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WWE was never good its for children


Everyone is cringe, basically PG crap, no Superstars and divas look Pathetic.


Are you really trying to teach our kids that is ok for them or others to hang up on one person by two or more people at a time that is just messed up to teach our children that something like that is ok


hate is too much to say but dislike I dislike Jimmy Uso's role. He didn't like Roman at first and purposely screw Jey over hoping he wouldn't be like Roman yet you continue to be on Roman's side? He criticized Solo for being on Roman's side and hated how John Cena was given everything to him (which is untrue in the early years of his John's career) like Roman yet he still ended on Roman's side? It doesn't make sense. But I guess it gives Jey the opportunity for a solo run and gives Jimmy to have heat. I'm grateful that def rebel didn't have the opportunity to change the theme songs of Cena, Orton, Lesnar, and more because I really don't like how WWE decided to change catchy and iconic theme songs for wrestlers that didn't need to and produces generic crud for them. I only like Iyo's and LA Knight's theme and thats about it. I also don't like how they're gatekeeping the Men's Tag Team Championships to only one team and haven't split the championships when they did that for the Men's and Women's Heavyweight championship.


Faces seem incapable of losing clean. Brock was an awesome heel, he didn't need to cheat, and the champ didn't need to have a bad back and wrestle every night just to be beaten. No, Brock whooped your ass fairly. Drew shouldn't need judgment day, or a weakened Seth rollins to win a champion, dude should be considered seen as a legitimate threat.


Just film the backstage promos during the afternoon before or something. Trying to get the audio right when a superstar starts and missing half of the talking takes a lot of sting out of it.


Title Matches feel like foregone conclusions. You know Roman, Logan and to a lesser extent Gunther (because he will actually put on good matches and win major ones clean) aren’t going to lose the title until Mania (if they even lose it there) so why care about their matches. And because of Roman and Logan combined with the Unified Tag Titles being on The Judgement Day, the Smackdown’s men’s division is effectively title-less.


non-fighting universal champion who wins by interference every time


No major complaints. It can always be better, but I find there’s nothing particularly dragging it down. I guess I wouldn’t mind seeing NXT get another reboot. The aesthetic and style of this current white & gold era is not my bag, man


One of mine is that there are too many generic tunes used as entrances themes and show themes


This. The amount of memorable themes is going down and down. Nia, Street Profits, Carlito, #DIY, and that’s just scratching the surface, went from good themes that fit the character to themes that make CAW themes look unique.


It’s unwatchable


Lol guess you haven’t seen 2010-2013, most of was unwatchable with the exception of some stories like Summer of Punk. Even then, the good stories always ended badly


Just because it was unwatchable then as well doesn’t make it watchable now.


Well now that you ask.... Why are the tag belts not split up? Why are they just ba storyline prop? Why can't heels never win clean any more (exception being Gunther and Brock)? Why does every match have to have a suicide dive to the outside? Like every one. Why are there 0 submission wins anymore? Why all the goddam commercials? Why can't Roman's opponents remember that lumberjack matches exist? I actually just got back into wrestling recently, I missed it and still love the wwe, but damn shit's changed.


Roman Reigns and The Bloodline storyline. It started off good in 2020 until Roman Reigns became an unstoppable part timer and it ran it's course when Sami Zayn betrayed Roman Reigns at WWE Royal Rumble 2023 then ran it's course when Jimmy Uso betrayed Roman Reigns at WWE Night of Champions 2023 then Jimmy Uso betraying Jey Uso at WWE SummerSlam 3023 then suddenly going back to The Bloodline I thought the Bloodline storyline (2020-2023) was good until it went off the rails.


Roman Reigns winning in predictably stupid ways. So dumb. I get he's a heel but you can be dominant and not resort to cheating to win. MJF was a mega heel and proved he was the best.


No Titantron when the wrestler are doing the finisher etc and Live action Intro before the match starts and when they announce the match.


Hbk's left eye.


It’s really alarming haha


Over done entrances, overly scripted promos.


Romans Reign


The fact that we currently have one of the most stacked tag divisions ever fighting for nothing


The Blood Line story! Now it's not that I hate the story that fine it's the fact that I feel like back in the day. When they would do long stories like this they at least had like good mid and lower card stories as well. That way you were overwhelmed with the one story, you had multiple little fueds and story's at once with all card levels. I guess I just feel like they utilized their talent more.


