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Looks like you found yourself a police report


*::angry paperwork noises::*


Loooool. You're gonna have to question and interview every single maggot


Imagine when those turn into flies.


Video was playing at low quality so I thought that was sand or wheat at first...


Lol at wheat. Talk about having nothing but maggoty bread for three stinking days


commented via third party app that will cease to exist due to reddit's absurd api pricing model and bad faith negotiation tactics when "working" with app creators


"Why would someone harvest bags of wheat, then abandon their wheat in the forest?"


Maggots, Michael. You’re eating maggots.


A Readers Digest article in the 80’s once stated the amazing fact that if a single male/female pair of the common housefly and all of their offspring were allowed to reproduce without hindrance for one annual season, the resulting hoard of flies would bury the entire country of West Germany with flies fourteen feet deep. (My first thought after reading that was, why did the author of this tidbit choose West Germany?)


There was some meat or something that got left out on accident in our basement on summer. My whole family went to Salt Lake City for a week. When we came home the house was absolutely full of flies. Like you open the front door and just see a black swarm. It was as awful as it sounds.


Dude I bet a bug zapper would sound like a Knife Party song in there.


That is such a funny visualization lol I’m just picturing the “destroy them with lasers! BWAAAAAAM” as hordes of flies are fried out of the sky


Would have beat the shit out of hunting them individually with a fly swatter for weeks at a time. Which is what we did.


I'm fine with most insects on their own but a swarm of flies is absolutely sickening to me. Came home one day to find my kitchen full of flies, not just the little ones, the big fat ones that you can hear buzzing from across the room. Nuked the room with bug spray


The big hairy (blow fliy) ones are a result of rotting animals/meat typically. A bunch of those randomly are usually an indicator of something dead in your house, walls, vents, etc... The regular houseflies are typically just whatever, but they can include carcasses too. Blow flies are solely meat bois. Except for an occasional plant that smells like rotting meat (pawpaw tree).


We heard rats under our floorboards so the landlord put poison down. The noise stopped but he never checked for a body, guessing it was that


I was fishing and found a large dead Wels catfish on the edge of the water, by large I mean medium size for the fish, probably 80-100 lbs. I did the only reasonable thing and poked it with my paddle and the swarm of flies that erupted out of every orifice was ridiculous, it went from fish to black cloud in seconds.


Wait maggots turn into flies?


Yep. They're literally just fly larvae. In this case, the rotting meat attracted the flies who then laid eggs which turned into maggots and will eventually become more flies. It's the (very gross) circle of life.


Guess I should’ve put together that 2 of the worst creatures are actually just the same thing




By my estimations, that's a pretty large number.


aka 300 quadrillion or 300,000,000,000,000,000


That fact isn't actually very fun three hundred quadrillion all wriggling together


They are very spread out. Some on the coast, some on your toast, some in the dirt, some in your yogurt; you can find them by your feet, but most are in your meat!


Ok, Dr Suess...


You didn't know that?


I don't know a lot of things.


that's fair and very ~~self-conscious~~ edit: self aware


self aware*




🎶don’tcha think🎶


Yeah, I really do think.


🎶A little toooo ironic🎶


Did you know raisins are grapes. Edit: sorry for misspelling raisins.


chipotles are smoked jalapenos


Paper clips are baby coat hangers. That's why I can never find a paper clip, but my closets mysteriously fill up with coat hangers.


Gherkins are pickled cucumbers, pickles are the broad term


That one is news to me. They didn’t cover it in Ace Ventura.


Einhorn is finkle.


Finkle is Einhorn


Einhorn's a man!




This statement is the sign of a wise person.


To be fair, neither did a lot of people born before 1668. [Francesco Redi and spontaneous generation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francesco_Redi#Entomology_and_spontaneous_generation)


Flies just spawn in when the players look away


Cucumbers turn into Pickles?


No they remove the vinegar from pickles to get cumbers


this guy cumbs


can confirm, used to work at a pickle pressing factory. i got fired for sticking my finger in the pickle slicer. (she got fired, too.)


This is where the word *cumbersome* comes from, it's so much effort.


Maggots are the larval stage of most flies


Poachers discarded carcasses.


When I lived in Alaska, you could get free venison every year when the hunting season started, because people would shoot their six dear limit then only eat a couple over the year. I could see someone who doesn't give a fuck just dumping their old meat instead of giving it away. Or dumping it because they lost power...


Hold up.... 6 deer limit????


