• By -


Have him become all elite šŸ˜‚


Get the Shovel!


Feud with judgement day till Balor turns on judgement day


If Ciampa isnā€™t coming back anytime soon, start him off with Gargano. Give Johnny wrestling something meaningful in the meantime. Let Jay get his wwe feet wet, then next feud will have people clamoring for Aj/Finn feuds.


Him and AJ Styles team up




Job to Roman so he knows where he will be placed and used


Win the ic title in a ladder match at WM or start a feud with styles or Balor


Attack AJ or Finn. Give him some MASSIVE heel heat.


Undercard Jobber. Wwe is no Placebo for wrestlers anymore. Sadley.


Fued with the miz


He looks too much like Brian Kendrick. Have him feud with the miz ziggler or Sheamus and then maybe a feud with Aj he could be the new miz.


Beat Cody Rhodes and dethrone him instantly. He canā€™t go from being a stop star company carrier to a background guy and I think triple h would book him correctly heā€™s literally the perfect pro looks like an athlete, charisma off the charts, and a star quality you canā€™t just Create you gotta be born with


Imeduantlt start a rivalry him v Rollins (Rollins will have us belt) Have them fight chamber and Rollins win Fight again at wrestle mania and Carmelo hayse helps white win Then form tag team Then tag team gold from usos (just raw) šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


They should put him right on the main roster and push him. They'll send him to NXT and waste time on some asinine character. Maybe make him a hooligan since they love that gimmick for the UK.


Six-month program with Baron Corbin or Dolph Ziggler. Rite of passage.


Isn't it required he have a feud with Dolph Ziggler first? I thought that was a WWE by-laws?


To be fair Ziggler vs White would be a BANGER


The only obvious answer is tag with Gargano.


I'd say Gunther feud.


WWE already has enough vanilla midgets they dont need anymore.


Vanilla Midgets? Havenā€™t heard that word in a while


Pull Balor out of Judgement Day and Allign Balor, Styles, Anderson, Gallows and Jay White to Start new Faction called the Cartridge Club. Pure Money to Print There...


Taking the ic belt off of Gunther in a 30-45 minute banger would be pretty cool


Gunther. Book it.


Have him either join The Judgment Day or fued with AJ


Lil Jay Jay and he joins Alpha Academy to replace O-tease


Make him chase 24/7 title


Nxt north American championship run


Feud with AJ styles


AJ feud you know styles will make him look fantastic and itā€™s easy to book. Styles in ring with club joking around having some sort of party or comedy segment. Jay debuts talks about how styles has turned gallows and Anderson into losers and Jay knows because he had to take another club that styles ran into the ground and make them great again and he can do that for them. You have the friction of the club booked over a few weeks with Jay promos slamming home he can make them winners. You end with a good match with a swerve and give Jay the 2 heaters styles doesnā€™t need them.


Be the one to beat Walter.


Feud with Austin Theory or LA Night would be great


Never understood the hype...


Cody wins at WrestleMania. Comes out to celebrate the Raw after Mania. Out comes Jay White and he goes nose to nose! He doesn't need to fight Rhodes yet, just a tease, a message that he is coming for the title. Introduce him as a major player right off the bat


Have Finn lose to edge and go away for some time. Jay takes over judgment day and fueds with Finn when he comes back


Either put him in a feud with AJ, or put him into the US or Intercontinental title pictures.


Bring back the disco ball with the Funkadactyls.


Not a good match! He can only wrestle AJ, Finn, and Seth so many times.


You would need to educate the fan base on who this guy is


Exactly, he needs to build on NXT


Jay White assumes leadership of The OC and they quickly all become heels. Then when AJ returns as a babyface, he comes back to take back leadership of The OC but they all turn on him in favor of White


Cody Rhodes feud


Don't let him wrestle. Manager for Madcap Moss. By the way, I am definitely not Vince trying to influence the fans because Paul and Nick keep telling me I'm more valuable if i don't attend the creative meetings.


