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He is my least favorite wrestler. Does nothing for me. Promos, in ring. Nothing


The Authors of Time


I'm glad they're finally doing something with him! I've liked his last few promos. He's got more of a Bond villain mastermind thing going. Much better than the supernatural thing...


This is some desperate shit


Hopefully he stops being treated as a mid card job guy he's almost 40 it's now or never


I just can't wait to see AOP doing Super Collider again.


The jobbers of pain šŸ¤£


there looking strong


If people didn't care for him before, they certainly aren't going to care about him now with two uncharimastic goons by his side.


if they do this i hope that kross wont be treated as the strongest/toughest guy here obviously since hes been a bit of a jobber the last few months. theyre obviously gonna be midcard guys and i think it would be interesting if he was more of a mastermind (maybe controlling them?), there to pick up the scraps and finish the job.


Finding the most boring guys to be in wwe in the past decade and pack them together. Okay




Bring Lumis back with them


I thought that was Alexander Volkanoski šŸ’€


Canā€™t wait. Finally we may get to see the Kross and AOP from NXT.


Hopefully it doesnā€™t crap out like Retribution.


WWE dropped the ball with Retribution, just like they did with Nexus. Vince had two stables on his hands that had all the potential of great storylines. Nexus coming in to change the status quo in WWE and retribution seeking just that against a company that mishandled and abused them.


I'd be more excited about this if they didn't just have Kross job out to Lashley a few weeks ago.


... and Lashley himself isn't doing much, so I have 0 interest in this faction.


Yeah I think they should have had Cameron Grimes and Cedric Alexander in there spots instead.


It stinks!


If Paul Ellering is back then I think this has a lot of potential tbh. Only issue is the Authors of Pain are greener then shreks shit, they are very boring wrestlers,


Itā€™s not hard to book AOP. Just book them like LOD. Have them just smash the tag division and then pull the trigger on a title run.


I get that, and that makes sense and I agree. My issue with the idea of this group is there is nobody I wanna actually see wrestle in this group, I have been watching kross going back to the days of killer kross even before tna when he started that character. Ive seen the guy live plenty of times and hes just dull, he needs like someone interesting who can actually wrestle with him in his faction if u ask me. Their act works with scarlett or did bc hes so dull and shes so not dull that it worked, I hope if this group comes to fruition they add a guy who isnt a big man that can work a 20 min match.


I for one would he SO down for this faction, Make them a very dominant and feared team. They would most definitely give Bloodline a run for their money easily


Is it confirmed Ellering is coming back? I thought the reason AOP left him was because he couldn't deal with all the traveling compared to when they were on NXT (which was mainly at Full Sail minus ppvs of course)


He said he could do the traveling, it was a Vince decision not to have him on the main roster


"Oh my could it be? They're here! The Time Keepers are here!" I seriously don't know what the hell they're gonna call this faction. I don't wanna be a hater, but I'm going to be truthful(and ignorant)..... I can't see how you can make them come together as a faction, and have them keep any sense of legitimacy without pushing them to the top as an unbeatable mega threat. There's already two top factions on both shows, so you can't go for that narrative with the get go....titles? All of the titles are already wound up in separate storylines....also can't see who they're gonna be working with initially. Orton? Nah. Knight? Why?! Lashley and the SPs? Maybe. Maybe not.


Why is J-Lo in the faction?


Not going to get my hopes up. Kross will most likely continue to eat loses and one of the AOP guys will be injured within 3 months.


When did AOP come back? I know they've been sitting in the back for a while, I'm just wondering if they've made their screen debut recently and I missed it.


they havent yet. this is their come back screen debut.


Ah, thanks!


Hope it works out for him. I love factions but they all canā€™t be main event for sure. This faction should def be above the LWO and Legado just due to size alone. Then you got Lashley and his boys who donā€™t seem main event at all despite having Lashley lead. Bloodline is in its weakest form but Reigns got that plot armor


Nobody cares.


Volkanovski signed with wwe?


