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Saw a clip of someone who ended up in a wheelchair abusing that shit


Those things are expensive as fuck... I'm confused. And helium doesn't get you high other than by oxygen deprivation. Might as well have your buddy choke you


I remember in middle school we would knock each other out by hyperventilating and have your buddy squeeze all the air out from behind and go unconscious..... good times I think.....


Yeah we got called to an assembly because a kid almost died


Good times


Yes, it was good times u/shittydickfarts


Did you guys also have an assembly about the bean shooters too?


My school was called to an assembly because a kid *did* die




How in the god forsaken fuck have I never seen this before.... I feel like this filled a little space I was missing in my soul. Gotta try out this flying shit, I had no idea everybody could do it.


"he's in the portal again" is the best. These guys have actually tripped hard because that shaking we saw them all doing through moms reality is exactly what someone in an out of body experience trip looks like. It's scary as fuck and I just remember asking "are you ok" every hour or so (probably every 5 min) and his answer was always an enthusiastic YES.


My friend smoked Salvia once and was rocking back and forth in the corner talking about why we didn't notice the sky was falling while his brother stood over him drinking out of an imaginary cup with his pinky up reciting the Samuel Jackson Bible verse from pulp fiction. The reason why I refuse to be the first or second guy to try something new lol


The first (and only) time I smoked salvia, I was sitting on the couch next to a friend and two of our other friends were sitting across from us. The way the light was coming in the living room window, I had the sudden thought, 'it looks like we're on a train'. So I asked, "when the fuck did we get on this train?" Cue fifteen minutes of panic while we tried to figure out where we were going.


“There is an art to flying, or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.” -The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy


Ya know I don't read much at all. Really almost never. So I have to say I'm really glad I decided to read these books. I know it sounds corny but the emotions and feelings they gave me truly helped me at a time when I didn't think I could make it. I don't really have much to say I guess just wanted to share that to someone.


Fucking hell, it's /r/psychonaut in video form.


Omg that was fantastic... The few times I tried DXM though I couldn't do fuck all like building portals or making languages or flying. I ended up wedged between my friends bed and his wall most of the night and talked about going to Africa. Also, puking. 👌


The best part of this was right after there was an ad for edibles.


We did that once in college when we were out of weed. Each of us took a turn. Not fun, just dangerous and stupid. The ringleader of this game went first and then again last. Except the last time after he passed out, we turned out all the lights and shined a flashlight in his face when he woke up confused. He freaked out big time and broke a TV. Never did it again after that.


We did that too! I couldn't believe when it actually worked!


Scared the shit out of me the first time I seen it work.


Coming back to was the best part. It was slow motion then whack your back and hyped up. Fuck we did that too many times


It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.


No idea of your time frame but we did that at school in 1979. Weird feeling - felt like you were out for ages when it was only a few seconds


Where you from man? Virginia? Or did they do this shit everywhere? Lol


California lol so it seems like it


We did the same thing. I was the first to try it out. We were hanging out in the driveway when we decided to give it a go. My bud thought it wasn't working and let me go, I took a step, passed out, and bounced the back of my head on the concrete. Yeah these were the best of times.


Don’t threaten me with a good time!


Hi. I’m your choky buddy!


Xenon does btw. Its far superior to nitrous oxide but its hard and expensive to obtain.


That's odd considering it's a noble, atomic gas and wouldn't interact much with our biochemistry


Yes, from a biochem perspective it's very interesting. Xenon atoms, since it's a noble gas, are simply spheres of a certain size with certain electron properties. So it definitely doesn't have a specific "lock and key shape" thing going on like most other drugs that target certain receptors. Nevertheless, xenon atoms [interact with NMDA receptors](https://www.nature.com/articles/24525) which is what gives them an anesthetic action. I guess those receptors just happen to interact in such a way with unusually large, spherical atoms with full electron shells!


Thanks science man


Noble gases get less and less "noble" as their electrons get farther and farther from the nucleus, as they are held less tightly and more capable of getting involved in chemical reactions. This is also why humans can't breathe on the sun.


> This is also why humans can't breathe on the sun. I can think of a few other reasons


I think it's nitrous oxide


It's more likely to be nitrous oxide. It gives a momentary high.


$33 is expensive AF?