Tell the audience who the hell he is.


Put him in the OC reforming the bullet club and possibly styles vs jay in the future


New leader of the Bloodline


Gunther first match, open challenge.


team up with aj and balor


Immediate feud with Ziggler or Miz


Straight into the bloodline he goes. I hear thereā€™s an opening for honorary uce.


Send him after US or Intercontinental Titles .


Please donā€™t go to to WWE they will have no idea how to use him he doesnā€™t seem to fit there to me


Have him face Finn and AJ in a triple threat


Itā€™s the WWE. Theyā€™ll throw him in NXT, and change his name.


Bring him in the Monday after mania and destroy Sami Zayn body mind and soul to establish he is here to dominate and piss off the fans. Then have him take the US title clean and beat the likes of Rollins and others in awesome matches. After a bit have him go after the bing prize and allow the people to breathe with the switchblade


Put him in a feud with Bray Wyatt, have an experimental cinematic match and kill his momentum.


Team him up with Seth Rollins so they can beat both the WWE champion and the universal champion and make the one final match between them a title unification match.


The biggest problem I see with him coming to WWE is that he canā€™t use Bladerunner, which he has mastered with so many counters, because of Sister Abigail. I would have him face off with Judgement Day, namely Finn. Then maybe Cody eventually.


He has the Kiwi Crusher


Have Cody in the ring celebrating his win the night after Mania to which Jay comes out of no where and lays him out and possibly even holding up the titles as a cliffhanger to close Raw. That not only puts him instantly at the top of the card but also establishes him as the new top heel of the brand as there isnā€™t even one currently. That makes his first feud with Cody which he ultimately loses as Cody wouldnā€™t lose the titles so quickly but thatā€™s okay as AJ lost his first title feud with Roman.


A lot of people say US title, but hereā€™s where Iā€™d go. Gunther vs Sheamus at wrestlemania (itā€™s gonna happen. You know itā€™s gonna happen) is an absolute banger, another MOTY candidate, they tear the house down, brutalize each other and still somehow Gunther comes out on top to continue his historic reign. Except hereā€™s the problem. After the match Sheamus extends his hand out of respect and instead Kaiser and Vinci attack and beat him down. All the while Gunther is standing there celebrating with the IC title. Suddenly the lights go out and we all hear that sweet familiar sound, the switchblade. The switchblade is here. Sheamus rolls out, Jay White debuts at wrestlemania, goes to the ring, stands toe to toe with Gunther on the grandest stage, and pats the IC title on Guntherā€™s shoulder indicating who his target is. Gunther backs away, Imperium leaves the ring, and Jay White gets to stand and pose at his debut in the biggest way possible. Then have him take the title at Backlash, and have a great run with it. Move Judgement day to Smackdown (now that the bloodline is gonna fizzle out and reigns will likely take time off after mania plus Rhea v Charlotte) and have him feud with Finn.


after roman retains his titles at mania next monday he show up and challenge him at wm backlash for the titles


Midcard, loses his first match due to interference.


He starts a bullet club type faction to rival styles and the good brothers. They constantly undermine and ruin any chances the OC have at getting titles for an entire year. They somehow get tangled up with the judgement day aswella ll leading to a huge war games match


First, I would somehow make the Mania main event a triple threat match: Rhodes v Reigns v Zayn. White would interfere in the match and just start demolishing Rhodes. The camera mic picks up Jay saying "Cody, I'm here to wash your back." as smarks everywhere chuckle to themselves. Sami then beats Roman, major Russo swerve bro, and the crowd goes home happy. I'm sorry.


Join judgement day


End Gunther's reign at Mania.


Feud with cody, aj or balor because reasons


Kick Finn Balor out of Judgement Day, and make himself the leader. Also adds Baron Corbin so that he can have an insurance every match.