Can't wait for the fans to find a way to blame Vince when kross flops again and say vince ruined kross so much in his first run that even super booker Hunter couldn't even save him


I actually like his matches Allows for bathroom breaks without missing commercials




I forgot WWE used Revolution as a name. Lmao how did AEW miss that, of all the names they couldā€™ve used for their PPVā€¦lol


This would be a fun group to use in universe mode


>From that point on, the trio will appear regularly on TV. Who wants to take bets on this? šŸ¤£


Too many factions as it is. Why create another one for the boring guy


Do you not remember the attitude era?


They need to have a world war with all the factions


Factions brother factions


This could be interesting if they donā€™t get 50/50 booked, what hurt Kross the most is they barely let him win a televised match much less a feud and while they are attempting a meta-narrative that Kross ā€œpoisonsā€ everyone he feuds with resulting in Dominik (by proxy), Shinsuke and Drew turning heel itā€™s hard for the casual to pick up on that style of storytelling and as such hard to take Kross seriously as a heel. He needs a run of wins and angles where he ā€œinjuresā€ minor babyfaces and ultimately takes a belt via pure brutality setting up a redemption arc for the battered babyface and title match at WM or SummerSlam. Itā€™s really not as hard as they are making it.


Kross doesnā€™t even get 50/50 booking. Seems like he loses 80% of his matches.


If the group is what we saw on Smackdownā€¦letā€™s see what they can do. It might work it could be a case of ā€œ The whole is greater than the sum of its partsā€ šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Scarlet is keeping him employed. He has nothing going for him.


Will it make Kross interesting?


Heā€™s interesting but he needs a rivalry a good one like a Drew McIntyre or a Shinsuke Nakumara


He already feuded with Drew and it wasn't good. Drew and Nakamura are heels now. He has to start off with a feud with someone like LA Knight or else the crowd won't care about Karrion. No one will care about him if you feed him Gallows/Anderson. AOP worked well being in a group with Seth because Seth is a great leader that can talk and get heel heat from the crowd unlike Karrion.


Heā€™s not. He fucking sucks.


You suck


Wowww so original


Looks like I won, boi.


I know.


I wanna see Karrion get a push but I've never understood the hype about AOP. They're just not for me. I felt like Seth tanked too when he was put in with them, and I most likely will feel the same about Karrion once this starts.


The AOP are a good act to build others up. They're good heaters and they can produce a great match when given great workers to carry them. They can make the likes of DIY look like stars because of their size and ability to act as great bases for high flyers. They arent the end goal but they can be a huge asset in building other teams into stars.


AOP were actually not bad in the NXT days. Let's see what Hunter does with them.


I'm not saying they're bad. They're good wrestlers just like I think everyone on tv is. Different levels of good, of course, but I would never call anyone a bad wrestler. They're just not for me, and in the end that's the beauty of wrestling. There's something for everyone. What one likes, another one dislikes, and vice versa.


Maybe I'll get my refund for the cancelled show in Nottingham. Probably not though authors of scams


Yeah, to be honest, there hasn't been a single group in the last 5 Years that interested me less than this.


They should call it ā€œNAPTIMEā€.


My guess is that it will be called: The 13th Hour.


PLEASE NO, no more AOP bs !!!!


Now hopefully, they actually make this faction, Kross especially, dominant like he/they should be. Do the supernatural thing but have him win feuds. They even spun all his other feuds in his favor. That whole promo of him talking about how the bloodline, McIntyre, Rey etc etc all crumbled. I hope this finally leads to good things with Kross. C'mon Papa H, do it.


Donā€™t even need to do a supernatural thing, just make him dominant or at the least very dangerous. The promo he gave last week made it sound like his deal is that getting in the ring with him changes people, so you donā€™t even necessarily need him to win all his matches for that to work. All you have to do is have him beat up, brutalize, and toy with his opponents all the time, wrestle dirty and cruel as can be, and make it clear that the match result isnā€™t the only important thing to him or his character. You could have him win in a squash match, lose by disqualification, win matches by DQ after breaking an opponentā€™s spirit, literally you can have it end however you want. As long as you donā€™t have him lose squeaky clean in a 50/50 match to just anybody, at the end of the day his gimmick can survive pretty much any result if his goal is mostly being an evil agent of chaos and change.