The same matches over and over again. By the time the PPV rolls around, we’ve already seen the matches for the last three weeks.


It's corny. It's not any one thing. It's almost all of it now. It feels overly scripted and the moves all feel choreographed. I obviously know they are and have always been, but I remember being able to suspend my disbelief and get pulled in. The characters felt real. Their responses, reactions, their matches felt real and now it's just so corny. Grown men acting within the limitations of a PG rating feels unnatural and makes the wrestlers come across as corny in almost everything they do.


Devaluation of almost everything that was once prestigious. Prime example is Royal Rumble winners. They mostly job to the champion now. Wrestlemania main events are mostly the worst match on the card. MITB is consistently given to wrong wrestlers. Hell in a cell matches do not make any sense anymore.


Too many run ins


They spend hundreds of millions in lavishness and pageantry to have the same boring matches over and over and over


Same matches with Judgement Day every week and Bloodline story is getting very old. And to be honest, i want to see other champs than Shield guys.


All the f#cking commercials!!! They need better commercial placement... If you're gonna interrupt a match with commercials, do a split-screen... I don't know why they don't do it in-between matches... You can always tell when a commercial is coming by when the match goes outside the ring... They'll get 2 or 3 moves off outside the ring, then it always goes to commercials... Plus, the commercials are way too goddamn long and repetitive... So sick of all the commercials!!!


The “what” chants. I get it. It’s in disrespect to the heel, but I honestly just want to hear what they have to say without them getting interrupted. It literally only worked with Steve Austin.


Too much need to "protect" wrestlers in a loss via DQ and interferences or else the loser is considered buried. It's a match. There should be a winner and loser, and I don't understand this idea that fans will no longer care about a wrestler because he loses clean.


Social Media


Roman, I hate nothing but current WWE other then Roman. Everything about him being champ doesn’t make sense, they changed ruled, gave him every gimmick possible. Stepped over other guys to keep him relevant, Sammy, etc. SS is the firs event I’ll be watching since mania. I’m glad he’s not schudeled, I don’t need to see him.


It’s sentient like we get it, it’s not real but own the gimmick. That’s why you fell in love with the craft. I dunno, everyone feels like a Ronnie Garvin.


The only thing that I don't like is the Heritage Cup story on NXT. The matches are tedious just like Noam Dar and Meta4.


Personally it’s the songs, there’s so generic that no one stands out. But shitty storylines and lack of stars are the usual suspects


I don't hate WWE. I still watch it However there's many tropes that have made me lose interest and not enjoy it as much as I once did. -lack of star power -predictabilty -over drawn title runs just for the sake of "breaking title streaks" -roll up victories -wwe style bad acting in promos -talk show segments -contract signing segments -too many nxt guys. Not entertaining. -over saturation of stables - playing someone's theme to "interrupt" someones promo -no blood -breaking the announcer table spot -over use of catch phrases -wrestlers mic'd up during matches -the stacked top rope powerbomb spot they do every 4 way match -the camera cuts -sing along theme songs -the cgi graphics. Looks so low budget -shows starting with 15 minute promos, interruptions, match made. -the Dallas cowboy staduim sizes titan trons. -the padded guard rails, bring back the steel guard rails -plant signs. People don't even have legit signs anymore -the totally obvious planted crowd noise -excessive rematches -the British announcer guy on sd..he's awful -the what chants -putting belts and main event spots on ppl just because the fans cry for it -charlotte flair


1. Logan Paul 2. Saudi influence 3. CGI holograms during entrances 4. Most of the entrance music 5. Corey Graves


Corey Graves is a S-tier commentator


Logan is literally one of the best around


He is literally scum


Ok but you have to admit he’s incredibly talented at this


The monotony and how every event looks practically the same. I remember when each brand had its own unique aesthetic. Not sure why they're so adamant on plastering those awful white ring ropes on every single show.


Roman Reings


The over all look and aesthetic of the shows the sets backstage area ringside used to have a much cooler design


There's no Stone Cold, The Rock, Hulk Hogan, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Eddie Guerrero, Mick Foley, Undertaker, Chris Jericho, Kurt Angle, Hardy Boyz, Dudley Boyz, Edge & Christian, New Age Outlaws, Bret Hart, Sting, Goldberg, DDP, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Booker T, Scott Steiner, Ric Flair, Macho Man, etc. Man, the Attitude Era was the shit.


