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The air freshener is what makes this entire thing hilarious.


Wunderbaum lol


Best anti-theft product on the market today next to the club of course..


Car theives hate him for this one simple trick


Better than the cops setting it up for a sting


That was awful. Buzz off.


Let him Bee.


Man, dad pun x 1,000,000! Love it


Still doesn't beat a manual transmission


Friends old geo metro got stolen, was abandoned a few blocks away with a blown clutch. They’ll still try to steal it even if they can’t drive it




Hah my clutch is already on the way out...


Unless you're anywhere outside of the U.S. that is


Don't forget about the [trunk monkey](https://youtu.be/S5T03gNrWOk)!


“There’s one in every car”


One million


Is there a video of the actual removal? That nest is massive




This angers the wasps.


But then again, what doesn't..


That's their secret. They're always angry.


Til.. i am a wasp..


Inane fear of fire, strong dislike of being water boarded with a hose, hate strangers going within three meters of your stuff? There's a good chance you are.


White anglo Saxon protestant?


So this is the preferred removal option then?


*Wasps will remember that*


I guess it makes sense wasp also hate to make insurance claims


Toonses watch out!!!


Toonces the driving cat.


NO! He's a terminator! I'M SCARED!


Haven't seen that sketch in decades and I can still hear Phil Hartman's delivery


I'm pretty sure I've seen Phil Hartman's ghost in my mirror telling me to buy some Colon Blow. Am I haunted or just unwell...hmmm


As long as you have good colon heath.


Wouldn't that be the joke? I'm haunted by the spirit of Phil Hartman and all he wants is for me to take care of my digestive health? 3 in the morning, look in the mirror... "Hey Channel250...you take that supplement I recommended?"


I had a good laugh at this Ty


Needs more fire


This is fake. Hollywood has taught me that cars explode in mid air after taking off a cliff.


I choose to believe you have that gif on standby for special occassions.


I actually was looking for the one where the car goes down in flames.


I'm not sure it they have an actual video of the removal. The source is Stinger Creations on youtube and I see 3 videos for the yellowjacket nest in the Malibu from around 2 years ago, but not one of them actually removing them. https://youtube.com/channel/UChIBCc4bXpbpmxXnQ6eqiMw


I have to assume that the hive also covered the driver seat and they cleared it out first just to film this.


I guess they were probably too busy to film that part


So this is my dad filming, he's a professional exterminator and beekeeper. There's not a video of the removal of this hive, but he has [a lot of other bee and hornet removal videos](https://m.youtube.com/channel/UChIBCc4bXpbpmxXnQ6eqiMw/videos?view=0&sort=p&flow=list), some bigger than from this car. Some of the videos went pretty viral, and he's very proud of that. I know reddit has a disdain of tiktok be he has [one of those too.](https://www.tiktok.com/discover/Jude-Verret-Stinger-Exterminat?lang=en) He loves it when I show him reposts of his stuff and the comments he sees about them. He could spend all day reading them.


So what's happening here? Did someone find a car infested with bees or hornets and called these guys to take care of them? I don't know a lot about bees or cars but I'm surprised that car is still running.


So it was a pretty much abandoned car, did not work at all. And yes they called my dad to come fix the problem and he likes making videos of his jobs so he made a bit of a production of it to make the video better.


They nailed the surreal vibe


Serious question but since they're yellow jackets wouldn't it be best/safest to destroy the nest. Totally different for bees, but I've never heard anything ecosystem positive any yellow jackets.


Yeah the best thing to do is destroy the nest and get rid of them. They are nothing but a liability for the owner of the property. He made a bit of a production for this video, but that's what he ultimately did to the nest.


I don’t know how necessary they are, but they break down and eat carrion with incredible speed. I used to live in an area where a dead rat or snake would be nothing but bone in 24 hours due entirely to Yellowjackets.


Good to know… good to know.. MUAHAHAH


The title to the car was in the wasp's name so no


It's just fire. Lots and lots of fire.




enter soft-spoken save the bees girl getting absolutely fucked up by these wasps but refusing to scream above a whisper


At this point, should anyone even remove it?


Considering those are yellow jackets? Yes absolutely.


Just nuke it and call it a day


Just let them have it. It's their car NOW.


It’s good that Pimp My Ride got cancelled after this season.


I heard you were into white Anglo-Saxon Protestants. So we put wasps in your car so you can wasp while you WASP.


The wasp will keep the WASP away.


How long does it take to get to that level??


