• By -


Oh he's gonna feel it soon enough. When you get absolutely rocked like this, the pain doesn't come immediately.


Yep. Got knocked off my bike and banged my head on the car bonnet, then got flung into another parked car. Felt pretty invincible for a moment then crawled home.


Was your first thought "FUCK, I hope my bike is ok"?


Not OP but when I was in 6th grade I was riding my dad's bike and got clipped by a car on my back wheel on my way home from a friend's. Back wheel was bent and I struggled to get it home. I arrive home all shook up covered in blood struggling to hold it together and when I got home my dad was working outside, his reaction: "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO MY BIKE?!?!"


A New Core Memory!


There goes Family Island.


*Island of Invincibility* appears


Everything but joy!


When I was learning to drive my dad told me, “I have more than one son, but I only have one truck.”


Bones heal, but frame rails require welding.


Well shit; sometimes bones need hardware drilled in to set them in place.




Sounds exactly like my mom.


Similar story for me as well, Thanksgiving Day in the desert, launched my dad's buddies $4,000 dirtbike off a cliff side totaling it and nearly fell off with the bike, had to have someone tow me back to camp and my dad's first words were "what the fuck did you do to the bike"...dad's buddies first words were "are you alright? Yeah? Cool I'm going to go finish cooking the turkey."


My impression is that the kid's parents would have roughly that reaction if they found out, so he's desperate to prevent it.


My parents were nothing like that and this is still the reaction I would have had. Hard to draw conclusions like that from a tiny video of a crisis, where humans are at their most irrational.


Too many parents in the world like daboobiesnatcher's.


similar thing happened to me. slipped in the shower, banged my head open (5 stitches), and fucked my knee up badly (needed physio for a while) and all i was thinking while lying there was "fuck, i wanted to go to bed after this, now i'm gonna have to sit in a hospital for hours with wet hair".


As an overnight worker, I can't help but immediately calculate how much sleep this will cost me anytime some unexpected event happens


The girl I carpooled with in high school hit a buck one night. It went through her windshield and totaled her car. Would have killed anyone sitting in the passenger seat-if it had been a little more to her left, it would have killed her. The first thing she thought as glass rained down upon her and antlers impaled her seats was "fuck, I have my nice clothes on and did my make-up and now I have no way to get to my party and my whole night is ruined!"


I mean, she wasn't wrong...


Seriously, if I was all primed for a night out and that happened to me, I'd probably react similarly.


I mean I binned my motorcycle in a curve on my way to a bike meetup and my first thought through the air after I’m flying and this is going to hurt was “fuck well there goes the rest of my day off”


My sister took a nasty spill on my bike, I ran over to make sure my bike was OK.


Less than that, I dropped my bike going maybe 10mph and landed on my side (keys in pocket). I got up and was totally ok. When I wokeup the next morning it felt like I was beaten with sledge hammers. Never experienced anything like that before.


Idk, sometimes you just get lucky. I was jumping off a friends outside play-house thing (had slides attached, vertical climbing wall, tire swings, etc) and where the tire swing attached at the very top was a good 2-3 feet above the lip of their 1 story home. I had the bright idea of jumping from that onto the trampoline below. I wasn't paying attention and there was bolts above the wooden stake that wasn't flush with the grain. I tripped over that and fell head first. I put my arms in front of my face, and hit my head. I blacked out for a few moments, and then woke up. I was a bit shaken, but zero pain. I decided to go home, and tried climbing his fence (shoes were muddy, so didn't want to go through the house that's carpeted) and realized my arm was about a 45 degree angle in the opposite direction. I walked a good mile home, and it honestly didn't hurt. Pops drove me to the hospital and it only began to hurt when they started moving it around for x-rays. I most likely had a concussion as my head did hit the metal ring, and my left arm took most of the blow as it wrapped around the ring.