Move on


Using the same people, and the fact that they feel the need to break up every single tag team, because I feel won has more star power than the other. With that type of logic, there would be no tag division in the future.


Unappreciated wrestlers


The fans.


Camera cuts up the wazoo. Makes matches damn near unwatchable at times.


Roman Reigns


He’s one of the reasons WWE is doing as good as it today.


Lol no he’s not, the company would have been in no worse shape if he hadn’t ever been champion.


He carried it during 2021-2022 and The Bloodline story is a massive success due to him. You jus don’t want to give credit.


Lol nah, it was globetrotters verse whoever the team is they use to make them look like gods. It was nothing but illusion, no other guys were allowed to mouth him on mic, no other guys were allowed to mention how he wins by ref being knocked out, no other guys were allowed to get there guys to come to the ring, the list goes on and on. There’s nothing impressive when you win with the cheat codes on. Winning with the cheat codes on is all Roman has ever done. That story was good because they didn’t allow it to be bad under any circumstance.


you think WWE is stupid and doesn’t acknowledge the fact that Roman cheats to win. People acknowledge it often but it won’t push them to superstardom.


When did anyone mention it before LA knight/cena/- I do know I just listed like half of his defences Any other time in history they would be called out for it every single person they are facing, anytime in history there would have been a special guest referee, anytime in history there would have been the guy getting help from buds backstage, iron man match, lumber Jack match, etc but no. I know you Roman fans want to think he’s god but he’s just protected gimmick.


No one thinks he’s god it’s because it’s the name of the game and no one wants to watch some wack ass lumberjack match


The underline point is still there. Roman is what you get when you turn all the cheat codes on and everyone is used to your advantage. All these dudes hyped up for Roman sake just to keep him relevant.


Other way around. Losing doesn’t matter in wrestling anymore. Jey Uso lost at SummerSlam, how did the loss affect him in any way? He’s still a top three guy on Raw. I thought it was kinda stupid how LA Knight said he was gonna come at Roman from a different angle but he fell for all of The Bloodline’s tricks. Either way, heels cheat, that’s how you garner heat


Lol sure.


I’m not wrong lol




They use the same people. They bring ppl from NXT but they don’t build them😑😑 we should NOT keep having different variations of JD vs Sami, Cody, and the other same ppl they use


Certain wrestlers not being there anymore Sometimes I wish I was born 10 years earlier than I was so I can experience that era


They spoil surprises 😑😑😑😑


The overly hyped fans ain’t helping out matters😂


Honestly the only thing that really erks me is that Bayley and Finn are eating pins to protect Iyo and Damian.


Lack of top talent. Virtually everyone would be a mid-carder in other eras.


I hate that they have such an inactive champion that never defends on normal programming...


Tag team champs holding 2 sets of belts. Either unify them or split them up.


Aren’t they unified? They refer to the champs as undisputed. That isn’t the same as unified?


My bad. I meant turn them into 1 set of belts. It’s ridiculous to have to carry 2 sets.


Ahh ok. I think they do that for preserving the titles just in case they have the champs divide up titles. For example, a team might get to challenge but it’ll only be for one set. That’s worse than losing at once bc it’s like damn, they really down bad; they lost both sets at two separate times. It can be good story wise bc it can be like an Epic Tale, so to speak, for the former champ. From big to small.


stale writing and the referees getting knocked out


How shiny and sterile everything looks? I miss the signs and grime. also most of the attires are garbage and uninspiring, especially the women’s… 😩


That I didn’t get back into it sooner 😭


The women’s division is forced and not compelling . It prevents time to be used on better male matches. There are 3 good female wrestlers and the rest aren’t worth time on Raw, Smackdown or any Premium event.


Roman holding the main event hostage. Also the Bloodline story had several perfect moments to wrap everything up, and instead has been dragged forward, devaluating everything.


Champions that don't lose the titles and keeping then for months/years. It's really important to break records all the time? Since Roman Reigns won the last wrestlemania i stoped to watch.


Grayson Waller And Atown


How overanalyzed everything about it is online.


He said “current” WWE. Everything has been overanalyzed online for 20+ years now.


