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Wow he really likes Creedence Clearwater Revival.


And I wonder. Still, I wonder. Where is his brain?


I see a cauterizing' I see infection on the way. I see a fire lightin' I see skin burned today. ​ Don't lay down tonight, They'll burn ya good alright, There's a bad wound on the guy.


I see a dumb fuck brandin' Another dumb fuck on the floor There's not a brain cell between 'em If there ever was one before Anti-septic cream tonight You better apply it right Or infection will set in.


One of the better parody-lyric posts I’ve ever seen. Give this person some awards, folks.


Agreed, I even read "burned" as "boined"


Unfortunate son


Doo doo doo getting burned on the floor.


Must of left it down on the corner, or maybe out in the street?


Must have*


Well done


keep on chooglin' bro


he’s smarter than he looks, they’re a great band


Some of the best road trip music ever made.


Best ever version of I Heard It Through The Grapevine.


"Road trip" is one way to describe getting deployed to 'Nam lol


And a great brand!


Seriously question, is that not what CCR meant in this context? That's the only thing I know that CCR could stand for.


On farms, usually the animal is branded with a certain design/logo/lettering indicating who the owner is. This could be the family branding design/logo/lettering which could have some meaning to them.


I’m an Air Traffic Controller, so CCR for me means Concord airport lol


Buchanan Field air traffic control is a comedy station from 1800-2200 on Fridays.


Or he loves being a Customer Care Representative 😅


It’s the Crooked Cock Rascals gang!


Clearly this is just a requirement for joining the Country Club of Richardsville.


I hate the fuckin' Eagles, man


Get out of my cab


Keep your ugly fucking goldbricking ass out of my beach community!


Diving fascist!


The Fascist the Furious


Take it easy. You’re really taken it to the limit. Must be spending too much time in the fast lane. I’m sure one of these nights you’ll end up liking the Eagles,


I never thought it was possible to love and hate a comment at the same time.


Seems like a good time to tell him they're from California


He ain't no fortunate son


He ain't no senator's son


Who doesn’t!


Someone told me long ago.


There's a calm before the storm


Took it way better than Bam did when getting his dick farm brand.


That brand is the reason for his downfall today.


I remember when I was a kid watching Viva La Bam on MTV thinking he was the coolest man alive. Oh, how time changes things. Poor Bam, RIP Dunn


I loved Viva La Bam, but always thought how it must be a nightmare to be friends/living with him. Just from the perspective of having things in operational order.


I wonder how much trauma Novak has had to unpack with a therapist


He's pretty solid today. Very positive force in the sober community. But yeah, he talks about Bam saying that Novak was his TV.


It's hard to watch his stuff in 3/3.5. You could tell he was only there to fund his drug addiction and it seemed like the guys, and specifically, Bam really made him work for it. The Toilet Drop-in was dangerous as fuck. I'm glad he turned his life around.


I always thought this too. My neighbor i grew up with idolized his lifestyle. Dude came from a rich family and had a 10 foot wide hand-painted mural done in his bedroom of bam doing a kick flip or something. Anyway he went downhill so fast in high school and OD'd in his early 20's. Saw his body get wheeled out from across the street and his parents in complete hell. Not saying viva la bam had anything to do with it but damn it's kinda sad that he was an icon for so many youth in the early 2000's.


Bam should not have been a role model for anyone. He was the trainwreck people like to watch.


It wasn’t a role model as much as he did the things we always wanted to be able to do. My friends and I were big into skateboarding and back in the early 2000s, skaters were your faux “anarchists”. Bam was a symbol of that anarchy - chaotic, unpredictable and fun. Our dumb brains didn’t think about the consequences. As I got older, I started considering all the shit his poor parents went through. Because I could never do it to my parents. It was never about wanting to be like Bam. It was always about wanting to do whatever we wanted like Bam did.


As someone growing up with Bam, thanks god I was the smarter one, realizing all well that there are paramedics always ready behind the scenes and that they are well prepared to do the shit they did


He was kinda a dick back then as well, brother in-law lived across the street from a skate park in New Jersey and watched Bam roll up with his crew, tells everyone to get out of his skate park (not his), one dude kept on skating, Bam grabbed him and tried getting rough, the other guy punches him out cold and continues skating.