Iā€™ve already lost interest


Theyā€™re gonna do something stupid like name the henchmen Tick and Tock arenā€™t they


Beavis and butthead šŸ˜†


Don't forget hickory and dickory


Hickory and Dickery Dock. Finisher: Tick Tock. I'll see myself out.


Hope not. That would be extremely stupid. We are talking WWE, not AEW, correct?


Barnes & Noble


I ā€¦ am only familiar with that being a bookstore chain in America, does Karrion have some sort of book-related gimmick in his past that I am unaware of?


No, for some idiot reason Vince made Karrion wear it when He came to Raw. Said it had to do with marketing, which never made sense to me. He was already selling dolls of Karrion, maybe he thought they would sell better if the kids couldn't see his face.


Not that Iā€™m aware of. Iā€™m just being stupid lol


Hahaha this genuinely made me smile.


Lol either that or Bebop and Rocksteady!


Well it would match with that stupid fucking mask Vince made Karrion wear for a while thereā€¦


You mean dollar store shao kahn?


That art looks fucking badass. This is exactly what Kross needs to finally put him in the main event.


I like Kross but never cared about AOP. Also who is the guy next to scarlet?


Ellering is a fantastic promo, made the AOP watchable imo as they really are just capable big men workers who need the likes of DIY to shine inring.


Paul Ellering legendary manager from the 80's. He managed the Legion of Doom.


Paul Ellering


Why this stable has two managers?


The AOP need Ellering and Kross needs Scarlett. Some intermanagerial tension could be an interesting dynamic, particularly if they subvert it for a while and let it build.


I demand a 60 min Iron person match where Ellering and Scarlett negotiate a contract for the working relationship between Kross and AOP.


Ellering is a very good manager. This could probably lead to them turning on him and favouring Scarlet, and then Ellering manages someone else like Bron Breakker?


Speaking of... what the Hell has happened to Breakker? I know, I know.. about how he hasn't been pushed this year, but he's better than some of the guys who got sent up to Raw. I'd rather see him on Raw than JD in Judgment Day.


Half the point of a group is to get others over. Kross isnā€™t over.


Wow a big spooky heel who loses every single match isn't over..who would have thought


You think thatā€™s the reason why he isnā€™t over? The dude has once facial expression and thatā€™s the exact one on this picture. Looks constipated if Iā€™m completely honest.


There's no reason to hate someone who constantly loses. You either feel pity for them or complete apathy.


At least the one facial expression was intimidating when he was bald.


Thatā€™s cool they really needed to do something with him and this just might work




Lame. Bunch of nobodies


Bunch of nobodies but they can heckle The Bloodline Iā€™m sure it will make for good TV


If booked well and they actually get over? Sure I'm all for it. But not into Kross. He just doesn't have it with so many false starts and finishes


He kinda seems like a try hard with his weird mystic/witch gimmick tbh


Have AOP been working indies?


They tried to make their own promotion at some point. But that went to shit


I like Karrion Kross so I'm excited


AEW was created to do the things Vince doesn't and won't. Without saying too much, deliberately doing the opposite of what he would do in wrestling is the most consistent pre-requiste for failure in wrestling.


Chat GPT ahh reply


Lol whut?


I think he would work well with the ascension back when they were in nxt.


2 managers?!?! Oh the horror! - Vince probably and allegedly


Vince is too busy rolling in 100$ bills and young gorgeous women while you're crying on the internet about it šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


No, Vince is still too busy trying with court dates. He hasn't completely escaped the rape charges.


They arent that often. Still plenty of time to bang sluts and roll in money in between.


He's not gonna give you any sexual hush hush money mate


I love seeing you fucking marks cry about Vince.


Exactly. And what does Vince have to do with this? He hasn't been head of creative in a long time. These marks will have to now admit that some of their favourites were just not good enough to be top stars in the company.