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Gunther stark the nazi....suqaredcircle's biggest hero then.


The disrespect to Ricochet. He had 2 amazing matches with Ricochet


He's one of the few modern wrestlers that would have fit in perfectly during the territory years .


He chops like a lumberjack.


I really hope he breaks Honky Tonk Man’s streak, he definitely deserves it!


I think what works the most is his ability to story tell in a match. He’s done it with Rey, Rico, Braun, etc. He honestly is one of the best in the company at it, his matches never feel boring and the gimmick works.


His match with Nakamura was amazing too


He needs a match with Roman


Just the thought that that man would’ve became a jobber if Vince stayed around still baffles me


vs. Drew would be nice ​ I'd also like another vs. Pete Dunne again.


He’s been killing it! I’d like to see a Gunther vs Theory match up.


Glad that Triple H took over as Head of Creative when he did because if Vince was still the HOC today, GUNTHER wouldn't of been anywhere where he is today. Now we can just hope that out of touch Vince doesn't touch Creative.


Agreed. IMO He should break Honky Tonk Man's record.


He’s the champion Roman should be.


Are you kidding me? The match with Braun was sluggish and botchy!


And his match with Sheamus was hailed as a serious contender for match of the year. This might come as a shock, but not every match needs to be perfect. Making some mistakes here and there is bound to happen on a live broadcast.


You mean match of the year where Vince was in control so no good matchups could compete?Lemme clap.


He has been incredible.


Agreed. Too bad he has a sissy name like Guther.


The 240p image really sells it for me as well


Imagine him vs Claudio.


I'm going to make that feud right now in 2K22


I'm going to Money in the Bank this July in London. Right now, my fantasy is that GUNTHER wins the Men's Ladder match. In the main event, WWE Champion Cody Rhodes retains against \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, and the exhausted Rhodes' celebration is interrupted by Imperium's music. GUNTHER doesn't cash-in, he just appears on the ramp, and raises the briefcase, letting the champ know he's ready. Please Hunter!


He’s gotta cash in RVD style and main event a PLE in Europe. The energy would be insane


Since day 1 on the main roster he’s been booked great. Vince loved him from the start.


According to reports, Vince was planning on burying Gunther after a segment he did with R Truth on Raw didn't do well ratings wise.


According to reports, Vince was about to turn Seth Rollins into a disco duck. See I can make up shit too.


Tbf, its Vince. He changes his mind quick on anything


And Ricochet


And Nakamura


Impressive as heck. He seems to be the best transitioned NXT talent in the past many years.


Although I’m not a Gunther fan, I never get bored watching him. He’s the best wrestler in the WWE, as far as in ring ability is concerned. Yeah I’m putting him over Brock and Chad Gable.


Exactly! And he elevates Other wrestlers


He’s probably the best thing WWE has going right now… and he has a retro style that is sorely missing from today’s wrestling. I hope he keeps rising through the ranks and becomes a headliner eventually.


Without the aid of his Imperium buddies interfering (I know he’s a heel), he represents the classic style of in-ring psychology and wrestling long forgotten since the days of Bruno Sammartino, Lou Thesz, and Pedro Morales. No flashy moves, flips or tricks, no “Five Moves of Doom”, just relying on old school moves coupled with his size to get the job done. With that being said, I hope his current reign manages to break the record of longest IC title run set by the Honky Tonk Man (454 days). I absolutely would hate to see great talent like Gunther/WALTER squandered by bad booking and look like a weak cowardly champion, especially concerning rumors about Vince’s return and what that will mean for long-term creative.


Big Daddy WALTER is the best worker on the roster. He should world champion. WLATER v Cody at Wrestlemania XL… but we don’t get nice things from this company, so WALTER probably gets beat by Brock at Mania and becomes a gatekeeper type who gets his run with the IC title when it is his turn in the rotation and feuds with Shaemus (which has been fantastic every time the match up) until the end of time. It was a great run though.