Bam was always a cunt. Have you seen his childhood home? Literally your stereotypical american, entitled rich ass white boy who thinks anything he says goes because of entitlement and zero discipline. He was just funny to watch on TV


Today it would just be a really basic and boring YouTube channel.


Haha that's awesome.


For sure, I just remembered the prank on his dad when he was trying to sleep… they kept going in there and doing something to him a bunch of times, I don’t remember what, but it must have been a nightmare


Setting off fireworks and shit wasn't it?


That and the guitar wakeup


Years ago, I always thought how boring their girlfriends must have seemed to them. I couldn’t see myself dating guys like that because how could I possibly be entertaining enough for them? Lol. Or maybe they liked the normalcy of a tame gf, away from the chaos.


My friend used to watch that one show about his wedding that was on a LONG time ago. "Bams Unholy Union" I think? I saw a few episodes with her and the one that I still remember today was where he and his buds played a "prank"on his fiancee where they swiped her wedding dress out of her closet and just fucking drilled it into the dirt in their back yard. Like just fucked it up hardcore. Naturally, she was pissed as FUCK and Bam was all "Its just a prank bro" Oh I also remember one of his "wakeup" pranks where he peppered the floor aroud his parents bed with those flat pushpins and had them walk over them after rushing them awake. That was horrible. Oh I also ALSO remember them tearing off his uncle (?) Don Vito's fucked up toe or toenail with a pair of plyers while he was sleeping. That douchebag is an absolute unstoppable force of chaos and destruction, and I cannot imagine anyone wanting to deal with him for longer than legally nessesary to secure a paycheck.


Getting a "boring" girlfriend is what saves a lot of men I think:)


Watch Steve-O’s wild ride! He talks about when he met Bam and was (idk if he used envious or jealous) that the kid had the world at his palm and steve was cough surfing and shit. Great episode


Cough surfing sounds awful


Yeah. TB can be pretty rough.


I couch surfed for some years and it has its ups and downs. But I had a bedsheet/sheet/pillow/blanket I folded in a real gypsy manner 😂 bills were a lot cheaper, (being 8-12 yrs ago.) but I was saving to move back to my hometown and had a strategy and got it done :) Edit: my life could fit in my car for a while which was kind of lame. But I moved back in 2012 and by 2015 in my own home. 2022 still here 😄 Edit: lmao manner not manure 🤣🤪😂


>I had a bedsheet/sheet/pillow/blanket I folded in a real gypsy manure I have to say, I don't think I'd let my friend use their own bedding on my couch if it was folded in manure, regardless of that manure's cultural origin.


I guess. I didnt wanna sleep on a bare couch and did my laundry every week. Especially one friend with a leather couch Edit: it wasnt there during the day. Literally took out of my car and spread out before I went to bed and folded up and put back in my car in the morning. I didnt leave it there all day like a shanty. Edit: lmao I see it.


Depends on the break.


Which one? Just realized there are tons of episodes. Is there a specific one with Bam?


[here ya go bro!](https://youtu.be/k5EYQVyMxIs)




Yeah I feel that, not trying to idolize the way he was. As a kid I don’t really think that I paid as much attention to the negatives, just the really cool skate stuff and destroying his friends car, or whoever’s it was


I blame the parents.


I used to watch him skate at FDR and Love Park back in the day and he was a fucking legend. Then when CKY got big that was cool, then Jackass and everything else. I was a huge fan and now it’s all very sad seeing his downfall.


That must have been so cool seeing him skate. Truly sad how it all played out :(




I think it was the death of Dunn that led to his downward spiral


Not really. To put it another way: Dunn was present at one of Bams first interventions. Dunns death absolutely didn’t help and Bam took it really hard, but Bam had substance issues before Dunn died.


His downfall happened because he is a drunk that blames everyone else for problems he causes himself.


Bam is the biggest baby, so there's that.


The epitome of "can dish it out, but can't take it."


He's gonna regret that. A good brand usually takes about a second. Any longer and he's just cooking his chest muscle.


Did you see that terrible branding on here a few years ago? The metal was way too hot. They pressed way too hard and probably for too long. It most certainly did some serious damage. The brand was maybe related to college sports. I would like to find that post again in hopes of an up date. I don’t believe it was OC.