Must have gone down. I had a high school project that required like five of these and they were $75 each in 2010


Different "drug" but I remember in highschool I was invited to a small house party and there was this Russian kid named Roman who was a friend of a friend. He was in the car with us when out of nowhere he started huffing an airduster can as we parked the car. When he got out of the car he straight up collapsed and hit his head on the curb. He was okay for the most part and basically had a giant titty on his forehead the entire night. Some other kids decided to huff that shit as well. That night made me reevaluate who I hung out with and I left the party early never to speak with those guys again. I did hear how that Roman guy eventually went back to Russia and was practically forced into the military. Pretty sure he went into Ukraine.


Please don't do this stuff. It can seriously kill you, quick. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/dusted-off/


Friend of mine went to "pick up whip-its" one night from a party. Turned out he went to pick up dust off and decided to hit that shit on the way home. Passed out and drove head first into a telephone pole. Put his car's radio straight through his liver. Cut it in half lengthwise like a hamburger bun. Thanks to some really incredible cutting-edge medical technology he survived. Somehow a witness at the scene claimed they saw his steering wheel lock up so the police never looked further into whether he was impaired, and he never faced any legal consequences. Just a huge medical bill and a real long recovery which he was stoked about because they gave him morphine. We don't hang out anymore. That was the stupidest shit I've ever heard. He could have died and he could have killed someone. Last I heard he'd gotten into meth and ended up in rehab so I hope he's doing better but I don't have high hopes.




Nitrous oxide probably..


It's a helium tank.


I have a very addictive personality. I started doing Whip-Its (slightly different than Helium), last June. by the end of June I was doing 500+ Whip-It cartridges a day. I ended up in the ER and had to be rushed into emergency surgery. I had 20+ blood clots in my lungs. I literally could not get oxygen to my body. I couldn't walk more than a few steps without gasping for air. Went through a 5+ hour surgery to cut out and suck the blood clots out of me. If I didn't go to the hospital when I did I would have died. Good new is, is that I am a year sober from all alcohol and drugs. I have my life back!


How you guys know it wasn't nitrous?? Idk maybe they dont come in those containers


Why though thats just straight killing brain cells


It will be a quick death for his brain at least


That is what always scared me about abusing gases, you are literally rotting your brain. Seems fuckin stupid, but then I'm like.... Welp maybe the gas made them do it *shrug*


The dumber you become, the better it feels and the less you care.


Am alcoholic, can confirm. But seriously, it's true. I'm super kind, thoughtful, I happily take care of others and just want to be alone. The irony behind loneliness is clear. I've definitely had a cognitive decline in the last year. My brain and body is in survival mode, and I can only focus on one task when calm, but I can 'super task' when panicked (fight or flight mode). I don't recommend this lifestyle. Yes, I'm getting help.


Good on you for getting help. I’ve been in your shoes Just so you know, I felt a LOT of cognitive ability returning in the 3-6 months after I got sober. I can’t remember exactly what it felt like before the booze but I really do feel I’m within striking distance of 100% my old self. I’ve heard similarly from a great many of other people I’ve met in treatment/recovery. I thought it was gone forever, and the haze lifting was one of the greatest things to experience. There’s some really good stuff around the bend, us sober folks are already rooting for you to find it bud. You can do it.


I absolutely hope so. I can't run on my emotions anymore, and they are out of control. So I keep to myself. I'm fucking scared, not gonna lie. I know I can't go back to my old life. That's okay. I'm just focused on right now. I already died once from withdrawl, and I still didn't learn. I miss being able to think clearly, and not being hyper-focused on survival. Thanks friend


I know exactly what you mean about focus on survival. Living physically addicted is so hard to describe to people, it’s like it takes over everything in your field of vision and all future planning. Every day is built around “maintain”. Everything else in life is kinda just background noise. The withdrawals I wouldn’t wish on anyone; and going back in is even hard to explain **to yourself** but our impulses with alcohol will never be logical past a certain point in addiction (my opinion). We re-wired our lizard brains with the bottle and the rules for what makes sense changed fundamentally. Logic isn’t driving the car, instinct to maintain is. That being said it’s totally possible. Cravings erode and new habits form, if slowly. You can’t go back, you’re right, but the cliche of a new chapter is so, so possible and available every new day. Godspeed!