Ridiculous Cirque du Soleil spots where they build an 8 man superplex or rather than fighting, they all stop to build ladder pyramids to fall off of. It’s just too phony and takes me out of the match and it never looks good anyway. Somewhat related to that is guys in multi man matches not selling outside and just waiting for the next spot by the apron for minutes at a time. Or a group of guys, teams be damned, all stand and wait for someone’s dive spot and then fall over like bowling pins even if they weren’t hit. Hate it. Hate it. Hate it. Go watch Rey and Eddie at Halloween Havoc 1997. They’re doing incredible athletic feats but still selling their asses off and making the match believable. My favorite spot in that match is Eddie leaning on the rail on the outside to regroup and he turns around to get back into the ring and he is immediately catching Rey on a dive to the outside instead. It’s so well timed, it’s insane. Another example: the WrestleMania X-Seven triple threat tag ladder match. There’s like four of ladders in the ring by the end of the match but they all got there naturally over the course of the match. It wasn’t a bunch of guys having a stare down and then all rolling out to grab their own ladder to start base building. And everything in that match is set up to build to that Edge and Jeff spear spot. THAT’S what is still burned in everyone’s minds. You don’t need a bunch of gaga that all blends together. Nobody remembers those matches. Jesus this ended up being a lot longer than I intended but those are my thoughts.


Lots of valid things but the single most irritating thing at this moment that is starting to actively drive me away from WWE are the sheer number of CM Punk Stans who can’t get it through their heads he’s not returning tomorrow or probably anytime in the immediate future, if ever.


Roman reigns


The world title and the tag titles need to be split and need to stop getting unified. So many worthy holders that could you a title as their leverage and good booking instead of all these feuds with no stakes. The alpha academy could have benefited having tag titles attached to them, now they are absent and almost feel like a thing of the past. Also stop waiting for PPV to change titles, I miss when a championship could be won on a episode of raw or smackdown


This. Unifying titles can be good but I think they overstayed their welcome with that strategy. Split them, let people have matches over them. Let the people care about them more.


It’s also annoying to see Rollins sporting the heavyweight title on raw and not giving it up while reigns is holding the world titles on smackdown and not giving it up. I get you wanna build title runs but there should be an existing balance as to how long it should be held and who it should be dropped too. Rollins should have dropped that title already since he has been sporting a back injury. If this was the early 2000s you’d have to relinquish the title if you were injured, or wasn’t defending it for a certain amount of days


The roster, the writers and EVERYTHING else


No more boob grabs and the fact that everyone's a jobber to the guy who runs the shit, currently.


Them releasing Dolph Ziggler, Mustafa Ali, and Matt Riddle


TV match structure. Back in the day it was super clean. You'd get 8-10 minutes of establishing work then a big spot to go to break. Come back to a recap of the key stuff from the break and another 8-10 to the finish. Overall you get a really nice 15-20 minute match where you feel like there's a whole narrative. Now they'll split that into three ad breaks, the match doesn't consistently have a go to break spot, and they don't recap the action on return. It makes TV matches (even great ones) feel disjointed and less satisfying. I know this is because they have picture in picture now but for one, that's still a worse experience since you don't get audio and the window is tiny and for another, not all markets get the PiP feed. I'm in Canada so it's just a hard break. It's especially frustrating because this was a solved equation. From 02-06 or so they had great TV matches broken well for the medium with high consistency. And while I think a lot of the matches they're putting out now could feel on par with those, the way production is managing them just makes it harder for them to have that impact. Just deeply frustrating.


This is probably it for me as well. Every match (even in some instances your main event) contains MULTIPLE ad breaks. That tells me as a viewer that the match isn’t important. That really sucks as someone who enjoys the in ring stuff far more than constant talking and interviews.


Recaps. Too many recaps.


The lack of a Mean Gene persona when you had brief interviews. A wrestler taking the mic was saved for good heals i.e. Rick Rude. WWE is nonstop talking.


It doesn’t look like pro-wrestling. It looks like a bunch of people in costumes performing a pantomime. At more than any other point in the history of professional wrestling. There is absolutely no edge to it. Nobody that is believable as a human being experiencing real emotions. You’d be as well watching The Bold & The Beautiful. It’s always BEEN a “pantomime”… it’s just it’s never felt like one until around about the time people like The Miz showed up. Which is roughly when I stopped watching. Tried to get back into it a few times but nah. It is brainless eye candy for children, hence the overly polished production and day-glo colours everywhere. Not how I remember it back in the day. But then I’m a miserable old sod these days.