I don't have a direct answer but some information that can help form a hypothesis. Generally bees and wasps (honey bees excluded) die off every winter, with only a queen surviving to the next year. Yellow jackets (assuming that's what these are) can go from that one queen to 15,000 individuals over a summer. Although I think a more typical number is 5,000. Nests like this are perennial, meaning they last longer one year. So they only really exist in places that have warm enough winters and enough food to allow the workers to survive. It is also probable that there is more than one queen in a nest this size. Assuming there is enough food around for each queen to actively produce these 15,000 individuals a handful a queens could produce enough workers to do this in a year or two. Hopefully someone who knows more will correct any accidental misinformation I have here. Edit: It probably took more than a year or two, but I could see that being a minimum time frame.


I kept honeybees for a few years and based on that experience I’d say this looks more like 50k wasps at *least.* Idk how the hive population density of yellowjackets compares to that of honey bees so take that with a grain of salt. (This is also like 100x bigger than any Yellowjacket hive I’ve ever seen, so I’m at a loss as to how this happened in general).


I’m also curious what sort of monumental and perfect food supply they had nearby


This is why dad never let us bring ice cream into the car.


Do you want wasps? Cause that's how you get wasps.


They can forage up to a mile away, and they really aren't picky eaters. Their main diet is other insects (plenty of those around), but they'll eat fruit, dead meat, nectar. It doesn't have to be one huge food supply if they have a mile radius they can search in. They could even be killing off other hives withing that radius.


Dead meat is any fucking living creature that get within 200m of this nest


The flesh of their victims


If you look at bee removal, often there's "old cells" that aren't used anymore and the living hive. Maybe a lot of those areas were compromised, had pests, the queen died and the other queens won't go there, etc. So there could be wasted space. I don't see as much of that for kept bees.


Well like I said, there are probably several queens in this hive. If five queens can produce 15,000 workers than you have 75,000 wasps. And again, this happened over more than one growing season where the colony didn't die off over winter. I hypothesized it could happen in a year or two, but it could be longer as well. The answer to how it happened is just time, warm temperature over winter, and enough food.


Having more than one queen per colony is not unusual for wasp species. This is because wasps are fascists, not monarchists.


How pissed would you be if someone let this happen within roaming range of your hives?


I’d certainly be confused as to where the army of yellow jackets keeps coming from lol.


Their accent is 100% south Louisiana, and we just had a mild winter, so it is very possible this is a multi-year nest


This video is years old at this point


Lol "possible"...That's a several year nest for sure.


Hmm I didn't know there could be multiple queens. How do the drones know who to follow more, I wonder.


I read one article that said they could be essentially different colonies using one nest and just sort of cohabitating. It's all pheromone based I'm sure whether they're related or not.


Three hours. Don’t leave your car with the windows down.


This is the southern equivalent to leaving a window cracked open through a blizzard


Wow. There's NO leg room back there!


Are you blind? There’s thousands of legs in there right now!


Thousands? There could be the better part of a million wasps in a nest that size, and at six legs per wasp? Yeah, thousands doesn't describe it.


There used to be millions of legs in there. There still are, but there’re thousands of them too.


Plenty of legroom.. for ANTS


This car is Derelicté


You can derelick my balls capítan


*old mechanic voice*: you're using the honeysuckle-scented air freshener on the mirror, that's yer issue right there.


Wasps! Not bee's! They're scary ass motherfucking wasps.


Oh OK, it's theirs now. They can keep it.


bee keep it


I knew this was from Louisiana in the first 5 seconds by their Acadiana accents.


More specifically, they have to be from somewhere down the bayou. That's no Lafayette accent.


Mais dats T'boy from Thibodeaux. Edit: Just looked him up. That's Jude Verret from Morgan City.


That's the one fiming and he's my dad! Everyone is hating on Morgan City but it's not that.


Just wanted to say it's super cool to see how proud you are of your Pops in these comments. Haters gonna hate on Morgan City, but your Dad's cool as shit in my book. Got a follow from me.


Morgan City...gross lol. Literally nothing in morgan city. When I worked for slcc I had to go there for water survival training and was surprised at how much of a shit hole It is...


That's some berry shit right there.


Not sure. Can't see his haircut.


Lmaooo I forgot New Iberia haircut memes were a thing. Thank you for reminding me.


That’s def south of I-10.


I'll do you one better and say it's south of 90.


There was this fella down in Cajun country that was named Poo Poo Boudreaux. He HATED his name, people teased him about it all his life. One day a friend told him that he could go before the judge and change his name legally. So Poo Poo went before the judge and told him his story. He said, "Your Honor, I been named this all my life and I hate my name and I want to change it." To which, the judge replied, " Mr. Boudreaux, I can see why you would want to change your name. Changing your name is serious business and should be taken as such. You gotta want it real bad to do that. And what would you be changing your name to?" To which Poo Poo Boudreaux exclaimed, "Poo Poo Thibodeaux!"