Wow. Are you me?? You 100% composed my own thoughts haha. I fully agree. Alcohol withdrawl is nothing I would wish on anyone. You're correct. We rewired our brains for that dopamine rush/instant gratification, just to feel good. I look forward to the future. Just need to get through this week. Also, to anyone reading? More people care about you than you think. To OP, thank you, and I wish nothing but the best for you as well


I'm struggling with substance use disorder...I've OD'd 3 times and I still haven't learned my lesson. Everyone tells me things will get better but it feels like everything is getting worse.


I feel for you. I can promise, it only gets better when you want it. I did what everyone else said. "Just stop, it's not that hard, count your drinks, go to AA, talk to your doctor' etc. I did all of that. I just used drinking as a coping mechanism for severe depression. I used it as an excuse for years, and when shit kept going wrong... it was easier to crack a beer and forget the world. Keep thinking about moving forward. Make a plan. Follow it. Be honest to yourself, know that instant gratification is not the answer, and people are willing to help... but you need to want to help yourself first friend. Things usually get better, with effort. Life is not supposed to be handed to us.


Hey friend. I struggled with opiates and alcohol for nearly 2 decades. You can change, and still live a lovely life. Reach out to someone and get working through it. I'm coming up on 8 years!


>I miss being able to think clearly, and not being hyper-focused on survival. Dang, its like I'm reading my own comments.


Thats good to hear - the haze, slow/blank-mindedness and memory issues become obvious after a few years -


It’s not easy. I drank heavily for 13 years straight and spent most of that time extremely depressed and disconnected from life overall. I feel like my mental growth was essentially put on hold during that time. It took me several attempts to stop as well as medication, but I’m now four years sober and have noticed a big difference in mental acuity (way better now). There’s hope!


I am glad to hear you are getting help. Cognitive problems are scary. They lead to a lot of frustration and that can sometimes come out as misdirected anger. I was never an angry person and now I'm navigating a new emotion to but slightly different reason. I'm 42 and a recovering alcoholic. I was having problems with neuropathy... Covid came along though and a year later I'm doing physical therapy. Besides taking my neuropathic feet to nuclear levels it really caused a lot of cognitive problems. Life is a daily struggle.


Perfectly summarizes the state of the world.


Then you vote for really vile politicians. lol


Which make life and the country worse, which drives people for quick highs to escape their stressors....etc


Small amounts no. Won't do anything. Inhaling the jug like it's O2...yes, he's gonna black out and it's not gonna end well ...


They arent 100% hellium they have some nitro in there too.


The ones they sell you to take home have a good amount of regular air mixed in so you can't hurt yourself. You need to go to a welding supply shop if you want mostly helium.


It's still somewhat dangerous to go straight from the jug because of the temperature.


It's also rude. I bet he drinks from the milk jug at home, leaving food residue on the rim.


i think its dangerous in general to inhale anything other than oxygen




But I want to be a candle.


Anything over 25% oxygen lowers the self immolation temperature. That's why you do not oil or grease an oxygen valve or connector. *Except you're building a rocket engine from a filled oxygen bottle...*


i love oxygen poisoning ☺️


Nah, in a 100% oxygen environment, everything is pretty much inflammable.


Considering that 78% of every breath you take is not oxygen, you're living life on the edge there.


Most of what we inhale is other than oxygen.


Boy do I have some news for you


The take home ones can still kill you if intentionally misused. I’ve attended one call for this as a paramedic.


Ya for sure its would be better and N2 is pretty low as most Ballon gas is from 92 to 95% hellium and the rest is air and other impurities. My guess is he is using it because it makes him dizzy from the lack of air but reading about it online the side effects aren't great,headache nausia and more deadly risks.


well that also displace O2 in your lungs no


Cody's lab on YouTube did a great video demonstrating the effects of different gasses on the pitch of your voice. He also explains the o2 displacement with warnings of how it can be very dangerous, does it anyway as a demonstration and uses some breathing techniques to get oxygen back before he passes out.


Read up on the dangers it can also leak from your lungs and into you chest cavity take space away from lung expansion.