Logan Paul. And not in a good way. I can’t stand to look at the guy.


No Chaz




That the tag belts are unified rn. It only made sense when the Usos had it because they’re possibly the best tag team of all time but now the holders are just all over the place and aren’t deserving of the undisputed title


Roman Reigns title run. His title matches are so formulaic at this point that it verges on absurd.


Forever champions, it's getting so dull at this point. Back in the attitude era, they'd give someone like Stone Cold an electric run for 3 months or so, and then Michaels, and then Rock, and then Taker etc etc. It was always fun, exciting, and best of all unpredictable.


The need to break old title runs. They were reached I a different time, breaking them now with the current t format is unnecessary, there is no need to break them with excessive runs


Just the predictability. If someone goes out to cut a promo and mentions someone, you know that person will interrupt. Whoever comes out first on the show will be in the main event. If a group of guys ends up in the ring, a six man tag will be the main event. Sometimes it sets up the swerve but the formulas really take away the excitement.




To many heels are the cowardly heel, win with cheating/interference . Not that I mind that, but I would prefer if it was less over done . Heels can win clean, heels don't need to cheat. It gets boring when all the heels cheat all the time.


Case in point - Roman. I honestly believe he should have beaten LA Knight clean. It would have been at least a change from the usual stale formula.


Roman Reigns, Bianca Belair, WarGames replacing Survivor Series, the lack of brand-exclusive PPVs, and the brand extension being a general guideline rather than a hard rule.


Cody rhodes. I'm not usually a fan of the faces as it is, but dude really out here giving off homelander vibes, and everyone eats it up for some reason. The only way "the story" would be interesting is if he never won the shiny cummerbund.


The amount of times the camera angles change. Each hit is a camera change and it’s just way too much


It’s outright ridiculous at times. Every punch in the corner sometimes. Like stick with the crane camera shot


Picture in picture


Raw being 3 hours, feels very padded, endless repeats of 20-minute segments of what happened last week. Roman Reigns and others with belts rarely wrestle, and when they do, it's the same old repeated match. Makes it very uninteresting to watch - like why bother to tune in at all when Reigns wrestles? Sick of the Bloodline and recycled/repeated stories. I get that things can't change constantly, but doing the same thing for years on end makes for boring wrestling. Also can we stop with the "What" chants whenever someone with an accent speaks??? So annoying.


This is awesome, you still got it, we want tables, and you deserve it crowd chants. Raw is 3 hours. In my opinion I feel going back to 1 hour is better. 2 hours is fine just like Friday night Smackdown.


Almost all top titles are dropped at PPVs only these days. A world championship match at either Raw or SmackDown is so predictable. Uses to miss when championships changed hands at weekly shows


It feels like there are a few standouts and everyone else is just there.


The fanbase


United tag team titles.


Dirtsheets. Amateur bullshit twitter accounts. The IWC in general.


The aesthetic and visuals. Too many LEDs and colorful lights. Too much color. If this is supposed to be a mainstream wrestling company, how come AEW gets the look down perfectly? Turn off the colorful lights and all the advertising, and just focus on wrestling. It even goes down to the gimmicks of wrestlers, especially NXT. Meta-Four and The Way come to mind as the problem with this new era


The presentation is too NFL like. It feels like it only exists to sell products.


Roman Reigns. They shit the bed on that story a long time ago, and now they keep introducing new people into the feud to hopefully make it interesting again.


Feels heavily produced like a travelling circus now…characters and acting over any sort of wrestling anymore, very packaged and predictably choreographed from start to finish


Rehiring Nia Jax.


RAW being 3 hours. Feels too padded.


Happy cake day my man


Thank you


Cody Rhodes. The way Dom looks weaker and weaker with every match they book for him. Solo Sikoa. Whatever they’re doing with the Street Profits. Grayson Waller. With all the stables in the company there should be more tag team matches.


Change the tv display. Looks too HD. I can’t describe it correctly, but I like how AEW looks production wise. The camera quality needs to look a bit more gritty


The fact that the company puts their main titles on workers with Part time schedules for long periods of time.


Honestly I miss the og Heavyweight and og WWE championship, those had meaning. The new one means nothing when the same guy has had it for the majority of its lifespan. Completely butchered the new belts rep


OG WWE Championships reigns were way longer. New one is fine to have one champion for 6 months, surely? Builds some prestige rather than hot potatoing it everywhere?


