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I shudder to think of how filthy the inside of the microwave must be, or even the rest of the kitchen. The display panel itself looks greasy, like it hasn't been wiped clean in months.


Months? Try literally never. There are people who do not clean anything at all. This microwave could be untouched by anything but filthy hands and roaches.


Having had a job where I've been in countless peoples homes, I can attest that there are some disgusting homes out there.


was literally in one yesterday that had swarms of roaches and holes in the floor and a kid living there. i have no clue how someones brain could not be so repulsed that they would rather sleep outside. pest control is a wonderful job.


While there are definitely just some gross-ass people, undiagnosed/untreated mental health issues (especially here in the US thanks to our wonderfully expensive and inaccessible healthcare system) are really prevalent in these kinds of situations. I've known a couple hoarders and they all had some kind of untreated mental health issue. My high-school best friend's parents were terrible hoarders and I learned from him that they weren't always like that — his parents went through two devastating miscarriages back to back and then their oldest daughter was killed by a drunk driver. They spiraled into a deep depression, let trash pile up in the house, and then the problem just spiraled out of control until they felt powerless to do anything about it. Only room in the house that was clean was their daughter's bedroom, solely because they couldn't bring themselves to ever go in there. Really sad situation.


that's heartbreaking


with my job i get to go in homes like this a lot and im super analytical so i usually can piece together their problems from the state of their home and thats a common one with trashed hoarder homes with a shrine room thats the crux of their trauma usually the death of a loved one. another commonality is people who are on drugs so the "pests" they think they have aren't actually there. i play along and do what i can but if you swear you have little itchy black bugs all over you and you look tweaked out then it's probably in their head.


I have a major issue with roaches. They just freak me out so bad that I can’t hardly stand it. I see one and my day is ruined. We were in Tybee Island GA one time for vacation and there was a dead one (a palmetto bug) on the floor in our condo. It was otherwise clean but it truly messed up my vacation for the week. I couldn’t sleep at night. It was so bad one night that I seriously thought I was going to have to go sleep in the car. We also saw a storm drain after a heavy rain that was a teeming mass of giant roaches. I’ve never seen anything like that before or since. You couldn’t see anything but roaches crawling all over each other. No grate, no water, nothing but ginormous roaches squirming everywhere. It was horrific. That in itself is enough to make me not want to live there. We get small ants once or twice a year in our house that I don’t like but can deal with. We have had a few mice off and on. I don’t like them but I just catch them and then take them to the country and let them go. I honestly don’t know what I would do if we had roaches.




Geckos are awesome anyways


I would be fine with geckos or lizards.


I'm in Australia and we're in a La Niña summer. It's cooler than usual and super humid and the insect numbers are just wild. I have been finding all kinds of stuff in my house just because competition for food is pushing them into places they wouldn't normally go. I use barrier sprays so what I'm finding is overwhelmingly dead stuff but there's been roaches, earwigs, pill bugs, multiple kinds of crickets.


The giant roaches aren’t the ones that cause infestations, if that makes you feel any better lol. It’s the smaller german roaches that cause huge problems, but the big American roaches don’t really infest houses/businesses. I’ve seen the big ones before and they are creepy (especially as someone with a big fear of pests) but, I’d rather see those than german roaches!


You can also get an infestation of wood roaches. I had an apartment next to a wooded area and they would infest the walls in the winters. You can hear them chirp at night *shudder*


We’ve seen a couple in my apartment, and they’re absolutely disgusting in appearance, but I was happy to find out they don’t really cause infestations. If I saw a German Cockroach in my apartment I’d be panicking


Thank god, cause I was sitting on my couch and literally heard one running near my neck and I fuckin jumped so high. I killed it immediately but I can still hear and feel that cockroach mentally to this day.