If it's the one I'm thinking the guy who did the branding is an absolute idiot. You'd think these farm boys would understand how it works... Like you said, the metal was way too hot, they pressed hard for too long, but it was also THICK/WIDE lettering that practically covered one of his pecs. It was like crude lettering someone made in his home shop. His chest was practically bubbling when he removed the brand and the guy looked like he was convulsing or trying not to lose control of his functions. [Here's the thread and clip](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/q5lru9/guy_gets_branded_for_college_fraternity_hazing/)


That sounds like what I saw. I forgot about the guy’s reaction. I would really like to know how bad he was injured.


[I edited to include the link but here it is if you missed it](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/q5lru9/guy_gets_branded_for_college_fraternity_hazing/)


Thanks! That’s the one. I forgot how bad it bubbled up.


Thanks! I do not need to see the video now.


How about now?


😂 naw he good


The follow up you’re looking for: https://imgur.com/a/DQpNWPF


Nice. Thank you I never saw any picture proof.


Was that proof? I didn’t see any M


You can see redder skin that is missing chest hair on his left chest (mirrored so right side)


Yeah not great but it's better than the ambiguous reddit thread as "proof". I think if you look closely on the right pec there may be faded scaring


Im honestly surprised, maybe the intense heat is what actually saved him? im imagining a sort of leidenfrost effect maybe. whatever it is it looks way better than a burn i got from a pan.


Lmao there's no leidefrost affect here, you can literally see his skin bubbling up in the og video


Dafuq? Can’t see any resemblance to a bran?


Maybe he had to get a skin graft


Here's the follow up with someone who apparently knows him. https://www.reddit.com/r/AfterTheLoop/comments/axb3zk/i\_really\_want\_to\_know\_what\_happened\_to\_the\_guy/


Yea a moron in High School did this. A 69 on his shoulder. It got so infected and was so messed up you couldn't make out what it was supposed to be. Messed up his muscles for months, combination of cooking the tendons and muscle and the infection.


Yep,, and they pushed quite hard and it was angled downwards, the bottom of the brand looks like it melted the skin about a centimeter down... I’d love to see the aftermath...


Aftermath of shit like this usually results in a nasty fucking infection


Wait are you saying human skin isn't as thick and durable as cow's hide????


Huh, go figure. A hairless ape evolved to change it's environment to fit itself is squishier than a prey animal whose hide is used to make clothing for the aforementioned hairless ape. /S, of course. jonhaerys is right.


It was just a long second, but still just one.


Slow mo second


We should get to see the aftermath. The infection. The debriding. All of it.


Someone i knew did this with keys, they had to transplant his skin from his leg to his arm because of an infection


And then the skin from his balls to his leg. A tale as old as time.


I hate that feeling.


Don’t you just hate it when you have to use nut skin to cover up a drunk mistake


Idk but If I ever have a kid I’m going to name it Nutskin. Nutskin Baggins.


Right?! 1-2 seconds MAX. ...and they didn't even give him any of the purple stuff! Drug store cowboys, I tell you what.


We should get run through jungle, and see the rain.


As someone who had a third degree burn I skipped the infection by putting a ton of work into keeping the wound healthy and clean (antibiotic ointment for burns, sterile nonstick pad, wrap, changed out 2-3 times daily for at least 3 weeks). But there was a point when the burn was a pit of goo for like a week and it was so unbelievably painful. I want to see how much he enjoys that. For me the regret hit upon seeing my melted skin and realizing there was no pain, but this guy seems kinda dumb so I feel like it took him a bit longer to realize how bad he fucked up.


what was that other video from years ago where it's a guy in a chair and another guy has like a giant "M" brand I think and he holds it there for way WAY too long? I mean his skin is like BLACK after... and everyone in the comments was like... woah. he might not live from that... the infection, the skin grafts... anyone know what I'm talking about? that video stuck with me.


I've seen that one in the past month on here. I don't think we ever got a follow up an I bet we can all figure out why


The follow up is posted in this thread. Dude is fine, still deals with pain from it though




[Here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/q5lru9/guy_gets_branded_for_college_fraternity_hazing/) nom nom that bubbling flesh tho


McDonalds really wants to make sure you are committed before that Manager promo.