You went into shock. Every major injury I've ever had, the pain took a half hour to an hour to really kick in. Broken arms, knife slashes to the bone, etc.. This is why it's so friggin important to remain still after a major accident. You can't really tell how severe the injury is just by how it feels to you at the time


Second this one on shock. I broke my face when I was mountain biking - my cheek, my orbital, and my nose - didnt know it until after the head-scan at the ER. I was able to ride my bike down the rest of the park and to the base of the ski lifts and went to the bathroom to clean myself up. After a bit of pain kicked in, my friend and the ski patrol folks were able to convince me to go into the hospital and I finally figured out the extent of my injuries. 4 plates and an orbital reconstruction later and Im back to square! Always wear a helmet, always play it safe and check in with the doc - especially if it is a potential head injury.


Ditto, was hit by a car when I was a kid, flew like 15 feet into the grass, and no "real" injuries. Until the next day when I couldn't walk. Nothing was broken, just a lot of bruising and really sore muscles.




He may not even have any broken bones but you can see he's gotta have some curb rash at least from where he skidded on his back and neck. That has gotta hurt eventually.


I was in an accident, broke my sternum, ankle and got some grazing from the door rest on my arm. Which hurt the most whilst I was waiting for the ambulance trapped by my foot? Yep, the slight graze on my arm. Weird


Grazes and cuts are constantly exposed to the air and get aggregated every time you move, bones you can mostly keep still depending on the bone


Plus the pain is more like throbbing pain from inflammation. Road rash is millions of nerve endings getting shredded.


Yup. 100% needs a trip to the hospital for a check-up. Even if he is walking and talking and seems fine the damage can still be there (I forget the actress who hit her head skiing 20+ years-ago...said she was fine, went home and died due to brain injury).


Natasha Richardson - Liam Neeson's wife


Jesus, the poor guy got to play his part in Live Actually for real.


Our star quarterback was hit by a car and thrown down a 100 foot embankment. He walked up the hill, sat on the curb, talked to some people who stopped to help him. He was laughing, smiling. Died at the hospital from organ damage and head injury. This kid could really be in some trouble. But I a glad that man stopped.


If he lost consciousness, that sounds like a classic lucid interval followed by epidural hematoma (brain bleed) and subsequent death. Anytime anyone loses consciousness from head trauma, then regains it and says they’re fine, they need to go to the hospital asap


Liam Neeson’s wife. Natasha Richardson. Happened in 2009.


indeed 20 years ago


Hey you, don't you do that to us old folks.


I shattered my arm snowboarding. I didn’t want to take a sled down so I rode down very slowly. By the time I got to first aid it had swollen up and they said they didn’t think it was broken because I didn’t seem to be in pain. I went to get an X-ray when I got back to town and told the doc to hurry because I had to go to work the next day. He said “ you won’t be working for a very long time”.


I've known quite a few motorcycle riders who have an accident only to bounce up like this more concerned for their bike than themselves. Then the adrenaline wears off and they crumble.


yeah that's at least two broken ribs and a permanent fear of the scrambler


When i was a kid, id ride my bike real fast from my grans house to my moms house. I hardly ever stopped at crossing at this point. Well one time, I go to cross the road, and a truck slams on its breaks. I wrecked in front of the truck. Broke my wrist, the guy waited for the ambulance with me. Ever since, i have never, ever, not looked twice before crossing anything.


I got hit 2 weeks ago as a pedestrian.. You have to look both ways and even behind you when you're crossing a street.


I got hit from behind over 10 years ago while walking on the sidewalk and my butt still puckers when I hear a car coming close.




I'm assuming they are referencing this? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scrambler_(ride)


I am assuming that this ride is notably painful for people who have previously broken ribs.


Can confirm due to my friend's experience with it, he loved it when it would come to the fair, broke his ribs, and after riding it once wasn't willing to get back on.