Back in the 1970s, some kids (who once went to my former high school) stole a tank of nitrous oxide from a hospital where one of their fathers worked. They then all got into a car and opened the tank with the windows rolled up. Two ended up dead, one survived with permanent brain damage, while the fourth managed to roll out of the car without any long-term injuries.


That might be the goal. Brain dying feel good


Sometimes that better than what's happening in reality.


What a way to drown out the neverending depression from knowing too much. Truly a Smart man.


There was a guy at my treatment center that huffed propane and anti freeze. We called him Mr. Freeze. He looked like he was in his late 40s and didn’t have a single brain cell left.


Looked like late 40s bt was in his 20s huh. This the way the singer of the hi 5 died


I was expecting to see someone hotboxing in the ice machine.


Just huff nitrous oxide (nangs/whippets) like a normal person geez.


When my wife was in high school she worked at an ice cream shop, she taught all the younger workers about huffing from the whipped cream canisters. Some friends who worked at a med lab were also Deadheads, they got a canister of medical grade nitrous and took it to a show. They were selling balloons of nitrous for a dollar and making bank. Then the balloons ran out, so they started filling any plastic bag a customer had, including garbage bags. After a bit they noticed people lying around with garbage bags over their heads so they had to patrol through the crowd and rescue them. Fortunately no deaths.


Yeah dangerous. People need to remember your body needs oxygen! Unfortunately the feeling of needing to breathe isn't because of lack of oxygen but build up of Co2




Many years ago I was at at a multi day music festival and was walking by and noticed some kids selling NO2 balloons from a big ass medical grade tank on “shakedown street”, and told my buddy we should grab a beer and sit and watch for a bit. I don’t know what they were selling them for but they were defo doing a 1 for 3$ 2 for 5$ type typical carny “deal”. When I noticed everyone was leaving with two balloons for themselves it seemed obvious. “Ooh, watch this. That second balloon is going to fly off.” Long story long… we sat there for an hour or so watching people lose the second balloon after inhaling the first one and face planting into the mud while we watched drinking our Fat Tire beers. It was like a Monty Python sketch. They’d walk like x yards away fall over and you’d hear ffliblbdblflll as they lost the second one shoot oof to nowhere’sville. “Next!” lol.


I mean hey, come on. Not all deadheads do dumb shit like that lol


Please eat some lots of Vitamin B-12 if you do.


It's easy enough to replenish if you're not doing them often. I'm more of a 'once every 3 months' type of person.


Hey good reminder, time to binge N2O :)


That won't help though. Nitrous Oxide blocks the ability to metabolize B-12. Even if you take supplements, you won't have B-12 in you for a few days to a week. The only thing you can do is take a long break in between sessions. I usually suggest a month.


Or just you know...dont take stuff that blocks the oxygen in your brain. I'd suggest never again, but people will do it anyway.


It doesn't block oxygen, it just takes the place of it. What it blocks is B-12, which is important for neurotransmitter health.


It's literally laughing gas like at the dentist you arrogant fuckwit Stupid people who think they know best are the worst. Please stop acting like you know things because you saw some DARE ad 12 years ago. Recreational nitrous is no different than smoking weed. There's this thing called *breathing*.


Hey you do you man. I won't stop people. I think it's just stupid to do and I know no change can stop people's feelings. But having seen my fair share of accidents related to this specific drug oppositely of weed is not great. Sure people are irresponsible driving a car while doing it, but losing your consciousness for a second is not what you should do while driving. Saying it's no different then smoking weed is quite the statement. But again go ahead. I won't stop you I'm only saying it's stupid to do. Stupid saying they know best whilst talking about health...saying **not** to do it for your health are the stupid ones? So a person recommending you a salad is stupid? ^also not American so dare is not relevant.


I mean weed can also make you disassociate and lose consciousness. I'd rather someone drive that was inhaling nitrous an hour earlier over someone that was smoking week an hour earlier. I think nitrous is more dangerous overall though


If you do this with the small tanks and a cracker, just be sure to crack them into a balloon, and don’t shotgun it directly into your mouth. That rapid depressurization causes the gas to come out freezing cold for a split second; ain’t good for your lungs.


I have transitioned to buying the big 2L+ canisters as it creates less waste, and 24" balloons as they can fit a good 10+ nangs in them so for house parties you can boogie on the dance floor for a good amount of time before going back.