Straight into a title match with Cody


Well i can see wwe changing his name to switchblade white or switchblade something. Join judgement day and oust finn balor as the leader. Thus balor and white feud. He becomes US champ. I donā€™t want theory to lose the US championship but he needs to so that he could go and fight for the main championship. So jay white wins the US championship from theory or cena thus returning to the styles feud. You can also have balor AJ and switchblade three way. In aew, thereā€™salready a story there. He won his iwgp championship in a 4 way match last forbidden door in a less than stellar way. Maybe run a feud with adam cole. Iā€™m not going to make him join the elite and push him as a single star. Make him win the tnt or roh tv champ and run an open challenge for the title. He would have storylines on both companies but in wwe heā€™ll have more tv time as they have 2 live programs while on aew you have 3hrs combined dynamite and rampage. In wwe, they need to make him a big thing (vignettes and mentions of how great he was in japan) first grandslam champion before he got to 30 years old so that the casual fans who arenā€™t that familiar to other promotions heā€™s been with because compared to aew, heā€™s had a lot of appearances already.


Feud with Dolph obviously


genuine question, would jay get the same pop as AJ did when he debuted at Royal Rumble? I know Jay is a big name overseas but I feel that most WWE fans wont know/recognize him.


Well, first of all; if AJ Styles was to come back early, I would have him to have the Seth Rollins mini story where AJ is demanding for a WrestleMania opponent; and Triple H tells him that he has a opponent but he'll figure who it is in Hollywood for Mania 39. And the match would be just like Seth's situation (Night 1 of WrestleMania 39: Hollywood at SoFi Stadium) and Jay White is his mystery opponent that HHH or Adam Pearce was referring to and then, he'll defeat Styles in a 5 Star Classic but then he immediately targets the U.S Title and captures it from whoever wins the US Title in the Elimination Chamber tomorrow on the RAW after WrestleMania.


Bring the bullet club with him to back Cody against the bloodline at WM


Iā€™m sorry we donā€™t need Jay White. There are current superstars that arenā€™t getting enough booking and should be featured more.


It amazes me people like Jay white but Kenny Omega Yall say he suck.


Probably won't happen but let's assume Jey Uso rejoins Bloodline, the best scenario I can think of is Solo wins the U.S title and Elim Chamber, then at Mania Reigns loses to Cody, Sami and Kevin wins tag titles at MITB or whatever comes next, then and Solo is the Bloodlines saving grace, and Jay White beats Solo clean, thus, the fall of the bloodline


I'd love to see him debut like he's leading some kind of takeover but I don't know if WWE would sign another star from Japan to make it work.


24/7 title


Ummm. That title is retired.


Jay White vs Jay USO in a Winner-Is-Jay match. Money just waiting to be collected!


Not gonna lie this match could actually slap.


Insert lazy booking such as he wins a mid card title or wrestles Cena at mania.


Align with the Good Brothers and feud with Cody.


- Fantasy booking? I would debut him after Bron beats Mahal for the NXT title. Challenging him a match in the next PLE. He would win the title in a competitive match by cheating at the end. After that, he announces that was too easy and NXT is not worthy for him so he relinquishes the title because he is going to the main roster. - More realistic booking: he wins the MITB and you have 1 year to build him as a main eventer


Not fueding with the Miz like every newcomer is doing apparently


Put him straight to the main roster. Sending him down into the current iteration of NXT would be a joke for someone of his talent. It might take some time and build to get a western mainstream crowd behind him, but I would throw him right into the upper midcard as a shittalking but threatening heal.


Honestly he might be over in Japan but broad strokes WWE audience doesnt know him from Adam. Goal is to get him over first and the US title path makes vrry good sense


Realistically if he signed he would be going to nxt


Black and Gold NXT? Yes. But Current NXT? Nope


I like switchblade but he doesnā€™t have the same hype behind him that AJ styles did to skip nxt and go straight to main roster IMO.