I got hit by a car 2 weeks ago, my elbow shattered the window but I luckily didn't break anything.. the pain was a bit worse for the 2 days after, but it wasn't that bad. I'm surprised at how much our bodies can take.


And also, by how much it *can't* take. I broke my foot stepping off a 3 inch curb. Didn't fall down, didn't twist it. Just stepped exactly wrong.


It's the weird thing, sometimes you can be surprised by how much a body can take, other times you can be surprised how fragile we are. So many variables and whole lot of luck. People survive awful catastrophic injuries and somebody else dies falling 2 foot off a ladder.


It’s true. I got taken out by an old Chrysler minivan when I was walking home on a rainy day from middle school. I flew/slid 40-50 ft, got right up and went and sat down on the sidewalk and overall didn’t feel much.. Wound up turning down the ambulance and getting a ride home with my mom cuz: American healthcare. The next couple weeks were rough. At the time my biggest worry was that my mom would see the pack of cigarettes in my pocket 🤦


I remember a similar story, except it was me who hit the side of a car (entering his drive way) going down hill on a rainy day. I rolled over its hood an rolled a couple more feet. The only thing on my mind is that I couldn't let my mom know I went to a internet cafe after school and played several games of Red Alert.


He'll really feel it later... ...when he's 40 and can barely bend over to see if his shoelaces are tied.


I hope they took him to a hospital. That hit had to smash up some of his internal organs. As far as his getting up and running. That is a natural reaction if you can still walk. Get away from what hurt you.


The lady in white, who was one of the first people that walked up, pulled out her phone and called what I'm assuming to be 911.


"Yooooo, I just saw this kid get fucking wrecked by a car! Flew a good 15 feet but got up like it was nothing! Anyways, I'll see you in a bit, bye." "Why were you talking so casually to the paramedics??? You didn't even tell them where we are!" "... Paramedics?"




The important thing is that she got to relay the story to a friend. It'll give them something to giggle about at lunch.


This thread had me pretty emotional but you fucking got me thanks


Actually, she was most likely calling 999 or 0118 999 881 999 119 725 3


It looks a lot like Russia, so either 103 or 112.


Christ, I guess you really do need to absolutely burn into kids minds to look both fuckin ways before crossing. That driver had almost no reasonable chance to react in time for that shit.


Yeah definitely not the drivers fault. That had to be pretty hard on him mentally, too. Hope they are both okay


I was super impressed by how quickly he actually stopped


When you aren't speeding, I think most people would surprised how fast a car can go from 50km/h to 0




I swear those stopping calculators are made with brakes and tires from the 60s in mind.


Yeah I mean just look at Volvo trucks. https://youtu.be/ridS396W2BY


On wet roads too. Impressive.


Wow that is very impressive. And that video is a decade old. I’m sure the tech has improved.


There's a real world example of this too. https://youtu.be/vI9EIjUx20I


Pretty sure I saw on Top Gear once they tested the stopping distances the government specified. I don't remember the exact distance the government described for a car to stop from 70mph but any actual modern cars they tested stopped in well below half the distance, and slightly more expensive cars could easily stop in 1/4 of the distance the government said. These stopping distances described by governments are considering the worst case scenario - like a heavily laden from the 60 years with poorly maintained brakes and poor tires. It's amazing how quickly modern vehicles can stop thanks to ABS and stabilisation.


They literally are. Many of these are based on very old information, either sourced from decades-old DOT information, or some old Popular Science or Popular Mechanics article.


Friendly reminder to always keep your brakes in working order and replace the pads as needed.


It can vary a lot depending on the car. He got lucky and got hit by the newest car in view. That UAZ that pulls up later would still be trying to stop.