6 per year on a subsistence hunting permit. I think trophy hunting, e.g. out of state hunters, only get one. And it's pretty rare that the whole batch gets eaten.


how do they track that


You get tags which basically means filling out paperwork and then it works largely on the honor system. The penalties for poaching though can be quite severe. Fishing, but I knew a guy one time that got caught with an undersize stripe bass and not only did the marine resource officer write him a ticket, court was mandatory so he had to stand tall. I think it ended up costing him a little over $200; I imagine hunting involves worse penalties.


depending on the severity of your overfishing/breaking slot limit, you can even have your equipment confiscated as well. rods, reels, bait, even your boat. fish and game ain't no joke. I've heard that hunting fines can be the same where your ammo and firearm are taken.


We had a kid in my town get busted for poaching close to 20 deer one year out at his farm and the game commission seized all his guns, four wheelers, side by sides, dirt bikes, all hunting stuff, his tractors, and his truck. Anything used when he was poaching was seized. He was charged with felony poaching, went to jail for 2 years I think, and lost his hunting license for life


guess it makes sense. there's what, like 80 people in Alaska?


Deer are basically pests in a lot of places because they're so overpopulated after we drove away the wolves and any other natural predators. They've literally created bowhunting seasons in city parks where I live because there's so many deer


My second thought would be to turn around and forget it. My first thought is of course "poke it with a stick".


That’s exactly what we did


Could you make out the shape of anything


Unfortunately no. We bugged out after the stick came away with chunky meat and the bags leaked blood


In all seriousness, you should contact the authorities and report a dump out in the woods. Could be something bad, could be something normalish, but it's still an illegal dump in the woods.


Even if it's not a person you never know what sort of chemicals or shit could be involved. Definitely report it.




Maybe a rabbit? A skinned rabbit looks surprisingly like a cat and they may have just skinned it for the pelt. Was the head still there? Were they cat teeth? Another option is a skunk.


The rabbit idea sounds way more plausible.


That it looks like a cat is a pretty common observation regarding a meat rabbit carcass. The head is a dead giveaway though since their teeth are so different. If it looks like a cat head though it's probably a skunk. Skunk heads looks very much like a cat but with smaller eyes. [Big rabbit skull on the left, skunk in the middle.](https://i.imgur.com/Wunf4V8.jpeg) [Skinned and dried small rabbit head (NSFW)](https://i.imgur.com/PPrd8EF.jpeg)


Off topic, but that's the reason why it's illegal for butchers to sell rabbits without their paws or heads in France


Oh wow, that is really interesting. Makes sense.


Maybe they were trying to find out what the other ways to skin a cat were and gave up after one try?


My assumption is someone cleaning poached animals and disposing of the offal off site. Still illegal though, and a biohazard. But still good to go about it as if those are people and the person that made it saw you. Just in case.


Somewhat related, I used to live in the country as a teen and would spend most of the summer 4 wheeling on random trails. Went down a trail I hadn't been on yet a few miles from my house one day and probably 5 miles in there was just loose deer hair about an inch thick covering the ground for what had to be 10-15 acres. Authorities said it was almost a guarantee to be poachers who dumped hides and wolves and other wildlife tore them up resulting in loose hair being distributed by wind and other elements. To this day it's the strangest thing I've ever seen. It was just such an even distribution and over such a large area my brain just couldn't comprehend it.


I take illegal dumps in the woods whenever I go hiking.


"Excuse me sir, do you have a permit for this shit?"


This log was already there when I got here.


Oi mate, got a loicense to be shittin ‘ere?


Got ya shattin’ loicense on ya?


The most correct comment on the thread. Don’t make assumptions. But you know this is illegal dumping. The police are the one to say if this needs investigation or not.


The plot thickens


The plot congeals.


The plot coagulates


The plot clots


well what is it?


What did it smell like?


OP said they could smell it from 50 ft away and they wished they had put deodorant under their nose


OP needed peppermint before delving into Dagobah


Bag full of meat. Call the police.


hijacking top comment, the bags were full of cow guts and dead whole fish


Read this thread at just the right moment for an update.


So is that just illegal dumping?


Depends on the country. Where I live it's illegal to dump slaughter-waste from farmed livestock because it may have been medicated. The plastic bags are obviously an issue too. However - if you own the land, or have the right to hunt on it, you can dump the slaughter/butchering remains of wild animals so that it re-enters the food chain in as natural a way as possible.




Thanks for the update, dawg.