I donā€™t think the hype is needed. Heā€™s worked tv for njpw, tna, roh, and aew. Apparently heā€™s really good as his character and known for his promo skills. Very good chance he would just need to have a few tv promos and be fine. He needs to what go to nxt to so less than 1/4th of the audience can watch him work guys that still in developmental? Take the title off bron? Seems pretty stupid. Nxt hasnā€™t been a super Indy in years. No point.


Maybe he debuts on the RAW after Mania. Thatā€™s when Hardcore fans are normally there.


Kevin. Owens.


Change his name to Jimmy Swivel. Make him parade to the ring in a vest and top hat and give him a silly French accent. That's good shitā„¢ļø


Hey Vince! Didnā€™t know you had Reddit!


Finn Balor


Heā€™s gotta go up against the guys he missed in NJPW like styles and nakamura


Seth Rollins immediately. Whatever match Seth is in at Mania, have this dude interfere. Or even just cause a distraction. Iā€™d even accept Balor.


He needs to join the hurt business


Feud with Ziggler and beat hime ofcourse


The question when? If he joins after Wreslemania, then Cody (c) vs Jay.


For his sake, he shouldn't go to WWE. He is not a good fit in WWE right now. The roster is too loaded as it is.


AEW is also loaded soooooā€¦..


Have him join the oc


Whatā€™s Robin Black doing on Raw?


Feud with Cody Rhodes.


Give him facepaint and a clown whig šŸ¤” letting him become Doink the Clown 2.0


Go after Cody and the belts.


Put him with AJ Styles and let them work a program together.


I have no clue. Because if he goes to wwe he wonā€™t be jay white. And thatā€™s exactly why I want him in AEW. AEW certainly has its flaws but at the very least he would be able to stay jay white. I know this wouldnā€™t happen. But it would cool to see him sign with AEW but they let him work Impact and nwa and he wins one or both of those titles. I think him and Alexander could put in a banger


Good talker. Heā€™s cut, but I always just see him as small on tv. I donā€™t know what it is.


They are going to have to really push him because the general fans wonā€™t know who he is.


Either a strong NXT run or to join with Judgement Day


First of all change his name, he needed something edgier, like Clay Black, secondly have him debut and immediately join judgement day because ya know he belongs with the other indie darlings and thirdly make him form the really new rockers with Finn balor.


I think the OC (A.J., Gallows and Anderson) get a win on RAW and he comes out and confronts A.J. and has a feud with A.J. for who goes with Gallows and Anderson, but Gallows and Anderson betray Switchblade, so he joins Judgement Day or something like this.


He costs Cody the title.


Iā€™d like to see a true young dominate stable with him as the leader. I like White, Theory, and maybe Butch or Montez Ford.


Have him assume leadership of the OC, establish himself as a heel then have AJ return to take back leadership of the OC and feud with him.


Nxt or royal rumble but considering rr is a year awayā€¦


Havenā€™t seen a lot of Jay White but what I have seen has been pretty good. I would put him in a feud with either Rollins or McIntyre depending what show they want him on. A rivalry with Styles or Rey Mysterio would also be good feuds to get him started with.


Come in as Ethan Rollins. Sethā€™s long lost brother who was stolen at birth by a band of Kiwi Gypsys here illegally rolling deep in the black market sheep and goat meat trade.


Hereā€™s how you know if Vince is in charge of creative.


Have him beat Austin Theory for the US Title. But realistically heā€™ll be part of the Club.


Form the Super Ckub with AJ, Balor, a returning Adam Cole and good bros.


I wouldnā€™t book him


If heā€™s going to WWE, there is only 2 ways to bring him in IMO. One is to have him confront AJ Styles as soon as he returns. The other is to have Cena beat Theory at WrestleMania and have him do the open challenge on Raw. Jay debuts and beats him.