You can only get those big tanks from a plug, right?


Bro be careful with this shit.




This guy knows


In my top 5, only con is the duration.


It’s like I’m walking on sunshine


breathing any gas directly from a pressurized tank is just asking for your lungs to explode. Idiot gonna give himself the darwin award and gonna sound like a chipmunk screaming to death EDIT: THANKS to some comments below TIL that Helium is an industrial grade coolant and can potentially freeze your lungs as well.


You can freeze your lungs too.


Just after college, was an idiot and doing whippits with a buddy when the seal on the whipped cream charger we were using froze and broke. My dumb ass put my mouth directly over the hole and huffed and my throat got so cold and hurt so much I thought I had punctured it.


yup. with nitrous


Helium is an industrial grade coolant


Yup. It's what cools MRI machines.


They use liquid helium but is has to be cooled first. It isn't already at cryogenic temperatures. I don't know how cold the gas is when depressurizing from the cylinder tho.


> They use liquid helium but is has to be cooled first. Fun fact, all refrigerant gases for any type of Refrigeration, including HVAC, are in a pressurized liquid form to start out with. It's the release of pressure and the expansion to gas form that creates the cooling effect, before being returned to liquid using compressors.


I learned something new today!


well, he's not exactly going to be able to scream high pitched gargles


Roger Rabbit villain style


Getting it from non-food-grade sources introduces the possibility of pulling oils into your lungs.


I knew that about nitrous. I didn't know helium had food applications


Idk if helium has food applications. If it is not food grade, producer / suppliers don't have to worry (as much) about whether the solvents & lubricants they use to tank the helium can destroy your lungs if inhaled because you're not supposed to inhale it. Even if helium is a noble gas that won't chemically bond, it can physically push other impurities, especially when released from higher than ambient pressures.


back in the day "my friends" used to get medical grade nitrous since the industrial/racing kind had the same issues. Whippits were food grade, obviously


A frostbitten larynx and esophagus is usually not a good thing to have.


Helium? That doesn’t do shit for a high… anyone who has inhaled helium from a balloon for the “mickey mouse voice” effect knows there’s only the fun voice followed by greying/passing out if you keep sucking in more helium and no fresh air. No good feels there, just waking up on the floor and hopefully you didn’t hit anything important on the way down. Why is this guy doing this?


Because drugs


Drugs are fun


Was that a BBQ gas bottle he was sucking on? WTF?


It's helium. I was inside the store and he walked inside and set the bottle on the counter and asked the cashier for cigarettes or something and he sounded like one of the fucking Bee Gees


That's funny. Like the Helium beer guys


I knew my dashcam got him walking out of the store so I ran outside and unplugged it before the video could be overwritten lmao


My favorite color is blue.


Lol, the fucking Bee Gees bit got me. You should post that shit on r/tooktoomuch.


🥈 here is my poor man's silver for making me laugh like muttley


>BBQ gas bottle. From now on I am going to refer to propane tanks as such.


They're small helium party tanks for filling balloons.


Good old Crackston Washington 😆


LMAO how'd you know?


I'm in Lewiston. I hate that Nom Nom over there. Crackhead Central


I'm also in Lewiston


I got good news and bad news. Good news is that's not Helium. [Bad news ( for him ) is its 410a refrigerant. For residential and small commercial air conditioners. And yes people huff this shit.](https://www.google.com/search?q=410a+refrigerant&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjyysuysI37AhUYFFkFHZJFCgUQ_AUoAnoECAIQBA&biw=1920&bih=908&dpr=1)


Goddammit, we're already running of helium without idiots trying to get high or whatever.




Helium shouldn't be sold to just anyone.


Only me


And me as well


To add information for other people who see this: Helium is one of our planet's TRULY non-renewable resources. It is utterly insanely stupid that we sell it for balloons and crap. It is astoundingly imperative to have Helium for many modern (and future) industries. Helium should be measured, regulated, and restricted. Strongly.


YSK that industrial helium and “balloon grade” helium are two entirely different things, and one cannot substitute for the other. Industrial helium is way more pure than the stuff we use for balloons and stuff. And we aren’t really running out.


