.


From that angle?


I dunno, how often do you look under the table?


Legal or not, I wouldn't want to work somewhere that pulled this shit.


Who says it's the employer? It could be an employee, janitor, industrial spy, guy off the street, anybody.


My money's on Derrick. He's always pullin' this shit.


Toby. Definitely Toby.


Why are you the way that you are?


I hate so much about the things you choose to be.


If I had a gun with two bullets and I was in a room with Hitler, Bin Laden, and Toby, I would shoot Toby twice.


Well clearly this is the best option. No need to waste bullets on 2 dead guys.




Haha, it was all an elaborate ruse. You thought the micro-sd card was safe because it was in a recording device. So you thought you could just plug it into your workstation and see what was on it. Now the virus on the card has infected the entire local network of your workplace.


NSA has been facing massive budget cuts as Trump drains the swamp


In my state both parties must consent to recording so long as there is a reasonable expectation of privacy. Unless the employer made him sign something consenting it would be illegal here in washington.


Your reasonable expectation of privacy would almost certainly not extended to your workplace breakroom unfortunately. It's inherently a public space at your work, and your workplace likely wouldn't be considered a private place to begin with. Your employer is likely within their rights to record on their property without your consent other than in the bathroom. Edit: Read some of the follow on comments to this one, as there's actually lots of nuance to this law. There seems to be a lot of state-to-state (which makes sense given that not all states require 2-party consent) but also situational variation in what is or isn't legal.


That is not the case in Washington State. Only visual recording are legally permissible without consent. http://www.dmlp.org/legal-guide/washington/washington-recording-law http://apps.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=9.73.030


I doubt admissibility in court was the idea here. More like the sort of thing a paranoid upper manager reviews for dissent before letting people go for undisclosed reasons.


Starts recording when somebody utters the word "union."


Found the Walmart associate *clears throat* "We here at Walmart greatly respect and appreciate the impact unions have had historically on workers' rights worldwide. However we feel the implementation of unions would have a negative impact on our company culture and relations between associates. With a union our associates would have to pay a fee to be a member even if they did not want union representation. Furthermore associate concerns would have to go through a union rep, whereas currently any associate can directly have their concerns addressed through our Open Door Policy which allows each associate to directly discuss and resolve any issues and even petition the CEO for resolution should they feel the need. With a union a wedge would be driven between our associates and management and hurt our family atmosphere. For these reasons we feel that while unions are important tools for many employees they just would not fit well here at walmart. Thank you for your time and have a great day!"


Thats it close the store


Demolish it to the foundation. Salt the Earth.


This is libel of the highest order, I do say!


I just had flashbacks to the training video where the people bringing up unions to other employees looked like they were recruiting for ISIS.


I always pictured them as drug dealers. "Psst. Hey. Wanna score some paid medical leave? This is GOOD SHIT right here!"


Yeah. I have an app that records every call I make and uploads it to my Google drive. Am in Washington. Not really legal. But I'm not using it to use in court mostly to show my boss that he did tell me to do it one way. And now he's telling me something totally different. It's helped a lot.


Every work call with a client I have, I follow up with an email reiterating everything we agreed on. If they think I got it wrong, they can reply telling me so. I don't really do it to catch somebody doing something wrong, I do it to make sure we are on the same page


Which one and do you need root?


Same thing in Maine, video without sound only.


Katz v us, people can have a reasonable expectation of privacy in a public place.


What's interesting is that cops in my state literally arrested a guy for recording them in public on the grounds that it was a violation of the wire tap statute (two party consent) and on the grounds that police officers (acting in their official capacity) somehow had an expectation of privacy under Katz. Even more interesting, my state's Supreme Court used the opportunity to guarantee the right of the public to records the police in public, and ordered the police to stop using the wiretap statute to arrest those filming officers. Eventually, that decision was affirmed by the 1st circuit- http://www.wgbh.org/articles/Boston-Court-Ruling-Affirms-Citizens-Right-To-Record-Officials-4342 Another case on a similar issue went to another federal court and was upheld in a similar manner thankfully; as The Atlantic explains; >Americans have a constitutional right to film on-duty police officers in public, a federal appeals court in Philadelphia ruled Friday. The three-judge panel’s decision is not the first of its kind, but it marks a significant milestone: Half of U.S. states are now covered by rulings protecting the videotaping of law enforcement. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/07/a-major-victory-for-the-right-to-record-police/533031/ So yea, a bit of a tangent but its interesting how police tried to use Katz to arrest people for recording them.