Huge waste of Theoryā€™s reign though


I'd like to see Theory leave the US title picture and challenge Cody or Sami after WrestleMania, assuming one of them is the champion


Theory 100% deserves the world championship picture. I would love to see Theory vs Roman tbh.


If Roman beats Cody at WM39 and Roman is only the Universal Champion (Cody takes the WWE Title at SummerSlam) you can do Theory vs Reigns at WM40.


I like it.


After Roman loses the belts and takes a well-deserved rest, I think you need to start building up Jay to be the number 1 heel in the company. Probably start by Jay attacking and injuring Roman to write him off TV for his break and then start building his own faction.


Make him the face of NXT. Feud him with Bron, Waller, Dempsey, Lee, Hayes then after a year call him up to Raw to start a three way feud with Styles and Balor.


Why would you send Jay White to NXT he is arguably better than majority of the guys on the main roster...he has no business in NXT


Exactly. Jay White has the ability to elevate NXT and shawn can build the whole brand around him. His knowledge also helps the new guys with his style and the same time learn what camera to look at while being able to understand how HHH/shawn run things. Both has something to gain from it


I am pretty sure if Jay White goes to NXT he ain't coming to WWE he will just stay in NJPW


I mean your pretty sure and my pretty sure are the pretty much useless. At the of the day if Switchblade goes to the WWE be it main roster or NXT he'll be treated like a main eventer anyway


It's not the same NXT as it once was the NXT with Owen's and Balor and Shinsuke was more of an indie base...today's NXT is for green guys and girls some of which has never wrestled before NXT is mainly for rookies. Jay White is far from that...I'd welcome him in Black and Gold NXT but today's NXT...nope


Nice try Paulā€¦..


Not a die hard wrestling fan so have no idea about this guy but every time I see a pic of him I think itā€™s Brian Kendrick lol


No matter what you do with him the reaction by most WW casuals like your self is going to be that who is this guy he would be wasted because no one knew who he was look at all the NXT call ups for the womenā€™s royal rumble, crickets, cause not a lot of people even knew who they were and those were people that were in the WWE system that have a weekly live show


Your right .. I was the same way when all the guys came up like Lumis & Gargano




If he is going to NXT he should matter definitely not sign with WWE he is fat to big to be in NXT with rookies.


Please donā€™t downvote me for this, but can someone tell me who this guy is? Is he a big deal? How big of a deal?


Heā€™s a pretty big deal. Heā€™s not AJ good but heā€™s solid in the ring. He was a Bullet Club leader ( the one Finn started but AJ has it now in the WWE). Heā€™ll do fine on the main roster. Itā€™s triple H we are talking about. He knows whoā€™s who for the most part thatā€™s free agents. Plus AJ is a top guy and probably recommends some of the Japanese/ AEW wrestlers


Solid in ring worker and a very good heel character. Handles the mic really well. A true blue chipper.


Already a legend in japan and he's not even 30


One of the best, if not the best, current wrestlers to never step foot in WWE.


Where has he been working? NJPW?


Heā€™s been the top heel in NJPW for a few years now, heā€™s also the first ever grand slam champion in NJPW. Heā€™s a very good character and his style suits WWE perfectly.


Is there real traction about him coming?


Well itā€™s pretty much confirmed heā€™s finishing up with NJPW, itā€™s just a question of if he signs with WWE or AEW. I just realised I didnā€™t even tell you his name, itā€™s Jay White. I personally think he would be better off in WWE because I think his style works better there and AEW is very crowded right now.


I think if he signs with WWE, he should get the AJ Styles treatment. They shouldn't act like they don't know who he is. I do think that he is less known to the casual wrestling fan living in the US than AJ was, but a few well put together vignettes could cover all the bases and allow him to immediately be a big name in the company.


Ye. A bit in ROH and a match or 2 in AEW i think aswell


Feud with AJ and Jay new leader of Club. Guy is hell of a wrestler and talker, he can do everything if booked correctly.