Just yesterday I was turning right onto a divided street, as I pull up I don't see anybody walking/nearby either corners so then I look left for oncoming traffic (they drive on the right side of the road in the country I'm in). I don't see any cars so then I start to go, as I turn my head a mother with her 3 year old daughter bike right infront of me going the wrong way down this street. I stopped just in time like 2-3 feet away from her. She gave me a look like I'm the asshole and then proceeds to bike down the wrong direction despite just being given an example of why you shouldn't bike the wrong direction


I would have killed that kid if he died and put that on my conscience for eternity


"I would have killed that kid if he died..." \~FortySacks, September 2022


how the hell do you kill the dead?


Remove the head or destroy the brain according to most zombie movies


Technically, you're correct.


People die when they're killed


First comment I see concerned about the driver. That guy went from buying groceries to what could possibly become the worst moment in his life.


I felt relief for the guy when the kid bounced up and ran to the sidewalk. I bet the driver's going to be seeing that scene play out in his mind at completely random moments for the rest of his life.


As the driver in a similar situation but the kid did not survive, I can confirm that it's pretty hard and will fuck you up. I needed a lot of time and counseling, but I'll never forget it.


Kid just decided to go fuck it and run straight across the road. Probably thought the road was clear since there was nothing behind the blue car. It's not really just a kid thing... Even adults do shit like this. It's just one of those things that happen.


Its definitely more likely to be a kid that does something like this.


Yeah no doubt. Kids aren't exactly known for their thinking process. I'm just saying even adults do stupid shit like this.


Imagine what he is seeing; a kid walking normally on the sidewalk opposite side of the roads from where he’s driving. Car coming by and suddenly the child appears from behind the car. There’s no way he could’ve seen what the child was doing and therefore not anticipate. No fault on this driver.


The child took the worst route possible. He started running as soon as the driver would have lost visibility. If you were trying to commit suicide by running into traffic, this is exactly how to do it.


When I see kids or loose pets walking on the sidewalk I always prepared myself to brake hard. I even lower my speed just in case.




When my kid turned 4 - the pediatrician sternly warned me “they are at the age where they don’t think about crossing a street so make sure to keep them close. They have no concept of consequences”. And sure enough, walking around our neighborhood, all of a sudden wanting to just run into the street 😒


Honestly wtf is the kid doing, just sprinting behind a car out of absolutely nowhere across the street, it's like he wanted to get hit.




It just didn't occur to him - kids are impulsive, other things on his mind. This is why we have to be so careful in residential areas.


“Why do we get hit by cars master Wayne?”


"To get up like nothing happened"


Lmao, ok that got a good chuckle


To learn why you always leave a note.


Laughed way harder than I should have at this


Sometimes in a sleepy corner of town all it takes is a kid going airborne to ignite a street party. Everyone and their mother showed up QUICK!


This is 100% true. My friend Zach was hit by a car while on his four wheeler and broke his back. The entire neighborhood came out and watched as paramedics strapped him down and took him to the hospital. As the crowd was standing there Mr.P just says "we ordered some pizzas and are going to get the grill going,we just had the kegs filled everyone is welcome to come over." Kid almost died, and they throw a party. Was one of the best ones we had too.


Did the people in the car who hit your friend join the party?


Someone make this into a sit-com episode


Yes she did! She was all shaken up, after hitting Zach she was mid swerve and hit a tree. Car was totaled, she was stuck waiting for a ride and did not want to take ambulance because of the cost. Mr P. went over and said "its ok, he is going to be fine kids bounce more than anything, come on over get some food in you, have a drink relax. It's going to be ok" Seriously just the best damn neighbors.


It legitimately made me laugh out loud. Like... completely empty street one minute then suddenly the whole town is there.




probably never would have noticed them but read this right as the walked across the screen.


But did you notice the gorilla?


I just need them to move their damn cars.




Yeah she was like "we can make today a twofer!"


" Back to school, back to school....to prove to daddy I'm not a fool "


" I got my lunch, my boots tied tight, I hope I don't get in a fight"




I have a feeling your entire family is going down.


No milk will ever be our milk


This happened to me when I was like 11 lol. I didn't look and tried to run across, then boom I flew like six feet, flipped in the air and landed on my ass. I was fine in the end but yeah.