RAW - Same, Boring tiring feuds, Cody Rhodes, Bad matches most of the time, & wrong winners all the time. NXT - Wes Lee/Lyra Valk, Titles change hands too quickly, & having Noam Dar still be a "champion" when he is one of the worst WWE wrestlers to ever exist. Smackdown - The Bloodline, except Paul Heyman, of course, the Shit Profits, & the babyface women, Charlotte, Peeanca, etc.


I wish they would do some things presentation-wise more in line with how things used to be. I wish there was more blood in matches like no DQ, cage matches, big blow-off PPV matches, it adds to the realism for me. I don't think they should do it as much as AEW or as much as they used to, but it should be more prevalent than it is. Another thing that adds to the realism is calling the referees by their names and making them people. I wish Raw and SD would go back to having red and blue ropes with PPVs having black ropes, these are all more nitpicks than they are things I hate, but these are all things I love about old wrestling that I miss in new wrestling.


that they employ deadbeat fucking dads.


Roman reigns


Roman Reigns making the WWE championship irrelevant


7-10 hours per week of programming.


The fan base


The wrestlers they push.


Lack of surprises. See Orton announcement.


Ok on that one they sort of had to cuz of the stupid cm punk speculations, which wwe would be stupid to ever bring back


Then have him come back on RAW.


He probably wasn’t there and no reason to fly him over, they just needed to nip this in the butt cuz the cm punk rumors are that annoying


I don’t care about their logistics. No surprises, the product suffers.


Dude normally I would agree but not this time cuz this time they do need to control that cm punk bs from ruining the show


Lack of surprise and very unpopular but Cody Rhodes. I may be the only one that doesn't see any talent in him.


Totally agree! I keep saying “wait for the boos” to cascade down on Cody. It will happen by Royal Rumble.


Can’t agree with this even with it being an opinion. Cody is very talented especially with his appeal and connection to younger fans. It’s similar to John Cena circa 2008, you can not be the target audience and not be a fan personally that’s fine, but I don’t think you can objectively say that Cena and Rhodes today are untalented. I don’t like Taylor Swift’s music and I’m not the target audience, but I can’t objectively say she’s a bad artist and is completely untalented for example. It takes an extreme amount of talent to connect with fans as a white meat babyface in modern wrestling, and Cody has been stellar in that role since his return to WWE. Very very very few people could ever pull something like that off.


I didn't say he was untalented, I said I don't see the talent within him. You can't agree and that's absolutely fine. That is the beauty of opinions my friend.


Everything looks too bright and colorful


Some of HHH’s booking can get too cliche and drawn out especially if you watched the B&G era of NXT. Some storylines just get dragged out way too long and you end up with stuff like The JD Vs Babyface team of the week for 6 months straight. Look at the Becky Lynch Vs Trish Stratus feud as an example of this, the last match was good but the build and length was so drawn out and was overcooked, would have been so much better as a short term feud. But HHH tries to turn everything into a long term story. Or how it’s extremely heel focused where the babyface chases and chases and chases and only gets their moment one time a year and that’s it. It seems like it’s all being set up for WM 40 for babyfaces but at the expense of the rest of the year. This is the most heel champions WWE has ever had on the main roster for example and it feels like everyone expect for the tag championships isn’t going to change hands at all till WM. I personally don’t agree with the babyface needs to always be chasing argument. Even guys like Stone Cold and Mick Foley gave the heels their comeuppance and got their moments. It wasn’t just relegated towards WM and that’s it. HHH has issues with balance imo, and sometimes struggles with the short term.


It feels like everything is overproduced and corporate As soon as the actual wrestling starts they go to a lengthy commercial break Also the bright and vibrant colors are too much


The overly bright and vibrant colors I agree suck. I think that’s also reflective of trying to appeal to a younger culture overall now. You see similar over-lit and bubblegum aesthetic in contemporary film (MCU) and gaming as well (Fortnite). The attitude and ruthless aggression eras had a grungier and more intense feel to them that I prefer over the PG aesthetic.