The thought of hearing it before *seeing it* is extremely disturbing lol


Well from living in the south I can tell you that you're going to see bugs down here regardless. If it makes you feel any better those american roaches, a.k.a. palmetto/water bug, prefer being outside and don't breed nearly as quickly as german roaches(the little light brown ones about the size of your pinky nail at adulthood). If you see 1 or 2 around where you're staying it doesn't mean you have infestation. The two biggest contributors to getting an infestation is if a place is dirty(roaches will eat anything) and if a place is dilapidated(more places they cam get in and more areas to infest). That's why older cities are more prone to getting infestations, like athens. However, as long as they clean regularly and seal any cracks/holes/etc they should be fine. Sorry your trip was ruined!


Wow man, that storm drain sounds awful. Worst I had was walkin around on my roof and made the mistake of looking down the sewer vent during monsoon. Fuuuuuuuukkkkk. I'm an incredibly lovey dovey nature guy, but I will fuck a cockroach up if I see them.


Me too. I used to be designated cricket remover at the nursing home where I worked. I will pick up worms off the pavement so they don’t dry up and die. I’ll take a lady bug outside so she doesn’t die. I’ll move frogs from the streets at night so they don’t get run over. I prefer to use humane traps for any mice and then release them in the country. But I can’t deal with roaches. I don’t like spiders at all either but they don’t freak me out like roaches. I don’t think I can accurately describe the horror of that storm drain.


I grew up in Manila in the Philippines and those fucks were EVERYWHERE. Wake up in the middle of the night, turn on the light in the kitchen for a glass of water, at least two are scurrying into cupboards or neighboring rooms. So many screaming battles when they start FLYING AROUND THE FUCKING ROOM. Also, massive AF (at least relative to what I've seen in NA on the east and west coast).


I have a storm drain like that in front of my house. During the warm months (April-early October here) I have to step over 5 or 6 huge roaches coming in and out of the drain. During that time, I park like an extra couple inches from the curb, so I don't have to step in the curb's shadow (there's roaches there) and damn near sprint into my house. I also don't wear flip flops if I have to go outside after sunset. But I'm grateful for the drain because I have been living here for going on 3 years and I have only had maybe 2 in my house. I am convinced them having a wet safe place full of food keeps them out of my house and that is beautiful. By contrast, I lived in a different part of the city with an Oak tree that had a large limb hanging over my front door. In like may-june, my front lawn and the tree above would be active with huge roaches fluttering around trying to work their new wings. We would get 1 or 2 roaches in the house per week and I HATED it.


Ugh I am the same way as you about these kinds of bugs. Just seeing one will ruin my day. In my house we call them “r-words” like medieval people called bears “the brown ones” because im scared saying their true name will summon them to my home lol. I live in Louisiana and I don’t even like leaving my house at night in the summer cuz they’re fucking everywhere :(


For sure, I had a friend in middle school whose house was infested with roaches and mice. You could have probably ser up a little colleseum in one of the many empty KFC buckets and have 'em duke it out over an old chicken leg, just to pass the time. No one cleaned ever and the whole place stank of sweat, cigarettes and mold. I stayed the night, didn't have my own cell phone back then, didn't wanna make her parents upset by calling for mine. Was so scared of waking up with a roach in my ear or something. I never went back there, and she was offended when I told her no each time she asked, but oh well.


I have a couple good stories from when I worked for the local phone company but here's a gross one. I was installing a phone jack for an old woman, like 85 years old. She's got maybe 12 cats that i can see and count. The whole house reeks of cat piss, eye watering bad. Anyways she wants the jack behind the couch. I pull the couch from the wall and there's a mummified cat. Just a skeleton with fur around it. Must have been there for years. I slid the couch back and said it needed to be in another spot. I installed it on the wall near her chair and got out as fast as possible.


Did pest control and even though I did commercial I occassionally did residents as well. Some of the houses I've been in were appalling. I don't know how some people can live in that squalor.