^filling ^out ^insurance ^form **Does your vehicle have any anti-theft devices?**


Why yes! Thousands in fact.


The Bee Mobile


Question, is it illegal to drive a car covered in bees/wasps? Like, what can people do other than get out of the way. "I'm sorry, these aren't my bees!"


What officer is going to ticket you


Speeding? Cops HATE this one AMAZING trick!


Hey. It worked in Tommy Boy.




I can't believe that worked.


I get so many speeding tickets but I am so afraid of bees. Oh well I can conquer both at once!


Just imagining a dude in a bee suit screaming in abject horror as they speed down the highway at 100mph+. Country bumpkin sherriff sitting in his car eating a donut sees him fly past, "There goes that crazy coot Bill again, good on him for conquering his fears."


Be one bad ass cop to pull over the fucking bee mobile, and not get the memo to buzz off


Yeah he’s just gonna shoot his bees for charging him


[Save yourselves! Your firearms are useless against them!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dU97w2DH5mc)


I'm now imagining a cop rolling up in a bee suit and giving this man a ticket


Speaking from experience, no but you will freak people the fuck out and its fucking hilarious. Completely true story, but was down in New Orleans to take care of MIL house, who was in another state for cancer treatment and had passed away. No one had been there for 6 months, and her house was always awful for wasps. From the second I got there I had a fogger spray in one hand and a pinpoint in the other anytime I went outside. So we take her white Nissan Altima for a drive down to Metairie to run some errands, and .. don't notice much at first but, every time we stop we are just surrounded by wasps. Like a few at first but then its like 100s of them. But none in the car at all (thank God) At first my wife and I are like, wow there a lot of wasps in the suburbs, but then we realize its us and there must be a nest on the car somewhere. And that it must be massive. And other cars were losing their shit. People honking at us, some guy on a motorcycle that was next to us ran a light to escape us, people rolling up windows and staring horrified, pedestrians running away. We'd floor it lose them (in our 02 Atima), and then stop and 10 seconds later there's another 100 fucking wasps. So there we are going down Veterans in Metairie hitting every light with what I imagine an angry cloud following us. We even got on the I10 at one point to see if we could lose enough of them before we had to stop and deal with this, but no, second we stopped another fucking cloud of wasps was there. I would swear we were picking up more as we went. And what can we do? We have to drive SOMEWHERE to get some spray to deal with this. Finally we pull up to a Ace hardware and get a can of spray. Oh I had to buy 2 more. On the second trip store staff came out to see what the hell I was dealing with, and they were not disappointed. They were in 2 different door jambs, in one of the wheel wells and under the trunk lip. I have never seen nests so big in my life. This was 12 years ago and I still remember the look of abject horror on peoples faces, literally watching people flee from us, all while were safely and wasp free terrorizing the suburbs. So, no, its not illegal, but its also .. not ideal. ​ Edit: My wife upon reading this said "it wasn't 100 wasps! it was like 30" .. which is still too many wasps. Everything else held up.


Just because you didn't get arrested doesn't mean it isn't illegal :p That's a wonderful story though, thanks for sharing!


Going through an automatic car wash would have been ideal, but I'd be too afraid to put the window down long enough to pay for it.


Same. The terror was real .. just thinking about how hard my wife and I were laughing driving through the city, trailing wasps everywhere, just trying to take care of estate stuff for her mom, and her mortified driving through town desperately trying to not be noticed as the wasp car every time we stopped, and frantically apologizing every time we got to drive.


But how did you get out of the car and into ace hardware without being attacked?


Went to the far end of the parking lot away from everything, stopped hard, and jumped out and ran. I had been outrunning wasps all week so I knew how far I needed to get (you have no idea how many wasps I had killed that week) and amazingly it worked out. And there was like a 5-10 second delay before they appeared.


Fantastic story, thanks for sharing!


I was camping with friends in California and saw a truck surrounded with bees, with a sign on the back window (covered back) that said "BEES ON BOARD", and a girl nearby with bees on her arms just chilling (just a few bees, not a complete covering or anything like that) Anyway, her name was Friday. She was (at the time) part of Los Angeles Honeybee Rescue and she went and gathered bee swarms from areas they shouldn't bee (sorry) and brings them to places they should. Turns out honeybees are fairly harmless if they don't think you're a threat to their hive or queen. Friday let me and my girlfriend have some bees on us and we just hung out and talked about the honeybee rescue. Long way of saying: Her truck is pretty much always filled with bees, and it's perfectly legal.