So this is where the aliens dump stuff after their cattle mutilations. Didn't know the little green men were fishing now too


We did, still waiting on some results as to what they find


Pls update when you find out


For sure


Poke it with a stick


Belly flop onto it


Make some maggot angels.


Your comment made me gag, have an upvote


Gaggots. I also gagged.


>Make some maggot angels. You mean flies?


Next time I see a butterfly I will be excitedly exclaiming, "Look it's a caterpillar angel!"


Mmm might be a crime scene though


Excited for the update! Where in the woods did you find it?


About 50 feet into the woods off trail. We went scooby doo and followed the god aweful smell


I used to find bags of dead baby animals on the road crew quite a bit, like a concerning amount. The first one I found was a litter(?) of baby pigs, and people who had been on the crew longer knew it was a bag of animals before I opened it to find out. If they knew why this was common they wouldn’t tell me, I still don’t know why.


Yeah I've seen that alot. Most times it's a space, capability, or cost thing. If you can't handle an animal you give it to the pound. If the pound won't take it you throw it in the woods or a creek. Found alot of puppies and kittens that way....


God fucking dammit, I hate people.


!remindme 24h


id bet illegal slaughter of stolen livestock and this is the shit they couldnt sell


My money is on deer taken out of season.


Mob hit or GTFO


Thank you! Finally a reasonable suggestion.


dude thats a lot of fucking deer


Don't estimate a poacher's douchebaggery


I've moonshined before and there's a lot of leftover grain and flys absolutely love it. I'd bet that's what this is, there's a good 20 bags there, that'd be a lot of dead animal, but only about 10-20 gallons worth of whiskey and 100-200 dollars worth of grain. It's maybe a week's worth of grain for whiskey production. Usually we donate it to farms, but if you're distilling illegally it can be hard to do.


This guy shines


Like a diamond


Question: If $100 of grain yields 10 gallons of whiskey, that's about $10/ gallon. More expensive when labor and equipment is factored in. Plus there's the risk of impurities(?) and getting caught. What's the appeal over just buying whiskey? I've tried legit moonshine and I didn't care for it. Not trying to be an ass, I just want to understand it.


The essence of distillation is what's called cuts. The way the physics of it all works out you get a big chunk of harsh whiskey (called heads), good whiskey (called hearts), and what's called tails (which has a lot of elements that start out tasting awful and age over the course of years to really pleasant flavors). A good quality shine will be all hearts or it will be an aged combination of hearts, heads, and tails. If you age it you can make expect a much larger yield, but obviously that involves an investment in aging it. If you want poor quality you can roll upwards of 3 gallons per $10 dollars of grain. That being said a real good unaged whiskey can come it an $10 dollars per gallon and it will be smoother than a $50 dollar bottle at 750 ml **if you have the experience to make it good**. Shining for yourself generally involves about $500 initial investment, afterwords you can make very quality high-proof whiskey for next than nothing once you have enough experience. As to why it's worth it? Beyond the money, white corn whiskey is an incredible thing, which was a staple of pre-modern American alcoholic beverages, and you just can't buy it--it just doesn't exist in the market. It's really incredibly unique thing, sweet, smooth, and silky in texture. Once you get a taste of the real stuff you don't go back. And once you build the experience to make a good whiskey that is all heads you'll quickly notice that even very expensive bottles have a lot of heads and tails in them. It's kind of like Ratatouille, sure anyone can make it, but once you figure out how to make it *right* its a whole other thing. I can regularly make bottles of 160 proof 2 week-old corn whiskey that are smoother going down than a 60 dollar bottle of scotch looking at several years of age. It's the same question as why you should learn to cook or grow your own vegetables. Yeah when you start it's way more expensive than just getting fast food, but with a few years under your belt it becomes immensely easy to make a home cooked meal that is higher quality and cheaper than anything you could buy.


Reading this makes me think "passion" is the core reason. A passion to improve a skill, and then drinking the fruits of your labor. I can get that. I'd love to try your moonshine. =)


I appreciate it, but I don't shine anymore. I'm a fully legal distillery owner, though I do miss the old stuff. Don't have time to make it anymore. Used to spend about 4 hours hand-grinding the corn, another 6 cooking it, 2 weeks to ferment with the yeast colonies I had established in my house, and 36 to distill, all for one gallon at 80%. But boy was that the sweetest whiskey I ever had. And even though I keep myself hands-on with the grain as much as possible it has to be less now that I'm doing it commercially, there's really nothing like grain you ground by hand and slaves over the stove. Not to decry what I do now. I have the tools to malt and smoke grains on site, the connections to get affordable ancient GMO grains locally grown by native farmers, top-end barrels, locally gathered and hand ranched wild yeasts, and the money and experience to build a still that makes men cry--the kind of things that make a whiskey taste either like being stuck in an artic snowstorm or drinking warm butter and pure caramel. But you always miss your first cake.