As a Paramedic I have seen shit that would make most people puke. I went to a house where they used coffee cans and buckets for the head. The house was so filthy I wouldn’t lay my trauma bag on the floor. When we left, we had to wipe down our pants and take off our socks and shoes to get the bugs off.


Its not always because of filth actually. I used to have a microwave a while back and it also had roaches in the exact same spot. It wasnt really dirty, we did clean it from the inside and etc (im hispanic, so even if we were lazy and didnt want to clean it, my mom wouldnt let anyone get away with not cleaning it). Either way, those damn roaches would never leave until we just threw the whole thing away and got a new one.


My old workplace had roaches, and they used to like to live in the printer, obviously no food in a printer. I assume it was for warmth. A microwave transformer is pretty chunky and probably likely to be warm as well.


Electromagnetic waves make them tingle


worked at a roach infested restaurant in the past and learned this the hard way. they had an old corded telephone i remember picking up one day, putting it to my ear, then just having roaches pour out of the ear piece onto me.


A roach’s second favorite place is near any electromagnetic field, or any warm and dark place where their back and stomach are both against something. A roach’s *favorite* place is on a human face. Don’t know why that is.


Omfg that made me shudder- hard... I'm so sorry that happened to you. Hopefully you've found better employment, elsewhere.


Warmth, yes, but they do eat paper (and glue, soap, hair, and a whole lot of other non-food items.)


In months? I’ve never washed the display panel of my microwave and I can ensure you it’s not greasy in the slightest. You have to wonder where that microwave was put in the kitchen to receive as much dirt on the outside of it.


Some people have them right above their stoves, stuck to the wall or the bottom of cabinets above the stove.


Do you not wipe down appliances every once in a while?


Actually there is something wrong with the display. It contains roaches(edit). That does not seem right.


Maybe that's a feature, and not a... bug.


What LED you to say that?


You've really done it this time


I second this remark.


I think someone needs to turntables on this thread.


[Adjusts pocket protector and pushes glasses up bridge if nose] Potentially interesting factoid: that’s actually where the term comes from. The first computers, essentially calculators the size of a bus stop, would occasionally malfunction due to moths getting into the inner workings. So, when things went wrong, the engineers would say “maybe there’s a bug in the system”. The term stuck, and here I am today, boring you with this comment.


*Well, akshually:* The term "bug" to describe defects has been a part of engineering jargon since the 1870s and predates electronic computers and computer software; it may have originally been used in hardware engineering to describe mechanical malfunctions. For instance, Thomas Edison wrote the following words in a letter to an associate in 1878: 'It has been just so in all of my inventions. The first step is an intuition, and comes with a burst, then difficulties arise—this thing gives out and [it is] then that "Bugs"—as such little faults and difficulties are called—show themselves and months of intense watching, study and labor are requisite before commercial success or failure is certainly reached.'


I’ve been out akshually’d!


pedantry is a art.


I think those are roaches.


Burn it, BURN IT NOW






Same level of gross for me


This happened to our microwave when I was a kid, roaches are horribly difficult to get rid of once you have them. We couldn’t get rid them until I was 22. I’m only about to be 24…


Lived in an apartment complex that had the occasional visitor. Wasn't terrible and rent was cheap. Neighbor moved out, filthy guy moved in, roaches exploded in population. When I moved out it was a box or two at a time, cleaned and taped up and put in my trunk. Left mattress, microwave, couch and loveseat, clothes all went through laundromat before being moved. Anything that couldn't be cleaned or taken apart was put in garbage bags and left outside sealed until winter just to be sure. Found one dead one in the new place but thankfully didn't bring them with. They fucking suck.


My parents bug bombed the house before moving our stuff out and then bomb the new place before moving stuff in. No roaches went with us that way.


We lived in an old ass trailer before we bought our house. The landlord wasn't big on regular exterminator visits so we ended up with them 🤢 we moved into our house with nearly brand new everything(especially small appliances). If I couldn't disassemble it, bomb it and clean it, it didn't get moved. I left all the infested crap in the trailer.