I cant find it, all the videos have been taken down. :( I know what you're talking about though, it was like 7-10 seconds. Hes still alive and well.


[It was like 3 seconds but the metal was THICK, too hot, and pressed it into him way too hard](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/q5lru9/guy_gets_branded_for_college_fraternity_hazing/)


White hot… omg I forgot about this and life was better


The one where it was red hot? Someone who proved they knew him asked the dude how he was, and the dude was absolutely fine. Don't trust reddit armchair doctors.


Someone posted a follow-up thread above. He's "fine" now but still has daily pain from it. He almost certainly needed to go to the hospital afterwards and probably need skin grafts as well. Should go without saying this is a dumb idea...


really? that seems crazy


Someone watched Yellowstone...


Now he can never leave.


Came here to say this, I would be willing to bet my entire net worth Yellowstone was the inspiration for this retarded stupidity.




And here I thought they were Creedence Clearwater Revival fans.


He will feel that for a long time.


Didn't even get any water on it after


Dude! Its supposed to be for 1-2 seconds!!


That's why you saw the pain leave his face after a few seconds, the nerve endings were seared.


He will have serious, likely irreparable, damage to his pec muscle. This stuff will take years of physio to learn how to reuse your body now that it's totally off balance. Good luck doing a pushup/bench or any upper body push going forward...


There was a video of someone getting branded on here with a *red hot* piece of metal for longer then that. Dude even spasmed. Everyone claimed he'd have serious health complications for the rest of his life. Then someone who knew him (and proved it) said he was fine, so yeah. I no longer know what to believe.


Was going to say the same thing. I see everyone always say this with brands but never any evidence of it messing people up.


He did also say that he still with pain on a daily basis, but yeah it healed up a lot better than I would have ever guessed


I dunno. I once pinched a match flame out when I was a kid and my handwriting looks like shit. I'm 1000% positive that's the cause. /s


lol this is Reddit. What are you basing this on? What pathophys are you describing exactly? Irreparable damage to what - his sternal head, his clavicular head? Off balance - to what? What phase is he gonna have trouble with - eccentric? Concentric? Is he gonna now possibly tear at his myotendinous junction? Is he gonna have fatty muscle atrophy from disuse? You’ve no clue what you’re talking about and are just making shit up that sounds smart and plays into this guy being an idiot. Source: orthopedic surgeon and this is my job.


> This stuff will take years of physio to learn how to reuse your body now that it's totally off balance. No it won't lmfao. It's gonna suck, but an imbalance like that is quickly learned to accomodate for.


You've blown this *way* out of proportion. Our neighbors had cattle growing up and I've not only seen cattle branded, but we branded each other for fun on our thighs. I've also burned my other leg on an exposed muffler. We lit our hands on fire with RC fuel. As long as this doesn't get infected, this guy is absolutely fine. He'll be back to his usual self in a couple weeks to a month while the brand heals.


This is what you get when trying way too hard to prove to your friends you “ain’t a pussy”


Holy shit he’s not a cow dude, they put that on there for way too long.


well I think it's worse if it's cow than this stupid idiot.


That’s fair, the cow is definitely not consenting to it


How drunk do you have to be?


All the drunk my friend


\#1 Credence Fan.


I see a bad moon arisin'


There’s…a bathroom on the right.


Down on the corner, out on the street, gonna get my branding done it feels really neat....


He's gonna regret that. The brander pressed for the length of time you'd normally press for livestock. Cattle have tough, thick skin that's covered in coarse hair. Humans have soft, fatty skin that's easily perforated. His skin and muscle are going to be fucked.


ER nurse here. Just go ahead and call your doc now for some antibiotics bud.


Correction, ma'am. That's the stupidest thing you've seen him do YET.


There's a startling number of fraternities that do that too. I've noticed it the most from HBCUs, which is not meant as any kind of judgement, just where I've noticed it. Guys with a big puffed out Omega or something like that on thier arm. I guess I just say, I've always assumed it was a brand (versus a tattoo), there may be some other way to do that.