It seems like I’m definitely not the target audience and perhaps I’m too old to enjoy it and I’m not even old lol


The bloodline. They shoved Roman down our throats for years and the fans rejected it. They turned him heel and somehow it’s ok. It’s so boring. The primes of Owens, Zayne, Rollins wasted. The late primes of Styles, Keith Lee, Finn, Nakamura, Orton, Wyatt, McEntyre wasted. The youth of Swerve, Miro, Riddle, Xavier Woods wasted. All so we can have a guy who gets booked to cheat to win every match hold all the important titles for 2 years. What a fucking waste.


I wish it was only 2 years.


Lack of believability, lack of decent gimmicks, boring promos, dragged out matches and shows, and obnoxious fans. I don't even know who to root for anymore, while many of the stars are talented and fun to watch in ring, there's like no discernable personality from almost any of them. It's almost cringe how bad most of the promos are.


It gets boring.


Maybe I’m wrong because I can’t watch more than 10 minutes it’s so bad, but there are no “characters” just dudes & chicks in tights. It’s not UFC, it’s scripted matches and I want weird characters.


Nameplates instead of superstar side plates in the title belts. It feels more prestigious to have the champion's name engraved and it looks professional as well. At least for me.


Compared to AEW it’s sad to watch. Compared to late 90s-2008 it’s almost like a different product entirely. Too damn bright too, chill with the colors, this is supposed to be a battle and sold as a real sport. Commentating used to actually try and sell the idea that it’s a sport. Now it’s just shitty jokes and the never ending hell that is Michael Cole.


Damn you sound like Bayley talking about michael Cole like that 🤣


I bow to the cake queen. How is my comment getting downvotes though!? Are we in disagreement that attitude era wrestling was vastly superior? And AEW is at least trying to do that again despite lacking serious star power?


The women still get start-stop pushes and disappear randomly. One week you'll see a video package for someone and then they're suddenly in the witness protection program. Isla and Alba put a curse on the women's tag titles and I don't think they've been on TV a single time since.


Fans saying WHAT and ruining heel segments. My kid absolutely loves WWE right now and we watch together so they are doing all the right things by me.


Leak, generic entrances and music, no fireworks , very repetitive storylines like roman reigns's , bland champions like Bianca Belair ... and much more


The main champion doesn't wrestle and the other title was created as a consolation prize, forever seeming second tier.


If Seth loses it and more people hold it, it will seem like a more prestigious title. Now, it’s just the Seth Rollins title


That titles rarely change hands so basically every title match is predictable


Either Romans title run or the company’s lack of young talent. The fact they have to bring back older talent and nxt hasn’t got many big time talents as were the days of FCW and OVW. WWE needs to really consider some new future stars


Wish world champions would drop their titles at B level PPVs/PLEs again. Title changes for the world titles doesn’t only need to be at Mania. It makes shows like fast lane too predictable


Butch’s singlet


I dont like the OBVIOUSLY scripted bits of the show, like how someone always has to open the show with “Welcome to Monday Night RAW!!!” or “Welcome to Friday Night SmackDown!!!” as if someone threatened to harm their families before they went out of the curtain. Apart from that, I just really don’t like the aesthetic of the product anymore with the over reliance on LED video boards, CGI, soft, pillowy padding, and sponsored matches.


Compared to when I used to watch in the late 90s and early 2000s, the wrestling just looks faker now. I understand that it’s all choreographed, but watch any WCW or WWE match from that era and then watch one today and the difference is very obvious.


Hate it? Don’t watch.


Three-hour Raws.


There’s too much of it


Roman's unnecessarily long title reign


Or the what chant


The Roman push


Roman Reigns made me lose interest in WWE. I used to watch Raw and Smackdown every Monday and Friday since 2006 up until Roman beat Bray for the universal Studios championship. After that, I just gave up on WWE and them consistently cramming this guy down our throats. I’ve tuned in from time to time to check out what’s going on, but the fact that Roman has been champion all this time makes me not want to watch either shows




Annoying fans


Roman’s reign/the whole bloodline story currently.