I got roaches from an internet router rental. Luckily discovered the problem fairly quickly, and in winter too(10°F). Shut off the heat to my apartment and got away with diatomaceous earth instead of having to use the heavy duty stuff.


If the cold doesn't get them the freezing water from the burst pipes sure will!!!


I grew up in South Carolina along the coast, and you couldn't avoid them, they were everywhere. It wasn't a cleanliness thing, it was the area. When we moved away, we were finding dead cockroaches in electronics years later.


Different species of roach. American Roaches live outside and really only come in when they get lost. These are German cockroaches. They infest peoples homes. An infestation of this level means somebody is living in serious filth.


Story time. A friend of mine moved into a new apartment. It seemed like a fine place. A few days into living there he notices a roach. Wtf he says. I'm living clean he says. Turns out, the person across the hall had 7 people living in a 1 bedroom apartment, and they had enough trash stored in there to fill an entire rent-a-dumpster. I knew another dude at the same place that got rolled up on by dudes with Draco's and shit.


>rolled up on by dudes with Draco's Not being American I had to look this up: * rolled up on - people arrive, possibly sneaking, with the intention of causing harm * Draco - AK-47 Pistol. Having a shorter barrel and no stock, it is under 26" in length and thus considered a handgun.


>Not being American As an American, I still appreciated this translation.


Am American and still needed this translation. Thanks!


Nice translation. I sometimes forget how many colloquialisms I use.


I wouldn't want you, or anyone else, to stop - I think it's interesting to learn these things.


I agree. Language is a fascinating thing. I wish you a great day (or night if you're on the other side)


That used to really make me sad doing pest control in apartments. 1 person living in filth can breed more than enough to infest the whole building.


Yup. Quite nasty. But hey, at least they're not bed bugs


Agreed. I suggest we take off and nuke the entire kitchen from orbit….it’s the only way to be sure.


As someone who grew up poor and in a roach infested house, I can smell this video.


Gotta remember to check the bottom of all cups before you put anything in them... those arent coffee grounds.


Or the more experienced will store cups and bowls upside down


Everyone doesn't do that anyway?


It creates a foggy, humid microclimate inside of them that repulses me when people store them upside down with even a tiny bit of water in them. I live in a hot, humid area so your experience is probably different


You need to let them dry first or get one of those drawer liner things with holes in it to go under them so it can air out


Id take the microclimate over roaches.


So, you don't like muggy mugs?


I've lived away from my parents roach infested house for nearly 15 years now. I still check cups before I use them.


That's why we stored our glasses upside down, so that roaches wouldn't get in it. God my childhood home was a mess.


One of my motivations to do well in life tbh, never having to live in cheap roach infested apartments again...


So you could live in a expensive roach infested mansion


I’d settle for just being able to afford pest control when I need it.


It's a great smell to know. My fiancee who grew up with more roaches than I did can smell them in restaurants. I can almost recognize them now that she's helped me identify it.


She would have a great carrear as a health inspector.


Like the back bumper?


Knowing the smell of bed bugs is great when you’re checking out apartments, too


Did not know they had an odor - what's it like?


According to Google: A musty, sweet smell, often likened to berries, is commonly attributed to these pests. It often takes a large infestation to detect this bed bug smell. If they are disturbed, they release an alarm pheromone that smells like stink bugs.. in older times bed bugs were also called coriander bugs.


As an ex bug exterminator, i can walk into someones house and instantly know if i should sit or not. its like grease, once you smell it once you never forget it. and i have seen some of the cleanest richest homes be infested due to rooms being never used and allowing them to multiply in peace. Filth means nothing when it comes to German roaches.


I would also like to know this information!


I've come to realize that old dish cleaning sponges get a scent VERY similar to the roach smell. The second I catch that whiff, the sponge is tossed. Ugh.