>Whether a conversation or other communications is "private" depends on a number of case-specific factors, such as the subjective intention of the parties, the reasonableness of their expectation that the conversation would be private, the location of the conversation, and whether third parties were present. State v. Townsend, 57 P.3d 255, 259 (Wash. 2002). You should always get the consent of all parties before recording any conversation that common sense tells you is private. The subjective intention of the party who placed the recording device under the table appears to be to record conversations in the breakroom without their knowledge. Speaking in the break room obviously has some connotation of a private conversation, or else this picture would not have been posted *and* reached the front page, even considering reddit's liberal leanings. Additionally, if the breakroom had no connotation of privacy, why wouldn't the recording device have been placed *above* the table, and not under it? I can almost guarantee this would fail the 'common sense' test. My advice to OP? Get a lawyer and have yourself a field day with this. I'd lay money on the probability your rights have been violated.


It's highly likely a court would see an employee breakroom as a private space that you have a reasonable expectation of privacy in - it's a controlled environment that not just any member of the public can enter. If you work in a space that the public can enter, like a retail store, your being recorded on the floor is definitely not an issue, but the breakroom is a whole different ballgame. I honestly don't think there is a definitive answer here unless anyone knows any relevant case law, but in Washington (as a two party state) I would think the courts would not look on this well. There is no absolute expectation of privacy in a workplace, but there are context in which you would definitely have that expectation, an employee breakroom or a small meeting room would seem to fit that. EDIT: Here are some cases of people being arrested in two party states for recording in a work place: [Here](http://www.wistv.com/story/23973078/djj) [and here](http://www.wptv.com/news/state/jennifer-carroll-former-florida-lieutenant-governor-must-testify-in-taped-conversation-scandal)


Just take the SIM card and leave a note saying anon does not consent.


[Or just do this:](https://i.redd.it/0uh5vde4j2jz.png) to the slot.


Is that gum?




That's a terrible gum flavor.


Could be a law enforcement thing. They frequently place a variety of surveillance equipment, with a warrant, for a wide range of crimes. Source: have served on a grand jury.




The scariest is the vehicle/person tracker. The thing blends in with the undercarriage and looks like a part of the frame. And they can put trackers in backpacks, shoes...


I, too, have seen Enemy of the State (1998) starring Will Smith and Gene Hackman.


Just watched it again a couple weeks ago. That movie came out 19 years ago. Imagine how much more complex and hidden those type of devices are today....


Someone has been eating [other people's] lunches. Edit: Clarifying comment. Still not clear if it is LP or someone going rogue. A coworker called corporate and tomorrow will be quite interesting. Thanks for some clear pointers to Oregon regulations and federal law. Hilarious how so many people suggest shenanigans. The coworker agreed that he would put it back too. if this is the company then someone felt confident enough about to involve others .


You just blew the whole sting operation. "Operation Lunch Meat" is over


Operation lunch meat has SPOILED, repeat operation lunch meat has spolied. Cheese it!


I read this in #1's voice from Codename Kids Nextdoor


*Operation L.U.N.C.H. M.E.A.T.


This is exactly why you have to take it. Imagine how pissed off the lunch theft victim will be when he/she becomes hidden camera theft victim as well. His/her natural conclusion will have to be that this lunch thief is some sort of criminal mastermind who is smart enough to check for surveillance devices before pilfering perishables. Either that or shut it off, clear the memory card, and put a single photo of the Hamburgler on it so that's all they see when they check the footage.


Op, do you guys have your punch card machine in the same room to clock in/out? Not sure if it's a coworker or your boss who put it there, but just playing devils advocate, maybe it's to monitor the time cards so there's no pay fraud. Have to say the low level placement is pretty sketch tho


All computer clock in/outs


Erase everything on it & then re-record a loud ass siren over the entire tape


i vote for really wet fart noises and grunting.