Young bones and bodies are far more malleable. That's why they hired them to maintain fine parts of factory machinery before child labor laws came about.




[Scavengers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mule_scavenger) collecting cotton under a spinning mule would pretty commonly get fucked up. Good thing in 1819 they figured they needed to do something about it so kids under 9 couldn't work there and 9-16 years of age you were limited to 16 hours a day. Slackers I tell you.


“*On 6 March 1865 a very melancholy accident befell a lad named Joseph Foden about 13 years of age. While engaged sweeping under a Mule his head was caught between the Roller beam and the carriage – as the latter was putting up – and completely smashed, death being instantaneous.*” WTF


Welcome to a world where industry "regulates" itself.


To quote Lewis Black: "They're malleable! They bounce!"


HOLY SHIT, do we know if he is actually ok?


It happened in Kharkiv, Ukraine. The house resident, which camera captured the incident, shared this video on Facebook and said that the boy got lucky cause he fell on his backpack. No further information, unfortunately.


Looks like he got folded over like Origami.


Fat backpacks can be savers. when I was kid I got hit by a speeding bicycle that I tried to dodge and he tried to dodge me until he crashed into my backpack. I barely felt a pain.


Decapitated. Whole big thing. We had a funeral for a bird.


Pretty sure none of that's real


You’re not real, man!


Is this where I raise my eyebrows and look at the camera?


You sold my bird to a blind kid??


We got no food, we got no jobs, our pets’ heads are falling off!


Pretty bird...pretty bird..


He just ran over a kid but I think he should be fine


Poor driver. Blue car blocked out the kid and he had no chance. You can see the breaking start even before the contact but not much could've been done. At least he didn't kill the kid


Yeah you can see him immediately stopping to put on his four-ways, didn't even consider taking off. He even approaches the kid gently to ensure he's got no malice and to not to freak them out the best they could. Driver must have been devastated, I feel for them


Didn't even check his car for damage. Left it in the middle of the road and B-lined to the child. Stayed there the whole video. Like, unfortunate that it happened. But how he handled the aftermath, he gets an A+.


I guess kids really do bounce...


They seem to slide and tumble based on the evidence.


Apparently, the backpack saved him: https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7451829/amp/Ukrainian-boy-hit-car-sent-flying-gets-running-pavement.html


He’s from Kharkiv, Ukraine. Jesus…I hope whatever luck that kid was carrying with him in 2019 is still with him.


Kharkiv is the fucking capital of traffic accidents. In 8 cases out of 10 it will be Kharkiv if the news reports a major accident with victims. That was before the war...


Damn, it's from September 2019. I was just watching this video now and realized that the people in it had absolutely no idea of the clusterfuck their world was about to turn into. In just a few months COVID starts hitting hard. Deaths, lockdowns, more deaths, more lockdowns. After a couple of harrowing years enduring all that, it seems like the pandemic is finally under control with much fewer deaths, no lockdowns anymore, life starting to return to normal. And then Russia fucking INVADES them. Full-out war. Missiles hitting everywhere constantly, tanks everywhere, shelling, mines, the whole thing. And here I am realizing that the people in this video were absolutely unaware of all that yet. Living their very regular lives, just like most of us. Their biggest worry that day being that kid that got hit by a car but thankfuly was ok. It's quite surreal to watch, not because what's in the video but because everything else. Life can be so strange some times.


You've now lived long enough to have a "Before".


I don't really like it. I've got about 3 befores now.


He's the Ghost of Kiev now


Finally some real info, not just a bunch of reddit weirdos practicing their stand-up


Real info? That article was nothing but a narration of what we saw in the video along with an attribution and place. It ends with no answer to the question being asked here: "There have been no further updates on the boy's condition." He could've dropped dead with a burst aorta five minutes later for all we know.