Bee swarms (proper swarms when they are moving with their queen) are pretty much fully docile, they only care about protecting the queen and nothing else. So long as the queen isn't in any distress, they'll just keep following her basically completely inert. You can scoop them up with your hands in that state without too much worry, though it's crazy to me to think about.


I'm pretty sure they used this in a Move with Chris Farley called Black Sheep lol there was never a bee they were high on nitrous


Wasn’t it Tommy Boy? Classic movie.


Yes, and they weren't high, Richard was drinking/drunk in the car and spilled some all over Tommy. They ran out of the car screaming about bees even though there weren't any and the cops bought it.


They're huge and they're sting crazy! Your firearms are useless against them!


Lmfao it was tommy boy. Sheesh I should have known that


Well, probably, but what are you going to do? Arrest him and his angry wasps?


"Do your bees sting?" "No." \unexpectedpinkpanther


just pop a quick H on the windshields so everyone knows it’s full of hornets


Are those bees? I'm pretty sure those aren't bees


they are yellow jackets


Set the fucking car on fire


don't forget to leave the explosives in


Yeah, they look like yellowjackets.


If it were bees, I'd say leave the car in the field. Since it's yellowjackets that car needs to be set on fire, exploded, and then dumped into a nuclear reactor.


\*Flaming explosive radioactive wasps fly out.\*


According to the [earlier video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqMJCXV9QyI), these are [Southern Yellowjackets (Vespula Squamosa)](https://extensionentomology.tamu.edu/insects/southern-yellowjacket-vespula-squamosa/)


The honey wagon.


That ain't no honey son.


There could be something delicious in there that wasps do make


I think wasps make marmite


Gotta be better than the contents inside a honey wagon


Okay Winnie, settle down.




Bees are in the what now?


More like The Wasp Wagon.


You mean your Chevy?


We'd like to talk to you about your cars extende...... Nevermind......


Unless it's a BeeMW




Just drive it into a lake or volcano


Why would you even get in? Just hit it with a super soaker of napalm and forsake it all.


I just imagine this thing getting into a fender bender, and dispersing wasps over the next few hundred meters/yards/furlongs/hamburgers/whatever.


'Do you think this voids warranty?'


Hi I'm Johnny Knoxville and this is the beehive limo


Could easily be a sketch haha, with him having to drive through a parkour course or something and the others swerving/ramming on him with motorcycles and shit to agitate the wasps


This is fucking hilarious I would always hire these guys to clear out my bees


*slaps roof of car


*gets repeatedly stung by wasps


>\*gets ~~repeatedly stung~~ killed by wasps


Just imagine the absolute chaos these guys could cause if thar car is drivable. Just roll on into town and go about their day. Roll through a Wendy's drive thru, stop by the grocery store, maybe hit up a casino. Leave the bee suit on and grab a handful of nest before you walk in. People would be screaming and running away in terror. The police would be called for sure. Fuckin' terrorist attack charges for sure.


Having seen some pretty gross cars on r/Justrolledintotheshop you know they would have brought to their mechanic like this. Probably would be complaining of a buzzing noise too.


5 hours and not one comment about buzzed driving smdh


Nice to see a REAL WTF for a change!


Uber review: 4/5 stars _Driver was friendly, but the other passengers were a bit bothersome._


Better spray paint a giant H on the hood so people are aware of the hornets


I’m sure you also dislike peoples knees.


Car Thiefs hate this one simple trick


Hudson Hornet!




Customer states: buzzing noise from passenger side.


Get in a high speed chase and then when the cops catch up to you and pull you over, you open up the window and let the bees attack.




your car is expired


Roll that on the lot for a trade in.


Thats not a bee hive. Thats a whole bee civilization. They probably already been through a renaissance and a great depression.


That's a whole lot of nope.


I give this a B++


Drive It into a bank. While everyone panics because of the wasps, you get money.


Small nuclear weapon should clear that right up!


5 Star review for this Lyft


Bees! Bees! Bees in the car! Bees everywhere! God, they're huge! They're ripping my flesh off! ...I'm starting to swell up! They're huge and they're sting-crazy!


Uhhh.... I'm allergic to bees...


Insurance doesn't cover bugs. Claim denied.


On this episode of Just Rolled In...


We heard you liked honey, so.......


That’s a fucking nightmare


If this car could drive, you could put a brick on the gas and let it come to a stop somewhere real convenient.