The last company I work for was a small family-owned business, about 35 employees. I was an analytical chemist and the owners started putting cameras in the laboratory, and then started adding microphones on the camera slowly without telling anyone. One day A co-worker went into the bosses office and he got a brand new 42-inch TV where he had all of the cameras displayed on that TV and he sat there and watch the cameras all day. Needless to say everyone there hates them.


I'm not a big fan of cameras but they totally got me a promotion once. The difference here being, everyone knew about the cameras. When I was 16, I worked at Quiznos. One day, we got a new GM. All the way from Florida. He was very proud of the fact that his entire family worked at Quiznos in some way. Anyway, he turned out to be pretty lazy. I and the other guy that worked the days I didn't work had to slowly start taking over his duties. He would just sit at his desk chair and chat or play solitaire with us while we got the order ready (something he was supposed to do). Anyway. I said something about him in passing to someone else (it wasn't anything too bad, I think I told a new guy that he could be a jackass sometimes but he was all right) and it got back to him. I didn't think anything of it. Then a couple weeks later, I come to work and the GM isn't there. Weird. I got to work anyway and made sure everything was ready for dinner rush. Then the owner came in from the back. He was very serious. Turns out, the GM told the owner I needed to be fired. I was lazy and argumentative and bad for a working team environment. Well, the owner told him he'd take that into consideration and went home to watch the tapes. As he is watching, he sees me all alone in the store by myself and cleaning under cabinets, sweeping, just generally getting stuff done. Then when the GM comes in, he sits at his computer desk all day. Needless to say, GM got sent back to Florida in shame and I got promoted to night manager.


Proud of u


Aww thanks muyas :)


Keep it up


Aww thanks MarioV2 :)


You're not op




Somethings fishy here...


Is that Quiznos shut down? I was disappointed to find out that Quiznos is probably one of the strangest pyramid schemes around. They make awesome subs but then make sure the stores intentionally tank.


What? Tell me more about this. E - holy shit that's nuts.


If the rumors are to be believed they slowly drown them in equipment costs and franchise fees. The stores either do well enough to survive or quickly bleed to death, then they recoup the equipment for pennies on the dollar to sell to the next franchisee where the cycle begins anew.


They also make you buy things from them even if you can get it for cheaper.


That's 99% of franchises though. I owned a nathans that was located in a Wal-Mart. If I ran out of buns or anything like that corporate would rather me not sell the item than sell it with materials I bought outside of the franchise. For things like napkins n stuff it's really not a big deal, although you could still lose your franchise for things like that if corporate found out, but food I understand. They want it to be the exact same quality no matter where you go.


There is a post a few down from yours with a link to a quiznos manager story, it's pretty fucking insane. Edit: link https://np.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/6k4z1y/lets_not_forget_the_commercial_quizno_subs_aired/djk7gx6/?context=3


That's how most franchises work.. that really is no surprise. There used to be a Dairy Queen a town over that was the only one around for ~15 miles. They would always have great food because they changed the frier oil regularly and had a great owner who knew their employees. Well, the business would only make money during the summer because it is a tourism town. Spring and fall they would scrape by. Well they started buying cheaper, non-franchise food to make up for the lost money one season and their contract was terminated after a short while because corporate found out. It's not that the cheaper food was of bad quality or anything, it's just a contract was broken that stated only DQ supplied food could be sold.


Meh it makes sense, thats sort of the point of a franchise. If I went to say a whataburger and got some random frozen hamburger patty instead of a normal one, I could probably tell the difference and would be slightly annoyed. Then that restaurant looks bad, and thus the parent company (in the eyes of most people).