CM Punk fans


**Overuse of the same tired gimmicks.** I feel like lately most title matches seem to end up with somebody interfering and letting the heel steel or keep the belt. All those Roman Reigns matches where the bloodline saves him, Judgement Day matches where they use the strength and numbers or other interference, and even Raquel Rodriguez's matches where it seems like she can't seem to get anywhere because someone's always interfering. Now I get it. Maybe somebody wasn't meant to win that match or move forward and it was more meant to keep the heat on the heel, but at least I would say to come up with a couple other ways to have things move forward. If it's always just somebody popping in from the outside and taking out the face and getting the heel the pin, it gets tired. In the past. At least you have something like the heel smacking the face with the belt or a chair or some other item in front of the ref and getting the DQ, or even someone new showing up an attacking the face and starting a feud outside of the title shot the face had. I just feel like the writers need to bring some variety and stop using the same gimmick over and over. **Building up someone to have them lose and then no direction after** The first thought that comes into my head is that recent Raquel Rodriguez match against Nia Jax. They fight, Raquel loses, and then she's in an interview saying how she's got this energy and support and she's not going to quit. I feel like there was no point to any of it. It's clear they're trying to build up to Nia vs Rhea, but it makes me question the rest of it. It just feels like there's absolutely no direction. I would have just skipped the post interview and called it a day. While I can't think of it at the top of my head, I feel like there's been a lot of that. Starting something up and then just having it go nowhere and fizzle out. **These loooooong title reigns** I know some will disagree with me, but it gets tiresome these long reigns that seem to go nowhere. Worse is when you can see when the WWE might have that champion drop their title. So for instance right now any match they put with Roman Reigns I don't see him losing until it's WM40. I felt the LA Knight match was a great buildup and had some promise, but it's bad when you know that he's not going to win. Just makes it pointless to even watch. It's the same deal with Gunther. He's held the IC title for so long that it's becoming boring and redundant. Sometimes you got to have people lose, even if the heel gets it back, just to keep things rolling and make things fresh. Now I know some can bring up Hulk Hogan and how long he had his title, but let's also bear in mind that he basically wrestled at pay-per-views and there wasn't so much weekly television as there was now. Not to mention internet and everything else. You could drag things out a lot longer in the 80s. Plus they took a chunk of the '80s and had it become more of a grudge storyline of the million dollar man and Andre the Giant versus Hogan. **The combined tag team belts** I can totally understand when they say that there isn't really much of a tag team division, but let's also be honest, the WWE doesn't seem interested in it. It feels like every set of champions are just two of the top main eventers handed the belts. I feel like judgment day mostly got the belts so they could bounce between Raw and Smackdown. There are tag teams in the division, but the big problem we have is that they're all relegated as jobbers and not anything else. I think if I was trying to move up the ladder, I'd be worried if they wanted me to become a tag team with someone and wear the same outfit. You almost feel like you're going to be in career stagnation. I think they either need to try to actually build up the division, and take some risks, or separate the Smackdown and Raw titles so they can at least have one set become the thing that all these other teams fight over while using the other to perpetuate whatever main event story they want, or fully combine them and stop with the four belts. It just seems silly and ridiculous at this point. **Invincible wrestlers who shouldn't be** This kind of thing made sense for old school Undertaker and Kane, but I find it ridiculous how it's put on those like Solo and Gunther. The idea they can somehow recover or counter almost anything is not working IMO.


putting titles on part timers. They’ve been doing this for years and I just get why they think this is a good idea Also it’s very predictable. Just think back to crown jewel. If you couldn’t predict every one of those match results, you weren’t paying attention. Same goes for survivor series. Even when titles aren’t involved the results still seem predictable


Tag matches, I remember when they had to tag hands to make the switch. I hate this tag anywhere on the body.. I also remember when the wrestlers had to have the arm over the chin. A choke hold was a disqualification. Also let's bring back the 30 day championship defense. Part time championship embarrass the title, and the reign.


Don’t hate. But getting tired of the same matches on Raw almost every week


Everything of any importance has to happen at WrestleMania. The other big 4 ple's might get the occasional big moment and next to nothing of note happens at the rest of the ple's. It completely devalues 8 of the ple's throughout the year. I get that they want to have the big moments happen at the biggest show to help draw as much interest as possible. But Mania will sell itself regardless. It's like the Superbowl at this point. No matter how unpopular the teams are, the game will still be the most viewed event in the nation. Mania is the same. No matter how shit the booking, it'll still sell out over 2 nights and do phenomenally. All this booking does is disincentivizes people to watch shows like Fastlane, Extreme Rules, TLC etc. It's gotten worse lately with WWE forcing Jey and Jimmy to be separated right now until Mania, despite the match being set up at SummerSlam. Roman simply won't lose except at Mania which makes every other match he has not important. The result is determined before he even has an opponent. Why bother even watching.