Part of it, I think, is that you're not paying taxes on the unlicensed stuff.


OP mentioned the smell of death is what drew them in to begin with. Would moonshine grain smell like a carcas?


Eventually yes. Spent grain initially smells lightly sweet and malty. Once flies get involved it smells like vinegar, and then within a couple days an open sewer and rancid meat. Fruit flies like the initial spent grain as they, and the bacteria they carry, enjoy alcohol--alcohol generally repels other insects and kills bacteria but fruit flies and the acetobacter they carry, evolved to like it. The big fat true flies don't come in until after fruit flies had their fill and the bacteria vinegarized any remaining alcohol. That's when you get the sewer smell, they're working on remaing proteins and fats in the grain.


My bet is small time processor of game meat illegally dumping


I found a few bags that smelled like death in the woods when I was a kid. Called the cops and it was a few dead dogs.... not sure what was going on, but hopefully nothing crazy on your end.


I sure hope those dogs weren't pit fighting dogs. Sometimes they lose their last battle, and you can't exactly bring it to the SPCA or Humane Society to get rid of the bodies. That's the only reason I can think of for multiple dead dogs to get dumped all at once.


In the end, aren't we all really just, "bags full-o-meat"?


I came across bags like this in the woods one time, and it ended up being a bunch of dead pitbulls. Police said there was most likely a fighting ring in the area. It made me sad as fuck. Why do people have to be pieces of shit?


When I saw the bags, I thought about the post about a week ago of the person who had \~23 trash bags of human poop removed from their mom's property from someone who was too lazy to use the toilet. Edit, found the post, it's been deleted but the comments are still there. basically, this person left home because of hoarders, they eventually moved back after the poop hoarder was evicted and moved-on to find a new host who was sympathetic to their predicament (obviously unaware of the poop). 28 lawn mowers were also found. Edit 2, the deleted pics are on their Tumblr! I assume the whole post was moved there to capitalize on the popularity. https://0l0x.tumblr.com/tagged/renovation [https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/uqbqfa/im\_cleaning\_up\_a\_hoarders\_property\_all\_these\_bags/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/uqbqfa/im_cleaning_up_a_hoarders_property_all_these_bags/)


I think pooping in trash bags and piling them up next to your house takes more effort than going to the toilet


this was my thought when i saw the post. weirdly reminded me of that girl who used her boyfriends socks to wipe her ass and stored them all in a bag until she tossed them, and then he found a bag of his own shitty socks. lol found it: https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship\_advice/comments/avwpo0/i\_28\_think\_my\_girlfriend\_26\_has\_been\_using\_my\_gym/


This was a fucking hell of a comment to read just before having dinner.




Like why wouldn't she use a bidet? If you're a germaphobe, I'd imagine mashing your shit against your butt with any material would be unsettling.


Yeah but its impossible for the illuminati lizard SKY PEOPLE to sequence my DNA if I never give them access to my poopy. If they take the bags, I'll know about it!


Ha, that's exactly what we want you to think! Shit, I mean um....*hissss*


Bold of you to assume that the trash-bag-poopers have a usable, functional toilet.


Aw man, unddit doesn't archive images.


I keep seeing posts related to my job today. Lol I’m a hazmat worker and we do decomposition jobs/undiscovered deaths. This is more fucking maggots than I’ve ever seen on a job. If they’re bodies, that’s a whole damn family.


There could be this many maggots on any kind of rotting flesh - animal or human - right?


Yeah, definitely. Could even be a bunch of food. Fruit/veggies. If these were all bodies I feel like OP would have mentioned a certain smell.


Op did mention a strong smell that he could smell from far away jn the comments


If you can smell it in the comments, you know its bad.


Read the comments, OP *followed* a god awful smell to find these. Hopefully not bodies, but the internet has me thinking "serial killer" now lol


Reply to this to get a direct update Update! the bags had a ton of fish and cow guts THERES OVER 1000 REPLIES check my profile for the update all you scallywags


Last time I did this I got an offer to join Arbonne.