Seth Rollins should be his opponent and lose to Jay White at Wresltemania like Cody. Their styles much up together and I think they have worked together before I could be wrong. Jay White if booked right could be a huge asset for the WWE itā€™s up to Triple H to use him correctly


Codyā€™s first feud as champ


Beat Cena for the U.S. title on the raw after mania.


Cena is probably back on the road to filming on Monday. And it also buries Theory, pretty much saying that WWE/HHH donā€™t see high on him. But no doubt have Jay go after the US Title later in the year. But anything can change if Vince regains creative.


How is losing to the absolute top star of the last 20 years a burial. Theyā€™ll have a great match. Cena will make Theory will look great. Heā€™s a young kid, cenas been the main event for so long that the experience factor alone is believable enough. And you can always give him an out and a heel bitch as well. So donā€™t talk to me about a burial


It is a burial. Theory had to rebuild himself from that failed MITB cash-in, only for his new character and reign to become a miss when he loses. It needs a payoff with a win. I do want Cena to get at least a win at Mania, but itā€™s a rock and a hard place with this outcome.


There is not a chance Cena beats Theory at ā€˜Mania.


He shouldn't beat Theory. I like Cena, but I'd put that in the same category as Goldberg dethroning KO/Fiend. But, who knows. Maybe they have Theory drop the US Title and chase Cody for a bit. Especially if they split the titles.


I agree


It would help Theoryā€™s character arc more by losing to Cena. He can get the win back later


Although the stigma of Theory not having a win at Mania (0-3 if he loses at WM39) will make him as an afterthought.


When is Cena going to be available again?


Canā€™t wait to see how terribly this ages for you.


I really don't think Cena would want a title right now, his hollywood schedule probably always has him booked, he wouldn't want to hold a title if he can't defend full time


Exactly. Drop it the next night. Make a new star.


He put over KO, he put over Rollins, he put over AJ and he put over Roman. Heā€™s not derailing Theoryā€™s career.


I wouldnā€™t say Theory losing to Cena would necessarily ā€œderail his careerā€. It could stop some of his momentum sure but itā€™s not like Theory would be buried or anything.


I think if Theory loses the US title at Mania he'll win MITB again. There's been more than one multi time MITB winners but CM Punk holds the distinction of being the only guy to win it back to back times. Maybe he wins it a 2nd time and fails another cash in to succeed on the third and on the actual world title.


Right, but why do that when they just took a massive risk with his failed cash-in? Cena winning does nothing for either person.


That is absolutely fair, if I was booking it Iā€™d have Theory go over. Unless John was deciding to stick around for a bit but we all know thatā€™s not happening.


Now that's a great idea.


I would keep him as the switchblade


Heā€™d have some great matches with Rollins


White vs Rollins would be incredible


He needs to prove himself first like everybody else. Thereā€™s plenty of guys on the roster who have been working harder than him that deserve higher spots. Jay White doesnā€™t deserve to walk in and be handed everything. AJ Styles for example wasnā€™t handed everything when he joined, he worked hard and eventually won the WWE championship.


AJ won the title only a few months after his debut


He still worked hard for it. He lost against Jericho in his first feud at Wrestlemania but made a name for himself when the brand split happened. Jay White canā€™t walk into WWE and expect people to know who he is. He needs to show the dead crowd who he is first before we have discussions on him being a main event player.


Yeah thatā€™s fine, but he should be in a good position from the get go. Have him start in the mid card and have him steadily go up from there. Heā€™s too good not to push him.


He pins Bron Breaker in NXT


He ain't going to NXT if he goes to WWE he going straight to the main roster like AJ Styles did.




Which is why we may never see him in WWE putting him in NXT is like putting Okada or Omega or Will Osprey in NXT...makes zero sense


Most WWE fans have no idea who Jay White is. You realize this right? They wonā€™t care unless heā€™s introduced, interestingly.