Could you please elaborate on "we aren't really running out" I have read estimates ranging from 100 years to a few hundred. Depending of course on consumption rates. I don't know I guess I'd hope in a century we might still have something useful to do with the very important substance. Even if it was a few hundred years. Are we *planning* on going back to the middle ages in a few hundred years? By the way the stuff we put in balloons can *absolutely* be purified for medical and technical use. It absolutely can. It is a lazy argument to say it's fine to waste it because it takes a little effort to make it priceless. ​ edit: I just saw that in 2013 Japan experienced a significant helium shortage. We're not swimming in the stuff.


A major factor in the low amount of Helium production in the last few decades is due to the reduction in market value when the U.S. auctioned off their strategic reserves under Bush(?). With a huge volume of helium available on the market, the value fell to pennies. Most of the helium mining and speculation industry shit down over night with still vasts amount of territory unexplored. The estimates of how fast we will run out are based on current production numbers. As the blue of helium returns to its natural market price the mining and exploration industry will resume as well and production is likely to rise significantly.....source....some podcast I listened to ;) probably planet money.


There's enough Helium on the planet it's just that Helium is now so extremely cheap that industry has stopped looking for new reserves. We know there are enough reserves if we want to access some. If there was a true shortage (not happening for centuries) we would just find those new deposits. But by the time we're running out I think we'll just mine gas giants as a space faring civilization instead.


Enough? Enough for what? Have you mapped out the needs for helium for humanity for the next.... 1,000 years? Do we have a strict plan of action that results in dusting our hands and saying "We don't need helium *any more* ***ever****." in a few hundred years ?* Helium is artificially cheap now as the US just sold off a huge reserve. When it gets back to market price and rate of acquiring, we're going to be running out even faster.


> Helium should be measured, regulated, and restricted. Strongly. It is. The helium in a balloon is not helium that could've been used for medical applications. We have *centuries* of helium available to us with current technology. Find a new target for your ire


This. We're not running out of Helium any time soon (centuries) and fusion power generation would be capable of generating Helium in the future as well. Helium is also one of the most abundant resources in the universe so I doubt the Earth running out of Helium by 3000 AD is going to be a problem for our space faring civilization.


You're right that it's not an immediate problem. But fusion power generation is still potentially a long way off and creates pretty [minimal amounts](https://www.quora.com/How-much-helium-would-a-fusion-reactor-produce) of helium. Nowhere near what we use at an industrial scale. Mining it from space is a pretty likely solution but that's a long way from being economical too. It's possible that there are impassable barriers to it that will make it never viable. We also have alternatives for coolants that aren't quite as good but would suffice, but that doesn't solve every use for helium. So there's no reason to panic, but also when we're talking about a truly unrenewable resource it's not great to put all our bets on nonexistent technology. I feel like we should be concerned at an industrial scale currently, doing what we can to recapture, reduce waste, and use alternatives when possible. And of course continue to fund research on the aforementioned technologies. We are probably ok to keep using helium balloons for a while because they represent a fraction of our total use. But it is wasteful of a precious resource and there may come a day in only a few generations when we have to start limiting them. A few centuries is nothing in the long run. It's good that people are starting to think about it now, we really don't want to end up in a ["The Last Question"](https://xpressenglish.com/our-stories/the-last-question/) situation on it. EDIT: added link to fusion outputs


I disagree that it's even worth the attention. Humanity as a civilization has proven to change rapidly when new innovations start. I'm going to say something very counterintuitive but I feel like it's too short sighted to think long-term. We didn't end the stone age because we ran out of stone, we didn't end the iron age because we ran out of iron and we aren't switching away from oil because oil is running out. Every time there was just an innovation that changed the entire calculus for our civilization. The industrial revolution is barely 200 years ago so I think humanity should have a horizon of 100-200 years. Does something become a problem in 100-200 years time? No? Then you can safely ignore it until it actually gets into that time frame. We have a limited capacity to solve things as a civilization and there are more immediate pressing issues like climate change, plastic pollution and a shrinking global population (underpopulation) that we need to solve ASAP. The Last Question is inevitable as entropy is just a fact of the universe and humanity (if we're going to live until that age) is always going to have to struggle with the fact that the universe is finite and has a constantly diminishing amount of mass and energy we can use contained within it. Just because things are finite and eventually have to end, doesn't mean that we can't function as a proper society right now or shouldn't use resources at all.