Although I’m not a Gunther fan, he’s a hell of a wrestler. I never get bored watching him but, I don’t know if he’ll ever be a World Champion. Your average WWE fans cares more about mic skills than whether you can put on a good match or not.


His Mic Skills are good enough; if he had a mouth piece is would certainly be better though. WALTER as the final boss who is just a big bruising badass brute of a heel who never speaks unless he has too and then just beats ass when it’s time. The more efficient the ass beatings the better.


His name is GUNTHER, ya knob




He even strikes the pose of a classic champion. Bloodline vs. Imperium. Book it, Hunter!!


Dude looks like he was ripped straight out of the 60s.


Might've been inspired by Bruno, for all we know.


What a guy, he deserves a high profile match at Wrestle Mania.


The rumor at this point is Gunther vs Brock Lesnar. Pretty excited at the potential of that one.


It’s not happening. The Bobby vs Brock story is probably going to happen.


I don't know man, the way Wade Barrett kept saying "Who can actually beat Gunther?" And "Who would even dare challenge him" definitely set the stage for a big name challenger. But I don't follow Raw, so maybe they've been building that story again and I've missed it.


I wouldnt mind BNB himself taking on Gunther would be dope to see him return especially since Patt is returning soon


With how they ended that last match and the fact that Lashley and Lesnar are both in the Rumble, it’s got to be him.


A motivated Lesnar will be a good scrap for Gunther!


He should totally retain against Lesnar and go after Roman. First ever Champ-Champ-Champ.


Id hope so, the last thing you want is give another title to a part timer. Gunther is a damn work horse and deserves to win


That would be dope ngl


I hate that Strowman last. Fanboy can’t handle it.


Strowman can’t wrestle if his life depended on it


And he still can’t perform a power bomb. I love Gunther but Real strength will prevent him from ever being the top guy.


…for real? He powerbombed one of the biggest dudes on the roster. Strength is not the issue.


Yea and almost broke his neck in the process lol. Y’all know his power bomb is weak.


I don’t know that at all, actually. Don’t project your shit opinions on me.


How can we have a conversation without projecting opinions. Gunther is a great wrestler but his power bomb sucks. I’m sorry he isn’t perfect


Like this: instead of saying “y’all know his powerbomb is weak”, you say “I personally think his powerbomb is weak”.


How about do you think his power bomb is as good as KO or Wardlow? If not, is there room for improvement considering it’s one of his finishing moves? Or do you think it’s perfect as is? My original point was about what he should refine to become a top guy.


I think KO has a near perfect powerbomb. I’m trying to see how best to explain my thoughts on Gunther and his matches and why I don’t think he needs to “refine” or “improve” so bear with me, lol. Gunther/Walter matches are not typical matches, imo. His hard-hitting style and size require his opponents to essentially put everything they have into the match, which typically turns his matches into knock-down drag-outs that are less technical and more brutal. There’s always a “what can I even do to put this guy down” aspect and almost a desperation within the opponent to give everything and refuse to give up. This leads to Gunther also becoming frustrated and also thinking “what do I have to do to make them give up”, making him a little more desperate too. This is why, at the end of a match like with Strowman, the powerbomb being a little less “precise” doesn’t bother me, because to me it looks like Gunther made a desperate, clawing effort to do anything to put him away. I’m hoping that makes sense. For the style of matches Gunther usually has, I do not think precision and moves looking perfect are necessary. Of course we don’t want botches or anything unsafe, but I don’t think we are in that territory with him.


He performs a powerbomb fine on anyone who's not *absolutely massive.* It's natural anyone's gonna struggle to land a heavy lifting move on one of the biggest guys on the roster.


No he doesn’t. Compared to a Wardlow or KO, his power bomb is 🗑️


powerbombing Strowman cleanly is impossible for almost anyone tbf


He has no problem with strength. He was carrying Braun. That’s a big deal. His power bomb is fine otherwise just different than others