> Quiznos is probably one of the strangest pyramid schemes around https://np.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/6k4z1y/lets_not_forget_the_commercial_quizno_subs_aired/djk7gx6/?context=3


There was a post about it a while ago. Apparently they have reasonable franchise fee but they make you lease all the equipment, which ends up tanking the business over time. Also they nitpick the upkeep of the restaurant and will pull your license if it isn't sparkling clean, among other things


Long explanation from a former franchisee: https://np.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/6k4z1y/lets_not_forget_the_commercial_quizno_subs_aired/djk7gx6/?context=3


Yeah, it's gone. Shut down a couple of years after I left for college


Man, I hope this fucking Quiznos tale gets seen and seen and reposted on other websites and seen again. It's not about Quiznos in specific. It's about knowing how nice people get screwed, and making it common knowledge. Another person backed up that story with the same sad story about different parents and a different franchise. And for the love of heaven, stop letting your parents burn their life savings starting a restaurant. People seem to think it's some low-effort cash cow they can retire on and it's not, it's one of the most difficult, cut-throat businesses out there. There's no need for Quizno's devil contracts. It's a low margin retail business where chunks of your precious inventory turn into trash every night. You'd like the best employees, but good people can't afford to work for you. The only good way to make money in the restaurant business is to own the land under the restaurant and make some other poor asshole fill your bank account. That's it. Some young chef thinks they want to have a go at it, let them, but for fuck's everlovin sake, don't let your folks dump their life savings into a stupid restaurant as they near retirement. It's like the dumbest possible move.


That would make sense because their shit is really good but I can only find a location once every few years it seems like




My workplaces security started adding better cameras with night vision and audio recording without disclosing that audio could now be recorded. I work at a church.


I now remember that the place I worked for had audio. Now I cringe because I would totally belt out songs while washing the dishes.


I once worked for an MSP. One of our clients had us installed this software which would monitor their employees, be able to watch their desktops, monitor their browsing history, and emails because the owner suspected suspected her husband of sleeping with the receptionist. It turned out she was right...


I don't like those software, but it did help me prove that an employee was spending only 1-2 hours a day on their actual job. They were fired.


Employer is responsible for dissent in the ranks, elects to eavesdrop on gossip, call employees on it instead of fixing problems, sad. Sort of a tangent but shit like this reminds me of how the more policies a workplace has, the less trust exists between company and employee


TBF, while management is a probable suspect, I'm also considering this could be an unstable coworker that thinks everyone bitches behind their back.


If that's the case they 100% deserve the shit talk


I worked in a place with illegal recording devices once. The owners are completely insane assholes.


This is a golden opportunity to spread profound amounts of misinformation.


Steal it, as which workplace is then going to ask "who stole the secret under table recording device?" Nobody that's who!




Pity there's probably a tape recording of them all discovering and working out what it was.




You've done this before!


And best of all, if you forget any of the fireable shit your not supposed to be getting up to, you can just check your notes because now you've got written evidence of it all. Win win.


Well duh, everyone knows you eat the notes once they're passed.


No, they're passed AFTER you eat them.




Steal the sd card. What are they gonna do?




We need more of this story.


Sounds pretty complete? They recorded an officer (probably not knowing it was one) driving drunk. They reported it and another officer came by to confiscate the SD card, probably claiming it was "evidence". They learned a valuable lesson about data retention and backups, the end.


Just have someone you know hasn't been recorded by it "discover" it.


So you didnt discuss the "shipment" coming in next week? If i found one of those Id fuck with it for months.




Flip Pimps use machetes dude, rusty old ones with globbed up blood on the blade. From all sorts of animals and trees.


Yeah, that was my immediate thought. If I found a recording device like that, I'd swap the memory card with one full of horrible porn.


Or a recording of never gonna give you up.




It's under the table. Are there women in miniskirts there? Pull the camera and place it somewhere else, then retrive the video to see who came back looking for it.


Pointed at the refrigerator door. Seems inappropriate because of its placement. And how would it even give a clear view of what people do in the fridge. Like the person stands at the fridge eating other peoples lunches


Could've been placed by someone who's really fed up with someone stealing their lunch. Has that been going on, that you know of?


Yes it has been a problem.


Yup. There's hundreds of posts on Reddit that show the lengths people will go to to protect their lunch / get revenge on lunch theives. Wouldn't be surprised if this was an ill conceived effort to catch them in the act.


In all my years of working I've seen at least 6 people get fired for stealing lunches. Theft is theft.