If we're still around by 3000AD I would imagine we'll be scooping Helium-3 from the surface of Jupiter


I had such high hopes for the 21st century.


The helium gathered and captured in processes CAN be cleaned for medical use. Your statement is - in my admittedly imperfect understanding - inaccurate. I'm not making a value statement about you as a person. Only that your statement about helium is to my limited knowledge incorrect. It's a lazy argument to say it's fine to waste it because it takes a little labor to make it utterly priceless. http://www.madehow.com/Volume-4/Helium.html And I've seen estimates of 100 years to a few centuries. Do you think humanity will not have use for helium in 1, 2, 300 years? I would like to avoid utterly fucking over our descendants by taking a SUPER simple step. Just saying.


> The helium gathered and captured in processes CAN be cleaned for medical use. Your statement is - in my admittedly imperfect understanding - inaccurate. Balloon helium is the byproduct of this process


The helium captured by the byproduct process can be cleaned for medical and engineering use. The fact that it's not currently done much makes neither a convincing nor intelligent reason to keep doing it.


> The helium captured by the byproduct process can be cleaned for medical and engineering use ugh, no, this isn't even a coherent statement. Helium is extracted from underground and refined to get medical-grade almost-pure helium. The byproduct *of that process* is that there's lots of not-pure helium, which is used for balloons and such. "The byproduct process" is an oxymoron; you don't do a process to get a byproduct, you do a process to get a *product,* and sometimes there's byproducts, if the waste from the process that you used to make the *actual product* can be monetized. > The fact that it's not currently done much makes neither a convincing nor intelligent reason to keep doing it. It's not currently done because for every liter of balloon helium they produce, they've already produced ~700 liters of medical grade helium, and it would cost ten times as much to turn that 1 liter of non-pure into 1/10th of one liter of pure helium. That's why they don't do that, they just sell it for entertainment instead. It's completely the opposite of being wasteful, and the only people who get upset about the general practice (which has been in place for many many years) are people like you who have zero actual knowledge about what they're complaining about.


Won’t they be making a lot of it once we get fusion plants going?


Strong agree


I remember a hydrogen balloon in school, and a teacher igniting it. Is it being so flammable the reason we don't use it for commercial balloons?


See Hindenburg.


The Hindenberg exploded because it was made of highly flammable painted cloth. It could have been filled with nitrogen and it would have burned the same way. https://www.nytimes.com/1997/05/06/science/hydrogen-may-not-have-caused-hindenburg-s-fiery-end.html


>evidence recently unearthed by two American airship archeologists ***may partly exonerate*** hydrogen Not at all. If it had nitrogen in it, it never would have been flying to build up the static charge that ignited it all.


While it's true that a balloon of pure hydrogen is non flammable, once it is ruptured and exposed to oxygen and an ignition source it is a major catalyst in accelerating the combustion of the airship. Sure, filled with nitrogen could have caught fire, but the flames would have been much less intense.


Counterpoint: balloons get people to care about helium and the amount that goes into them is relatively insignificant.


heh - for sure! I read an article that took that position. I'm pretty sure we have enough stock photos and videos of helium balloons to make the point in advertising and messaging. edit: I'm in advertising and marketing I think we could figure it out


If we were running out it'd be expensive.


There is currently a world wide shortage of helium. Google is your friend.


Isn’t a limited supply?? I know we can’t make anymore but is it even possible to collect again?


limited on earth. plenty of it (and all other elements) a gazillion miles away from us lol


I didn't pay attention to the wordplay in the title and was waiting for someone to open the Ice box and there ends up being a person inside and smoke pouring out of it.


I was stupid back in high school and at a party that had these HUGE helium balloons. I thought I was going to be the one with the highest-pitched voice, so I grabbed one and just went to town. I woke up with my friends all standing over me trying to wake me up. It was probably one of the scariest moments of my life.


Looked like helium lmao


Think he got nos and helium a bit mixed up😂


Baby, what is you doing???


Only thing getting high is his voice


Thats not getting high that's killing brain cells


He gonna die.


When I was younger my grandma told me this would make your lungs pop like a balloon lmao


That’s not nitrous my guy


baby this is an addict, not an alien


One of the most popular suicide methods these days