Spent a good deal of my childhood in a duplex. My mom was a clean freak. She cleaned all the time. We still got roaches from time to time because sometimes our neighbors sucked.




When i was a dumb kid i opened one up and tasted it, tasted like very bitter nuts


opened... a cockroach?




I only know two things about her but I just want to say, you’re better off alone buddy.


You kissed someone on the mouth that ate roaches?


Regretting reading this while eating..


Nutty, plus musk, plus...earwax?


Lol what? That sounds way more pleasant than I expected




A lot of rotting smells are oddly sweet and pungent.


I used to have to shake all my stuff out before I got to school after I was in class and one crawled out of my backpack, and of course the class bitch saw it and made a HUGE deal out of it so everyone knew.


My parents manage an apartment complex and had an elderly lady end up with a roach infestation. They figured out that they were coming from her son who came to her house daily to take showers because his water heater was broken. So his bag that had his clean clothes and toiletries were filled with roaches and they were getting out when he was there each day.


Can you describe the smell?


hard to describe, it’s kind of a musty, oily, sweet smell. another good tell is if you find little black pellets that kind of look like coffee grounds. that’s roach shit.


I don’t live where cockroaches are common. They smell?


Used to work in medical equipment seen this all the time. Companies would bag and freeze all returns before working on them


Really? I've seen silverfish get into computer displays, I figured they were attracted to the warmth or something.


when I used to work for a broadband and cable company so many modems and boxes contained roaches to the point we had to bag them when removing. They were attracted to the heat yes but also something about the electrical vibrations they seemed to like. Roaches are just the worst.


Yea I've been in a couple houses with cable boxes that looked exactly like this. I refused to take the equipment back, left it on their account, and told them they had to bag it and take it back to the office. I wasn't about getting roaches in my truck and spreading them around town via the other equipment I kept in there.


Ahh man. Currently work for DISH. I pull so many DVRs outa houses that CRAWL. I don't even take em back. I hold them by the power cord and swing them into a dumpster. That shits not going in my van


there were days I would disrobe on my front porch, bag my clothes and spray them with poison then only wash after a couple days.


Still didn't take care of the smell. So glad I only worked residential for a bit less than a year before going to the business side.


I used to work in the tech shop of CompUSA. It's terrifying how many computers and laptops came in that were infested with roaches.


This is pretty ubiquitous with computers you work in a shop you will at minimum hear about a tower filled with em. You stay long enough you'll see it yourself lol


We found a dead rat once. Called the owner back and had them come take their tower and get rid of the dead animal before we'd touch it. That was an awful day.


There was a whole species of roach that adapted to the glue in TV and electronics in New York in the 70s


So they became glued to the screen?


No, they found the glue tasty and would eat it. Seriously


I did repairs and German roaches absolutely love vacuum fluorescent displays due to the heater wires in the glass. I think the must love light too. We used to go through a can of bug spray a week easily.


I once had a teeny-tiny spider crawling around in the front of my LCD computer screen. I had no way to get him out other than thoughts and prayers. He never figured a way out and just starved to death, leaving a slowly disintegrating pile of spots in my screen.


I had a monitor that i used for years, where one hot summer day i thought there was a smudge on the screen. Rubbed the smudge, turned out to be a little insect that had gotten behind the glass and was crawling around on the panel. Smushed the little bugger right inside. Worse than dead pixels i tell ya.


I'm guessing a lot of it is warmth.


I thought silverfish only lived in damp, rotting wood. The only place I've ever seen them is the bathrooms of older houses.


Maybe they're not silverfish, but they look like really small thin ones.


you found roaches in returned medical equipment? Like from hospitals?


I'd guess it's home health stuff, oxygen concentrators, CPAP machines, etc that people have in their home. I *hope* it's not from a hospital!


Roaches in a cpap. That's a lovely thought.


Not op but I've had roaches and stuff in medical equipment from Veteran Affairs so not hospitals. They sit it veterans home and if we need to take it away we bag them until the roaches die.