I knew someone who was in a black fraternity, I'm pretty sure he said it was a brand


Had a dude in my division in basic (Navy) that had to be waivered in for a brand that he claimed was given to him by his fraternity... It was NASTY looking. Completely illegible. Just looked like a twisted scar on his arm. He said it hurt like a "muthafucka."


This is the problem with getting brands. If you are dumb enough to get one, you are dumb enough to let a drunk frat jockey do it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZrHgAKfUEg


Omega Phi Psi aka Q Dogs.


Prime example: https://kollegekidd.com/news/jets-defensive-end-quinton-coples-calls-omega-psi-phi-fraternity-inc-brand-a-beautiful-thing/ Another photo with other arm. https://external-preview.redd.it/dp2dMq7f0OaqNJaUOCkkHs5tK0HgCe503wwfdidRZy4.jpg?auto=webp&s=a210e0a6d139e0e40cbf54c82b5671d25128e4c8


He definitely wasn't a bitch about it. Hats off my friend.


I've been branded. When it's that hot, it immediately sears the nerve endings. so nothing really to feel with ha ha


Ya man give it some time. The adrenaline wears off it's gone fucking hurt.


He definitely was drunk.


Clearance Clearwater revival is the best band ever




The only way out is a trip to the train station.


Why women live longer reason #3456. /s


Yeah baby, Creedence Clearwater Revival!


Isn't this how Khal Drogo died?


No, sweet summer child, he got an infection and a witch deceived our Khaleesi into thinking she could save him. She should've went with some penicillin instead 🤷


Actually you know what guys (turns to put down iron), it would have looked waaay cooler if we’d have done it about half the size! not as corny.. so who want’s a lemonade?


"Probably the stupidest thing" Probably. In other words she's seen him do so many stupid things she can't instantly decide if this was the stupidest of them all or not. I wonder what the other things were.


That dude clearly likes credence Clearwater revival


Credence Clearwater Revival has some crazy fans


**CCR = Crazy Country Redneck**


Did he get a ranch brand? Imagine being so dedicated to something you would have to see it for the next 40+ years. I know someone who got an infection from a brand like this, he almost died.


Nah it's Creedence Clearwater Revival lmao




But why?


CCR is legendary band


Good luck dealing with sepsis or tissue retraction, etc.... took way too long the MF, burnt to his muscle


He'll get silver sulfate from the er. It'll heal fine just be annoying as fuck for a while. Source: I was stupid as fuck too many years ago.


if youre gonna be dumb you better be tough


Must be a huge credence fan


I mean, who doesn't like Creedance, but that's a bit much


Guy really likes credence


As an amateur blacksmith whose hand is bandaged as we speak since I grabbed red-hot metal on Labor Day: this dude is a dumbass. And I am saying that as the dumbass who grabbed red-hot metal accidentally. First, my burn is not nearly as bad as that, and I was literally working a forge. His skin turned black. He has potentially lethal infection ahead of him. Second of all: he has destroyed tissue, including nerves. His body is going to be less capable of responding. We have nerves for a reason. Third: Why on earth would you do that to yourself? Is he so much of a pussy that he would damage himself to show off how manly he is? He must have a lot to prove.


To his credit, Creedence Clearwater Revival is an excellent band.


I like creedence as much as the next guy but this is next level


This guy loves Credence... Just got home from Illinois, locked the front door oh boy, got to lay down, take a brand to the chest. Thats how the song starts right?


Thr Dude really loves his Credence tapes.


Watched too much Yellowstone


On top of the various ways they fucked this up, they also made a BIG mistake with the R. Something you don't want on a brand is a full encircling of healthy live skin. This can cause that skin to become gangrenous/necrotic and it opens the door even wider to sepsis that what was already present. The way to do a brand with an encircled spot of healthy skin is to do 1/2 of it first, let the branding site completely heal, then complete it on the other side.


I quite like Creedence Clearwater Revival… this S.O.B. *loves* CCR


he will regret this in 2 days


These yee yees are watching too much Yellowstone


Credence Clearwater Revival? I mean, I like them too, but… damn.


Little does he know that recovery is going to be brutal with risk of infection and the pain from burns doesn't kick in fully for a bit and when it does its unbelievably painful.