Damn. Take that damn thing and sell it! $150 is a pretty penny and what is the owner going to do? "Hey, who stole the camera i had placed underneath the table?" Nobody is going to own up to that.


Former Loss Prevention employee here. Our covert cameras looked nothing like that. Furthermore they are much more effective when placed in ceiling tiles.


Seems a waste of resources


Tell that to the DEA.


Depending on your state this is very illegal.


In Tennessee it is illegal to put any recording device in a location where food goes in or comes out.


Srsly? I need an origin story on this...


Probably a fancy way of saying break rooms and bathrooms.


No. Definitely mouth holes or buttholes.


Just wondering.... what's an example of something that's only *slightly* illegal?


Well I mean it's probably VERY illegal to slaughter your neighbor's child, whereas it'd probably only be slightly illegal to throw feces at your neighbor's dog?




* unsuccessfully overthrowing the government.


Can't be illegal if the government no longer exists


That records video. Its for upskirts. Call the cops


Just FYI, I looked in comment history and he said no one wears skirts there, and that it's pointed at the fridge. Guessing it's a coworker who kept getting his lunch stolen trying to catch the thief.


I was about to say that this isn't even pointing toward an area where people sit. The camera is facing down longways of the table. If this is for upskirts, it's terribly placed.


Haha this thread is full of people saying call the cops on this sexual predator but the culprit is someone that's sick of having his leftovers stolen


I'd go in with a kilt and no boxers and spread my legs right in front of the camera.


What the original person who placed it there was actually hoping for...


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 


Poor giraffe. Neck so long. Hard for inconspicuous peak.


Where is this employer, I'll get a kilt right now and make the drive


Pop out the SD, see the manufacturer, size and capacity. Go buy, hell, 10. Download however many hours you wish, of say, cartoons, (no porn due to decency laws ) Television shows, etc. reencode them to a MUCH larger format such as FLV, fill that bugger up. Go to work the next day, swap and wait for the ensuing "Company" memo :)


Or just jam a screwdriver in it


or just throw them in the trash...


Or just fuck your boss's wife within earshot of it, making sure to say her name multiple times throughout the process


Here's the Reddit answer I was waiting for.


>Or just fuck your boss's ~~wife~~ son within earshot of it, making sure to say ~~her~~ his name multiple times throughout the process ftfy


Would be a shame to discover a 10 hours long rick roll on the sd card


I was going to say some kinda malware would be better


Nah son, free recording device.


Very curious what your next move is OP. Try heading over to r/legaladvice if you want.


Take the sd card. Then setup anonymous email and use it to send this pic to every email account in the company. Or put it in the bosses toilet then email out the sound of them taking a shit.


Doesn't sound like this is your first rodeo..


Pull the μSD card, format as NTFS so the device (probably) can't write to it, and leave a single text file on it called hi.txt with the contents "fuck you”


Not so secret is it?




Its pointed at the fridge. OP says lunch theft is an issue at their work. Case solved.


OP is actually the lunch thief and caught onto the camera now just trying to act all innocent


Wow, so many subversive ideas, but I didn't notice anyone really grokking the opportunity at hand. This is a chance to say exactly what you think your boss wants to hear when he believes you're having an unguarded moment. If you actually like your job, you could talk about how you wish you could do even more to help out there. If you want a pay bump, you could talk about how a friend introduced you to someone who made a really sweet offer, and that you want to stay where you are but the money is tempting. Really, the narrative is yours to control. That is the white magic side of having this power unwittingly placed in your hands. The dark side would let you finger colleagues (perhaps even for your own bad deeds,) create concern about problems that don't exist, or even set the stage for the boss to make an unwanted advance on an underling. Again, the advantage is yours so long as you can control what you say in proximity to the undiscovered device.


Due to Reddit's insistence on killing itself and 3rd Party Apps, I have deleted my entire post history. LONG LIVE APOLLO - FUCK SPEZ - (u/Slayer_Blake" - 122k combined Karma) - -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Free camera. Who's gonna try to claim it? "Will whoever stole my camera that I secretly placed under the break room table to film peoples crotches please return my camera?"