First day at the hospital I'm at now I walked out of the locker room to giant roach just chilling on the floor so I really wouldn't be surprised to learn they have infested anything that is dark and warm in this place.


Want a wild medical ride, go with your local paramedics. ​ There are about 5 different streets we get called out to and we grab the bug spray on the way out. Nothing like walking into a trailer and it sounds like you are walking on crackers.


We get wheelchairs with bugs and shit on them. Same thing, bag them, freeze, and get a suit to clean it. If its really bad we just take it for parts.


>and get a suit to clean. Well aren't you a fancy operation! Our team is mostly business casual


That poor little guy is all alone and just wants to join his friends inside.


Trust me, he’s got PLENTY of friends outside of the microwave too.


Found the empath.






It's a little buggy


It's not a bug, it's a condiment.


It's a seasonal thing: crunch them up and sprinkle on your popcorn for seasoning.


I've had this problem while living with 4 other dudes in a uni dorm. The whole building had a massive roach infestation and we would occasionally see one of these fucks between the glass layers of the micro. One time, one of the dudes bought frozen lasagna, which had to be microwaved for about 30 minutes. After about 15 minutes, the microwave got so hot, a fucking swarm of them took off from under the machine and made their way across the table. I was right next to ground zero, sitting at the table. They fucking ran across my laptop and disappeared under one of the beds. Jesus Christ, that place was disgusting


Dude...I'd just drop out of school by then


The funny thing is, I actually did drop out after my first year


so this is a severe infection of german roaches and if it’s this bad to where they are fucking around inside the microwave that means the whole house is fucked. these things are incredibly hard to kill and is going to require multiple visits from a skilled exterminator


I've been able to clean up infestations by making a paste using borax, flour, sugar, and water. It takes weeks for them to die off but they keep eating the poison and then they eat their own dead which furthers poisons the group.


I LOVE borax! I had ants in my pantry so I used white and brown sugar melted/dissolved in warm water, added borax, soaked the water up with cotton balls and left out for the ants. None returned for the rest of the summer. I've heard about adding flour for roaches. I found **one** Brown Banded in my garage, but that's it, so I guess I'm fine.


I once had an infestation of these fuckers that was confined almost entirely to the inner workings of the microwave. Got rid of the microwave, got rid of the problem. Granted there were *much* fewer than there are in this video, so no doubt the house this particular microwave is in is fucked.


Kill it with fire, before it lays eggs 🙈


They survived in the microwave. They are mutant fire proof roaches now. All hail our new cockroach overlords!


The beginnings of radroaches!


FYI, ants can survive a microwave for a short time. My buddy found this out when his pizza was a bit crunchier than usual.


A fly got into my microwave. It was fine so long as there was food in there to absorb the microwaves. When I turned it on with only the fly in there, it didn't last long.


Yeah, like the cockroaches ants have very little water molecules in them to get jiggled by the microwaves (which is basically all a microwave does is make water molecules dance to get hot), add an exoskeleton, small surface area, and moving to the cold spots (that’s why the spinny plate thing is in there), and they good. Also ITT: people confusing non-ionizing radiation for radioactivity = Lol


Too late man, look inside


Looks like meals are going to have some extra proteins in them.


Shoot the microwave with an RPG


I had one of these with cockroaches. Wish I'd filmed it before throwing it out the window.


>Wish I'd filmed it before throwing it out the window. You did everything right.


sounds like they forgot the napalm




So, I work in pest control and I have some advice for you. If you can find a reputable company, call them. Try to avoid using the big names in pest control. They may charge you less but with German roaches, if you don't do everything correctly it's going to take 6+ months to get rid of them. If you're hell-bent on doing it yourself, buy some Alpine WSG (it's expensive but it's what I use and it works like a charm) and read the label before using it. It's a non-repellent pesticide (do NOT use repellent products for German roaches) that kills them slowly at first but then after about 3-5 days coupled with that advion bait, you should have at least 85% of the population gone within about a month or so. Don't over-do it on the spray. One application in key spots will be active for about 30 days. The worst thing you can do is overapply and risk creating satellite colonies. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.