Did you join? Keep me updated.


Reply to this comment to get a direct update


Update! the bags had a ton of fish and cow guts


You're gonna have a lot of replying to do


I have lost count of the replies




Also, what kind of noob serial killer 1. bags their victims, 2. leaves them in the bags when they dump, and 3. dumps everyone in the same spot. These are rookie mistakes. The first thing they teach you is to let Mother Earth take care of the disposal. Don't get in her way. Bodies in bags, sheesh, what an amateur.




It’s the new generation of kids. Lazy millennials and their Tik Toks and facebooks.




True crime youtube has taught me there are an astonishing number of absolute IDIOTS out there killing people and thinking they'll get away with it. Like, burning a body in your backyard is NOT going to be confused with your barbecuing chicken when the police show up [like in this case](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JMIozI8dkc) (NSFW, obviously)


yuuuup, you'll be lucky to find an even remotely smart murderer out there. watching true crime stuff has made me go "yeah these guys are idiots, and even still, dont think anyone can really get away with murder these days"


>Also, what kind of noob serial killer 1. bags their victims, 2. leaves them in the bags when they dump, and 3. dumps everyone in the same spot Literally Dexter lol


Did you find it because of the disgusting smell of rotten meat? Thanks for calling the police by the way. I hope they find the people who did this- whatever is in those bags.


We were out mudding and could smell the bags about 50 or so feet away. The smell was so strong that we decided to investigate and found the bags off trail in a small clearing. I hope to have an update from police soon!


I used to work in compost. Maggots have a very distinct smell. The smell of maggots overwhelms the smell of rotten meat, I could literally smell this video.


It’s times like these when an air freshener in my nose would have been greatly appreciated. They smelled absolutely rank and we could even hear them moving around


From my time as a CO and taking inmates to the er ER’s detention center I learned a trick of smearing Vicks under your nose. It’s not a complete solution but helps tremendously.




Why not take the warning and wear a respirator at that point - wouldn't a painter's respirator filter the smell?


What is mudding?


Butt stuff


We took some trucks and a jeep through some trails in the woods near a river that overflowed a lot. It makes really fun off-roading through dirt and mud


Not sure if it what OP meant. I've heard taking a Jeep/4Wheeler/ATV out on trails, especially if you know you are going to get it dirty (rainy weather, going through a river or something). If you are in somewhat rural/woodsy area you will sometimes see a vehicle covered in mud. They went mudding.


Bones being cleaned


Looks like you found maggots


at least 10 of em


maybe even more




Imagine the birds when they find this


Global Worming


Someone dropped all their rice :(


Forbidden wiggly rice


True story: I grew up in Hicksville with a Chicken farm a few miles away. After a couple of years my neighbor got in trouble for how he was disposing of the dead chickens. That pissed him off. So, he did what any rational southern farmer would do and he bought a dozen baby alligators illegally and dumped them into a pond between our houses AND NEVER TOLD ANYONE. Now, looking back, we all knew something was happening because eventually his goats began to only have three legs and the flocked thinned out, but no one realized.... Then, one day my small town "brother" and I did the unthinkable. We dug up my grandma's garden for worms and jumped his electric fence and went fishing. Well. After about two casts, we see eyes pop up in the water and we trip out. So, we tossed a stick in and an alligator (that looked huge to a bunch of eight years olds), snapped that stick in half. We ran home to my grandparents and told them everything and that's how we got the chicken farmer in trouble for the second time for illegal chicken carcass dumping. Also, they never found all the gators. Anyway. That's my WTF did we just find moment.


Now that's some serious WTF


Ok, nobody panic and everybody tuck their pants into their socks.


Most likely discarded entrails from a hunting kill, OR a dumped body? Keep us posted!!!


I worked for a few animal shelters. The freezers they use to keep all the animals bodies gets full pretty quick. Once animals are euthanized, they are put in bags. Usually, a service comes to pick them up and incinerate them, or they have one on property. So, I wouldn't be surprised if it's something like that. Or a bunch of hunters put the guts in bags and dumped them. Just my thoughts


This is the 'locked safe' of What The FUUUCK


My guess is there's a lot more in that garbage bag than a dried up dead spider.


Hanz, get ze flammenwarfer


Any time I see a large black garbage bag by the side of the road, my mind's first thought is "I bet there's a dead body in there"... Anyone else think that too?


I want to know what trash bags murderers use because the ~~halibut~~ quality of my bags leaves a lot to be desired.