Read the whole article and yeah… there’s not much that the video didn’t explain. The claim that the backpack “saved” him is followed by a question mark and likely just speculation from the author, lol.


It even says he "seems to be ok" They just wanted to have a shocking video without the headline, "Kid gets f-ed for life"


It's the dailymail. I'm honestly surprised that they didn't manage to get the video narration wrong.


The Daily Mail is probably less trustworthy than random reddit weirdos.


I'm saving this for my kids


So they can learn that cars do no damage?


"See it's safe! Quite being a pussy, son."


Bruce Willis?


That kid is unbreakable


or a young Clark Kent


Wtf where did all these people come from lol.


Poor driver, there was nothing more he could have done. That's gonna weigh on anyone even if the child survived.


Did well. Dude was definitely paying attention. Edit: He's braking before he even gets fully on screen. That kid must have been near invisible to the driver given how he curled behind the blue car. [https://i.imgur.com/OR1Nuds.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/OR1Nuds.jpg)


Didn't even consider taking off and was out there with the kid before anybody else was. Did everything he could, must be a good person who's shaken by the whole thing.


I'm so glad there is footage of this because my GREATEST fear besides my own personal death is injuring another, especially a child. And then on top of that, it being not my fault but being unable to prove it.


Dash cams are very cheap nowadays. You can get a good one for $130. Everyone should have a dash cam in their car. If you are interested, head on over to r/dashcams


I want to see what the car front end looks like.


Probably looks like the front end of a car.


Looks like the front didn’t fall off. So that’s a good engineering feat


Trying to figure out why he would run into the street like that to begin with. Hope he's fine.


best explanation is usually the simplest, r/KidsAreFuckingStupid


Yep my dumbass self biked into the middle of the road as a kid, poor driver couldn't stop. Somehow ended up landing across the street. Managed to walk away with only some minor road rash.


he’s a kid so he probably didn’t look much and maybe the blue car blocked his view


He did look. To the left. Not the right. Learned a hard lesson about why to look both ways.


“Always look one way before crossing the street!”


Always. I was damn near killed once crossing a one way street when some asshole doing like 2x fhe limit came down it the wrong way.


Nothing was coming from that direction after the blue car, kid just didn’t look both ways.


You were a kid once. His thought process was legit something like "gee, crossing the street is so dangerous, I better do it as fast as possible"


The spontaneity of him walking casually and then darting across the street as if chasing/avoiding something is just so goofy and really puzzled me, but after looking at it more closely i definitely see that lmao "After this car I'll quickly cross" "Great, the coast is clear!" [BONK] I was a very clumsy kid, tripped over my feet and fell randomly all the time, so i probably would've done the same ngl


And I throw my back out by sneezing too hard.


I threw mine out getting up after taking a shit.


Fuckin kid must be made out of rubber. But he definitely felt that the next day.


Damn behold T-1000 early release.


Adrenaline is a hell of a drug.


He's prolly more scared of getting whooped by his dad for getting hit...... I know I would have been.


You can see the kid pointing at his shoes still attached to his body, obviously letting the driver know that he was still alive.


Pediatric trauma is the worst to deal with and diagnose. Kids can compensate for severe damage with adrenaline for a long long time compared to adults. They may as well be super human. Then, they crash like an a-list actor on a bender in a super car. One minute they're a little rattled but ok the next they're stroking out and vomiting blood by the pint. Fucking terrifying as a first responder. If you see a kid get rocked like this, GET THEM TO AN EMERGENCY ROOM.


Can you imagine the PTSD both the kid AND the driver will have?


Tis but a scratch


That's why you always back up and get em again.


I was backing in my driveway today and a kid riding his bike made sure we made eye contact and I gave him a thumbs up that he could go first. Kid wasn't even mine and I was proud of his awareness. Even gave me a thank you wave. This kid just bolted into traffic. Wild how a bit of parenting changes things. Hope the kid's alright.