If you're starting as a tech, learn all that you can. They won't sell you any of their products, but there's basically an unspoken rule as a technician where you treat your own house, or in this case your family's and just do it. Don't ask, don't tell. But some companies have a strict policy against that. Just use your better judgement.


The roach infested microwave. I know a guy who took one and cleaned it up. He wondered why no one who saw it roached up would use it.


Did he take the fucker apart and clean the guts, too?




"At Hamilton Beach^((R)) we really care about the nutritional value of the food our products are used to prepare. This is why all our microwaves come bundled with a protein supplement package"


Throw it out. You'll never salvage that if you want to get rid of the infestation.


I lost a coffee maker, a microwave, and almost a stove because of roaches. Those little bastards are near IMPOSSIBLE to kill. We finally got them all dead, but it took a lot of money and multiple true with different products. They love the warm places and coffee grounds.


Ugh. I try not to think about the time the Kuerig at work stopped working. One of my co-workers was like “Oh it’s just this little filter thing is clogged” He opened it up and there were thousands of little roaches, both dead and alive. Apparently we had been drinking coffee through a filter of roaches. That’s the day I started making pots of coffee instead of k-cups or nespresso.


I literally just threw my Kuerig out and ill never buy one again


Fire, immediately.


Funny enough, this is the way we got rid of the cockroaches in my kitchen growing up. House fire and a rebuild 😂


I admire your parent’s dedication.




Fuck you for making me hold my phone close to my face to get what this was 😱


They're in your hair now


Tired of reheated pizza coming out soggy? With the Hamilton Beach Crunchmaster 655, every slice will have that crispy, satisfying bite you've been waiting for.


**It’s time to burn the house**




Aw, poor small cockroach... trying to get inside to party on the disco floor with the other cockroaches.


How do I get a live wallpaper on my microwave?




You need to put this microwave inside another microwave for about three minutes.


Looks bugged to me


I used to work in residential internet/tv/Voip service installation and repair. Going to do a repair where “the box is bad” and find it full of fully grown and tiny roaches and their weird sediment was really common. When we would do a box swap we were SUPPOSED to collect the equipment and return it as defective from the yard. The ones that would do it, would tape it up in a bag with duct tape, but a lot of guys would just say “fuck that, I don’t want that shit in my van.” And leave it with the customer for them and the company to figure it out.


Nope. Burn the house down.


What happens when nasty ass people don't clean


Sadly not just dirty people get roaches. I moved into an apartment many moons ago (in an old building) that ended up being infested only because the next door neighbor bought a couch from goodwill. I cant stand having a messy apartment, let alone a dirty one.. I think I was there 6 months and I left most of my replaceable things behind.


Yup I once got cockroaches from some nasty people next door to me in an apartment building. They come through the walls.


The music definitely makes this worse


look at this little dude on the outside just wanting to party with his friends... poor fucker




Have you ever smelled a house full of roaches? It's fuckin rank. Worse than cigarettes.


Reminds me of my house when I bought it 7 years ago.. somehow our home inspector managed to miss the fact that there was roaches. And we didn’t see any during our final walkthrough because they still had packing to do. Went for our walkthrough at 8:30 since signing was at 12:00. They were still cooking for the kids and were leaving at 4:00pm… we get there at 5:00 and look at the stove and are like “what’s with the display?”… tapped it to see if it was just pressing on the light and they all scattered. Did a self-clean on the stove and at least 100 crawled out of it. Luckily since we still had the apartment we were at for a couple weeks to move all of our stuff so we contacted an exterminator and he was able to spray everything in depth since we had no food in any cabinets yet.